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1、案例二案例展示二【案例信息】案例名称:江苏省译林出版社牛津初中英语 8B Unit6 A charity walk Grammar 授课教师:吕孝华(苏州市立达中学,中教中级) 【教学设计】本课为牛津初中英语 8B Unit6 Grammar 的教学。本课的语法重点主要是三个句型结构: 1. It is + adj. + that-clause 2. It is +adj. + to do 3. It is +adj. +for sb. + to do , 我在教学过程中尝试用语境教学,创设各种语境让学生学会用这三个句型。同时通过各种竞赛、采访、游戏、小组活动的形式来调动学生的参与积极性和激发

2、学生学习英语的兴趣,可以说是对传统语法教学中的“老师讲,学生听”的教学模式的一次挑战,同时也体现了新型课堂教学模式所倡导的有效教学。具体表现在: 1. 对教材内容进行适当调整,使之更符合学生的认知规律 教材上对这三种句式的顺序安排是: It is + adj. + that , It is +adj. + to do , It is + adj. + for sb. + to do 其实对于有一定教学经验的老师来说,应该知道学生对这三种句式的感性认识的顺序应该是: It is +adj. + to do , It is + adj. +for sb. + to do , It is + adj

3、. + that 。因此教者根据学生情况进行大胆创新,充分体现了语法教学循序渐进的原则,提高了课堂教学的有效性。 2. 巧妙导入、创设语境,使学生学会在不同的语境中运用语言 在导入部分,我通过 2011 年香港慈善毅行的视频的播放,让学生回忆我们课文 Reading 的内容。让学生思考问题: What is it necessary to do before and during the charity walk? 引导学生说出: It is necessary to train before the walk. It is necessary to support and help each

4、 other. It is useful to have support teams. 从以上三个句型中,让学生观察他们的共同点并且让学生归纳出句型结构是: It is +adj. + to do , 这就是我们语法教学中所讲的归纳学习法。接下来我通过图片、竞赛等形式创设语境让学生大量操练这个句型,为我下一个句型的教学打下基础。 在第二个句型 Its + adj. +for sb.+to do 的教学中,我从刚刚发生的印尼地震出发,通过提问的方式问学生: Is it necessary for us to help the people there? Is it necessary for d

5、octors to give them medical treatment? 引导学生回答: It is necessary for us to help the people there. It is necessary for doctors to give them medical treatment. 这符合语法教学中教师在解释所教语言时,尽量采用真实的材料的原则。在操练这个句型的过程中我设计了看图说话和 Make an interview 两个活动,尤其是在采访这个活动中,我要求学生用 What is it necessary for students/teachers/parent

6、s to do? / Is it necessary for students/teachers/parents to do? 这时要学生造出 meaningful 的句子,还是挺有挑战性的。但是大家可以从视频中看出学生造的句子还是很有意义的。 在第三个句型 It is+ adj. + that 的教学中,我采取了演绎学习法,就是通过教师向学生讲述语言规则并列出具体知识,学生在使用语言的过程中运用这些规则。听了学生的采访后,我说出了我的想法: It is necessary for students to work hard. It is necessary for teachers to b

7、e patient with students. 在这里我告诉学生,我们可以通过另外一种方式来改写这两个句子,就是: It is necessary that students work hard. It is necessary that teachers are patient with students. 告诉学生我们可以用 It is + adj. + that clause 来表达我们对事物的看法。在本部分的操练过程中我设计了游戏 take the train 把传统的连词成句用游戏的方式让学生操练,避免了传统练习的枯燥性,增加了英语学习的趣味性。 3. 适度拓展,充分体现英语教学中

8、学以致用的原则 在最后一部分总结时,我设计了一个在学习教材基础上稍有拓展的小组活动,就是用今天书写的三个句型谈论学生的学校生活。在同学们开始书写前,我用学生们平时生活中的一些照片先让学生回忆了初中生活的点点滴滴,让学生非常激动并同时感到有话可说。在学生最后的呈现部分,最后一位同学说到了这么一句话: Its lucky that we have our English teacher Miss Lv. 真是让我又惊又喜。因为我设计好的最后结束语就是 Its lucky that I can teach you English , 这最后的完美呼应是我最出乎意料也是最满意的地方。 【教案】 Tea

9、ching Plan of 8B Unit6 Grammar Teaching Objectives: 1. To get the students grasp the three sentences structures: “It is + adj. + to do sth.”, “It is + adj. + for sb. to do sth.” and “It is + adj. + that clause” 2. To enable the students to use the sentence structure above to talk about how we think

10、about something Learning Goals: By the end of the class, the students will be able to use the following structures to make sentences: It is + adj. + to do sth. It is + adj. + for sb. to do sth. It is + adj. + that clause Teaching Approaches: Task-based Teaching Approach, Situational Approach Teachin

11、g aids: Multi-media computer system Teaching Procedures: Step One: Lead-in Before the class begins, I will play a video about the 2011 Hong Kong Oxfam Trailwalker to get the students to be ready for the new lesson as well as to lead up to the topic. After the bell rings, I will ask the students: Wha

12、t did you see from the video? The students will answer: the Oxfam Trailwalker. Step 2 Presentation Then I will ask them to answer the question about Reading: What is it necessary for people to do before and during the charity walk? The students will tell me: It is necessary to train before the walk.

13、 It is necessary to support and help each other. It is useful to have support teams. Then ask the students to work out the sentence structure: It is + adj + to do sth And tell the students we often use this sentence structure to express how we think about something. Step3 Competition - Fast Climber

14、I will divide the class into two groups and ask group members to make sentences using the structure, if a member makes a sentence, The group can climb up one stair. The team which climbs up to the top of the ladder first will be the winner. Through the competition, the students can get lots of chanc

15、e to practice the sentence structure. Step 4 Practice 1. The teacher says: We can help people in poor areas by joining in the charity walk, and there are many other ways to help them. Ask the students to talk about the pictures in Part B on Page 100. Choose one of the words to make sentences with th

16、e given information. do donate give help join keep 1) meaningful, the Tree-planting club It is meaningful to join the Tree-planting Club. 2) important, parks, clean It is important to keep parks clean. 3) easy, seats, the elderly It is easy to give seats to the elderly. 4) good, blind people, cross

17、the road It is good to help blind people, cross the road. 5) helpful, money, to charities It is helpful to donate money, to charities. 6) fun, voluntary , work It is fun to do voluntary work. 2. Ask students to read the following sentences aloud. It is meaningful to join the Tree-planting Club. It i

18、s important to keep parks clean. It is polite to give seats to the elderly. It is good to help blind people cross the road. It is helpful to donate money to charities. It is fun to do voluntary work. Step 5 Presentation To show the students some pictures about the earthquake in Indonesia, ask the st

19、udents: Is it necessary for us to help the people there? Is it important for doctors to give them medical treatment? To get the students to answer : Its necessary for us to help the people there. Its important for doctors to give them medical treatment.Tell students that when we want to specify who

20、we are talking about, we can add “for sb.” between the “adj.” and “to do”. Step 6 Practice Make some sentences with the help of the pictures Make an interview Student A: Is it necessary/ important/ for students/ teachers/ parents/to do? Student B/C/D: It is necessary/ important/ for Step 7 Present t

21、he pattern “It is + adj. + that” 1. After the interview, the teacher can make some sentences, such as Its important for us to learn English well. Its necessary for teachers to be patient with students. 2. Tell the students we can rewrite the sentence using the pattern: Its +adj. + clause Its importa

22、nt that learn English well. Its necessary that teachers are patient with students. 3. A gameTaking the train. (Rearrange the words to form sentences in Part A on Page 99.) Step 8 Sum up We can use the following structures to express our feelings and opinions. It is + adj. + to do sth. It is + adj. +

23、 for sb. to do sth. It is + adj. + that clause Step 9 Group work 1. A short video about the school life of the students. 2. Get the students into groups of 6 and write about school life in groups, using the three structures we have just learned today. (If necessary, I can give students some sentence

24、s first: Its lucky that we have a lot of good teachers here. Its wonderful that we can play computer games after school. ) 3. Ask one group leader to write down what the group members say about their school life and at the end of the lesson ask some groups to present what they have written.) 4. Afte

25、r several groups have presented their pieces of writing, I will end the lesson by saying: Its lucky that I can teach you English. I know its hard to learn English well, so its important for us to work together. Please remember: its useful and helpful to learn a foreign language well. Step 10 Homewor

26、k 1. Use the three sentences structures to make sentences. 2. Finish off the exercises in the exercise Book. 【教学反思】 1. 有句话说: “ 一门外语不是学会的,而是用会的 ” ,我想本课是对这句话的有力证明。在本课中,我无需给同学们讲解太多关于这三个句型的结构以及它们的用法,而是创设各种各样的语境贯穿整个教学过程,这为同学们真正地使用语言做了铺垫,让他们在使用语言的过程中去体会和感悟这三个句型的结构和用法,真正体现了 “ 在学中用,在用中学 ” 的原则,使英语语法教学降低了难度。

27、2. 英语教学的目的主要是培养学生掌握并运用英语的能力。在本课中,我以学生生活的经验和兴趣为出发点,创设了大量的真实情景,培养学生学习英语的兴趣,激发他们开口说英语,让他们在情景练习中找到学习英语的快乐。 然而 Theres no such a thing as a perfect lesson. 上完这堂课,因为是我的首次尝试,所以感觉在一些教学环节的设计上还可以更优化些: 1. 在 Make an interview 的过程中,我让学生问的问题是 What is it necessary for students/teachers/parents to do? 或是 Is it necessary for students/teachers/parents to do? 本来的设想是让学生有更多的操练句型。但是在实际的操作过程中,这样的设计容易使一些英语学习能力较弱的学生胆怯,不敢说,所以如果只用一个句型 Is it necessary for students/teachers/parents to do? 的话,学生可能会更易操练些。 2. 这堂课可能能够满足优生“吃得饱”,而对于能力相对较弱的学生来讲没有得到充分锻炼的机会。所以在以后的教学中,应该提供更多的机会给一些英语能力相对弱的同学使用语言。 听后是学生运用书中的内容,操练听力对话中的功能句和语言

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