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1、学年高中英语每日一题第07周每周一测试题新人教版选修6每周一测. 阅读理解A As Artificial Intelligence (AI) becomes increasingly complicated, there are growing concerns that robots could become a threat. This danger can be avoided, according to computer science professor Stuart Russell, if we figure out how to turn human values into a

2、programmable code. Russell argues that as robots take on more complicated tasks, it s necessary to translate our morals into AI language. For example, if a robot does chores around the house, you wouldn t want it to put the pet cat in the oven to make dinner for the hungry children. “You would want

3、that robot preloaded with a good set of values,” said Russell. Some robots are already programmed with basic human values. For example, mobile robots have been programmed to keep a comfortable distance from humans. Obviously there are cultural differences, but if you were talking to another person a

4、nd they came up close in your personal space, you wouldn t think that s the kind of thing a properly brought-up person would do. It will be possible to create more sophisticated moral machines, if only we can find a way to set out human values as clear rules. Robots could also learn values from draw

5、ing patterns from large sets of data on human behavior. They are dangerous only if programmers are careless. The biggest concern with robots going against human values is that human beings fail to do sufficient testing and they ve produced a system that will break some kind of taboo(禁忌). One simple

6、check would be to program a robot to check the correct course of action with a human when presented with an unusual situation. If the robot is unsure whether an animal is suitable for the microwave, it has the opportunity to stop, send out beeps(嘟嘟声), and ask for directions from a human. If we human

7、s aren t quite sure about a decision, we go and ask somebody else. The most difficult step in programming values will be deciding exactly what we believe in moral, and how to create a set of ethical (种族的)rules. But if we come up with an answer, robots could be good for humanity.1. What does the auth

8、or say about the threat of robots? A. It may constitute a challenge to computer programmers. B. It accompanies all machinery involving high technology. C. It can be avoided if human values are translated into their language. D. It has become an inevitable(不可避免的) danger as technology gets more compli

9、cated.2. How do robots learn human values? A. By interacting with humans in everyday life situations. B. By following the daily routines of civilized human beings. C. By picking up patterns from massive data on human behavior. D. By imitating the behavior of property brought-up human beings.3. What

10、will a well-programmed robot do when facing an unusual situation? A. Keep a distance from possible dangers. B. Stop to seek advice from a human being. C. Set off its built-in alarm system at once. D. Do sufficient testing before taking action.4. What is most difficult to do when we turn human values

11、 into a programmable code? A. Determine what is moral and ethical. B. Design some large-scale experiments. C. Set rules for man-machine interaction. D. Develop a more sophisticated program.B Why do some people live to be older than others? You know the standard explanations: keeping a moderate diet,

12、 engaging in regular exercise, etc. But what effect does your personality have on your longevity(长寿)?Do some kinds of personalities lead to longer lives? A new study in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society looked at this question by examining the personality characteristics of 246 children

13、 of people who had lived to be at least 100. The study shows that those living the longest are more outgoing, more active and less neurotic (神经质的) than other people. Long-living women are also more likely to be sympathetic(同情的) and cooperative than women with a normal life span. These findings are i

14、n agreement with what you would expect from the evolutionary theory: those who like to make friends and help others can gather enough resources to make it through tough times. Interestingly, however, other characteristics that you might consider advantageous had no impact on whether study participan

15、ts were likely to live longer. Those who were more self-disciplined, for instance, were no more likely to live to be very old. Also, being open to new ideas had no relationship to long life, which might explain all those bad-tempered old people who are fixed in their ways. Whether you can successful

16、ly change your personality as an adult is the subject of a longstanding psychological debate. But the new paper suggests that if you want long life, you should strive to be as outgoing as possible. Unfortunately, another recent study shows that your mother s personality may also help determine your

17、longevity. That study looked at nearly 28,000 Norwegian mothers and found that those moms who were more anxious, depressed and angry were more likely to feed their kids unhealthy diets. Patterns of childhood eating can be hard to break when we re adults, which may mean that kids of depressed moms en

18、d up dying younger. Personality isn t destiny(命运), and everyone knows that individuals can learn to change. But both studies show that long life isn t just a matter of your physical health but of your mental health.5. The aim of the study in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society is_ _.

19、 see whether people s personality affects their life span find out if one s lifestyle has any effect on their health investigate the role of exercise in living a long life examine all the factors contributing to longevity6. What does the author imply about outgoing and sympathetic peo

20、ple? A. They have a good understanding of evolution. B. They are better at negotiating an agreement. C. They generally appear more resourceful. D. They are more likely to get over hardship.7. What does the recent study of Norwegian mothers show? A. Children s personality characteristics are invariab

21、ly(总是) determined by their mothers. B. People with unhealthy eating habits are likely to die sooner. C. Mothers influence on children may last longer than fathers . D. Mothers negative personality characteristics may affect their children s life spans.8. What can we learn from the findings of the tw

22、o new studies? A. Anxiety and depression more often than not cut short one s life span. B. Longevity results from a combination of mental and physical health. C. Personality plays a decisive role in how healthy one is. D. Health is in large part related to one s lifestyle. 完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和

23、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 When I was very young, we used to live in Florida. It s a place I will never1. These were the happiest days of my life, and I loved driving down one of Florida s highways to feel the2whistle through my hair. One day, we went down a highway, but3nobody else appeared to be there

24、. Well, maybe not any humans,4an animal was there. It was laying in the center of the5, blood red, and seemed to be6: it was hit by a car. Quickly my mother7it into the parking space (this highway had those) while I8in our car. My goodness, I heard her say. It s a turtle(龟), and it s9alive! We had a

25、n empty bin in the10, and some water and blankets from the supermarket, so my mother11the bin with water, picked the turtle up, and put it in the water, then put the12over it. We drove it home and I, eyes wide, watched the bloody turtle13in the bin. It was alive, but its shell was14. We fed him with

26、 vegetables and kept him in a cool area. My mom, a very talented lady with clay, made an artificial15for him, and we turned him over and she wrote, Be free, and live a16life. We healed him up, and drove to the nearest17, where lots of annoying bugs were living. Together we18him into the water and he

27、 swam away quickly. 19he did so, I could have sworn he20at us.1. A. return B. forget C. remember D. miss2. A. rain B. sunlight C. snow D. wind3. A. strangely B. nervously C. exactly D. carefully4. A. or B. but C. for D. so5. A. street B. ground C. road D. surface6. A. dead B. alive C. fine D. awake7

28、. A. caught B. held C. knocked D. pulled8. A. hid B. stayed C. drove D. feared9. A. ever B. yet C. still D. even10. A. back B. home C. center D. front11. A. washed B. cleaned C. covered D. filled12. A. blanket B. paper C. bin D. water13. A. playing B. sleeping C. floating D. struggling14. A. squeeze

29、d out B. upside down C. taken apart D. torn off15. A. box B. shell C. top D. toy16. A. difficult B. real C. wonderful D. successful17. A. lake B. forest C. mountain D. field18. A. threw B. forced C. placed D. led19. A. Since B. As C. If D. Although20. A. shouted B. stared C. pointed D. smiled. 七选五型阅

30、读理解 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。 Most of us lead a busy life. 1We think, “If I reached my goal, then I would be happy”, or “If I could get a better job, then I would enjoy life.” But why not enjoy life right now?Firstly, take time to notice and appreciate the beauty in your own surround

31、ings. 2“There is a great big world of wonder and beauty around us!” And as Brodersen explains, “Look for the beauty of the sunrise and of a friend s smile that brightens your day. Open your eyes to see the beauty you might not normally see. Doing so helps to cheer you up.”Secondly, taking time to experience some simple pleasures also can bring joy to your heart and ease your stress. Take me for example. 3One universal simple pleasure is finding things that make you laugh. Make time to laugh every day.Th

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