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1、黑龙江省大庆市学年高一英语上学期期末考试试题1黑龙江省大庆市2017-2018学年高一英语上学期期末考试试题试题说明:1、本试题满分150分,答题时间120分钟。 2、请将答案填写在答题卡上,考试结束后只交答题卡。第1部分 单项填空(本大题共20小题,共20分)1. What? Is it the first time that this _?A. happened B. has happened C. had happened D. happens2. Hurry up! The train _. You know it _at 10:00pm.A. leaves; leaves B. is

2、 leaving; leaves C. leaves; is leaving D. is leaving; is leaving3. Everyone hates _ in public.A. to laugh at B. to laugh C. being laughed D. being laughed at4. You cant avoid _ your job tomorrow _ you work hard today.A. losing; unless B. to lose; though C. losing; until D. to lose; if5. _ great fun

3、it is to have a swim on such a hot day!A. How B. How a C. What D. What a6.The _look on Sams face suggested that the news must be _.A. disappointed; disappointed B. disappointing; disappointing C. disappointed; disappointing D. disappointing; disappointed7.-Why is he absent from school today? -Becaus

4、e he _ for a foot injury in hospital.A. was being treated B. is being treated C. is treating D. has been treated8. Im glad to hear that you _ in English this term.A. have made a progress B. have made progressC. have made progresses D. made a rapid progress9. The boat sank quickly but _ everybody was

5、 rescued.A. generally B. naturally C. fortunately D. frequently 10.After such a long walk , the two soldiers returned to their dormitory, _.A. exhausting B. exhausted C. being exhausted D. having exhausted11. -Come to my home and enjoy the NBA basketball match? - _.James is always my favorite star.

6、A. I couldnt agree more B. Im afraid not C. It doesnt matter D. Its a piece of cake12. Besides _ good diet, Mr. Qu, a marathon runner, takes _ exercise every day to keep fit.A. a; the B.; a C.; D. a; 13. My mother always gets a bit _ if we dont arrive when we say we will.A. anxious B. energetic C. p

7、atient D. embarrassed 14. It was several days before the floodwater sank and life returned to _.A. ordinary B. average C. common D. normal 15. When he was trying to _ the bank, the thief was caught on the spot.A. break in B. break into C. break down D. break up16. The Student Union of Tieren Senior

8、High School _about 20 members, I guess.A. is made up B. consists of C. make up D. consist in 17. There is a piece of board at the gate of the construction site near Zhengfa Temple, which reads: _ without permission.A. Keep out B. Keep away C. Keep off D. Keep up 18. The scenery along Chengfeng Lake

9、is beautiful beyond_.A. description B. statement C. praise D. introduction19.I am wrong. _, you are to blame.A. Probably B. Likely C. Similarly D. Generally20. -John and I will celebrate our fortieth wedding anniversary next month.-Oh,_!A. cheer up B. well down C. go ahead D. congratulations 第二部分 阅读

10、理解(共两节;满分40分)第一节(共15小题; 每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A Many people go to school for an education. They learn languages, history, geography, physics, chemistry and mathematics. Others go to school to learn a skill so that they can make a living. School education is ver

11、y important and useful. Yet no one can learn everything they want to know. The teachers job is to show his students how to learn. He teaches them how to read and how to think. So, much more is to be learned outside school by the students themselves. It is always more important to know how to study b

12、y oneself than to memorize some facts or a formula(公式). It is usually quite easy to learn a certain fact in history or a formula in mathematics. But it is very difficult to use a formula in working out a maths problem. Great scientists, such as Einstein, Newton and Galileo didnt get anything from sc

13、hool. But they were all so successful. They invented so many things for mankind. The reason for their success is that they knew how to study. They read books that were not taught at school. They worked hard all their lives, wasting not a single moment. They would ask many questions as they read and

14、they did thousands of experiments. Above all, they knew how to use their brains.21. Many people go to school for an education. But some others go to school for _.A. enjoying themselves B. learning subjectsC. learning a skill D. making a living22. A teachers job is mainly to train his students to mas

15、ter the ability of _.A. learning by themselves B. making a livingC. reading and thinking D. studying all the subjects23. Using a formula in working out a maths problem is _ memorizing it.A. much easier than B. more difficult thanC. as easy as D. as difficult as24. The scientists were successful beca

16、use _.A. they read books that were not taught at school B. they worked all their livesC. they wasted not a single moment D. they knew how to use their brains BLast year I ruined(毁) my summer vacation by bringing along a modern convenience that was too convenient for my own good: the iPad. Instead of

17、 looking at nature, I checked my email. Instead of paddling a small boat, I followed my Twitter feed (推特简讯). Instead of reading great novels, I stuck to reading four newspapers each morning. I was behaving as if I were still in the office. My body was on vacation but my head wasnt.So this year I mad

18、e up my mind to try something different: withdrawal (退出) from the Internet. I knew it wouldnt be easy, since Im bad at self-control. But I was determined. I started by giving the iPad to my wife.The cellphone signal(信号) at our house was worse than in the past, making my attempts at cheating an exper

19、ience in frustration (沮丧). I was trapped, forced to go through with my plan. Largely cut off from email, Twitter and my favorite newspaper websites, I had few ways to connect to the world except for radio and how much radio can one listen to, really? I had to do what I had planned to all along: read

20、 books.This experience has had a happy ending. With determination and the strong support of my wife, I won in my vacation struggle against the Internet, realizing finally that it was I, not the iPad, that was the problem.I knew I had won when we passed a Starbucks and my wife asked if I wanted to st

21、op to use the Wi-Fi. “ I dont need it,” I said. However, as we return to post-vacation life, a harder test begins: Can I continue when Im back at work? There are times when the need to know whats being said right now is great. And I have no intention(愿望) of giving up my convenience completely. But I

22、 hope to resist(抵抗) the temptation (诱惑) to check my email every five minutes, which leads to checking my Twitter feed and a website or two.I think a vacation is supposed to help you reset your brain to become more productive. Here I hope this one worked.25. What do we know about the authors last sum

23、mer vacation?A. He was determined to enjoy the beautiful view.B. He felt satisfied that he had stuck to his usual timetable.C. He hated himself for acting as if he were at work on vacation.D. His iPad ruined his plan of finishing a great novel.26. What did the author do to keep away from the Interne

24、t this year?A. He cut off his cellphone signal.B. He handed his iPad to his wife. C. He refused to cheat in his house. D. He listened to the radio most of the time.27. When back at work, the author will probably choose to_. A. continue to read more and more books. B. stay away from the Internet for

25、ever. C. stop checking what is being said right now completely.D. keep control of when and how to use the Internet.28. What is the authors opinion of a great vacation in the passage? A. A vacation means a change of pace to make one more creative. B. A vacation is a period of time to do whatever one

26、wished to.C. A vacation is having nothing to do but read all day. D. A vacation proves that a life of pleasure is overvalued. C To develop ones taste in English,the most effective way is to read English books extensively. However, one may be at a loss to choose the suitable books,especially as a beg

27、inner.I would like to share some of my experience. My first English novel was Jane Austens Pride and Prejudice,recommended(推荐) by many English teachers and professors as an ideal book for English learners. But I had great difficulty in understanding the novel,let alone enjoying it. Its not the vocab

28、ulary that troubled me,but rather the way Austen constructs sentences,and her way of thinking,which seemed too remote to me at that time. My fading enthusiasm was much recovered after reading Hemingways novel Farewell to Arms. I particularly liked his brief and lively style. So my first suggestion i

29、s,as a beginner, youd better choose contemporary (现代的)novels instead of classical ones.However,reading novels is not the only way to improve your English. English essays(散文) can at once inform you,entertain you, and improve your taste in English. The best example is Bertrand Russells work. Its langu

30、age is plain, yet you cannot help feeling the elegance and the unique sense of humor. His simple language enables his philosophy(哲理) within the reach of ordinary people. Here comes my second suggestionessays are indispensable. Never follow others opinions blindly,however famous or influential the pe

31、rson might be. As a saying goes,one mans meat is another mans poison. With that in mind,we are sure to find out our favorite writers through reading and develop our fine taste in English.29. What made the authors first English novel hard to understand?A. Complex conversations. B. Not knowing the social background.C. The old-fashioned vocabulary. D. Sentences and Austens thinking pattern.30. Which can best replace the underlined word“ indispensable”?A. necessary B. challenging C. related D. brilliant 31. What advice does the au

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