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1、译林6上unit7备课6课时课 题Unit7 Protect the Earth课时数6第 1 课时总课时数教学 目 标use the sentence structures “We useto.” and “We should / should not.” to express ideas of protecting the Earth;教学重、难点Using the sentence structures to express ideas of protecting the Earth.The pronunciation of the word “environment”;2.The se

2、ntence structures: “We useto.” and “We should / should not.”教学准备PPT 书本 教案教学程序师 生 活 动教学手记 Step1Culture time1.Give feedback about Earth Day and World Environment Day.2.Talk about other days for environment.3.Guess the names of the days designed by the teacher.(设计意图:了解学生采用微课自主学习,对Culture time的掌握情况,复习St

3、ory time,拓展相关的环保文化。)Grammar time1. Read the sentences and find the rules.2. Learn “We useto.”Play agameto practice using the sentence structure.3.Learn “We should / should not.”Discuss and writeShare and correctShow and report4. Design the days for environment and give assessments to each other(设计意图

4、:通过小组合作学习和游戏活动,帮助学生理解并自主归纳语法规则,综合运用句型结构表达环保的目的并提出建议。)Fun timeStep2Step3教学程序师 生 活 动教学手记1.Enjoy the teachers handworks and know how to reuse things.2. Talk about the handworks made before class and complete the poster.(设计意图:以老师的实际行动引导学生变废为宝,利用课前小组合作制作的手工作品完善海报,潜移默化地渗透环保意识。)Show time:Call on more peopl

5、e to protect the Earth with the help of the poster.(设计意图:运用句型综合反馈学习内容和成果。)Homework1. Try to reuse daily waste things to make more handworks.2. Finish the exercises on P33 of workbook.3. Complete the poster and put it on the school notice board.(设计意图:巩固本节课的语法学习;通过废物制作培养学生的创造思维,将环保理念渗透生活和身边人。)Step4Ste

6、p5 课 题Unit7 Protect the Earth课时数6第 2 课时总课时数教学目标1.Make the Ss learn some useful words and expressions.2.Arouse the Ss to take better care of the earth.教学重、难点know about Earth Day and World Environment Day;3.reuse daily waste things to make handworks;教学准备PPT 书本 教案教学程序师 生 活 动教学手记 Step 1. Pre-reading,1.

7、Begin the class by showing the video (地球环境现状).2. Ask the Ss some questions.What are the problems facing the earth?(energy animal air wood)简单教学视频中出现的需要保护的环境 While-reading,1.Listen to the conversation and circle the picturePPT显示课文中出现的内容water energy trees plastic带读文中出现的内容2. listen to the conversation p

8、aragraph by paragraph and choose the words to fill the blanks . Energy water plastic trees We drink _and use _to clean things everydayMost of our_ comes from coal and oil. _help keep the air clean We use _to make bags and bottles.Step 2教学程序师 生 活 动教学手记3.Read by yourself and fill in the form4跟读完成(True

9、 or false)(1). There is not much water in many places( )(2).Cars dont use much energy ( )(3).We should not cut down trees ( )(4).Trees help the air clean ( )(5).We should not use plastic bags because they are not useful ( )After- reading举行一个保护地球的活动,根据提示每小组选一个主题讨论并设计小组广告语should shouldnt water energy

10、trees plastic Step 3 课 题Unit7 Protect the Earth课时数6第 3 课时总课时数教学目标句型:We use water/ plastic/ wood/ to come(s) from We should We should not词汇:protect, Earth, save, useful, waste, reuse, energy, come from, coal, wood, cut down, too many, plastic, project, poster, gate教学重、难点句型:We use water/ plastic/ wood

11、/ to词汇:protect, plastic, project, coal, oil的读音。教学准备PPT 书本 教案教学程序师 生 活 动教学手记Step1Story time导入活动:视频导入:教师利用多媒体播放保护环境的视频,引出话题:保护地球 Protect theEarthLearningthenew words:protect,earthTalk about protect &earth新授story time ;1. watchthecartoon ,then choose a titleforeachpicture通过观看视频,小结课文所讲的四个话题:Save water,

12、Save energy, Save trees,Dont use too much plastic.2.分段学习这四个话题A:Save water学生自主朗读,解决问题完成填空部分。why should we save water? How to save water?New words: useful wastewater reuseUseusefulreuseReadand sayWater is useful.We should_water and _ water. We shouldnt _ water.B:Listen and answersave energy: why shoul

13、d we save energy? How to save energy?Read andfind the answer:Newwordscoal oildrive so muchRead the passage together1. C:分工学习三,四段,男生女生进行互相采访提问的比赛.2. 3. 4. Step2教学程序师 生 活 动教学手记 New words: woodcut down1.Wood comes from _.2.We use _ to make_, _and many other things.3.We should not_too many trees, becaus

14、e trees help_clean.4.We shouldnt use/we should use问答流利的获胜。Read in groupsRead and say5.Think and write整体呈现朗读。小结全文Homework:1.Read and recite the text.2.Write the slogan(标语)for schoolStep3 课 题Unit7 Protect the Earth课时数6第 4 课时总课时数教学 目标1.阅读并理解Cartoon time的内容,学会配音,明白Cartoon time 的幽默之处。2.阅读并了解相关的Culture ti

15、me,让学生紧密联系生活实际,引导学生热爱地球、保护地球。教学重、难点1.阅读并了解相关的Culture time;2.让学生紧密联系生活实际,引导学生热爱地球、保护地球教学准备多媒体教学程序师 生 活 动教学手记 Step1:Warming-up1.Greeting. Im Wang Xin. Im from Mingde Primary School. There is an Ecological Education Center in my school.It shows us the knowledge of ecology.It tells us to protect the Ear

16、th.2.揭题Unit7 Protect the Earth, Read the tittle.Boys and girls,protect the Earth is very important,so we should how to read. Presentation1.Today,Sam and Bobby are our guides. Lets visit it with them.Look,this is the Ecological Crisis.There are sth about it.We have learned something about Protecting

17、the earth.Lets give the pictures some explanations.Ill give you one minute to prepare.2.The Earth is our home, We should protect it. All students should know this. So Sam and Bobby are making a poster. Lets join them. What will you draw? Let me draw.3.What do they draw? 4.What do Bobby and Billy dra

18、w? Why?Step2教学程序师 生 活 动教学手记5.The poster is ready,Lets see the poster.What can you say?6.Read and order.Work in four,Put the sentences on the paper in the correct order,then read one by one.( )Bobby likes bananas.( )Bobby threw a banana skin on the ground.( )Then,Billy slipped on the banana skin and

19、fell( )At last ,Billy went to hospital.7.Ticking time:(组间互评 )排序正确、能读正确、有感情读8.Listen and imitation.Listen carefully and try to imitate the pronunciation and tone.9. What a nice poster!We should protect the Earth and keep it clean.So there are two festivals about it,Earth Day and World Environment Day

20、.10.Next,lets go to the Ecological Civilization pavilion.Earth Day and World Environment Day.Homework1.Read the dialogue with expression and try to recite it.(有感情地朗读卡通对话,并试着背它。)2. Finish your poster,and tell your friend to protect our earth.(继续完成你的画报,告诉你的朋友保护我们的地球) Step3 课 题Unit7 Protect the Earth课时

21、数6第 5 课时总课时数教学目标1、阅读并理解Cartoon time的内容,学会表演,明白Cartoon time 的幽默之处。1、在前两课的基础上会正确并熟练地运用句型We should We shouldnt;教学重、难点阅读并了解相关的Culture time;2、在前两课的基础上会正确并熟练运用句型We should We shouldnt;教学准备多媒体和卡通头饰。教学程序师 生 活 动教学手记Step1Warming-up1、Watch the video; 2、RevisionPresentation : 1 Sound time1)Talk and lead-in: Bobb

22、y and Sam also learn English at school. This is an English lesson.Ask: What are they doing now?2)Try to read the sentences;3)Explain :字母oo is pronounced as _4)Try to say some other words about “oo”5)Read the words together ,then make some new sentences with the words.2 Cartoon time1) Watch the carto

23、on, then answer :1、What are they doing?2、What do they want to make? 3、What do they want to tell the students?2) Read together and match.3) Read alone and judge Step2教学程序师 生 活 动教学手记4) Listen and repeat.5) Think and imagine: If you make a p0ster, what would you draw?6) Read in roles and try to act.7)

24、Guess : What are Bobby and Sam talking about? (此问题过渡到下一板块文化知识的介绍)3 Culture time1).Theyre talking about how to project our Earth.2). Ask: When is Earth Days? When is World Environment?Extension1) Enjoy and judge: some other pictures about Environment.2)Sum up: The Earth is our home. We should project

25、 it.Homework1Read the dialogue with expression and try to recite it.(有感情地朗读卡通对话,并试着背它。)2 Do a survey about projecting the environment, then fill in the form.(做一项有关保护环境的调查,然后完成表格。)Step3Step4: 课 题Unit7 Protect the Earth课时数6第 6 课时总课时数 教 学 目 标 能理解并体会字母组合oo在单词中的发音教学重、难点能理解Culture time的内容,并适当扩展教学准备PPT 书本

26、教案教学程序师 生 活 动教学手记 Step 1 Warm-up1 Free talkT: What day is it today?S: Its T: Whats the weather like today?S: Its sunny / rainy / cloudy T: How do you go to school today?S: .our health. ( Show a picture of fog and haze) We have experienced this terrible result. The world environment is getting worse

27、too. What should we do? Discuss with your desk mates. You can use the sentences pattern: We should / We should not.S: We should PresentationSound time1 T: We should do a lot of things to protect the environment -our big home “the earth”, and I think we should start from the little things around us, like our little home - school. Step 2教学程序师 生 活 动教学手记T: (PPT 呈现) Everyday I go to school.I think its really cool.We have fun i

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