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高级英语book1Unit 11补充练习及答案.docx

1、高级英语book1Unit 11补充练习及答案Unit 11But whats a Dictionary for?I.VOCABULARYDirections: Complete the following sentences with the best expression from the four choices.1.The newspaper received a deluge of letters about the article.A. scarcity B. flood C. overload D. moderation2.The committee is reportedly

2、unhappy about the discrepancy in numbers.A. inconsistency B. unpredictability C. dissimilarity D. disparity3.She resigned when she was relegated to a desk job.A. resided B. postponed C. suspended D quit4.The teacher interposed herself between the two snarling boys.A. introduced B. interfered C. impe

3、ded D. obstructed5.This century has witnessed environmental destruction on an unprecedented scale.A. unparalleled B. unremarkable C. unexceptional D. inconspicuous6.Reforms are being undermined by the all-pervasive corruption in the country.A. intensified B. consolidated C. sustained D. destabilized

4、 7.King Edward VIII abdicated the British throne in 1936 so that he could marry Mrs. Simpson, a divorced woman.A. resigned B. took up C. undertook D. recognized8.His change of mind was recent and sudden, the inference being that someone had persuaded him.A. postulation B. deduction C. association D.

5、 supposition9.Small businesses have proliferated in the last ten years.A. multiplied B. declined C. shrank D. developed10.He was probably the most prolific songwriter of his generation.A. productive B. destructive C. critical D. essential11.The government claims to be doing all it can to eradicate c

6、orruption.A. eliminate B. fight against C. tackle D challenge12.She is continually abusing her authority by getting other people to do things for her.A. maltreating B. neglecting C. insulting D. misusing13.High winds significantly hampered the planes acceleration.A. speeding up B. motivation C. crui

7、se D. balance14.If the team loses again they may be relegated from the Premier League to the First Division.A. transferred B. assigned C. promoted D. demoted15.We need a dynamic expansion of trade with other countries.A. apathetic B. droopy C. forceful D. moving16.Many software companies have popula

8、r programs to the new operating system.A adapted B. excerpted C. produced D. programmed17. Over the years her work has compelled universal admiration and trust.A. required B. obliged C. constrained D. produced18. He was eliminated in the third round of the competition. A. reduced B. removed C. aboli

9、shed D. promoted19. The translator has obviously adhered very strictly to the original text. A. stuck B. bounded C. associated D. adjourned20. Membership to this club is restricted chief executive officers.A. to B. for C. with D. uponII. CONTENTS AND FIGURES OF SPEECHDirections: Complete the followi

10、ng sentences with the best one from the four choices according to what youve learnt this term.1. What does “gentlemen from Springfield” in the text refer to? .A. Noah Webster B. Editors of Times C, Editors of Washington Post D. Makers of Websters third international Dictionary2. Gettysburg Address w

11、as delivered by _. A. Abraham Lincoln B. Martin Luther C. J. F. Kennedy D. W. Churchill3. Between the appearance of these two editions of dictionary, the science of _, has come into being. A. prescriptive linguistics B. Descriptive Linguistics C. Comparative Linguistics D. Historical Linguistics 4.

12、Modern linguistics gets its charter from _. A. Language by Sapir B. Language by BloomfieldC. Linguistics by F.D Saussure D. Semiotics by Pierce5. Even in so settled matters as spelling and pronunciation, a dictionary cannot always be absolute because_. A. it has to record language facts B. it can es

13、tablish principles for language using C. all languages are static D. it should stick to words6. Which of the following are the broad general findings of descriptive linguistics except_.A. Languages are sets of natural laws.B. Each language is specific in pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary.C. all

14、languages are in constant changes.D. Languages are systems of human conventions.7. A dictionary is good only when _. A. it establishes new standards for language users to follow B. it is unique in pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary. C. it describes exactly and accurately the current usage of a ce

15、rtain language. D. it prescribes exactly and accurately the current usage of a certain language.8. “a concept of how things get written that throws very little light on Lincoln but a great deal on Life” this sentence indicates_. A. The editors of Life are literate enough to suggest writing with a di

16、ctionary as a model. B. The editors of Life didnt think that Lincoln wrote his Address using the Second International as model. C. The editors of Life are illiterate enough to suggest writing with a dictionary as a model. D. The editors of Life know clearly how to make their publication a best selle

17、r.9. Noah Webster was_. A. famous American lexicographer who first published The American Dictionary of the English Language in America. B. famous British lexicographer who compiled the first real sense modern English dictionary in England C. famous American writer who wrote the book “Elements of St

18、yle” D. famous American lexicographer who compiled The Third International.10. Bloomfield was_. A. famous American linguist who was regarded as “father of modern linguistics”.B. famous British lexicographer who published the first real sense modern English dictionary in England C. famous American wr

19、iter who wrote the book “Elements of Style” D. famous American linguist who wrote the book “Language”.11. The figure of speech used in the sentence “But neither his vanity nor his purse is any concern of the dictionarys.” is_. A. metaphor B. metonymy C. synecdoche D. simile12. The figures of speech

20、used in the sentence “Between the much-touted SecondInternational and the much-clouted Third International” are _. A. irony and metonymy B. sarcasm and hyperbole C. antithesis and irony D. antithesis and assonance13. The figures of speech used in the sentence “A concept of how things get written tha

21、t throws very little light on Lincoln but a great deal on life” are _. A. hyperbole and alliteration B euphemism and alliteration C. metaphor and alliteration D. sarcasm and alliteration14. The figure of speech used in the sentence “What of those sheets and jets of air that are now being used, in pl

22、ace of old-fashioned oak and hinges to screen entrance exits” is _. A. metaphor B. metonymy C. synecdoche D. personification15. The figure of speech used in the sentence “The issue of New York Times hail the Second as the authority and the Third as a scandal” is_. A. metaphor B. metonymy C. Zeugma D

23、. personificationIII. PARAPHRASEDirections: Explain the following sentences with your own words without changing the meaning of the sentence.1. So monstrous a discrepancy in evaluation requires us to examine basic principles2. They doubted that Lincoln could have modeled his Gettysburg Address on it

24、3. a concept of how things written that throws very little light on Lincoln but a great deal on Life.4. the public and the stockholders have reason to be grateful that the writers on thesepublications are more literate than the editors.5. who cant be relegated to any department and dont dream of acc

25、epting established categories and procedures just because they re established6. But neither his vanity nor his purse is any concern of the dictionarys; it must record the fact7. All languages are dynamic rather than static8. lexicography, like God, is no respecter of persons9. Even in so settled a m

26、atter as spelling, a dictionary cannot always be absolute. 10. The writer takes the plain, downright, a man-in-the-street attitude.IV. TRANSLATOINSECTION A. Sentence TranslationDirections: Translate the following sentences into English using the words in brackets.1. 这支足球队本赛季由于表现不好被降级了(relegate)。2. 作

27、为一个外国人,他对中国古典文化有特殊的偏爱(preference)。3. 这件事的两种说法有很大出入(discrepancy)。4. 中国目前正在进行的改革开放是中国历史上空前的革命(unprecedented)。5. 这种麻醉药用作商品是极受限制的(restrict)6. 中国政府正致力于消除政治、经济等领域内的腐败犯罪(eradicate)。7. 婚后的十年是马克吐温一生中创作丰收的时期(prolific)8. 这些样式均可改动以适应各人不同的爱好(adapt)。9. 他被控在此事故中失职(abdicate)。10.因情况所迫,我们只好改变计划(compel)。SECTION B. Pas

28、sage Translation Directions: Translate the following passage into Chinese. There is no doubt that a vast store of knowledge is available to improve mans welfare. Nevertheless,as was pointed out in the World Plan of Action for the Application Science and Technology to Development,such knowledge is of

29、 little use if there is no political will or if there is a lack of the means and capacity to use it. This implies, basically, that there is a need for policy design and implementation by Governments and international agencies, as well as by national communities in the production, science and educati

30、on sectors. Nations should be in a position to assess their requirements and to carry out with appropriate international co-operation, programmes and projects to draw on scientific and technological knowledge, to encourage research, to establish such institutional infrastructure as may be necessary

31、and to stimulate social changes conductive to the attainment of development objectives. Otherwise, little outcome can be expected from scientific and technological efforts, and the present pattern of concentration in the dominance by developed countries will be bound to continue.Directions:Translate

32、 the following text into English 现在许多人说: 治学问全靠有方法; 方法最重要,材料却不很重要。有了精密方法 ,什么材料都可以有好成绩。这话固然不错,同样材料,无方法便没有成绩,有方法才有成绩。但我们却不可不知道这种说法只有片面的真理。同样材料,方法不同,成绩也就不同。同样的方法,用在不同的材料上,成绩也就有绝大的不同。这个道理本很平常,但现在想做学问的青年人似乎不太了解这个极平常而又十分要紧的道理,所以我觉得这个问题有郑重讨论的必要。V. Structure and CollocationDirections: Fill in each of the blanks with one of the followin

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