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1、成人高考学位英语2021年成人高考学位英语:动词练习及答案小编为大家整理的202*年成人高考学位英语:动词练习及答案,供大家参考: 1. The commuter can _ facts.A. gather and to store B. gather and storedC. gather and storing D. gather and store (D)2. The city was plagued by traffic congestion last year,_.A. but it isnt this year B. but not this yearC. but it hasnt

2、 this year D. but it hadnt this year (A)并列句型,前后一致 plague 混乱; traffic congestion交通阻塞;时态要一致3. The crewman switched on portable flashlights as the engineer _ the scene.A.has surveyed B. surve;C. was surveying;D. is surveying (C)进行时态表将来;4. We _a solution to this problem by the end of this month.A. must

3、B. will C. must find D. can (C)must的基本用法5. The old woman neither _anything when the policemen asked her about the accident.A. replied nor say B. replied nor said C. reply nor said D. replies nor says (B)前后时态要一致;6. The boy _at school.A. was never behaved B. was never behaved himselfC. never behaved D

4、. never behaved himself. (D)behave 规矩,常与自身代词连用; 主动语态 7. Most pubs in the street _until 1:00 in the morning.A. not close B. close notC. do not close D. not closed (C)do not 非延续性动词until8. They _had an enormous dinner like this.A. rarely not have B. rarely have notC. have not rarely D. have rarely (D)r

5、arely , scarcely , hardly ,never 等已含有否定义;9. Many high-rise hotels_.A. has now been constructing B. are now being constructedC. are now constructing D. are constructed now (B)现在进行时态 被动语态10. The girl smiled ,got up,_ from the schoolmaster.A. receive the god medal B. and receiving the gold medalC. and

6、receive the gold medal D. and received the gold medal (D)连续动作 时态要一致11. He fancied that he would get on well_.A. and that he would meet with amazing successB. and that he will meet with amazing successC. and that amazing success would be met withD. and meets with amazing success (A)并列宾语从句,时态要一致12. I

7、can do it for her but I_ .A. dont feel like it B. dont feel like toC. dont feel liking it D. dont feel liked to (A)feel like 想要;不带to的不定式还有 cannot but do , cannot help but do , rather than do ,other than do , let do , make do 等; 13. The burglar took away more than_ .A. he wanted to take B. he wanted

8、to takenC. he wanted to D. he wanted to have taken (C)take away 消耗;带走; want to 想要;14. He _after climbing the mountain.A. has scarcely no energy left B. had scarcely any energy leftC. scarcely has no energy left D. scarcely has not any energy left (B)见第8题15. She apologized_ to her for the party.A. no

9、t being able to attend B. not being able to attendC. being able not to attend D. being notable to attend (B)动名词作介宾; apologize to sb.for sth. 因某事向某人道歉16. Entering the lecture hall, _from their clothing.A. snow beat off B. they beat off snowC. snow was beaten off by them D. they were beaten off snow (

10、B)现在分词作状语从句;主动态;17._ a long way, Robbins began to feel tired.A. Having walked B. WalkingC. Having been walked D. Being walk (A)先后动作,前一个动作用完成式;18. Weighing five hundred pounds, _.A. the cupboard could not be movedB. she could not move the cupboardC. the cupboard was too heavy for one person to moveD.

11、 the cupboard was unable to move (C)cupboard 橱柜;19. Asked about the new play, _.A. his answer was confident B. he was confidently answeredC. he answered confidently D. his answers were confident (C)过去分词作状语从句;被动态;20. _, the inhabitants fled.A. The city take B. The city having been takenC. Having take

12、n the city D. The city being taken (B)现在分词的完成式,被动态;21. _black clouds covering the sky , he stopped his work and went home.A. To see B. Having been seeingC. Seeing D. having to see (C)现在分词作状语从句,主动态;22. I advised _, but he turned me a deaf ear.A. him not to smoke again B. him to smoke not againC. him

13、to not smoke again D. not him to smoke again (A)不定式的否定式词序:not to do 23. _, he works very late at night.A. Having bee choosing director B. Choosing directorC. Having chosen director D. Being chosen director (D)现在分词作状语从句,被动态;24. She prefers_ taking an examination.A. writing a term paper than B. being

14、written for a term paperC. to write that a term paper D. writing a term paper toprefer doingto doing25. The clerk is going to take bus money.A. by saving B. to save C. for to save D. saving (B)不定式作目的状语;26. The brakes need _.A. adjusting B. adjusted C. to adjustment D. to adjust (A)need sb. to do需要某人

15、做。 need doing需要被做。 need sth.done 需要请人做;27. Henry and Bady_ to the parties at the Trade Union every Saturday.A. are used to go B. use to go C. would stay D. shall stay (C)be used to do被用于做。 be used to doing 习惯于;used to do过去常常(现在不了);28. Her government insisted _she until she finished her degree.A. sta

16、yed B. stay C. would stay D. shall stay (B)虚拟语气在宾语从句中,是should 动词原形或只用动词原形;这类谓语动词有:insist , suggest ,order , demand , command , propose , arrange , request , require , desire , recommend 等;29. Excuse me , but it is necessary that_ your temperature .A. be taken B. taking C. to take D. was taken (A)虚拟语

17、气在主语从句中,是should 动词原形、should have done .或只用动词原形;这类词有:It is(was) necessary (important , desirable , imperative , advisable , desired , suggested , proposed ,settled , requested , decided) that30.Hix Chemistry teacher recommends that he_ A regular degree program.A. will begin B. begins C. begin D. is b

18、eginning (C)见第28题;31.The landlady asked him to move because she_ in that chair.A. used to sit B. was used to sitting C. used to sitting D was used to sit (B)见第27题;32.His friends are looking forward his as soon as possible.A. of seeing B. for seeing C. to see D. to seeing (D)属“动词 介词 动名词”结构,这类词有:look

19、forward to doing pay attention to doinggive up doing apologize for doing succeed in doing dream of doing object to doinginsist on doing worry about doing provent(stop)from doing excuse sb for doingdevoteto doing accuse sb of doing aid sb in doing agree on doing think about doing ;33.It is imperative

20、 that you_ there in person.A. be B. will be C. will D. are (A)见第29题;34.Robins doctor suggested_ for a few days.A. that he is resting B. his resting C. him to rest D. that he rest (D)见第28题;35.Frankly, Id rather you _anything about it for the time being.A. do B. didnt do C. dont D. didnt (C)would rath

21、er (had rather).than. 填充名词、代词或不带to的不定式;36.His report proved_ .A. truly B. true C. truth D. truism (B)( to be ) true , 省略不定式to be ;37.Does he have difficulty English?A. to speak B. speak C. speaking D. spoke (C)属“名词 介词 动名词”结构,这类词有:difficulty in doing advice on doing delay in doingexperience in doing

22、insist in doing habit of doing possibility of doing apology for doingsuccess in doing sth. 等;38.They would insist _to another hotel.A. to move B. moving C. on moving D. moved (C)39.We request the committee our suggestion again.A. to consider B. considering C. consider D. considered (A)有些动词后只能跟不定式,这类

23、词有:request , afford , agree , aim , ask . desire , expect ,claim , choose , decide , demand , fail , hope , manage , offer , plan , pretend , promise , refuse ,request , resolve , wish 等;40.He stopped Mira_ to his office.A. from having come B. to cone C. for coming D. from coming (D)见第32题;41.In wint

24、er we go the hill_.A. skiing B. to ski C. ski D. for ski (A)属名词化的动名词,这类词有:skiing , swimming , living , acting , singing , walking , running ,working , laughing , crying 等;42.She_ playing volleyball very much.A. has B. wants C. lets D. enjoys (D)有些动词后只能跟动名词,这类词有:enjoy , admit , avoid , consider , dis

25、like , delay , finish ,imagine , include , keep , mind , miss , practise , recall , repent , resent , resist , risk , stop , suggest ;43.They are busy _.A. to do this B. doing this C. to this D. did this (B)属“形容词 介词 动名词”结构,这类词有:busy (in) doing according to doingaware of doing apologetic for doing ca

26、pable of doing confident of doingangry about doing exact in doing afraid of doing fond of doing guilty of doinghopeful of doing intent on doing tired of doing responsible for doing suitable for doingwrong in doing right in doing 等; 44.He is now accustomed to_ early.A. works B. working C. work D. wor

27、ked (B)be accustomed to doing 习惯于;45.She had a hard time _mathematics.A. to study B. studies C. studing D. study (C)have .doing. 主动态; have.done 被动态;46. The man tries to avoid _his manager.A. to meet B. meet C. to be meeting D. meeting (D)见第42题;47.The engineer demanded that Smith_ with him.A. go B. m

28、ust to C. went D. will go (A)见第28题;48.The plants have stopped _.A. to grow B. to be growing C. for growing D. growing (D)见第42题;部分连接动词的区别: try doing 意为“尝试”,重在做 ; try to do 意谓“企图”,重在想办法;regret doing 指对过去的行为懊悔; regret to do 指对现在的事情抱歉;cannot help doing 禁不住; cannot help to do 不能帮忙;propose doing 建议做; prop

29、ose to do 打算做;stop smoking 戒烟; stop to smoke 停下来吹烟;go on doing 继续做同一件事;go on to do 接着做另一件事;remember doing 表已完成的; remember to do 表未完成的动作;forget doing 忘记已做了的事;forget to do 忘记要做的事;agree on doing 商量做某事; agree to do 同意做某事;be good at eating 会吃 it is good to eat 很好吃be afraid of dying 恐怕要死了(客观); be afraid to die 害怕得要死(主观);like doing (长期的) 爱好; like to do (一时的)兴趣;living 钟爱的;lovely 可爱的; likely 可能的;

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