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1、英国文学上2完整版幻灯片1Part 2 The English Renaissance (1485-1660)幻灯片2Leonardo da Vinci(1452-1519) 幻灯片3Alighieri Dante(1265-1321)幻灯片4 The Divine Comedy 幻灯片5 蒙娜丽沙的微笑 (Mona Lisa)1503-1506, 现藏于法国巴黎罗浮宫 幻灯片6Chapter 1 Renaissance Renaissance means “rebirth”, the art and science of ancient Greece and Rome were being

2、rediscovered after long years of neglect. Humanism emphasized the dignity and potential of the individual and the worth of life in this world.幻灯片7 Renaissance is a movement that marks the transition from the medieval to the modern world. Rediscovery of ancient Roman and Greek culture New discoveries

3、 in geography and astronomy Paved the way for Religious reformation and Bourgeois Revolution (the Puritan Revolution in England) 幻灯片8 Renaissance got rid of old feudalist ideas and introduced new ideas that expressed the interests of the rising bourgeoisie. To exalt human elements or stress the impo

4、rtance of human interests To see human beings as glorious creatures capable of individual development幻灯片9 To emphasize the dignity of human beings and the importance of the present life To believe that man does not only have the right to enjoy the beauty of this life, but the ability to perfect hims

5、elf and to perform wonders To express the rebellious spirit against the tyranny of feudal rule and religious domination 幻灯片10Main features of Renaissance literature: emphasizes the dignity and value of man advocates individualism, individual development and self-fulfillment affirms the delight of ea

6、rthly achievement and mans desire for happiness and pleasure expresses the rebellious spirit against the tyranny of feudal rule and religious domination Renaissance melancholy: the puzzling doubts and a profound mistrust of mans own powers, deepest despair of man (eg. Dr. Faustus by Christopher Marl

7、owe, Mecbeth by William Shakespeare)幻灯片11Renaissance in England Started in Italy in 14th century, took place in England by the end of 15th century (1485 A.D.) Two impulses: 1. humanist reverence for the classics; 2. English pride -sense of national identity Henry VIIIs accession to the throne 幻灯片12H

8、enry VIII and his wives幻灯片13 Three stages: the first stage (1485-1558) Oxford Reformers and Thomas More The second stage (15581603) The Elizabethan Age Poetry: John Lyly (euphuism), Sir Philip Sidney, Edmund Spenser Drama: Marlowe, Jonson, Shakespeare Prose: Francis Bacon The third stage (16031660)

9、The 17th Century The Metaphysicals玄学派 and the Cavaliers骑士学派 The King James Bible of 1611, John Milton, John Bunyan幻灯片14Chapter 2 The Beginning of English Renaissance (1485-1558) The Oxford Reformers travelled and studied in Italy, introduced classical literature to England and strove to reform educa

10、tion on a humanistic line, helped to spread the light of new science and new world outlook, laid the foundation for the rise of a new literature in England Thomas More: humanistic leader of early 16th century, forerunners of modern socialist thought, the predecessor of the English Renaissance (Utopi

11、a)幻灯片15The Songs and Sonnets by Wyatt and Surrey in 1557, the first anthology of English lyric poems. 1.Thomas Wyatt (1503-1542) The first great English sonneteer 幻灯片16 2. Henry Howard (1517-1547) Invented the English form of the sonnet and blank verses幻灯片17Chapter 3 The Elizabethan Age (Or The Age

12、of Shakespeare) (1558-1603) I. Background The enclosure movement: Many peasants were forced to leave the land and settled down in towns. The two opposite classes came into being, the capitalist vs. the laboring class The Reformation: a return to pure Christianity-cleansing the church of all the corr

13、uption. Roman Catholicismthe Anglican church Puritanism, triggered by Henry VIIIs divorce and remarrying幻灯片18 Rising of the British Empire: rose to great sea power of the world, “the sun does not set on the British Empire” In 1588, English navy defeated the Spanish Armada, which accelerated the awak

14、ening of English peoples national consciousness.幻灯片19 The Elizabeth Age (1558-1603): the peak and the most creative period of the English Renaissance, the beginning of modern capitalist England. England enjoyed peaceful development under the rule of Queen Elizabeth I, who maintained a balance betwee

15、n the Protestants and the Catholics. Queen Elizabeth I: patron of learning, wrote poems herself幻灯片20Queen Elizabeth I幻灯片21II. Elizabethan Poetry Sir Philip Sidney (1554-1586) Astrophel and Stella, series of sonnets Arcadia, a romance-epic in prose Apology for Poetry, an eloquent plea for literatureR

16、omantic character (perfect knight and scholar courtier)幻灯片22Edmund Spenser (1552-1599) 1st master of English verse, the Spencerian stanza9 lines, ababbcbcc The Shepherds Calendar, 12 pastoral poems, one for each month of the year Amoretti (88 sonnets) Faerie Queen (12 books of virtue, for Queen Eliz

17、abeth)幻灯片23The Spencerian stanza Nine line stanza: the first eight are iambic pentametre lines, and ninth line has two more syllables, rhyming ababbcbcc Further utilized by Thomson, Keats, Shelley and Byron幻灯片24III. Elizabethan Drama Two influences:1.Italian and Greek classics, 2. growing demand for

18、 popular drama“Everyman” The first Comedy, Ralph Roister Doister The first English tragedy, Gorboduc in 1562 The “University Wits”(first professional dramatists) & Christopher Marlowe (blank verse, Renaissance hero) Ben Johnson (comedy, humours体液)幻灯片25 Now lets welcome Guan Jing to introduce Ben Joh

19、nson to us.幻灯片26幻灯片27Global Theater幻灯片28The four humors (体液) (1) Blood, (air, spring, south wind, hot-moist, Jupiter, bird, sky) (2) Choler (胆汁) (fire, summer, east wind, hot-dry, Mars, Salamander, sun) (3) Melancholia (忧郁症) (earth, autumn, north wind, cold-dry, Saturn, beast, soil) (4) Phlegm (粘液)

20、(water, winter, west wind, cold-moist, Moon, fish, sea)幻灯片29Four temperaments幻灯片30Christopher Marlowe (1564-1593) Four Tragedies: Tamburlaine the Great (Parts I & II), The Jew of Malta, Edward II The Tragical History of the Life and Death of Doctor Faustusselling the soul to the devils for knowledge

21、 (24-year service from Mephostophilis then go to hell) 幻灯片31 Now lets welcome Wang Bo to introduce Christopher Marlowe to us.幻灯片32Types of Poetry (1) Narrative poetry epic, romance, and ballad The stress is on action (2) Lyric poetry Elegies, odes, sonnets, pastoral, etc. To combine speech and song

22、to express feelings Sonnet: 14 iambic-pentametre lines lyric Pastoral: celebrating nature & rural life幻灯片33The Passionate Shepherd to His Love by Christopher Marlowe Come live with me, and be my love; And we will all the pleasures prove (experience, have) That hills and valleys, dales and fields, Wo

23、ods, or steepy mountains yields (produces) Paraphrase: Come live with me and be my love. We will try all the pleasure offered by valleys, fields, woods and mountains幻灯片34 And we will sit upon the rocks, Seeing the shepherds feed their flocks By shallow rivers, to whose falls Melodious birds sing mad

24、rigals (a song sung by several singers without any musical instruments,小曲). Paraphrase: I want us to sit upon the rocks with shallow rivers falling under our feet, seeing those shepherds far away feeding their sheep, and hearing birds sing beautifully around us. 幻灯片35 And I will make thee beds of ro

25、ses And a thousand fragrant posies (a small bunch of flowers); A cap of flowers, and a kirtle (gown,petticoat) Embroidered (decorated) all with leaves of myrtle(番樱桃); Paraphrase: And I will use roses to make beds decorated with a thousand sweet-smelling posies for you to lie. I will weave a flower c

26、ap, and make you kirtle fringed with myrtle leaves. 幻灯片36 A gown (long dress) made of the finest wool Which from our pretty lambs we pull; Fair-lined slippers for the cold, With buckles (a piece of metal attached to one end of the belt) of the purest gold; Paraphrase: We pull out of the finest wool

27、from our lambs to make a pretty gown. And a pair of high-qualited slippers will be made for you, to keep you from being cold. On the slippers I will put buckles, which was made of purest gold. 幻灯片37 A belt of straw and ivy-buds, With coral clasps and amber-studs: And if these pleasures may thee move

28、, Come live with me, and be my love. Paraphrase: Also, I will make you a belt of straw and ivy buds with coral clasps and amber studs. If these pleasure may touch your heart, come live with me and be my love. 幻灯片38 The shepherd-swains (a young man who is in love) shall dance and sing For thy delight

29、 each May-morning: If these delights thy mind may move, Then live with me and be my love. Paraphrase: The young shepherd shall dance and sing in each May morning to delight you, and if you may be touched by these delights, then live with me and be my love. 幻灯片39 The Passionate Shepherd to His Love p

30、assionate, optimistic and light-hearted tone idealized, peaceful, lively imagesTheme: the shepherd proposes to his beloved by portraying their ideal future together: a life filled with earthly pleasures in a world of eternal spring (present tense, no change). 幻灯片40 IV. William Shakespeare(1564-1616)

31、幻灯片41 I. Life Baptized April 26, 1564 at Holy Trinity Church in Stratford at age 18 married Anne Hathaway in 1582 Attended the Stratford Grammar School for children of prominent citizens 幻灯片42Stratford-on-Avon幻灯片43William Shakespeares Home幻灯片44故居隔壁的“莎士比亚中心”是一幢现代式的展馆 幻灯片45Stratford Grammar School幻灯片46Classroom幻灯

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