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时文章阅读 痘痘脸.docx

1、时文章阅读 痘痘脸多叶蔬菜leafy vegetables脂肪酸fatty acids至关重要的crucial一张美丽动人的脸a gorgeous face引发;引起trigger粉刺突发acne breakouts荷尔蒙hormones真正的粉刺元凶true acne criminals虚假传说Myth mythology碳水化合物Carbohydrates痘痘脸?食物和痤疮的真相Pizza Face? The Truth About Food and Acne kniA healthful diet rich in leafy vegetables, beneficial fatty ac

2、ids, and protein is certainly crucial if you want to create and maintain a gorgeous face. After all, a healthy and well-balanced inside often yields a beautiful outside. If you struggle with acne, youll take effort to get the hang of it whether diet can trigger acne breakouts. Acne is largely caused

3、 by what you eat. Read on to find out which “acne-causing foods” can be myth and which are true acne criminals.1. Does Fried Food Cause Acne?2. Do Carbohydrates Cause Acne?3. Does Chocolate Cause Acne?4. Does Dairy Cause Acne?Does Fried Food Cause Acne? Probably Not.Cheesy pizza, oily potato chips,

4、french fries, and juicy cheeseburgers wont give you acne. This myth began because people once thought that fatty foods must cause acne since they contain oil, causing acne. The problem with that logic is that the oil in food has absolutely no relationship to acne on your skin, and the only way that

5、pizza could directly cause acne is if you rubbed it on your face.Do Carbohydrates Cause Acne? Maybe.Some studies have suggested that simple carbohydrates contribute to high levels of insulin (胰岛素)in the blood, which can damage normal hormonal function and lead to imbalances that, in turn, lead to ac

6、ne. (Dr. Alan Shalita of the SUNY (纽约州立大学)said.)Does Chocolate Cause Acne? Probably Not.Dr. Alan Shalita says, “Chocolate has been involved in the role of acne for decades without any convincing data to support this theory.” Several studies have found no relationship between chocolate and acne, but

7、somehow none have been conclusive enough to officially close the book, so the misconception continues. Still, most medical professionals agree that its an old wives tale.Does Dairy Cause Acne? Maybe.The Nurses Health Study, conducted at Harvard University, discovered that women who drank more milk a

8、s teenagers tended to have more and worse acne than those who consumed little dairy. Other studies of children and teenagers have supported these findings. Doctors think that the main problem is the hormones present in most milk products, which interfere with (干扰) normal hormonal function.I will never get a boyfriend with this pizza face.长这张满脸疙瘩的脸我永远都找不到男朋友的。

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