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广州牛津初二下U1Success stories.docx

1、广州牛津初二下U1Success stories广州牛津初二下Unit1 Success stories一 单词重难点单词及短语:determined, wise, hard-working, including, miss, retire, hero, disabled, belief, national, pride, manage, intelligent, equal, refuse, for love, forget about sb, come on, save up, fight for, be equal to, in total。1.天才;奇才 2.钢琴家 3.令人难忘的 4

2、.句子 5.奖项;奖品 6.成功 7.严厉的 8.表演;演出 9.永远 10.管弦乐队 11.鼓励 12.支持;帮助 13.天资 14.兴趣 15.发明家 16.好奇的 17.研究结果 18.居然;竟然 19.避雷针 20.现在;目前 21.双光眼镜 22.研制;发展 23.研制成果 24.放;置 25.人行道 26.打电话者 27.克服;战胜 28.钦佩;崇拜 29.事故 30.奖牌 31.有残疾的 32.小提琴 33.任何人 34.英雄 35.民族的 36.自豪,骄傲 37.志愿者 38.能解决 39.工作努力的 40.有才能的 41.聪明的 42.坚决的 43.食品杂货店 44.服装 4

3、5.省 46.明智的 47.信仰 48.平等的 49.总统 50.孙子;孙女 51.包括在内 52.店主 53.怀念 54.退休 重点短语1.电视播放的 2.厌烦做某事 3.在岁时 4.被称作 5.付代价 6.建立;创建 7.对某人要求严格 8.出于热爱 9.病倒 10.不再想 11.代替 12.得了吧 13.感激 14.攒钱 15.对某事感到好奇 16.为斗争 17.找寻;思索 18.与平等 19.使发生;导致 20.总计;总数 21.保护以免 二词组(1)He was watching a Tom and Jerry cartoon on television when he first

4、heard Western classical music. 当他第一次听见西方古典音乐时,他正在看电视播放的漫画猫和老鼠。(2)He was practising the piano while other children his age were playing games. 他在练钢琴,而这时同龄的孩子正在玩游戏。(3)Lang Lang began taking piano lessons at the age of three. 朗朗在三岁时开始上钢琴课。(4)From then on, he won many awards. 从那时起,他获了许多奖。(5)Lang Langs s

5、uccess came at a price. 朗朗的成功是有代价的。(6)His father was very strict with him. 他父亲对他很严格。(7)His father gave up his work and took Lang Lang to Beijing. 父亲放弃他的工作,带朗朗去北京。(8)A pianist suddenly fell ill. 一位钢琴家突然病了。(9)Lang lang was chosen to play in place of that pianist. 朗朗被选去代替那位钢琴家演奏。(10)He played with the

6、greatest orchestras in the world such as the London Symphony (11)Orchestra. 他和世界最伟大的管弦乐队合作,诸如伦敦交响乐团。(12)Lang lang is grateful to parents. 朗朗很感激父母。(13)He is a man of many talents, and she has many interests. 他多才多艺,她也兴趣广泛。(14)He was curious about science,he was always searching for answers. 他对科学很好奇,他总

7、是寻求答案。(15)These experiments led to a number of very important finds. 这些实验导致了一些非常重要的发现。(16)He did invent lightning conductor. 他的确发明了避雷针。(17)He was tired of always taking them on and off. 他厌倦了总要把他们(眼镜)戴上又取下。(18)These glasses let him see both near and far things at the same time. 这眼镜让他能在同一时间看到近的和远的事物。(

8、19)Nowadays, these glasses are known as bifocals. 如今,这被称为双光眼镜。(20)Benjamin Franklin set up the first fire company. 本杰明富兰克林创建了第一个消防公司。(21)She plays the violin for love, not just to win competitions. 她拉小提琴是因为爱好,而不仅仅是为了赢得比赛。(21)We sometimes forget about people like that. 我们有时会忘记象那样的人。(22)Come on, let m

9、e give you a hand. 得了,让我帮你一把。(23)I saved up about 100 yuan and bought a dictionary. 我攒了一百块钱买了本字典。(24)He fought for his belief all his life. 他终身为他的信仰而奋斗。(24)He thinks that black people are equal to white people. 他认为黑人和白人是平等的。(25)In total, the team won the NBA championship six times. 这支队总共赢得六次NBA冠军。1.

10、 在岁时at the age of2. 代替 in place of/ instead of3. 付出代价 at a price 4. 为某事感激某人be grateful/thankful to sb for sth5. 电视播放的on television6. 对某人要求严格be strict with sb7. 上钢琴课take/have piano lessons8. 病倒 fall ill9. 对负责be responsible for10. 从那时起from then on11. 放弃 give up12. 我们时代的 of our time(s)13. 获得奖项win/get/r

11、eceive an award (for sth.)14. 玩得开心have fun15. 获得一个机会get a chance16. 表演,演出 give a performance17. 例如 such as18. 在许多大型活动 at many huge events19. 鼓励某人做某事encourage sb to do sth20. 西方古典音乐Western classical music21. 钢琴天才piano prodigy22. 对感到好奇be curious about23. an experiment on 关于的实验24. 找寻、思索search for25. 使发

12、生;导致 lead to (led pt.)26. 厌倦;厌烦(做某事)be tired of doing sth27. 保护以免 protectfrom sth28. 被称为;被称作 be known as29. 因为人所知be known for30. 在他的一生中during his lifetime 31. 使某人/某物怎样make sth./sb. + adj. 32. 建立;创建 set up33. 总是、一直is/ was always doing 34. 同时at the same time 35. 了解learn about36. 出生在某地be born in 37. 与无

13、关have nothing to do with 38. 意味着做某事meaning doing sth39. 打算做某事mean to do40. 在做方面有天赋have a gift for doing sth41. 坚持做keep doing sth.42. 出于热爱for love43. 不再想某人;不再把某人放在心上forget about sb44. 得了吧come on45. 储蓄;攒钱save up46. 靠某人自己on ones own47. 帮助某人give sb a hand48. 共同的,共有的in common 49. 与平等be equal to50. 足够以至于能

14、够做某事be adj. enough(for sb) to do51. 太以至于不能做某事be+ too+ adj.+ to do sth. 52. 对产生兴趣become interested in 53. 总计;总数in total=in all54. 历史上 in history55. 方面的专家an expert on/at/in56. 为而战fight for57. 为反对而战 fight against58. 提供帮助offer to help 59. 被认为是be regarded as从退休retire from三词法1What does success mean to you

15、? 对你而言,成功意味着什么? mean to sb.表示“对某人来说意味着”,mean为动词。 e.g. Knowledge means wealth to us. 知识对我们来说意味着财富。 另外,mean还有一些其它的含义。如下: (1)意思是。 e.g.The red light means “stop”.红灯表示停。 This signal means your message has been received.这个信号表示你发送的信息已经收到了。 (2)有的征兆。 e.g.The dark clouds mean rain.这些乌云是下雨的征兆。 (3)mean to do st

16、h = plan to do sth 打算,意欲 e.g.I mean to go tomorrow.我打算明天去。 I didnt mean to start an argument.我并不想(跟你)争论。 (4)mean doing sth意味着。 e.g.Accepting the job means living abroad.接受这个工作就意味着在国外居住。 (5)meaning n.意义,涵义。 e.g.Whats the meaning of the words?=What do the words mean?这些词是什么意思。 2He had a gift for runnin

17、g and kept practising every day.他具有跑步的天赋且每天坚持训练。 have a gift for sth/doing sth是一个词组,意为“具有的天赋”。 e.g.Dee has a gift for making everyone feel at ease.迪有一种能让大家放松的天赋。 keep (on) doing保持/坚持干 e.g.Keep the fire burning.不要让火熄灭。 另外keep还有下列用法: (1)keep + adj.e.g.Dont put it in the sun and keep it colourful.不要把它放

18、在太阳底下,让它保持鲜艳。 (2)keepfrom阻止做 e.g.Keep the earth from running away.阻止泥土流失。 3She plays the violin for love她是出于热爱而拉小提琴。 play the violin意为“拉小提琴”。 注意:在一些西洋乐器名词前要加定冠词the。 e.g. play the piano弹钢琴 play the trumpet吹小号 但短语play chess意为“下象棋”,chess前面不加定冠词,类似的还有: play card 打牌 play basketball/football/table tennis

19、打篮球/踢足球/打乒乓球 for love意为“出于热爱”。 e.g.He goes in for the job for love not to make money.他出于热爱从事这项工作而不为赚钱。 4Joyce is very busy working on the school newspaper.乔伊斯在学校报社忙于工作。 be busy (in) doing sth忙于干 be busy with sth忙于某事 work on忙于,从事 e.g.They are busy with their lessons.他们正在忙于学习功课。 He works on market res

20、earch.他从事于市场研究。 The family are busy (in) getting ready for their journey.这家人正忙于准备旅行。 5, let me give you a hand.译文,让我帮你一下吧! let sb. do sth.中let是一个使役动词,后面跟省去to的不定式,即动词原形。 e.g.Lets go for a walk.让我们出去散步吧! 类似的动词常用的有十一个半,为了方便记忆,可以编成如下顺口溜: 一感(feel),二听(listen to, hear),三让(let, make, have),四看(look at, see,

21、watch, notice),半帮助(help)。 这些词除help外,在主动语态中后面省去to的不定式,变成被动语态时,省去的to要再加上。help在主动语态中后面的to可带可不带,变成被动语态的必须带上to。 e.g.We should help our parents do some housework.我们应该帮助父母做点家务。 Funny stories made us laugh.有趣的故事使我们开心。 The boy was made to do homework all day.这个男孩被迫整天做作业。 6Dont do everything on your own all t

22、he time!做事情不要总是这么独立! 祈使句的否定形式往往用Dont。 e.g.Dont let anyone disturb you.不要让任何人打扰你。 Dont forget to take your umbrella when you go out.出去的时候不要忘记带伞。 all the time意为“一直,始终,总是”。on ones own意为“单独地,独自地”和“无援地,独立地”。 e.g.Its a really useful bookI use it all the time.这真是一本很有用的书我一直在用它。 Ive been living on my own for

23、 four years now.我独自生活迄今已4年。 I made this wardrobe all on my own.这个衣柜是我自己做的。 7Tony offers to help Joyce three times.托尼三次提出要帮助乔伊斯。 offer作动词时,有“主动提出/表示”之义,还有“提供,供给”之意,作名词时,有“提议、提供、意图”的含义。 e.g.We offer to help homeless children.我们提出要帮助那些无家可归的孩子们。 She refused this offer.她拒绝了这个提议。 表达“提供,供给”时,常用下列搭配。 offer

24、sb sth或offer sth to sb,就相当于provide sb. with sth.或provide sth. for sb.。 e.g.He often offersHe often provides他经常提供给我一些钱。 8Both LangLang and Benjamin Franklin have朗朗和本杰明富兰克林两人都 bothand表示“两者都”,连接主语时,谓语用复数。 e.g.Both Jim and Tom are interested in playing computer games.吉姆和汤姆两人都对玩电脑和游戏感兴趣。 但要注意,neithernor,

25、eitheror,not onlybut also这些词组连接主语时,谓语动词的单复数形式,采用“就近原则”,即谓语动词一定与nor,or和but also后面的名词或代词相符。 e.g.Neither he nor his classmates like the movie.Either he or his classmates dont like the movie.Neither his classmates nor he likes the movie.Either his classmates or he doesnt like the movie.他和他的同学们都不喜欢这部电影。

26、Not only Jim but also Tom is interested in playing computer games.不仅吉姆而汤姆也对玩电脑游戏感兴趣。 9I agree.我同意(表示赞同别人的观点)agree既可作不及物动词(vi.),也可作及物动词(vt.),意为“同意,赞同”,其用法如下: (1)agree with sb.表示“同意某人或某人所说的话”。 e.g.He agrees with me completely.他完全同意我的意见。 (2)agree to do sth.“同意干某事”。 e.g.We agreed to start early.我们同意早点动身

27、。 (5)agree + that从句 e.g.She agreed that I was right.她认为我说得对。 10Hangzhou was full of birds and flowers.杭州遍地花香鸟语。 be full of意为“盛满,充满,装满”,full是形容词(adj.),= be filled with,都表一种状态。 e.g.The meeting room is full of/is filled with listeners.会议室里坐满了听众。 另外注意fill sth with sth这个词组,在这个词组中fill为动词,意为“用装满”。 e.g. Ple

28、ase fill the glass with water.请往玻璃杯里注满水。 11When did you first become interested in bird fossils?你是在什么时候首次对鸟类化石产生兴趣的? be/become interested in 对感兴趣 e.g.When he was young, he became interested in playing the guitar.很小他对弹吉他就产生了兴趣。 下面是一些interest的相关用法: (1)interest用作名词,是不可数名词,但也与不定冠词连用,意为“兴趣,趣味”。

29、interest in sth.表示/显示对某事感兴趣 have an interest in sth 对有兴趣 (2)interest用作动词,意为“使人产生兴趣”。 e.g.He interested me in outdoor sports.他使我对户外运动产生了兴趣。 (3)interested用作形容词(adj.),意为“感兴趣的”,常构成词组be interested in,意为“对感兴趣”。 e.g.Im interested in collecting coins.我对收藏硬币感兴趣。 (4)interesting也是形容词(adj.),表示“有趣的”。 e.g.The sto

30、ry is very interesting.这个故事很有趣。 12She spent her whole life helping others.她花费她的一生帮助别人。 e.g.I usually spend half an hour doing/on my housework every day.我通常每天花半个小时做家务事。 另外注意cost,pay,take这几个词也有“花费”之义,但在范围和结构上有所不同,它们用法分别如下: (1)cost表示“花钱”,常用物即sth作主语,其结构为“sth. cost sb. money”。 e.g.The dictionary cost me

31、over 100 yuan.这本字典花了我一百多元。 (2)spend也指花钱,也可指花时间,主语为sb,其结构为“sb spend money on sth和sb spend time (in) doing sth或sb spend time on sth.” e.g.Last night I spent 2 hours on my article.=Last night I spent 2 hours (in) writing my article.昨晚我花了2小时写这文章。 Mr. Li spent $50 on the book.李先生花50美元买了这本书。 (3)pay表示花钱时,其结构为“sb pay money for sth.”。 e.g.I paid $50 for the book.

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