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1、专八英语阅读及解析英译汉We, the human species, are confronting a planetary emergency a threat to the survival of our civilization that is gathering ominous and destructive potential even as we gather here. But there is hopeful news as well: we have the ability to solve this crisis and avoid the worst though not

2、 all of its consequences, if we act boldly, decisively and quickly.However, despite a growing number of honorable exceptions, too many of the worlds leaders are still best described in the words Winston Churchill applied to those who ignored Adolf Hitlers threat: They go on in strange paradox, decid

3、ed only to be undecided, resolved to be irresolute, adamant for drift, solid for fluidity, all powerful to be impotent.So today, we dumped another 70 million tons of global-warming pollution into the thin shell of atmosphere surrounding our planet, as if it were an open sewer. And tomorrow, we will

4、dump a slightly larger amount, with the cumulative concentrations now trapping more and more heat from the sun. 我们人类,正面临全球性的危机,我们的保留和文明受到威胁。尽管我们聚在一路共商对策,而灾难却在扩大,形式不容乐不美观。但也有令人欣喜的动静:如不美观步履斗胆不美判定,反映迅速,我们有能力解决这场危机,避免其向最坏的标的目的成长。可是,时下世界上的良多国家率领人可以用昔时温斯顿丘吉尔攻讦欧洲诸政要轻忽阿道夫希特勒的名言来形容,“它们在奇异的悖论中前行,仅仅为一个抉择而踌躇不决,

5、有终局心却牵丝攀藤,抉择信念犹疑不定,看法趁波逐浪,掌权者虚弱无力。”而现在我们向这个星球懦弱的大气层倾倒跨越七万万吨温室气体,把其算作自然排污口。明天我们还会变本加厉,聚积的温室气体吸纳了越来越多的太阳热度。汉译英手机改变了人与人之间的关系。凡是有注重到会议室的门上的通告,写着“封锁手机。”然而,会议室仍然布满着铃声。我们都是通俗人,没有良多主要的工作。可是,我们也不愿等闲封锁手机。打开手机象征着我们与世界的联系。手机反映出我们的社交饥渴。我们经常看到,一小我走着走着,就俄然停下来了,眼睛盯着他的手机,不管他在那儿那里,无论是在道路中心或旁边有嚣张所。 Cell phone has alte

6、red human relations. There is usually a note on the door of conference room, which reads close your handset. However, the rings are still resounding in the room. We are all common people and has few urgencies to do. Still, we are reluctant to turn off the phone. Cell phone symbolizes our connection

7、with the world and reflects our thirst for socialization. We are familiar with the scene when a person stops his steps to edit short messages with eyes glued at his phone, disregard of his location, whether in road center or beside restroom.PART II READING COMPREHENSION (30MIN) u5f365考试网u5f365考试网In

8、this section there are four reading passages followed by a total of 20 multiple-choice questions. Read the passages and then mark your answers on your coloured answer sheet.u5f365考试网 u5f365考试网Text Au5f365考试网 The University in Transformation, edited by Australian futurists Sohail Inayatullah and Jenn

9、ifer Gidley, presents some 20 highly varied outlooks on tomorrows universities by writers representing both Western and non-Western perspectives.Their essays raise a broad range of issues,questioning nearly every key assumption we have about higher education today.u5f365考试网 The most widely discussed

10、 alternative to the traditional campus is the Internet Universitya voluntary community to scholars/teachers physically scattered throughout a country or around the world but all linked in cyberspace.A computerized university could have many advantages,such as easy scheduling,efficient delivery of le

11、ctures to thousands or even millions of students at once,and ready access for students everywhere to the resources of all the worlds great libraries.u5f365考试网 Yet the Internet University poses dangers,too.For example,a line of franchised courseware,produced by a few superstar teachers,marketed under

12、 the brand name of a famous institution,and heavily advertised,might eventually come to dominate the global education market,warns sociology professor Peter Manicas of the University of Hawaii at Manoa.Besides enforcing a rigidly standardized curriculum,such a“college education in a box”could unders

13、ell the offerings of many traditional brick and mortar institutions,effectively driving them out of business and throwing thousands of career academics out of work,note Australian communications professors David Rooney and Greg Hearn.u5f365考试网On the other hand,while global connectivity seems highly

14、likely to play some significant role in future higher education,that does not mean greater uniformity in course contentor other dangerswill necessarily follow.Counter-movements are also at work.u5f365考试网 Many in academia,including scholars contributing to this volume,are questioning the fundamental

15、mission of university education.What if,for instance,instead of receiving primarily technical training and building their individual careers,university students and professors could focus their learning and research efforts on existing problems in their local communities and the world? Feminist scho

16、lar Ivana Milojevic dares to dream what a university might become“if we believed that child care workers and teachers in early childhood education should be one of the highest (rather than lowest) paid professionals?”u5f365考试网Co-editor Jennifer Gidley shows how tomorrow s university faculty,instead

17、of giving lectures and conducting independent research,may take on three new roles.Some would act as brokers,assembling customized degree-credit programmes for individual students by mixing and matching the best course offerings available from institutions all around the world.A second group,mentors

18、,would function much like todays faculty advisers,but are likely to be working with many more students outside their own academic specialty.This would require them to constantly be learning from their students as well as instructing them.u5f365考试网 A third new role for faculty,and in Gidleys view the

19、 most challenging and rewarding of all,would be as meaning-makers: charismatic sages and practitioners leading groups of students/colleagues in collaborative efforts to find spiritual as well as rational and technological solutions to specific real-world problems.u5f365考试网 Moreover,there seems littl

20、e reason to suppose that any one form of university must necessarily drive out all other options.Students may be“enrolled”in courses offered at virtual campuses on the Internet,betweenor even duringsessions at a real world problem focused institution.u5f365考试网 As co-editor Sohail Inayatullah points

21、out in his introduction,no future is inevitable,and the very act of imagining and thinking through alternative possibilities can directly affect how thoughtfully,creatively and urgently even a dominant technology is adapted and applied.Even in academia,the future belongs to those who care enough to

22、work their visions into practical,sustainable realities.u5f365考试网u5f365考试网11. When the book reviewer discusses the Internet University,u5f365考试网A he is in favour of it. u5f365考试网B his view is balanced.u5f365考试网C he is slightly critical of it.u5f365考试网D he is strongly critical of it.u5f365考试网u5f365考试

23、网12. Which of the following is NOT seen as a potential danger of the Internet University? u5f365考试网A Internet based courses may be less costly than traditional ones.u5f365考试网B Teachers in traditional institutions may lose their jobs.u5f365考试网C Internet based courseware may lack variety in course con

24、tent.u5f365考试网D The Internet University may produce teachers with a lot of publicity.u5f365考试网u5f365考试网13. According to the review,what is the fundamental mission of traditional university education? u5f365考试网A Knowledge learning and career building.u5f365考试网B Learning how to solve existing social p

25、roblems.u5f365考试网C Researching into solutions to current world problems.u5f365考试网D Combining research efforts of teachers and students in learning.u5f365考试网u5f365考试网14. Judging from the three new roles envisioned for tomorrow s university faculty,university teachers u5f365考试网A are required to conduc

26、t more independent research.u5f365考试网B are required to offer more courses to their students.u5f365考试网C are supposed to assume more demanding duties.u5f365考试网D are supposed to supervise more students in their specialty.u5f365考试网u5f365考试网15. Which category of writing does the review belong to? u5f365考

27、试网A Narration. u5f365考试网B Description.u5f365考试网C Persuasion. u5f365考试网D Exposition.u5f365考试网u5f365考试网Text Bu5f365考试网 Every street had a story, every building a memory. Those blessed with wonderful childhoods can drive the streets of their hometowns and happily roll back the years. The rest are pulle

28、d home by duty and leave as soon as possible. After Ray Atlee had been in Clanton (his hometown) for fifteen minutes he was anxious to get out.u5f365考试网 The town had changed,but then it hadnt.On the highways leading in,the cheap metal buildings and mobile homes were gathering as tightly as possible

29、next to the roads for maximum visibility.This town had no zoning whatsoever.A landowner could build anything with no permit,no inspection,no notice to adjoining landowners,nothing.Only hog farms and nuclear reactors required approvals and paperwork.The result was a slash-and-build clutter that got u

30、glier by the year.u5f365考试网But in the older sections,nearer the square,the town had not changed at all.The long shaded streets were as clean and neat as when Ray roamed them on his bike.Most of the houses were still owned by people he knew,or if those folks had passed on the new owners kept the lawn

31、s clipped and the shutters painted.Only a few were being neglected.A handful had been abandoned.u5f365考试网 This deep in Bible country,it was still an unwritten rule in the town that little was done on Sundays except go to church,sit on porches,visit neighbours,rest and relax the way God intended.u5f3

32、65考试网 It was cloudy,quite cool for May,and as he toured his old turf,killing time until the appointed hour for the family meeting,he tried to dwell on the good memories from Clanton.There was Dizzy Dean Park where he had played Little League for the Pirates,and there was the public pool hed swum in every summer except 1969 when the city closed it rather than admit black children.There were the churchesBaptist,Methodist,and Presbyterianfacing each other at the intersection of Second and Elm lik

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