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1、人教版七年级上册Unit8知识点精讲精练无答案一对一辅导讲义学员姓名:年 级:七年级辅导科目:英语学科教师:授课时间:课 时:2h课 题:Unit 8 When is your birthday?教学重难点:1. 序数词2. 名词所有格教学目标:教 学 内 容【知识点精讲】知识点一: When is your birthday?你的生日是什么时候?本句是由when引导的特殊疑问句,用于询问对方的生日。答语为Its on/in具体日期/月份或My birthday is on/in具体日期/月份。when引导的特殊疑问句用来提问时间,常用由at,in,on等组成的表示时间的介词短语回答。When

2、 do you want to visit your grandparents? 你(们)想什么时候去看你(们)的爷爷奶奶?At/On weekends. 周末。【辨析】when与what time都用来询问时间,但它们有区别:使用范围例句when1. 用于提问笼统的时间。2. 用于提问年份、日期。1. When will he come? 他什么时候来?Next week./Tomorrow. 下周。/明天。2. When were you born? 你何时出生的?I was born in 1990. 我出生于1990年。what time1. 用于提问具体的时间。2. 用于询问几点钟。

3、1. What time do you go to school? 你什么时候去上学?At eight oclock. 八点钟。2. What time is it?/Whats the time? 几点了?Its half past six. 六点半。【典例1】Jack and his friends often play football on Saturday. (对画线部分提问)_ _ Jack and his friends often play football?【拓展】询问日期用Whats the date (today)? 答语为Its日期。如果问周几,使用What day i

4、s it today?今天是周几?Whats the date today? 今天几号?Its March 3rd. 3月3号。知识点二: My birthday is in August.我的生日在八月。表示在某年、某月、某个季节,在上午、下午或晚上等,用介词in。in 2013 在2013年 in spring 在春天 in the morning/afternoon/evening在上午/下午/晚上【典例2】When was the car invented(发明)?It was invented _ 1885.A. at B. in C. on D. for【拓展】in的其他用法(1)

5、 表示地点、场所(多指较大的地方)。如果是小地点则用at。He lives in Shanghai. 他住在上海。 He is at home.他在家。(2) 表示穿着,戴着(衣服、帽子等)。My brother is in a brown sweater.我哥哥穿着一件棕色的毛衣。(3) 表示用某种语言。Can you sing this song in English?你能用英语唱这首歌吗?(4) 表示在里面。There are several girls in the classroom. 教室里有几个女孩。知识点三:My birthday is on. 我的生日在日。on后跟具体的某一

6、天、星期几或节日。He was born on February 14th. 他是2月14日出生的。We have an English lesson on Monday. 我们周一有一节英语课。【典例3】We should be thankful(感激的) every day, not just _ Thanksgiving Day.A. in B. on C. to D. by 【拓展】on后跟具体某一天的上午、下午或晚上,或者是带有修饰性词的上午、下午或晚上。【典例4】The students will have a party _ the evening of June 18th. A

7、. on B. at C. in知识点四:英语日期的表达法(1)可按照日、月、年的顺序2012年10月1日1st October, 2012读作:first October, two thousand and twelve。(2)也可按照月、日、年的顺序2013年3月8日March 8th, 2013读作:March eighth, two thousand and thirteen。【典例5】A terrible earthquake(地震) hit Yaan, Sichuan Province _ the morning _ April 20th, 2013.A. in; in B. at

8、; on C. on; of 知识点五:序数词的使用(重点) 基数词数词 ,序数词用来表示事物的顺序,其前常加定冠词the。 序数词 1. 序数词的构成:(1)英语中119的序数词,除了first,second,third外,其余均由基数词加-th构成,但要注意fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth的拼写形式。(2)以-ty结尾的基数词,变为序数词时,将y变为i,再加-eth。如:twentytwentieth第二十。(3)几十几以上的基数词,变为序数词时,只把个位数变为序数词。如:thirty-fivethirty-fifth第三十五。(4)序数词缩写形式是由阿拉伯数字后

9、面加上序数词的最后两个字母构成。如:23rdtwenty-third第二十三。【口诀】基变序有规律:结尾字母是th;一二三特殊记,结尾字母tdd;八去t九去e,f要把ve替;ty将y变成i,th前面还有一个e;几十几也好记,只变个位就可以。2. 序数词的用法:(1)序数词可以用来表示顺序、编号等,但要放在名词前面。如:the second picture第二幅图。(2)序数词可以表示几月几日中的几日。February 11th 2月11日 August 3rd 8月3日(3)序数词前面通常要使用定冠词the,但当序数词前面有形容词性物主代词或名词所有格修饰时,不能用the。That is th

10、e fourth book. 那是第四本书。This is Mikes twelfth birthday. 这是迈克的第十二个生日。【典例6】The boy is only_ year old and his _ name is Joe.A. one; one B. first; one C. one; first D. first; first【典例7】On my _ birthday, my mom buys me a computer.A. twelve B. twelfth C. the twelve D. the twelfth【典例8】May is the _ month of a

11、 year.A. five B. threeC. third D. fifth知识点六:So, how old are you, Alan? 因此,你多大了,艾伦?该句是对年龄进行提问的特殊疑问句,其结构为:How old +be+主语?表示几岁/多大了?它的同义句是:Whats your(形容词性物主代词/名词所有格) age?在回答这个问题时,常用主语+be+数词+years/months old.来表示,也可以直接说出年龄。How old is your father? 你的爸爸多大了?He is sixty./Sixty. 他六十岁。【典例9】How old _ your cat?I

12、think _ one.A. is; its B. are; its C. is; its D. are; is知识点七: 名词所有格(重点)英语中名词后加上-s便构成所有格,表明一种所有关系,这种所有格形式叫-s所有格,表示“某人的”。名词所有格主要用于表示有生命的人或物的名词。【典例10】Today is my _ (mother) fortieth birthday. I will buy her a gift.-s所有格的构成如下:构成示例一般情况下在名词词尾加-sBobs sister鲍勃的姐姐my fathers room 我父亲的房间名词是以-s或-es结尾的复数词尾,直接在其后

13、加-the boys books男孩子们的书不以-s结尾的复数名词直接在其后加-sChildrens Day儿童节共同拥有时,在最后一个名词后加-sMike and Alans room迈克和艾伦两人的房间各自所有时,在每个名词后加-sMarys and Cindys mothers 玛丽的妈妈和辛迪的妈妈【典例11】Look at the man over there. He is _ uncle.A. Jims and Tims B. Jims and TimC. Jim and Tim D. Jim and Tims知识点八:busy adj. 忙碌的 busy对应的反义词是free。M

14、y mother is busy all day. 我妈妈一整天都忙。be busy doing sth.忙于做某事Tom is busy cleaning the bedroom. 汤姆正忙着打扫卧室。be busy with sth.忙于某事Is Lucy busy with her homework? 露西正忙着做作业吗?【典例12】 Toms mother is busy _ breakfast for Tom.A. cook B. to cook C. cooks D. cooking 【典例13】The young couple(夫妇) are busy _ the housewo

15、rk and their baby.A. for B. to C. with D. on知识点九:Have a good time! 玩得愉快! Ill go hiking with my parents this summer vacation. 今年暑假我要和我的父母去远足。Have a good time!祝你们玩得高兴!【拓展】have a good time=have a great/wonderful time=play happily=have fun (doing sth.)。We had a good time in the park last Sunday. 上周日我们在公

16、园里玩得很高兴。Did you have a good time at the party? 你们在聚会上玩得高兴吗?【典例14】 他在晚会上玩得很开心。(每空一词)He _ _ _ _ at the party.知识点十:book sale 图书促销 sale是动词sell的名词形式,意为销售,出售,拍卖。be on sale在销售中sell sb./sell sb.sth. 把某物卖给某人The sweaters are on sale for only five dollars. 这些毛衣在廉价出售,价钱仅仅5美元。【课堂测试】一、根据中文提示完成句子。1. 我的生日是在

17、5月2日。My birthday is on _ _.2. 你多大了?我12了。_ _ are you?_ twelve.3. 你想参加我的生日聚会吗?Do you _ _ _ _ my birthday party? 4. 它是什么时候?今天下午3点。When is it?_ three _ afternoon.5. 他的生日在7月吗?是的,它是。_ his birthday _ _?Yes, _ _.二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. June is the _(six) month of the year.2. His brothers birthday is on October _(

18、five). 3. September is the _(nine)month of the year. 4. Her _(sister)birthday is on November 3rd. 5. Monday(星期一) is the _(two) day of a week.6. Nick _ (have)a soccer game on September 11th.7. There are some interesting _(thing) in this book.8. My father is forty _(year) old.9. Some _(student) are in

19、 our school.10. He is busy _(have) breakfast.三、单项填空。1. The baby is only ten _.A. month B. year old C. months old D. year2. _ is your birthday?Its _ May 10th.A. What; in B. What; on C. When; in D. When; on3. We have an art festival next week._.A. Thanks B. Youre welcome C. Thats all right D. Have a g

20、ood time4. When is Joys birthday party?Its _ three oclock _ the afternoon of July 18th.A. at; in B. at; on C. on; in D. in; on5. The girl is _.Today is her _ birthday.A. twelfth; twelfth B. twelve; twelfth C. twelfth; twelve D. twelve; twelve6. _ comes before December, but after October.A. November

21、B. September C. August D. January7. Do you have an English party? _.A. Yes, we dont B. No, we do C. Yes, we do D. No, we arent8. Tomorrow is the boys _ birthday.A. seventh B. eight C. nineth D. twelveth9. _ is your sister?She is fourteen.A. What B. How old C. Where D. When10. Childrens Day is _ June

22、 the first and Teachers Day is _ September.A. in; in B. in; on C. on; on D. on; in11. Is Marys birthday on May 1st?Yes, _.A. she isnt B. it is C. he is D. she is12. The fifth lesson means(意思是) _.A. lesson five B. Lesson Five C. Lesson Fifth D. five lessons13.Which(哪个) is different from others? A. Ei

23、ghth. B. Ninth. C. Twelfth. D. Math. 14. May is _ month of a year.A. fiveth B. fifth C. the fiveth D. the fifth15. May Day is a great _.A. trip B. festival C. party D. game【回家作业】一、基础填空。A)根据句意及首字母提示补全单词1. We have an English p_ in our school every year.2. A_ is the eighth month of a year.3. When do yo

24、u have an English t_?4. September is the n_ month of a year.5. M_ 8th is Womens Day.B)用所给词的适当形式填空6. My _ (brother) birthday is on November 23rd.7. Today is May 9th.It is my _ (twelve) birthday.8. There are twelve _ (month) in a year.9. She _ (have) a birthday party every year.10. How old _ (be) your

25、 friend, Li Lei?二、补全对话。Joe: Hi, Sally. 1 Sally: Sure, Joe.Joe: 2 Sally: My birthday party is on October 5th.Joe: OK. 3 Sally: The basketball game? Oh, its on October 2nd.Joe: Good. 4 Sally: The school trip is on September 26th and 27th.Joe: 5 Sally: Oh, thats on Friday, September 29th.Joe: Great.A.

26、How about the school trip?B. How about his birthday?C. When is the basketball game?D. When do you have the math test?E. When is your birthday party?F. When is his birthday party?G. Can you help me fill in my calendar(日历)?三、完形填空。Today is June the first 1 Day. The weather is warm and sunny. Bill and h

27、is parents are in the 2 .There are many parents and kids.They are playing 3 because its their own 4 . Bill likes ice cream very much. So his mother buys it for him.Bill dances and sings like a happy 5 . After they walk for a while, 6 about ten oclock, his father put some delicious food and drinks on the ground 7 a tree. They sit down and enjoy the food. Bill 8 the food is 9 that he has ever had(他曾经吃过的).What a happy 10 it is today!1. A. child B. children C. Childrens D. Childs2. A. zoo B. park C. room D. school3. A. happy B. good C. h

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