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1、化学化工专业英语长句完整版答案化学化工专业英语答案第九章 长句练习课后习题答案 1、The two pairs of electrons of oxygen may be shared with, one carbon alone forming a double bond,or with two separate carbons, or with one carbon and one hydrogen forming only single bonds. 译文:氧上的两对电子可与一个碳共用而形成双键,也可与两个不直接相连的碳原子共用形成单键,也可与一个碳原子和氢原子分别形成单键。(相当于三个

2、并列句,顺译法) 2、Although organic chemistry is more than 150 years old, its progress is faster than ever, as the result of new theoretical concepts and experimental techniques from other areas of science. 译文:尽管有机化学的历史已超过150年,但由于其它领域内不断涌现出新的理论与实验技术,有机化学的发展速度比以往任何时候都要快。(倒译法,把as引导的状语从句提前) 3、The synthesis of

3、organic compounds involves conversion of available substances of known structure, through a sequence of particular, controlled chemical reactions, into other compounds bearing a desired molecular structure. 译文:有机化合物的合成是将已知结构的物质,通过特定的、可控制的化学反应,转化为含有目标分子结构的其它化合物。(顺译法) 4、 It is frequently carried out b

4、y treating the hydrocarbon with a mixture of nitric acid and sulphuric acid of certain concentration at some temperature suitable for the particular nitration. 译文:对烃类物质的处理通常是将硝酸与硫酸按一定浓度比例混合后,于适合的特定温度下进行硝化。(将某一部分作为谓语) 5、The alternate double bond arrangement in the six carbon ring is the characteristi

5、c of aromatic hydrocarbons and is responsible for the characteristic properties of this type of compounds. 译文:六碳原子环上双键的交替排列是芳香烃的特征,这种结构可解释芳香烃的主要性质。(顺译法,难点在后面一句,必须意译) 6、 Total determination of structure is also possible by means of X-ray diffraction, so that the classical goal of structure studies-as

6、certaining the relative spatial positions of all the atoms in any molecule-can be readily and routinely attained. 译文:由于通过X-射线衍射也可对结构进行全面测定,因此我们可以很方便地达到结构研究的传统目标确定任意分子中所有原子的相对空间位置。(分译法,不够完美) 7、On the other hand it has long been the practice to attempt the synthesis of natural products in the laborato

7、ry once their structures had been determined. 译文:换句话说,一旦天然产物的结构被确定,人们就一直试图在实验室中将其合成出来。(倒译法,把状语提前) 8、Many man-made substances are replacing certain natural materials because either the quantity of the natural product cannot meet our ever-increasing requirement, or, more often, because the physical pr

8、operties of the synthetic substance, (which is the common name for man-made materials), have been chosen, and even emphasized, so that it would be of the greatest use in the field (in which it is to be applied). 译文:许多人造物质正在取代天然物质,因为一方面天然产物的数量不能满足不断增长的需求量,更多情况下是合成产物(通常情况下将其称为人造材料)的物理性质已被选择性加强,因此人造材料将

9、在其应用领域内发挥出最大用途。 9、Valuable solvent vapors carried by a gas stream may be recovered for reuse by washing the gas with an appropriate solvent for the vapors. 直译:气流中有回收价值的溶剂蒸气可用针对蒸气的恰当溶剂洗涤来进行回收。 倒译:采用适当的溶剂对蒸气进行洗涤,可回收出气流中有回收价值的原溶剂蒸气。 10、At equilibrium, these two rate are equal; cupric ion is still react

10、ing with ammonia molecules to form the complex, and the complex is still decomposing, but just as much cupric ammonia complex is being decomposed in unit time as is being formed. 在平衡态,两种速率相等;铜离子仍然在与氨分子形成络合物,络合物仍然在分解,但单位时间内分解的铜氨络合物与生成的刚好一样多。(顺译法,注意最后一句的译法) 11、 The considerable success of these studie

11、s has not only increased our knowledge (of the intimate details of chemical change )and greatly expanded the possibilities of synthesis, but has also brought a theoretical unity to the whole field of organic chemistry (which has the effect of making its principles easier to teach and to learn). 这些研究

12、的重大成就不仅让我们更加深入了解到化学变化的详细信息、提高了合成的可能性,还使得整个有机化学领域带来了理论上的统一,从而使得有机化学原理的教与学都变得较为容易。 12、 Aluminum remained unknown until the nineteenth century, because nowhere in nature is it found free, owing to its always being combined with other elements, most commonly with oxygen,( for which it has a strong affin

13、ity). 译文:由于铝极易与氧等有着强烈亲和性的元素相结合,因此自然界中没有游离态的铝单独存在,故直到19世纪铝才被发现。 13、 Organic chemistry in the future will certainly continue to blossom in the same exciting way (that has characterized its recent active past), largely toward the goals suggested in the three areas above. 译文:将来,有机化学会如过去一样的继续繁荣发展,其发展目标主要

14、是上文所述三方面的内容。 14、 For example, the benzene and toluene are removed from the absorption oil( mentioned above) by contacting the liquid solution with steam, whereupon the vapors enter the gas stream and are carried away, and the absorption oil may be used again. 解析:这是由三个句子组成的复句,连接词有:Whereupon:conj.,因此;

15、and 译文:例如,苯和甲苯与带蒸气的液态溶液接触后就可从上文提及的吸收油里除去,然后蒸气进入汽流被带走,吸收油就得到了再利用。 15、Magnesium is another mineral( we now obtain by collecting huge volumes of ocean water and treating it with chemicals), although originally it was derived only from brines or from the treatment of such magnesium-containing rocks as d

16、olomite, (of which whole mountain ranges are composed). 译文:镁是现在可通过化学物质对海水进行处理而制得的另一种矿物质,不过最初镁只能从卤水中获得,或从可组成整个山脉的白云石等含镁岩石中获得。 16、The idea that the four valence bonds of the carbon atom are directed toward the corners of a regular tetrahedron was advanced in 1874r by Vant Hoff and independently by Le

17、Be1to explain the existence of right-handed and left-handed forms of some organic compounds, which shows in the face development of crystals(enantiomorphism)and in the power of solutions to rotate the plane of polarization of a transmitted beam of polarized light either to the right or to the left (

18、optical activity). 译文:碳原子的四个共价键直接指向规则四面体的四个角的思想是Vant Hoff于1874年提出,Le Be1则单独指出该想法可以解释部分有机化合物中存在右旋和左旋现象的原因,这表现为晶体的映像异构现象和溶液能将极化光透射光的偏振面向左或向右偏转。 17、 According to this invention, a method (for the production of elemental titanium from titanium tetrachloride )comprises the step (of combining titanium tet

19、rachloride in vapor form with a vaporized alkali or alkali earth metal or metals), the vapors being heated by hydrogen forming a carrier gas (passed through an electric arc to maintain the reacting materials) at a temperature( at which elemental titanium is liquid )but above boiling point (of the ch

20、loride formed by combining the chlorine of the titanium tetrachloride with the alkali or alkali earth reducing metal employed), the chloride of the reducing metal and other unwanted products being removed in vapor form. 译文:根据该发明,由四氯化钛制备单质钛的步骤为:四氯化钛与碱金属或碱土金属以蒸气态进行反应,通过电弧加热氢气使之形成载体气流以使蒸气态的反应物质维持在一定温度,

21、要求该温度下钛呈液态,而四氯化钛中的氯与碱金属或碱土金属反应生成的氯化物则呈气态,因此还原金属的氯化物和其它副产物以蒸气的形式得以移除。 18、To illustrate the conclusion that the heat evolution accompanying a change in state of a system is not determined by the initial and final states alone but depends also on the path, and in particular on the work done by the syst

22、em during the change, let us consider a system (composed of a sample of a perfect gas), initially at temperature T and pressure p1 and finally at the same temperature T and smaller pressure p2. 译文:为解释如下结论:伴随系统状态改变而产生的热效应不仅由系统的初态与末态来决定,而与过程尤其是变化过程中系统所做的功也紧密相关,我们来考虑如下由理想气体组成的系统:初态是温度为T、压力为p1,末态的温度不变仍为

23、T,而压力则减小到p2。 19、The slurry is filtered to recover the electrolyte solution (for recycling to the electromachining operation), and the metal hydroxides (which are heated to convert them to oxides),( that are subsequently reduced to metal). 译文:浆料过滤后,回收的电解液被循环用于电加工操作中,金属氢氧化物则加热转化为氧化物,然后再还原为金属。 20、There

24、 were developed, both in Germany and the USA, the Igepon type of compounds (of which Igepon-T, the sodium salt of oleyl tauride is an example,) and (in Germany the Mersolates, which are alkane sulphates). 译文:在德国和美国,Igepon型化合物非常发达,如oleyl tauride的钠盐是一种 Igepon-T型化合物,德国的Mersolates则是一种烷基硫酸盐。 21、 It is because the bonding properties of one pair of electrons in the double bond are not fully satisfied, and in the presence of a suitable reagent the pair will react with the reagent to give a new bond system that is more stable. 译文:这是因为双键中的一对电子具有不饱和性,因此在适合试剂的存在下,这对电子将与试剂发生反应生成更稳定的体系。

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