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Unit 2 Working the land 单元汇总导学案人教必修4精品.docx

1、Unit 2 Working the land 单元汇总导学案人教必修4精品Unit 2 Working the land 单元汇总导学案他是中国“绿色革命”大潮中的科技明星,他是享誉全球的“杂交水稻之父”,他的身上光环无数,他的名字价值1000亿,但是他淡泊名利、疏财轻钱,唯愿“天下的人都吃饱饭”。他,就是袁隆平。Father of hybrid rice hopes to grow more crops on less landProfessor Yuan Longping, the father of hybrid rice, expressed the hope that he wou

2、ld grow more crops on less farmland. The 83-year-old scientist is the pioneer of hybrid rice research and he has been carrying out his work since the 1960s. The scientist invented hybrid rice and was also the first to successfully change the self-pollinating (自花传粉) characteristics of rice. His hard

3、work and devotion made large-scale farming of hybrid rice possible, thus making the nation self-reliant (自立的) on rice. Talking about farmers happiness and their strong response to hybrid rice, Professor Yuan recalled how an old farmer in Hunan Province became wild with joy during Stage . “Thank you

4、for teaching me how to plant the super hybrid rice. Ive never had such a good harvest in forty years of rice farming. I have the highest admiration for you and your fellow scientists,” the professor said, recalling the words of the farmer.Apart from being highly productive, the hybrid rice is also t

5、asty. Recalling another incident, Professor Yuan said several years ago some reporters from Hong Kong and Shenzhen had a chance to taste the rice. A young female reporter had 2 bowls of rice. On another occasion, a rich businessman even had three bowls of rice and took home some of the rice for his

6、family. Under the super rice breeding programme set up by Chinas Ministry of Agriculture, a total of 10.5 tons of hybrid rice per hectare (公顷) was produced in Stage from 1996 to 2000.The production target (目标) was increased to 12 tons per hectare in Stage from 2001 to 2005, with it achieved in 2004.

7、Professor Yuan said Stage breeding was well underway, and he was glad that the target was achieved in 2010.Professor Yuans achievements in hybrid rice research have won him a large number of international awards, like the UNESCO Science Prize. In 2012, he was awarded as one of 25 Chinese Entrepreneu

8、rs in the Twentieth Century.Answer the following questions according to the text.1.When did Professor Yuan begin his hybrid rice research?2.What does the Professor Yuan think of the hybrid rice?【答案】1.In the 1960s.2.Productive and tasty.Period 1Reading Comprehension1.了解世界上的粮食危机,认识到农业生产的重要地位。2.能用英语简单复

9、述袁隆平院士的生平及其对中国农业的巨大贡献,学习其淡泊名利、献身科学的求实精神。3.能够根据文章标题和插图预测、推理文章的主要情节。1.利用教材及“背景材料阅读”,了解袁隆平的生平及优秀品质。2.利用细读、猜测词义和释义、归纳等阅读策略理解课文。3.理解文章中的长句和难句,破解阅读障碍。重点句式Using his hybrid rice, farmers are producing harvests twice as large as before.速读课文,回答问题1.How can we get a main idea of a passage? 【答案】By skimming a tex

10、t.2.What is the main idea of the text? 【答案】Its about an agricultural pioneer named Yuan Longping who has been working hard to produce a new strain of rice. .Fast reading: Read the passage fast and then answer the following questions.1.What happened to Yuan Longping in 1973 according to the passage?2

11、.What has Yuans life goal been since he graduated fromcollege?3.Why doesnt Dr Yuan care about being famous?4.What was his dream and what is his dream now?【答案】1.In 1973, he became the first agricultural pioneer in the world to grow rice that has a high output.2.Finding ways to grow more rice.3.In his

12、 opinion, the more money he has, the more trouble he gets.(Or: The more fame he has, the less freedom to do research he has.)4.He dreamed of growing rice plants as tall as sorghum and now his dream is to export his rice so that it can be grown all over the world.Careful reading: Decide whether the f

13、ollowing sentences are true (T) or false (F).()1.Yuan Longping, who was born into a rich family, graduated from Southwest Agricultural College.()2.Dr Yuan worked so hard in order to increase the output of rice, not to be famous.()3.Dr Yuan not only helped China increase the output of the rice, but a

14、lso helped many other countries in the world increase their rice harvests.()4.Dr Yuan doesnt care about his fame, so he isnt satisfied with his life.()5.Dr Yuan has his dream, and he also worked hard for realizing his dream.【答案】1.F2.T3.T4.F5.T.Post reading: Filling in the blanks with proper words.Bo

15、rn in 1., Dr Yuan2. from Southwest Agricultural College in 1953.At that time,3.was a disturbing problem in many parts of the countryside. Dr Yuan searched for a way to increase rice harvests without4. the area of the fields. Finally, he grows what is called super hybrid his research, the UN has more tools in the battle to6. the world of hunger.Dr Yuan is quite7. with his life. However, he doesnt care about being famous. He would much rather keep time for his8. Indeed, he believes that a person with too much money has more rather than fewer troubles.He9. giv

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