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1、中华人民共和国政府和马来西亚政府学历互认协定中华人民共和国政府和马来西亚政府关于相互承认高等教育学历和学位的协定 为推动两国在高等教育领域的合作并促进两国学生的交流,代表中华人民共和国政府的中华人民共和国教育部和代表马来西亚政府的马来西亚高等教育部(以下简称“一方”或“双方”)意识到建立高等教育学位互认机制的重要性,根据双方曾于2009年11月11日在马来西亚普特拉贾亚签署的中华人民共和国政府和马来西亚政府高等教育合作谅解备忘录中探讨在相互承认学历和学位的可能性的内容,就相互承认高等教育学历和学位达成协定(以下简称“协定”)如下:第一款 协定目的根据本协定的各条款和两国的有效法律、法规及国家政

2、策,双方同意本协定的根本目的在于推动两国互相承认的高等教育颁证机构所颁发给两国学生的高等教育文凭。第二款 定 义除非有另外约定,在本协定中:1. “高等教育文凭”指中国政府和马来西亚政府承认并授权的高等教育机构颁发的学士学位、硕士学位或博士学位。2.“经认证的教学项目”指由中国和马来西亚负责高等教育质量保障的指定机构审核通过的教学项目。3.“文凭互认”指凡经两国指定机构认证或视同认证后的文凭即可互认。4.“指定机构”是指中国政府和马来西亚政府承认和授权的指定机构。5. “高等教育颁证机构”是指中国政府和马来西亚政府承认和授权的公立或私立的高等教育机构(本国承认高等教育机构内的第三方文凭除外)。

3、6. “教学项目”指为获得某个文凭而需要学习并完成的课程安排。7.“公立高等教育机构”指:中国:经中华人民共和国政府批准设立并授权颁发文凭的大学、学院、高等专科学校、科研院所和其他高等教育机构。马来西亚:马来西亚政府法律规定下批准设立并授权颁发高等教育学位的高等教育机构。8.“私立高等教育院校”指:根据马来西亚私立大学法案1996法案555所设立的院校。第三款 双方的义务为达成第一款所述目标,双方各自的指定机构应:1. 提供各自国家所承认的高等教育文凭相关信息。2. 根据各自国家的现行法规和实际情况,为对方国家所承认的高等教育文凭信息提供建议。3. 为增进学术交流与合作,在高等教育法规和两国文

4、凭体制的对等研究方面向各自高校提供建议。4. 双方公布目前在各自国家被承认的高校相关信息。5. 提供各自国家具有学位授予权的高校所开设的经认证的教学项目名单。该名单须由各自国家指定机构定期更新。6. 若一方高等院校和颁证机构名单发生变化,须告知对方。双方提供各自国家有关不同授予称号的信息。第四款 应用范围本协定适用于中华人民共和国政府和马来西亚政府承认的高等教育文凭。第五款 学校的自主权双方尊重两国高校根据适用法律、法规和国家政策所拥有的在录取学生方面的自主权。第六款 高等教育院校的入学要求1. 由于高校的入学要求和教学项目安排不尽相同,获得下列资格方可进入对方高校学习:中国:1) 持有马来西

5、亚高中文凭(大学入学考试、基础、A-level高中课程考试、马来西亚高中毕业证或同等学历文凭)和马来西亚合法颁证机构授予的文凭(备注:此文凭指高于高中毕业证而低于学士学位的证书)的学生可以在中国获准攻读学士学位;2) 持有马来西亚承认的高等教育机构颁发的学士学位的学生,可考虑在中国获准进行旨在攻读硕士研究生学位的学习;3) 持有马来西亚承认的高等教育机构颁发的学士学位的学生,由于成绩优秀以及科研工作或论文出色,可考虑在中国获准进行旨在攻读博士学位的学习;4) 持有马来西亚承认的高等教育机构颁发的硕士学位的学生,根据其先前的学习成绩和将来的研究计划,可以在中国学习相应专业的博士研究生课程。马来西

6、亚:1) 持有中国承认的颁证机构颁发的高中毕业证或中等职业教育毕业证的学生可以在马来西亚获准攻读学士学位;2) 持有中国承认的高等教育机构颁发的大专毕业证的学生可以在马来西亚获准攻读学士学位;3) 持有中国承认的高等教育机构颁发的学士学位的学生可以在马来西亚获准攻读硕士学位;4) 中国承认的高等教育机构颁发的学士学位的学生,由于成绩优秀以及科研工作或论文出色,可考虑在马来西亚获准进行旨在攻读博士学位的学习;5) 持有中国承认的高等教育机构颁发的硕士学位的学生,根据其先前的学习成绩和将来的研究计划,可以在马来西亚学习博士研究生课程。2.两国的高等教育院校可根据各自的规定来决定学生入学所要达到的等

7、级和考试分数。第七款 专家委员会1. 双方应成立一个专家委员会,由来自双方提名的颁证机构的成员组成。一方应将各自参加专家委员会的成员名单及发生的任何变化告知另一方。2. 委员会主席由代表中国政府的教育部高级官员和代表马来西亚政府的高等教育部高级官员共同担任。3. 专家委员会的职能包括:1) 对由本协定产生的所有问题进行跟进并对细节进行深入的讨论;2) 监督、促进双方的指定机构及其它相关机构之间的合作以确保中国和马来西亚高等教育学历学位互认机制的持续发展;3) 通过定期回顾对有关互认机制持续发展的信息进行交流;4) 对本协定的执行进程及在本协定框架下达成的所有谅解进行回顾、总结,并向各自负责高等

8、教育的中国教育部和马来西亚高等教育部提出建议。4. 专家委员会根据双方都同意开展的工作项目视情安排会议或讨论。第八款 费 用1. 对于在执行本协定过程中所产生的费用,由双方根据实际情况协商后进行专项安排。2. 组织会议或工作组的费用由主办方承担,委派代表参加会议或工作组的另一方自行承担交通、生活和其它费用。第九款 中 止一方有权因国家安全、国家利益、公共秩序、公共健康的原因暂时中止执行本协定的全部或部分条款,中止行为自一方通过外交途径书面告知另一方时即刻生效。第十款 保 密1. 在本协定或基于本协定所签订的其他协定的执行过程中,一方需承担对另一方所提供的文件、信息及其它数据保密的责任。2. 双

9、方同意在本协定终止后,本条款继续有效。第十一款 修 改1. 任何一方可提出对本协定的全部或部分条款进行修订。2. 经双方同意的书面修改意见将成为本协定的一部分。3. 经双方同意的书面修改意见自双方约定之日起生效。4. 任何修订都不得影响本协定中在修订之日前或直到修订之日已涉及的双方原应享有的权利和应承担的义务的法律地位。第十二款 争端的解决如双方对本协定条款的解释、实施、执行出现分歧或争议,应由双方通过采取友好协商或谈判方式解决,而无需任何第三方或国际法庭介入。第十三款 生效与终止1. 本协定自签署之日起六个月后生效。2. 任何一方均有权终止本协定,但需以书面形式通过外交途径通知另一方。协定的


11、 QUALIFICATIONSTHE GOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA as represented by the Ministry of Education (“China”) AND THE GOVERNMENT OF MALAYSIA as represented by the Ministry of Higher Education (“Malaysia”) (hereinafter referred to singularly as “the Party” and collectively as “the Parties”),RE

12、COGNISING the benefit of establishing mechanisms to facilitate mutual recognition of academic higher education qualifications in order to promote cooperation in higher education and to facilitate students mobility between both countries;REAFFIRMING the Parties commitments made under the Memorandum o

13、f Understanding between the Government of the Peoples Republic of China and the Government of Malaysia on Cooperation in the Field of Higher Education, signed at Putrajaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 11 November 2009 to study the possibilities for mutual recognition of academic qualifications;HAVE AG

14、REED as follows: ARTICLE IOBJECTIVE The Parties, subject to the terms of this Agreement and the laws, rules, regulations and national policies from time to time in force in each country, agree that the primary objective of this Agreement is to facilitate mutual recognition of academic higher educati

15、on qualifications awarded to students in China and in Malaysia by their respective higher educational awarding institutions. ARTICLE II DEFINITIONIn this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires:(a) “Academic higher education qualifications” means a bachelor degree, a Master degree or a PhD

16、degree awarded by any higher education institutions recognized and authorized by the Government of the Peoples Republic of China and the Government of Malaysia;(b) “Accredited Programmes” means programmes that are quality assured by the designated bodies responsible for quality assurance of higher e

17、ducation in China and Malaysia, respectively;(c) “Comparability of qualifications” refers to the formal acceptance of mutual equivalency of qualifications accredited or deemed to be accredited by the designated bodies in China and Malaysia;(d) “Designated Bodies” means any equivalent designated bodi

18、es that is recognized and authorized by the Government of the Peoples Republic of China and the Government of Malaysia; (e) “Higher Education Awarding Institutions” means a public or private higher education institution recognized and authorized by the Government of the Peoples Republic of China and

19、 the Government of Malaysia; except the academic higher education qualifications from the third countries already recognized by each country;(f) “Programmes” means the arrangement of a course of study leading to the award of a higher education qualification upon the successful completion thereof;(g)

20、 “Public Higher Education Institutions” means:China:A University, or a University College, or a Tertiary College, or a Research Institution and other Higher Education Institutions which are recognized and authorized with degree awarding power by the Government of the Peoples Republic of China;Malays

21、ia:Any higher education institutions authorized or established under any written law by the Government of Malaysia to award higher education degrees.(h) “Private Higher Education Institutions” means any institution as defined under the Private Higher Education Institutions Act 1996 Act 555 in Malays

22、ia.ARTICLE IIIOBLIGATIONS OF THE PARTIES1. To achieve the objective referred to in Article I, the Designated Bodies of both Parties shall:(a) provide information on recognition of academic higher education qualifications in each country;(b) make recommendations on recognition of academic higher educ

23、ation qualifications in each country in accordance with their current regulations and practices;(c) advise higher education institutions in their respective countries on the provision of higher education and the comparability of qualifications from both systems with the aim of facilitating academic

24、mobility and co-operation; (d) make publicly available the information on currently recognized higher education institutions in their respective countries;(e) provide lists of currently accredited programmes from recognized higher education in their respective countries institutions with degree-awar

25、ding powers for Bachelor, Master and Doctoral Degree. This information shall be maintained and updated regularly by each Parties designated bodies; and(f) notify each other of any changes to the list of recognized higher education institutions and awarding bodies, and provide information on differen

26、t award titles in their respective countries.ARTICLE IVSCOPE AND APPLICATION This Agreement shall apply to academic higher education qualifications recognized by the Government of the Peoples Republic of China and the Government of Malaysia.ARTICLE VAUTONOMY OF HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONSBoth Part

27、ies respect the autonomy of higher education institutions for admission to higher education programmes in accordance with the laws, rules, regulations and national policies from time to time in force in each respective country. ARTICLE VIREQUIREMENTS FOR ADMISSION TO THE HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION

28、S1. Subject to the specific requirements of the admitting institutions and availability of place, including the manner in which their programmes are organised, the following entry qualification should be considered eligible for admission to higher education institutions:In China:(a) Holders of Highe

29、r School Certificates (Matriculation, Foundation, A-Level, Malaysian Higher School Certificate, or its equivalent) and Diploma from recognized Malaysias awarding bodies to enter into programmes leading to Bachelors Degree in China; (b) Holders of Bachelor degrees from accredited programmes from reco

30、gnized higher education institutions in Malaysia may be considered for admission to studies leading to a Masters degree programme in China;(c) Holders of Bachelor degrees from accredited programmes from recognized higher education institutions in Malaysia who have achieved outstanding results and co

31、mpleted excellent research work/dissertations may be considered for admission to further studies leading to doctoral degrees;(d) Holders of Master degrees from accredited programmes from recognized higher education institutions in Malaysia to enter Doctoral programmes in relevant subjects in China subject to the relevance of previous studies and the proposed research; andIn Malaysia (a) Students with High School Diploma or Certificate of Secondary Vocational Education from recognized awarding bodies in China to enter into programmes leading to Bachelor Degrees in Malays

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