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人教英语单元教案8下Unit 3.docx

1、人教英语单元教案8下Unit 3Unit 3Could you please clean your room?话题Topic家务琐事与许可(Chores and permission)功能Functions1.能礼貌地提出要求2.能向别人征询许可语法Grammar1.能用could礼貌地提出要求(Could for polite requests)2.能用could征询许可(Could for permission )词汇和常用表达Words & expressions1.能正确使用下列词汇 (按词性排列)rubbish,floor,mess,shirt,finger,snack,stress

2、,waste,fairness,neighbor,fold,sweep,throw,pass,borrow,lend,hate,provide,depend,develop,drop,neither,anyway,ill,fair,unfair,while,since2.能正确使用下列常用表达take out the rubbish,all the time,as soon as,in order to,depend on,take care of 3.能认读下列词汇chore,independence,independent 学习策略Strategies1.通过略读快速了解文章大意2.利用语

3、块整体记忆词汇文化知识Culture有关家务劳动三维目标Three-dimensionaltarget知识与技能1.能掌握以下单词:rubbish,fold,sweep,floor,mess,throw,neither,shirt,pass,borrow,lend,finger,hate,while,stress,waste,provide,anyway,depend,develop,fairness,since,neighbor,ill,drop,fair,unfair2.熟练掌握短语:take out the rubbish,in order to,take care of,make on

4、es bed,stay out late,hang out,the earlier.,the better.,all the time,depend on,as soon as,do the dishes,get a ride,come over,be angry with,in surprise3.能掌握以下句型:Could you please do sth.? I have to do some work. Could I do sth.?She wont be happy if she sees this mess.For one week,she did not do any hou

5、sework and neither did I.My mom came over as soon as I sat down in front of the TV.主语+hate+(to do/doing) sth.4.学会用could礼貌地请求和征求许可。过程与方法1.首先通过问题导入法,教师提问学生在家中是如何帮助父母的,过渡到本单元关于家务的话题,然后教授与家务相关的短语和表达。2.在教学中多采用对话的形式,让学生练习用could礼貌地请求和征求许可,让学生学会灵活运用这一结构来进行表达。教师精心设计习题和各种课堂活动,不断训练和提升学生的知识掌握能力。3.在课堂结束时,及时地进行复习

6、,查缺补漏,不留下学习的死角。 三维目标Three-dimensionaltarget情感态度与价值观1.使学生养成勤动手,文明礼貌的好习惯。引导学生养成良好的生活习惯和劳动习惯,让学生意识到帮助父母减轻负担的必要性,让学生乐于在生活中多做自己力所能及的事情来帮助父母。2.教会学生在日常生活中礼貌、得体地表达自己的请求和意见,引导学生大胆、理性地表达自己对于事物的看法。3.通过教学活动,促进学生之间的交流和合作,培养学生之间的团结协作精神。Section A概述1.本部分主要谈论家务琐事及家庭互助,对学生生活习惯的养成、社会行为习惯及家庭责任感的建立起着重要作用。2.1a1c从听、说技能入手,

7、呈现、学习不同琐事表达法及礼貌、委婉地提出要求的句型表达,为词汇及句型的输入阶段。3.2a2d 突出听、说技能训练,在发展语言技能的同时,进行词汇与表达训练。4.3a3c通过阅读强化单元语言点的学习,发展阅读技能,强化学生对词性的辨识及运用。5.Grammar Focus 呈现单元语法结构;4a是对could句型不同功能的分辨及应答训练;4b是交际层面下的用词及句型运用训练;4c是口语交际,训练学生对语言的实际运用能力。教学目标1.掌握本部分的要点词汇与短语。2.运用could表示礼貌地请求及征求许可,并做出应答。 3.能听懂与话题相关的短文。4.培养学生的阅读技能。Section B概述1.

8、本部分侧重孩子和家长在家庭事务方面的不同分工及关系。2.1a区分许可与要求,1b编写对话。1c1e是听力及口语训练。3.2a2e是阅读部分。2a是阅读前准备,2b阅读短文,2c分析观点,2d是语言点的复习巩固,2e是发展学生的思维。4.3a3b为写作板块,3a是写作前的语言准备活动,用分类的方式整理支持不同观点的理由。3b让学生在提供的写作框架上充实自己的观点,完成写作任务。5.Self Check是练习运用,1是掌握动宾短语搭配,2是重点语言结构的功能辨别,3是编写对话,侧重语言运用。教学目标1.掌握本部分的要点词汇与短语。2.训练学生的听、阅读和口语表达能力。3.学会适当、得体地表述自己对

9、某一问题的看法。4.培养学生的阅读理解能力和写作能力。1.用could礼貌地请求及征求许可。2.掌握动词make和do的用法。 本单元重点是家务与许可,运用could来礼貌地进行请求或征求他人许可。在Section A 部分通过形式多样的课堂活动和丰富的练习,让学生能够轻松地掌握本单元的知识要点,提高其听说读写的能力。 在Section B中通过听力训练和指导学生进行Pair work对话练习的形式,提升学生的听说水平。在阅读训练中,要求学生养成记笔记和多思考的习惯,提高阅读能力。 在语法和Self Check教学中通过复习巩固,小组活动,提高学生的口语表达和交流协作能力。第一课时:Secti

10、on A 1a2d第二课时:Section A 3a4c第三课时:Section B 1a2b第四课时:Section B 2cSelf Check 教学目标单词卡片名词: rubbish,floor,mess,shirt,finger,snack,stress,waste,fairness,neighbor动词:fold,sweep,throw,pass,borrow,lend,hate,provide,depend,develop,drop 形容词:ill,fair,unfair副词:neither,anyway连词:while,since 短语归纳take out the rubbish

11、 倒垃圾 in order to 目的是;为了take care of照顾;处理 make ones bed整理床铺as soon as一就;尽快 work on 从事;操作stay out late 在外面待到很晚 do the dishes清洗餐具take.for a walk带去散步 hang out闲逛a waste of time浪费时间 the earlier.,the better.越早,越好all the time 一直;总是 depend on依靠;信赖sweep the floor扫地 fold ones clothes叠衣服get a ride搭车 as a result

12、结果come over过来 be angry with sb.生某人的气in surprise惊奇地句型集锦1.Could I go out for dinner with my friends? Sure,that should be OK.2.Could you please take out the rubbish? Yes,sure. 3.She did not do any housework and neither did I.4.I hate to do chores.5.They should spend their time on schoolwork in order to

13、 get good grades and get into a good university.6.The earlier kids learn to be independent,the better it is for their future. 7.She wont be happy if she sees this mess.8.My mom came over as soon as I sat down in front of the TV.重点语法情态动词could的用法中考考什么1.考查could的用法2.Could you please do sth.?的用法与回答 3.单元相

14、关的考点(lend的用法, since的用法, neither的用法,provide的用法, unfair的用法,work on的用法,as soon as的用法,if引导的条件状语从句的用法,的用法,finish doing sth.的用法,in order to的用法, pass on的用法,“neither +助动词/be动词/情态动词+主语”的用法, depend on的用法,while/when的用法, invite do sth.的用法,enough的用法,cost/spend/take/pay的区别,in order to的用法,“the+比较级,the

15、+比较级”的用法, look through的用法, Would you mind doing sth.?的用法,“It is+形容词+(for sb.)+to do sth.”的用法,No problem.的用法,take care of 的用法) 1.相关知识链接:提出建议或征求对方的意见常用句型:(1)Could/Would you please do sth.?请你干好吗?Could you please clean your room?请你打扫房间好吗? (2)Why not do sth.?和Why dont you do sth.?表示“为什么不做某事?”。Why dont yo

16、u go there tomorrow?你为什么不明天去那里呢?(3)Shall we do.?用于第一人称,征求对方意见。 Shall we go swimming this afternoon?今天下午我们去游泳好吗?(4)Lets.提出建议或征求对方意见。 Lets make it a little earlier,OK?我们把时间定早一点好吗?(5)Would you like.?用于提建议,意为“你想要吗?”, would you like后可接名词或动词不定式。 Would you like a cup of tea?你想要杯茶吗?(6)How about相当于What about

17、,其后可跟名词、代词、动名词等,用于提出建议、征询意见等,意为“怎么样?好吗?”,该句式与What do you think about.?同义。How/What about going to the cinema? 去看电影怎么样? 2.文化知识链接: 西方国家中的家务劳动科学研究表明,在西方国家,爱做家务的学生与不爱做家务的学生成年后失业率为1:15,犯罪率为1:10,平均收入高出20%。因此在西方发达国家孩子的家务劳动是父母从小就培养的,孩子帮助家长从事适当的家务劳动可以增强孩子的责任感、动手能力和观察能力,促使孩子思考解决问题的办法,还能培养耐心和坚持不懈的精神。第一课时Section

18、 A 1a2d1.记忆单词和短语: do the dishes,take out the rubbish,fold your clothes,sweep the floor,make your bed,clean the living room,finish doing sth.,mess。 2.理解并掌握重点句型:Could you please.?Could I .?3.能听懂有关做家务和日常活动的对话。 1.学习与话题相关的动宾短语。 2.听力训练,学习征求许可的相关句型。3.运用could,Could you please.?进行对话练习。1.能用本课的重点词汇和句型对家务做出委婉的请

19、求与许可。2.能抓住录音中的关键词,强化听力训练。 本课教学内容是八年级下Unit 3 第一课时,主要涉及用could礼貌地请求以及征求许可和回答。教学中情景激发学习兴趣,培养学生分担家务的习惯,首先以听说为主,掌握课时单词,运用句型Could you please.?Could I.?课上引导学生积极参与课堂活动,老师少讲,鼓励学生多练。 本节采用情景导入,利用真实语境学习could表示请求与许可的用法。 设计教学PPT,录音机,图片,多媒体。Step. Lead inLeading in 【情景1】T:Good morning,boys and girls! I am always ver

20、y busy on weekends.So my daughter often helps me with the housework.Do you often help your mother do the chores at home?(Write “chore” on the blackboard and explain it.) Here “chore” means housework.Could you please tell me what chores you do at home? S1:I often clean my room. S2:I wash my clothes a

21、nd fold my clothes.S3:I clean the window. S4:I make my bed and sweep the floor.S5:I clean the living room.T:Well, you are good children! We should try to be helpful and do some chores at home.Lets come to 1a.设计意图给学生们创设易于理解的语用情景,导入新授。Leading in 【情景2】T: Being a volunteer is great.Do you want to be a v

22、olunteer?Ss: Yes.T: Helping others is important,and caring about our parents is also important.Do you often help your mom do the chores?S1: Yes,I do.T: What chores do you usually do?Lets come to 1a.设计意图由日常生活导入教学内容,师生讨论导入新课。既能呈现新知识,又让学生感觉与日常生活联系紧密。Step.Pre-listening activitiesT: Do you do these chore

23、s at home?Discuss them with your partner.You can use these words: often,very often,less often,hardly ever,never.S1: I often do the dishes.S2: I hardly ever fold the clothes.S3: .do the dishes take out the rubbishfold your clothessweep the floor make your bed clean the living roomExplain the points t

24、o students.教材解读1.Peter,could you please take out the rubbish?Could/Would you please do.?是用来提出请求的句型,表示向别人征求意见,询问消息等,意为“请你干好吗?” Could/Would 只表示一种委婉的语气,不表过去式,please后是省略to的不等式,其否定句在please后直接加not。Could you please answer the question?请你回答这个问题好吗?Could you please not read aloud?请你不要大声读好吗?【拓展】该句型的常用答语:Yes/Ce

25、rtainly.是的/当然可以;Of course.当然可以;Yes,with pleasure.可以,很愿意;Thats OK/All right.好吧;Im sorry,but.对不起,但是。 the dishesdish n.盘;碟。其复数形式为 dishes。作名词时也可以指“一道菜”。do the dishes/wash the dishes清洗餐具。They are washing the dishes.他们正在洗碗。You must do the dishes before you go out.出去之前你必须把盘子洗好。3.sweep the floorsweep意为“

26、打扫”;floor意为“地板”。Do you often sweep the floor?你经常扫地吗?【拓展】floor n.楼层。 They live on the first floor.他们住在一楼。 【注意】(1)美国和中国的1到3楼层表达分别是:the first floor,the second floor,the third floor;而英国的表达是:the ground floor,the first floor,the second floor,以此类推。(2)一幢楼有几层,用基数词;住在第几层用序数词。There are ten floors in the buildi

27、ng.I live on the fifth floor.这座楼有十层。我住在第五层。4.make your bedmake ones bed 意为“整理床铺”,相当于 make the bed。Do you make your bed after you get up?你起床后整理床铺吗?【注意】 make a bed意为“制作床”,其中 make 作 “制造;制作”解。 His uncle made a bed for him last week.他叔叔上星期给他做了一张床。设计意图看图与动词短语对应,加深了对短语的理解,活跃了课堂气氛,为下面的听力做好词汇准备。Step. While-l

28、istening activities (1)Task 1:Listen for the general idea of 1b.T: Now lets work on 1b.Next you will hear a short conversation.What are they talking about?When I play the recording for the first time,you just listen carefully and give me the answer.The general idea of the conversation is about

29、e chores that Peter doesB.the chores that Peters mother doesC.the chores that Peter and his mother doTask 2:1bLook at the form on page 17.Listen.Who will do these chores? Check () Peters mother or Peter.Task 3:Retell the dialogue.Peters grandma is at seven.So his mother needs to the house.She asks P

30、eter to her.But Peter needs to first.Then after that Peter can the rubbish,his bed and his clothes.His mother has to the dishes, the floor and the living room.They have to the house before Peters grandma .Task 4:Make conversations about the chores in 1a.Like this:Could you please sweep the floor?Yes,sure.Could you do the dishes?Well,could you please do them?Im going to clean the living room.No problem.【Keys】Task 1:CTask 2:Peters mother : do the dishes ;sweep the floor;clean the living room Peter: take out the rubbish;make the bed;fold the clothesT

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