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综合教程第四册Unit 5 Text I 词汇.docx

1、综合教程第四册Unit 5 Text I 词汇THE TAPESTRY OF FRIENDSHIPEllen Goodman Ellen Goodman: Ellen Goodman is a Boston Globe Online columnist and a stylish writer with a humanizing touch on any issue, public or personal. She is widely acclaimed as a voice of sanity, and readers depend on her to help them make sens

2、e of their changing lives and relationships. Goodmans first book, Turning Points, details the effect of the changing roles of women on the family. Five collections of her columns have been published: Close to Home, At Large, Keeping in Touch, Making Sense and Value Judgments. She is also co-author w

3、ith Patricia OBrien of I Know Just What You Mean: The Power of Friendship in Womens Lives. tapestry: n. a picture or pattern that is made by weaving colored wool onto heavy cloth; the art of doing this 壁毯;挂毯;织锦n. sth resembling a richly and complexly designed cloth1 It was, in many ways, a slight mo

4、vie. Nothing actually happened. There was no big-budget chase scene, no bloody shoot-out. The story ended without any cosmic conclusions. slight: adj. 1) very small in degree 轻微的;略微的e.g. a slight increase/change/delay/difference 略微的增长/变化/拖延/差异I woke up with a slight headache. 我醒来时有点头痛。She takes offe

5、nce at the slightest thing. (=is very easily offended).她动辄生气。There was not the slightest hint of trouble. 当时看不出丝毫会出现麻烦的迹象。2) small and thin in size 细小的;纤细的;瘦小的e.g. a slight woman3) (formal) not deserving serious attention 无须重视的;不足道的This is a very slight novel. 这是一部不足道的小说。n. (on sb/sth) an act or a r

6、emark that criticizes sth or offends sb 侮慢;冷落;轻视syn: insulte.g. Nick took her comment as a slight on his abilities as a manager.尼克认为她的话是藐视他当经理的能力。v. (usually passive) to treat sb rudely or without respect 侮慢;冷落;轻视syn: insulte.g. She felt insulted because she hadnt been invited. budget: n. (C, U) the

7、 money that is available to a person or an organization and a plan of how it will be spent over a period of time 预算e.g. a monthly/an annual/a family budget 每月/年度/家庭预算the education/defence budget 教育预算/国防预算 shoot-out: n. a fight that is fought with guns until one side is killed or defeated 你死我活的枪战pena

8、lty shoot-out: (in football/soccer) a way of deciding the winner when both teams have the same score at the end of a game. Each team is given a number of chances to kick the ball into the goal and the team that scores the most goals wins. 罚点球决定胜负 cosmic: adj. (usually before noun) 1) connected with

9、the whole universe 宇宙的e.g. Do you believe in the cosmic plan? 你相信冥冥中的安排吗?2) very great and important 巨大且重要的e.g. This was disaster on a cosmic scale. 这是塌天大祸。cosmos n. the cosmos (sing.) the universe, especially when it is thought of as an ordered system (尤指被视为有序体系时的)宇宙e.g. the structure of the cosmos

10、 宇宙的结构our place in the cosmos 我们在宇宙中的位置 2 Yet she found Claudia Weills film Girlfriend gentle and affecting. Slowly, it panned across the tapestry of friendship showing its fragility, its resiliency, its role as the connecting tissue between the lives of two young women. Claudia Weill: Director and

11、cinematographer(电影摄影技师), Claudia Weill is best known for her film GirlFriends(1978), which chronicles the struggle of a young girl to become a professional photographer and maintain a friendship with a female pal. Prior to making this popular film, Weill spent ten years as a camerawoman and document

12、arist. Girlfriend: Directed by Claudia Weill, Girlfriends is a believable relationship story of a young Jewish woman who is trying to make it on her own, coping with work, romance and friendship at the same time and has to accept the marriage of her best friend and roommate. It seemed almost revolut

13、ionary in 1978 when it was first released. It is a small movie that made a big splash with its focus on womens interior lives. affecting: adj. (formal) producing strong feelings of sadness and sympathy 深深打动人的;感动人的;激起怜悯的affect: v. 1) (often passive) to produce a change in sb/sthe.g. How will these ch

14、anges affect us?这些变化对我们会有什么影响?Your opinion will not affect my decision.你的意见不会影响我的决定。The south of the country was worst affected by the drought.该国南方旱情最严重。2) (often passive) (of a disease) to attack sb or a part of the body; to make sb become ill/sick (疾病)侵袭;使感染e.g. The condition affects one in five w

15、omen. 每五个妇女就有一个人患有这种病。Rub the cream into the affected areas. 把乳膏揉进感染处。3) (often passive) to make sb have strong feelings of sadness, pity, etc. (感情上)深深打动;使悲伤(或怜悯等)e.g. They were deeply affected by the news of her death.她死亡的消息使他们唏嘘不已。4) (formal) to pretend to be feeling or thinking sth 假装e.g. She aff

16、ected a calmness she did not feel.5) (formal, disapproving) to use or wear sth that is intended to impress other people炫耀;做作地使用(或穿戴)syn: put one.g. I wish he wouldnt affect that ridiculous accent.affection: 1) (U, sing.) (for sb/sth) the feeling of liking or loving sb/sth very much and caring them 喜

17、爱;钟爱e.g. Mr. Darcys affection for his sister 达西先生对他妹妹的关爱之情Children need lots of love and affection. 孩子需要多多疼爱和关怀。He didnt show his wife any affection. 他没有向妻子表示一点爱。She was held in deep affection by all her students.她的学生十分爱戴她。I have a great affection for New York. 我很喜欢纽约。2) affections (pl.) (formal) a

18、persons feelings of love 爱情e.g. Anne had two men trying to win her affections. 安妮有两个男人追求。 pan: v. 1) (usually passive) (informal) to severely criticize sth such as a play or a film/movie严厉批评;抨击(戏剧、电影等) syn: slate2) if a television or video camera pans somewhere, or a person pans or pans a camera, th

19、e camera moves in a particular direction, to follow an object or to film a wide area (移动摄像机)追拍;摇摄e.g. The camera panned back to the audience. 摄像机摇回拍摄观众。He panned the camera along the row of faces. 他移动摄像机顺着这一排面孔拍摄。3) (for sth) to wash soil or small stones in a pan to find gold or other valuable miner

20、als(用淘选盘)淘洗;淘(金)e.g. panning for gold 淘金pan out: (informal) (of events or a situation) to develop in a particular way 以一定方式发生e.g. Im happy with the way things have panned out. 我对事情的发展感到很满意。 fragility: n. fragile: adj. 1) easily broken or damaged 易碎的;易损的e.g. fragile china/glass/bones 易碎的瓷器/玻璃制品/骨骼2)

21、weak and uncertain; easily destroyed or spoilt 不牢固的;脆弱的e.g. a fragile alliance/cesaefire/relationship 不牢固的联盟;不确定的停火/关系The economy remains extremely fragile. 经济仍然极其脆弱。3) delicate and often beautiful 纤巧的;精细的;纤巧美丽的e.g. fragile beauty 纤美The womans fragile face broke into a smile. 那面孔秀丽的女子桀然一笑。4) not str

22、ong and likely to become ill/sick 虚弱的e.g. Her father is now 86 and in fragile health.(BrE, informal) Im feeling a bit fragile after last night. (=not well, perhaps because of drinking too much alcohol). 昨夜以后我觉得身子有点虚(可能是纵酒所致)。 resiliency: n. U(also less frequent: resiliency)1) the ability of people o

23、r things to feel better quickly after sth unpleasant, such as shock, injury, etc. 迅速恢复的能力;适应力2) the ability of a substance to return to its original shape after it has been bent, stretched or pressed 还原能力;弹力3 When it was over, she thought about the movies she had seen this year Julia,The Turning Poi

24、nt and now Girlfriends. It seemed that the peculiar eye, the social lens of the cinema, had drastically shifted its focus. Suddenly the Male Buddy movies had been replaced by the Female Friendship flicks. Julia: A film produced in 1977, Julia centres on Lillians relationship with her lifelong friend

25、 Julia, a story that takes place in the 1930s. Their relationship goes beyond mere acquaintance, and is sustained by love. After becoming a famous playwright, Lillian is invited to a writers conference in Russia. Julia, having taken up the battle against fascism, enlists Lillian en route to smuggle

26、money through Nazi Germany, which will assist in the anti-Fascism cause. It is a dangerous mission. During a brief meeting with Julia, Lillian learns that Julia has had a child named Lily. Shortly after returning to the States, Lillian is informed of Julias murder, the details of which are not discl

27、osed. Lillian travels sadly to England to search for Julias child, having promised Julia to care for her. The Turning Point: Here is the synopsis of this movie: Former dance colleagues Deedee and Emma are reunited when Emmas New York ballet company stops in Oklahoma City for a performance. Having dr

28、opped her career for marriage and motherhood, Deedee envies Emmas limelight life; aging Emma, realizing that her days as a star are numbered, wishes that she had the fulfillment of a family like Deedees. Tensions simmer when Deedees talented teenage daughter Emilia moves to New York to join Emmas co

29、mpany. As Emma maternally bonds with Emilia, and Emilia falls in love with the womanizing dancer Yuri, Deedee feels that she is losing her place even as a mother. After Emilias triumphant debut, Deedees and Emmas resentments boil over into an all-out catfight that ends when they realize that they ca

30、n unite in happiness for Emilias future. drastically: adv. drastic: adj. 1) extreme in a way that has a sudden, serious or violent effect on sth 极端的;急剧的;严厉的;猛烈的e.g. drastic measures/changes 严厉的措施;剧烈的变化The government is threatening to take drastic action.政府警告说要采取断然措施。a drastic shortage of food 食物的极度短

31、缺Talk to me before you do anything drastic. 你采取任何重大行动之前要跟我谈谈。drastically: adv. e.g. Output has been drastically reduced. 产量已急剧下降。Things have started to go drastically wrong. 情况变得完全失控。 shift: v. 1) (sth) (from) (to) to move, or move sth, from one position or place to another转移;挪动e.g. The action of th

32、e novel shifts from Paris to London.小说情节从巴黎移到了伦敦。Lydia shifted uncomfortably in her chair. 莉迪亚在椅子上不安地动来动去。He shifted his gaze from the child to her. 他把目光从孩子身上移到她身上。Could you help me shift some furniture? 你能帮我挪几件家具吗?She shifted her weight from one foot to the other. 她把身体的重量从一只脚换到另一只脚上。2) (yourself) (BrE, informal) to move quickly 赶快;迅速移动3) (from) (to/towards/toward) (of a situation, an opini

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