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届英语新高考一轮复习资料专题32 Language知识讲练学案.docx

1、届英语新高考一轮复习资料专题32 Language知识讲练学案2021届江苏英语新高考一轮复习精品资料模块三Unit 2 知识讲练一、重点词汇重点词汇-1. occupy【原句呈现】Then two Germanic groups from the European mainlandthe Angles and the Saxonsoccupied Britain.【知识精讲】occupy v.占领,占据;占用(时间、空间等),使忙于某事occupation n.侵占,占领,工作,职业,消遣,业余活动occupational adj.职业的相关短语:occupy oneself with st

2、h./occupy oneself in doing sth.使自己忙于某事be occupied with sth./be occupied in doing sth.忙于做某事 【单句填空】Men are more suited to _(occupation)environments that require decisive action while women are better at jobs where a considered approach is most important.She was _(occupy)inpreparingforthecomingexam whe

3、n I went to see her._(occupy)himself with his new job, he couldnt spare time to keep company with his family.Where does he come from?I know nothing about him except that he is a doctor by _(occupy).【单句改错】I could have offered you some help last weekend, but I occupied with my work at that time.I have

4、 been so occupied to work that I havent had time for social activities.重点词汇-2. consist【原句呈现】Old English consisted of a mixture of their languages.【知识精讲】consist的相关短语:consist of:“由组成,由构成”,一般不用于进行时,通常也不用于被动语态,=be made up of/be composed of。(注意make up是“组成”的意思)consist in=lie in在于;存在于 consist with与一致/相符【单句

5、填空】The beauty of the picture consists _ its balance of colors. The politicians actions do not consist _ the promises in his speeches. 以下两句填上恰当的短语This club consists _ eight members.Canada is a country _ many different nationalities as well as one with foreign immigrants _ the majority of its populati

6、on.【单句改错】I had thought that our team was consisted of strong and able players, me included, while the opposite team was no match for us.Tower Bridge consists two huge towers, which are linked together. The force will be composed with troops from NATO countries.重点词汇-3. contribution【原句呈现】The most impo

7、rtant contribution was from the Normans, a French-speaking people who defeated England and took control of the country in 1066.【知识精讲】contribution n.贡献,促成因素,捐赠contribute v.贡献,投稿,撰稿相关短语:make contributions to(toward)对作出贡献向捐献(投稿)contribute to.促成,起作用,有助于,导致=lead to/result in【单句填空】If it had

8、 not been for the heroes _(contribute)and sacrifices, we wouldnt be leading such a happy life.He contributed all his time and energy _ his work.Im sure your suggestion will contribute to _(solve)the problem.【单句改错】The measures made an important contribution to reduce industrial accidents.Doing some e

9、xercise every day contributes to keep you healthy.重点词汇-4. replace【原句呈现】However, the Norman Conquest did not affect English as much as the Angles and the Saxons Victory about 600 years earlier, which led to Old English replacing Celtic.【知识精讲】replace v.替换,代替,取代replacement n.代替,更换replaceable adj.可替换的,可

10、代替的irreplaceable adj.不能替代的相关短语:replace sb./ sth代替某人或某物 replace A with/ by B用B取代Areplace A for B用A取代B表示“代替”的短语还有:substitute A for B把A替换成B或用B替换Atake the place of sb.=take sb.s place代替某人in ones place = in place of sb.= instead of sb.(介词词组)代替某人或某物【单句填空】_(replace)is guaranteed if the products are not up

11、to the standard, as long as you can prove you buy them here.There is no doubt that a person, unlike a machine, is _(replace).It is reported that they are _ violence _ dialogue我们的班长将代替我们的班主任参加会议。(根据汉语填上恰当的短语)Our monitor will _ our head teacher to attend the meeting.Our monitor will attend the meeting

12、 _ our head teacher.Our monitor will _ to attend the meeting.【单句改错】When I was eleven, I lost one of the front teeth and it replaced by a false one.Because his company was closed down, his rich life was replaced a poor one.Weve replaced the old adding machine for a computer.重点词汇-5 raise【原句呈现】After th

13、e Norman Conquest,many English people worked as servants who raised animals.【知识精讲】raise vt. (raised,raised)有使物体达到其应有的高度的含义,意为“举起,提高,提出,饲养,养育,筹集,种植”;rise vi. (rose,risen)说明主语自身移向较高位置,常用于日/月/云/雾/烟/蒸汽/温度/物价等,无被动语态;arise vi. (arose,arisen)意为“(建筑物,现象,问题,困难等)出现,发生”。arise from产生于,起因于。【单句填空】Having heard the

14、 unfair conditions, the angry man _ from the chair, _ his voice.We can take more measures to prevent accidents _ from carelessness.What is the price of petrol these days?Oh, it has _ sharply since last month.A number of high buildings have _ where there was nothing a year ago but ruins. 【单句改错】The go

15、vernment is trying hard to have the peoples living standard risen.The government is trying hard to have the peoples living standard risen.重点词汇-6. concern【原句呈现】King Henry was a poet who showed great concern for language.【知识精讲】concern n.关心,忧虑,(抽象名词具体化,成为可数名词)令人关心或担忧的事情 with concern忧心忡忡地,关切地concern作为动词

16、的相关短语:concern for/about对于的担心 concern oneself with/about关心,忙于,从事be concerned about/for/that.关心,担心/忧be concerned with与有关,涉及so/as far concerned就而言concerning(=about) prep.关于,涉及【单句填空】We are all _(concern)about her safety. As far as I am _(concern), this case concerns her . People nowadays are very

17、concerned _ the problems concerned _ environmental pollution.As far as I am _, education is about learning and the more you learn, the more equipped for life you are.This novel was concerned _ the Second World War, while most teenagers are more concerned_ the heros love story._(concern)about the stu

18、dent, the teacher called his parents to find out why he was so often absent from class.Certain new regulations _(concern)study abroad have been announced recently. Mr. Bean looks from the menu to all his money _ concern until he finds something that he can afford. In recent years air pollution is be

19、coming _ concern for many cities in China. 【单句改错】This is a letter of complaint concerned the actions of one of your online stores. As far as he concerned, he cant afford such an expensive car.重点词汇-7. ban【原句呈现】At one time the department banned some borrowed words from English, including weekend and e

20、mail.【知识精讲】ban作为名词和动词相关短语:a ban on sth.对的禁令 put/place a ban on sth.宣布禁止ban sth.禁止,取缔 ban doing sth.禁止做某事ban sb.from doing sth.禁止某人做某事“禁止做”其他表达法:forbid.from doing sth. do sth.forbid sb.s doing sth.ban. prohibit.from doing sth.【单句填空】There is _ ban _ using mobile phones at the gas station.Do

21、you mean talking on the mobile phone _(ban)at the gas station?Jack is banned _ taking part in the exam because of his cheating in the last exam.Hi, do you know roadside food stalls are back?How come? They were banned _(keep) the cities clean.The government has extended the ban _ the import of pork u

22、ntil December.The company has _ a ban _ using pirated software. 【单句改错】In this school, there is a ban of using mobile phones.The government has been banned the use of chemical weapons.However, we are not making the suggestion that study aid apps should completely banned.The two passengers occupying s

23、eats were reported to have been banned taking trains for 180 days.We decided to fight against this unfair system which prohibits us blacks sitting where we like.重点词汇-8. access【原句呈现】Today, the spread of borrowed words is mostly due to the easily accessed Internet and television programmes from across

24、 the world.【知识精讲】access v.进入,使用 n.通道;(使用的)机会,权利accessible adj.可接近的,可进入的inaccessible adj.难以达到的,不可得到的相关短语:have access to能够使用/见到/享有have/get/obtain/gain access to拥有的机会,可以接近,进入give access to准许进入(接近) be accessible to 容易(够)得到的,可使用的out of ones range= out of ones reach够不到的accessible与available的区别。描述人描述地点描述物体a

25、ccessible平易近人的,容易接近的,随和的可进入的易得到的,可使用的available有空的,能找到的为而准备好的现成的,准备好的,可使用的【单句填空】Without _ to the Internet, they found themselves cut off from the outside world.Why are you all turning on me? I did not steal the computer!Im sorry, but you were the only one who _ access to it.以下两句从上述表格中选择恰当的词填空:The sch

26、ool is trying its best to make more accommodation _ for increasing students.Train tickets are allowed to be booked online or by phone, a good way to make purchasing train tickets more _.药品不应放在孩子们够得到的地方。(根据汉语句子完成英语句子)Medicine should not be kept where it is _.Medicine should be kept where it is _.【单句改

27、错】A lot of people all over the world have no access of clean drinking water.To preserve its construction, the Potala Palace is accessible for a limited number of tourists every day.All the students think the new English teacher is warm and available, so they make friends with her soon. 重点词汇-bine【原句呈

28、现】sometimes to express ideas, some characters were made by combining two or more characters together.【知识精讲】combine vt. & vi.组合,(使)联合combination n.联合,结合相关短语:combine.with.把与结合起来 be combined with与结合 in combination with与联合【单句填空】If your knowledge can be in some way _(combine) _ my experiences, we are sur

29、e to succeed.Its the _(combine)of beauty and intelligence that made her stand out in the contest.In fact, only hard work in _(combine)with proper methods will give you an advantage over others. 【单句改错】When being combined with berries or slices of other fruits, frozen bananas make an excellent base forthick, cooling fruit shakes and low fat “ice cream”.The punishment will be six months in prison, a $1, 000 fine or a combine of both.However, it has to be combined to other prevention measures including w

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