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1、译林5AUnit1教案教师辅导教案授课日期: 年 月 日 授课课时: 课时 学员姓名 年 级5A辅导科目英语 学科教师班 主 任 授课时间 教学课题教学目标教学重难点课前检查作业完成情况: 优 良 中 差建 议: 教学内容Unit 1 Goldilocks and the three bears一、单词(默写) 旁边beside 3.(与be连用)有中间between 11. 6.正合适just right 12.她(宾格)her 18.找到,发现find前面 in front of二、词组 (默写)1、in the forest在森林里 7、too hard/soft太硬/软 2、 a be

2、autiful house一座漂亮的房子 8、three bears 三只熊3、 hungry and thirsty又饿又渴 9、have some cakes吃些蛋糕4、some soup一些汤 10、in the kitchen在厨房5、 too cold/hot太冷/热 11、 in the fridge在冰箱里6、 in the room在房间里 12、find their cousin发现他们的表弟三、句型(默写)1. There is a house in the forest.在森林里有一个房子。2. There is some soup on the table.在桌子上有一

3、些汤。3. There are three bears in front of her.在她前面有三只熊。4. This soup is too cold.这汤太冷了。5. What a beautiful house! 多么漂亮的房子!6. She is hungry and thirsty.她是又饿又渴。7.Bobby cannot(cant) see any cakes in the fridge. 波比看不到冰箱里有蛋糕。四语法点(理解)1.There be句型表示“某处有某物”(1)其中there is 用于单数名词或不可数名词,如:There is a pencil case in

4、 the school bag. There is some soup/milk /tea/coffee/juice/water/chocolate.(2)There are用于可数名词的复数,如: There are some desks in the classroom.(3)There be 句型的就近原则:be动词后面如果跟的是不止一种物品,就根据离它最近的物品选用is或are.如:There are some pictures and a telephone. There is a telephone and some pictures.2.There be 句型的否定形式:在be动

5、词的后面加not(is not可以缩写为isnt,are not可以缩写为 arent)把some 改成any。 例:There is a pencil in the pencil-box.(改为否定句) There isnt a pencil in the pencil-box. There are some crayons on the desk.(改为否定句) There arent any crayons on the desk.3.“some”和“any”都有“一些”的意思.“some”一般用于肯定句,“any”用于否定句和一般疑问句。但在一些表示委婉请求,想得到对方肯定回答的疑问句

6、中,也用“some”.例:1.There are some watermelons in the basket.(肯定句) 2.There arent any birds in the tree.(否定句) 3.Are there any toy trains on the table?(疑问句) 4.Would you like some tea?(表委婉请求)4.can在否定句中的用法:表示某人不能做某事时,通常在can后面加否定词not, 后面加动词原形。 Bobby cannot(cant) see any cakes in the fridge.5. 感叹句的结构:感叹句常用how或

7、what来引导 (1)what引导的感叹句a.What+a/an+形容词+可数名词单数!What a beautiful house!b.What+形容词+可数名词复数! What nice dresses!c. What+形容词+不可数名词!What delicious milk!(2)how引导的感叹句 How+形容词/副词! How nice!五练习一、根据所给单词划线部分的发音,将后面的单词填写完整。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)1. there th_ h_ 2. who s_p t_3. kite _old do_tor 4. bed m_ny th_n5. room r_

8、ler m_ve二、英汉互译。(共10小题;每小题1分,共10分)1. 在森林里_ 2. 一张硬床_3. 在冰箱里_ 4. 太柔软_ 5. 正好_ 6. have a cold _7. Help!_ 8. find their cousin_9. remember these words _ 10. What a beautiful house! _三、单项选择。(共10小题;每小题1分,共10分)( )1. There _ any juice in the fridge. A. are B. is C. isnt( )2. Whats the matter? She_ a headache.

9、 A. has B. have C. is( )3. Mike and I_ in the forest. A. am B. is C. are( )4. Mike and Helen cant find _brother in the park. A. his B. her C. their( )5. Theres _umbrella behind the door. A. a B. an C. the( )6._ a lovely doll! A. How B. What C. Why( )7. My socks are too small. Try _, please. A. these

10、 B. this C. it( )8. There_ some bread on the table. A. is B. are C. have( )9. This soup is just_. I can have it. A. hot B. cold C. right( )10. Liu Tao sits_ Mike and Yang Ling. A. on B. in C. between四、用所给词的正确形式填空。(共10个空格;每空一词,每词1分,满分10分)1. Theres an apple between the two _.(mango)2. _(who) room is i

11、t? Its _(Su Hai ).3. Can you draw _(they)? Sure. Its _(difficult).4. There _(be)some water in the glass.5. There are two boys in front of _(she).6. My cousin cannot see_(some) books on the table.7. Where _(be)my trousers? _(its)under your schoolbag.五、用There be的正确形式填空。(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)1. _ a sofa in

12、the study.2. _ some bears in the forest.3. _ a desk and two chairs in the bedroom.4. _ some soup on the desk.5. _ three pencils and a pen in the bag.六、根据所给情景,完成下列句子。(共10个空格;每空一词,每词1分,满分10分)1. 你想告诉杨玲,森林里有一条河,你说:Yang Ling,_a river _the _.2. 妈妈让你过来喝汤,但是汤太烫了,你会说:_and have some _, dearOK, Mum. Oh, no! It

13、s _ _.3. 你打开午餐盒发现,里面没有水果沙拉,你会说:I _ see _ _ salad in the lunch box.七、阅读理解(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) A Look, this is a picture of my new house. Its a big and nice house. The doors are blue. There are two bedrooms. The big one is for my father and my mother. The small one is for me. Near the big bedroom, ther

14、e is a big sitting-room. Can you see the sofa in it? Its red. I like it. The kitchen and the study are not big but very nice. In the study, theres a computer(电脑) on the desk. There are a lot of books on the desk too. There isnt a garden(花园) in my house. But there are some tall trees and flowers behi

15、nd the house. I like my house very much. 判断正(T)误(F)( )1. The new house is big but not nice.( )2. Theres a kitchen near my bedroom.( )3. Theres a red sofa in the sitting-room.( )4. We have a big kitchen in our house.( )5. There are some trees and flowers in the garden.B This is a picture of twins hou

16、se. The twins have a big apple tree near their house. A table is under the tree. Some red apples are on the table. Look!Lucy is putting the red apples into a basket. Lily is playing games under the tree. You can see many apples on the tree. Some are red and some are green. Their mother and father ar

17、e carrying (运) a basket of apples home .( )1 . The twins have _tree.A. a red B. an apple C. a green( )2 . There is a table _.A. near the tree B. behind the house C. under the tree( )3 ._ is playing games under the tree .A. Lucy B. Lily C. the twins( )4 . There are _on the tree.A. some apples B. no a

18、pples C. some red apples and some green apples( )5 . Their father and mother are _.A. putting apples under the tree B. picking apples in the treeC. carrying a basket of apples home随堂检测测试题(累计不超过20分钟): 道 成绩 教学需: 加快 保持 放慢 增加内容教师反馈听课情况: 知识掌握情况: 老师课后评价: 课后任务课后预习: 课后复习: 课后作业: 教师辅导教案授课日期: 年 月 日 授课课时: 课时 学员

19、姓名 年 级5A辅导科目英语 学科教师班 主 任 授课时间 教学课题教学目标教学重难点课前检查作业完成情况: 优 良 中 差建 议: 教学内容Unit5 What do they doa cook 一个厨师 a doctor 一个医生 a driver 一个驾驶员a farmer 一个农民 a nurse 一个护士 a policeman 一个警察 a teacher 一个老师 老师 2. teach 教 3. writer 作家4.write 写 工作 home 在家 医生 帮助 9.sick 生病 10.people 人,人们 11.

20、factory 工厂 12.worker 工人 13.cook 厨师 14.driver 驾驶员,司机15.farmer 农民16.nurse 护士 17.policeman 警察二词组1. teach English 教英语2. a lot of students =lots of students 许多学生3. What about.?= How about.? .怎么样4. an English teacher 一位英语教师 10. a lot of sweets 许多糖果5. write stories 写故事 11. a nice car 一辆漂亮的小汽车 6. work at ho

21、me 在家工作 12. make cars 制造汽车7. help sick people 帮助生病的人13. so many cars 这么多汽车 8. a factory worker 一个工厂工人 14. fly in the sky 在空中飞9. make sweets 做糖果 15. I wish 我希望三、句型1. What does your father do? 你的爸爸做什么的?2. My father is a teacher. 我的爸爸是个老师。3. He teaches English. 他教英语。4. He has a lot of students. 他有许多学生。

22、5. What about your mother? 你妈妈呢?6. Is she an English teacher too? 她也是个英语老师吗?7. Shes a writer. 她是个作家。8. She writes stories. 她写故事的。9. She works at home. 她在家工作。10. My father is a doctor. 我的爸爸是个医生。11. He helps sick people. 他帮助生病的人。12. My mother is a factory worker. 我的妈妈是个工厂的工人。13. She makes sweets. 她做糖果

23、的。14. Whos that? 那是谁?15. There are so many cars. 有那么多车。16. Your father cant go now. 你爸爸不能走了现在。四、语法知识1. 如何询问他人的职业1)What does + 某人 (your father, David.)do ?He / She is a / an +职业(farmer, teacher, doctor.)例如:What does your father do? He is a doctor. 你爸爸做什么的? 他是一个医生。还可以这么问他人的职业:2)What is + 某人? What is y

24、our father? 你爸爸做什么的?3)Whats somebodys job? Whats your fathers job? 你爸爸做什么的?四、询问“你”的职业1) Whats your job? 你是做什么的? I am an English teacher. 我是一个英语老师。2)What do you do? 你是做什么的 I am a worker. 我是一名工人。动词在第三人称单数形式的变化规则:规则例词1.一般情况下,直接在动词的词尾加-s,如:run - runs look - lookssee -sees say -says2.以-s, -sh, -ch, -x, -

25、o结尾的动词,一般在词尾加-es,如:teach-teaches go-goes fix-fixes wash-washes pass-passes3.以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,先变y为i, 再加-es,如:study-studies try- tries4.以元音字母加y结尾的动词,直接在词尾加-s,如:play-plays stay-stays注意:go(三单)goes have(三单)has五、作文 My family There are three people in my family. They are my father , my mother and I . My father

26、 is a teacher. He works in a school. He goes to school by car. My mother is a doctor. She works in a hospital. She helps sick people. She likes reading books. I am a student. I like playing football . I love my family.六、练习一.找出画线部分读音与其他不同的一项(5分)( )1.A. on B. song C. son D. long( )y B. yellow C. my D. sky( )oon B. room C. food D. foot( )ash B. water C. watch D. what( )octor B. old C. nooto二.英汉互译(10分)1. 两名工厂工人 _ 2. 一名英语老师 _ _ 3. 许多病人_ 4. 教我们语文 _ 5.生产许多糖果_ _ 6. a cup of green tea _ 7.want to be a policeman_

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