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1、中医英语词汇汇总Lesson One History of Traditional Chinese Medicine中医术语acupunture and moxibusion 针灸health maintenance 养生drugs cold and cool 寒凉药the school of cold and cool 寒凉派diaphoesis emesis purgation 汗吐下the school of purgation 攻下派exagenous pathogenic factors 外邪reinforcing the earth 补土internal impairment of

2、 spleen and stomach would bring about vorious diseases 内伤脾胃 百病由生yang is usually redundant ,while yin is frequently deficient.阳常有余 阴常不足nourishing yin 滋阴medicinal herbs 草药blood stagnation 淤血warm and inorgorate the spleen and stomach 温养脾胃中国医药学: traditional Chinese medicine 中医基础理论: basic theory of tradi

3、tional Chinese medicine临床经验: clinical experience辨证论治: treatment based on syndrome differentiation; pattern identification and treatment本草: materia medica中药: Chinese materia medica; Chinese medicinals 中草药: Chinese medicinal herbs四气五味: four properties and five tastes针灸: acupuncture and moxibustion各家学说

4、: theories of different schools汗法: diaphoresis; sweating therapy下法: purgative therapy; precipitation吐法: emetic therapy; vomiting therapy补土派: school of invigorating the earth病因学说: etiology养生: health cultivation; health improvement; health preservation医疗实践: medical practice治疗原则: therapeutic principles

5、寒凉药物: cold and cool medicinals 滋阴降火: nourishing yin to reduce fire瘀血: blood stasis正气: healthy qi 病邪: pathogenic factor整体观念: holism; holistic concept气血运行: circulation of qi and blood自然现象: natural phenomenaLesson Two Materialism and Dialectics in Traditional Chinese Medicine中医术语Materialism 唯物主义dialect

6、ics 辩证法celestial qi 天气terrestrial qi 地气the interaction between yin and yang 阴阳相互作用the lucid yang ascends to constitute the earth 清阳为天qi transformation 气化essence 精prenatal essence 先天之精shen(spirit) 神pathological factor 邪气the opposition and unity of yin and yang 阴阳对立统一the motion and changes of yin and

7、yang 阴阳运动变化organic whole 有机整体Five kinds of visceral qi 五脏之气five emotional changes 五志excessive rage impairs the liver 怒伤肝 excessive joy impairs the heart 喜伤心excessive meditation impairs the spleen 思伤脾excessive melancholy impairs the lung 悲伤肺excessive fright impairs the kidney 恐伤肾routine treatment and

8、 contray treatment 正治反治tit-for-tat(or blow-for-blow) 正治reinforcing therapy 补法purging therapy 泄法differential application and therapeutic methods 异法方宜mental activity 神志活动the heart is the king organ responsible for the activity of thinking consciousness 心为君主之官主神志意识will 意termed 志thinking 思wisdom 智summer

9、-heat 暑热zheng qi ( healthy qi ) 正气Lesson Three The Basic Characteristics of TCMmaterilism and dialectics 唯物论和辨证法the concept of organic whole 整体观念treatment based on syndrone differentian 辨证论治drawing yin from yang 从阴引阳treating the nights forcuring disease on the left 从右治左treating the same disease with

10、 different therapies 同病异治treating differnt disease with the same therapy 异病同治clear away fire in the heart清心火sprouting occurs in spring ,growth in summer,transformationg in late summer ,reaping in autumn andstoring in winter 春生 夏长 秋收 冬藏the relation between pachogenic factors and healthy qi 正邪关系the fo

11、ur diagnosic methods 四诊purging the small intestine 泻小肠spring is usually marked by warrachs , summer by heat ,late summer by dampness ,autumn bydryness and winter by cold 春暖 夏暑 长夏 秋燥 冬寒the interstitial space are open when one swears clothes in summer天暑衣厚则奏理开哲学概念: philosophical concept对立统一: opposition

12、 and unity相互消长: mutual waning and waxing阴阳属性: nature of yin and yang相互转化: mutual transformation相互联系: interrelation相互制约: mutual restraint动态平衡: dynamic equilibrium阴平阳秘: yin and yang in equilibrium相互依存: interdependence 阴阳的互根互用: interdependence between yin and yang阴阳离绝: dissociation of yin and yang阴阳转化:

13、 transformation between yin and yang阳消阴长: yang waning while yin waxing阴胜则阳病: predominance of yin leading to disorder of yang阳胜则热: predominance of yang generating heat寒极生热: extreme cold generating heat热极生寒: extreme heat generating cold相反相成: opposite and supplementary to each other生理功能: physiological

14、functions病理变化: pathological changes临床诊断: clinical diagnosis 阳胜生外热: exuberance of yang leading to exterior heat阳中求阴: obtaining yin from yang阳虚则寒: yang deficiency leading to heat 阳损及阴: impairment of yang involving yin阴中之阳: yang within yin 阴阳两虚: simultaneous deficiency of yin and yang阳虚发热: fever due to

15、 yang deficiency阴阳学说: theory of yin and yang症状与病名stomatitis口腔炎 proctoptosis脱肛dysentery痢疾hysteroptosis子宫脱垂measles麻疹 ulcer溃疡thecollapse of zhongqi 中气下陷Lesson Four The Theory of Yin and Yang中医术语相互消长:growth and decline between yin and yang阴阳属性:yin and yang properties相互转化:inter-transformation相互依存:interde

16、pendence between yin and yang阴阳的无限可分性:the infinite divisibility of yin and yang阴平阳秘:yang steadies while yin calms阳消阴长:waning of yang will lead to waxing of yin阳胜则热:predominance of yang gives rise to heat syndrome寒极生热:extreme cold brings on heat热极生寒:extreme heat brings to cold阴中之阴:yin within yin阳中之阳:

17、yang within yang阴中之阳:yin within yang阳中之阴:yang within yin阴阳互根:interdependence between yin and yang阴阳自和:natural harmony of yin and yang春生sprouting in spring夏长growing in summer秋收reaping in autumn冬藏 storing in winter相互制约:mutual opposition and restriction between yin and yang动静升降出入motion and quiescence ,

18、ascending and descending exiting and entering孤阳不升,孤阴不长if only yang exists ,there will be no birth,if only yin exists,there will be no growth .动态平衡 dynamic equilibrium阴胜则热excess of yang causing heat阴阳失调:imbalance between yin and yang yin-yang disharmony wiseman 02/ 谢竹藩04阴阳两虚 deficiency of both yin an

19、d yang dual vacuity of yin and yang wiseman 02阴阳乖戾 dysequilibrium between yin and yang ying-yang imbalance 谢竹藩04阴阳离决 separation of yin and yang while yin is (exuberant)prevails, there is cold wiseman 02阳胜则热 when yang prevails, there is heat wiseman 02阳胜则阴病when yang prevails, yin ails wiseman 02阴胜则阳病

20、 when yin prevails, yang ails wiseman 02阳虚则外寒 when yang is vacuous, there is external cold wiseman 02阴虚则内热 when yin is is vacuous, there is internal heat wiseman 02阴损及阳 detriment to yang affects yin wiseman 02阳损及阴 exuberant yin repelling yang wiseman 02阴虚火盛 exuberant yin vacuity fire wiseman 02exube

21、rance of fire/due to yin-deficiency 简明汉英中医词典2002李照国阴虚火旺 effulgent yin vacuity fire wiseman 02yin vacuity fire effulgent wiseman 02yin deficiency with effulgent fire 中医药常用名词术语英译 2004。9谢竹藩阴虚血热 yin vacuity blood heat wiseman 02 blood-heat due to yin-deficiency 简明汉英中医词典2002李照国阴虚阳浮 yin vacuity with float

22、ing yang wiseman 02 floating of yang due to yin-deficiency 简明汉英中医词典2002李照国阴虚阳亢 yin vacuity with yang hyperactivity wiseman 02 yin deficiency with yang hyperactivity中医药常用名词术语英译 2004。9谢竹藩阴阳制约 yin and yang counter-balance each other wiseman 02阴阳转化 mutual convertibility of yin and yang wiseman 02 inter-

23、transformation of yin and yang 中医药常用名词术语英译 2004。9谢竹藩阴病制阴 yang disease is treated through yin wiseman 02阴生于阳 yin is engendered by yang wiseman 02阴竭阳脱 exhaustion of yin and desertion of yang depletion of yin and collapse of yang 中医药常用名词术语英译 2004。9谢竹藩simultaneous appearance of yin exhaustion and yang d

24、epletion中医药常用名词术语英译谢竹藩阴平阳秘 when yin is clam and yang is sound wiseman 02阴盛内寒 exuberant inter yin cold wiseman 02Lesson Five The Application of the Theory of Yin and Yang in TCM术 语外为阳 the exterior is yang内为阴 the interior is yin阴中之至阴 the extreme yin within the yin心阴 heart-yin心阳 heart-yang肾阴 kidney-yin

25、肾阳 kidney-yang胃阴 stomach-yin胃阳 stomach-yang阴平阳秘 the equilibrium between yin and yang阴阳离决 the dissociation of yin and yang阴阳俱损 waning and waxing of yin and yang阴胜则阳病 predominance of yin leads to the disease of yang阳胜则阴病 predominance of yang results in the disease of yin阳盛则热 predominance of yang gives

26、 rise to heat syndrome阴盛则寒 predominance of yin brings on cold syndrome阳虚则寒 yang-asthenia leads to exterior cold阴虚则热 yin-asthenia brings on interior heat重寒则热 extreme cold leading to heat重热则寒 extreme heat resulting in cold重阴必阳 extreme yin turning into yang重阳必阴 extreme yang changing into yin阴阳失调 inbala

27、nce between yin and yang阴阳两虚 asthenia of both yin and yang阴阳乖戾 dysequilibrium between yin and yang阴损及阳 impairment of yin affecting yang阳损及阴 impairment of yang affecting yin阳病治阴 treating yin for curing yang disease阴病治阳 treating yang for curing yin disease阴胜格阳 predominance yin rejecting yang阳胜格阴 predo

28、minance yang rejecting yin阳虚则外寒 yang-asthenia leads to exterior cold阴虚则内热 yin-asthenia brings on interior heatLesson Six Theory of Five Elements The five elements refer to wood, fire, earth, metal and water in the natural world.五行是指自然界中的木、火、土、金、水。 Five materials 五材 Mutual promotion and mutual restri

29、ction 相生相克 Wood is growing freely and peripherally 木曰曲直 Fire is flaming upward 火曰炎上 Earth is cultivating and reaping 土爰稼穑 Metal is changing 金曰从革 Water is moistening and downward flowing 水曰润下 Analogy 取象比类 Inter-generation 相生 Inter-restriction 相克 Counter-restriction 相侮 Over-restriction 相乘 Mother-child

30、 relationship 母子关系 Oppose each other 相互对立 Complement each other 相互补充 Physiological balance 生理平衡 Ecological equilibrium 生态平衡 Wood restricts earth 木克土 If wood is in excess, it may over restrict earth. 木盛乘土 Wood subjugates earth/wood over-restricts earth 木乘土 Metal restricts wood 金克木 When wood is in exc

31、ess, wood will counter-restrict metal. 木盛侮金 When metal is in deficiency, wood will counter-restrict metal/it may be counter-restricted by wood. 金虚木侮 Wood counter-restricts metal 木侮金 When metal is deficient, it may be over-restricted by fire. 金虚火乘五行学说: theory of the five elements 运动变化: motion and variation 条达舒畅: free development 相生相克: mutual generation and restriction “生我”、“我生”: to be generated and to generate “克我

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