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第三板块必修二 Unit 1 Culturalrelics.docx

1、第三板块 必修二 Unit 1 Cultural relics第三板块 必修二 Unit 1 Cultural relics高考对接题.单项填空(建议用时7)1A troop of carefully selected soldiers set out in search of those who might _ the terrible coal mine accident.AliveBrescue Cexist Dsurvive解析:考查动词辨析。 survive幸存。句意:一支经过精心挑选的部队出发去寻找在可怕的煤矿事故中可能幸存下来的人。live生活,居住;rescue援救,营救;ex

2、ist存在,生存。答案:D2The police will _ the case further before they can find the suspected murderer guilty.Alook out Blook up Clook through Dlook into解析:句意:警方要经过进一步调查才能确认杀人嫌疑犯有罪。look into调查,窥探;look out当心,留意;look up向上看;尊敬;好转;look through看穿;浏览。答案:D3With the development of science and technology,there is no d

3、oubt _ Chinese astronauts will land on the moon in the near future.Awhether Bthat Cwhat Dwhich解析:考查固定句型。there is no doubt that.意为“毫无疑问”,that引导同位语从句,解释说明doubt的具体内容。答案:B4As we all know,tigers and cats _ the same family of beasts.Abelonged to Bare belonged to Cbelong to Dare belonging to解析:考查短语用法。belon

4、g to意为“属于”,是不及物动词短语,一般不用于进行时态,也不用于被动语态,故排除选项B、D。再根据句意“正如我们都知道的,虎和猫在兽类中属于同一科”,可知应用一般现在时态,所以选C。答案:C5David,could I use your car?Sorry,there is something wrong with it.I will have it _ this afternoon.Arepair Bto repair Crepairing Drepaired解析:考查非谓语动词。it与repair之间为被动关系,故用repair的过去分词形式作宾语it的补足语,构成have sth.

5、done结构。答案:D6We all know that hard working and plain living are fine _ of our Chinese people.Aqualities Bmanners Cdeeds Dacts解析:考查名词辨析。quality品质。句意:我们都知道艰苦朴素是我们中国人的优良品质。manner礼貌,举止,方式;deed行动,事迹;act行为,行动。答案:A7Your desk is crowded with too many unnecessary things,including used papers and books.Youd be

6、tter _ some of them.Aremain Bresist Cremove Drenew解析:考查动词辨析。remove移动,搬开。句意:你的桌子上堆满了太多不需要的东西,包括用过的试卷和书本。你最好拿走一些。remain保持,仍然是;resist抵抗,对抗;renew中止后继续,重新开始。答案:C8Mum!Alice has broken my CD player!_ After all,she couldnt have done it on purpose.AWhats the matter? BIt doesnt matter.CNo trouble at all. DHow

7、 come?解析:考查交际用语。根据答语中“毕竟她不可能是故意的”,可知答案为选项B。It doesnt matter没关系。答案:B9The lecture was called off five minutes before it was supposed to start,_ made the audience angry.Awhat Bthat Cwhen Dwhich解析:考查定语从句。which made the audience angry为非限制性定语从句,which是关系代词,指代整个主句的内容。答案:D10Now their talks have reached a key

8、 stage _ one side must give in to the other.Awhich Bthat Cwhere Dhow解析:考查定语从句。当先行词为stage,case,position,situation,degree等词,且关系词在定语从句中作状语时,关系词通常用where。答案:C11The employee you had been thinking highly_dishonest.Aof proving Bof proved Cof to prove Dof being proved解析:句意:你评价很高的雇员被证明不诚实。you had been thinkin

9、g highly of是定语从句,修饰先行词the employee;proved为谓语动词。答案:B12On the way back home from the ball,she suddenly found her necklace_.Amissed Blosing Cgone Dbe stolen解析:find sth.gone/missing/lost发现某物丢失了。答案:C13Jonna is in a_of poor health,which worries her parents very much.Aposition Bsituation Cstate Dcondition解

10、析:in a state of处于的状态。若选D项应为be in poor/bad condition。答案:C14The suspects fingerprint printed on the gun was the main _ against him.Acrime Binformation Cevidence Dconviction解析:evidence证据,证明,线索。crime犯罪;information信息;conviction判罪,定罪。句意:那个嫌疑犯在枪上留下的指纹是证明他有罪的主要证据。答案:C15You will find this map of great_ in he

11、lping you to get around London.Aprice Bcost Cvalue Dusefulness解析:of great valuevery valuable“很有价值的”。答案:C 以下阅读理解及阅读表达为山东河南专用题型.阅读理解(难度系数,建议用时8)Schools will teach pupils the finer points of personal banking,hire purchase agreements,savings schemes and interest repayments in an attempt to make them mor

12、e financially secure.The Retirement Commission has launched a pilot project.It hopes to see money sense included in the national school programme by 2010.Backed by the major banks,the scheme will start at newentry level but will eventually include high school courses as demanded by the National Cert

13、ificate of Educational Achievement.New Zealanders are poor savers,and on average spend $1.14 for every dollar they earn,and currently owe more than $5 billion on credit cards. Retirement Commissioner Diana Crossan said the scheme would help young people understand increasingly complex financial syst

14、ems and concepts,which had changed rapidly in the past 20 years.Cash machines now gave 24hour access to cash,and the use of loans and credit has become widespread and acceptable.Pupils would learn how to manage their finances,about hire purchase contracts,interest rates,bad credit ratings,and the im

15、portance of financial planning and saving.Financial skills would be taught through existing subjects such as maths,social sciences and technology.“All young people who come through the school system should have an understanding of the financial systems in New Zealand and the world,and an understanding of what money means in their lives and how they can manage it,”Crossan said.“Some pe

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