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国贸专业 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 不对外国企业抱任何敌意.docx

1、国贸专业 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 不对外国企业抱任何敌意原 稿IntroductionITC: Not foreign enterprises hold any hostility- Vice-Chairman of the U.S. International Trade Commission(ITC) DeannaTanner,Okun InterviewForeign Tade:ForChinese companies,theU.S. International TradeCommission (ITC)isstill relatively unknown. Economic an

2、d trade fields,knownfor Chinese enterprises,the Ministry of Commerce. ITCWhat are the differencesin their functions?Deanna Tanner Okun:StatesInternational TradeCommission (ITC)is asetupby Congress,quasi-judicial federal agency with extensive powers to deal with trade-related issues.In the U.S., has

3、the power institutions dealing with trade-related matters in addition to the ITC the U.S. Commerce Department. Perform their duties in the course of the investigation of the anti-dumping and intellectual property rights infringement, the display can.In economy and trade, specifically, the duties of

4、the U.S. Department of Commerce finds that constitute dumping and dumping margin, ITC is mainly survey dumping to the detriment of domestic firms in the United States. In addition .ITC is a quasi-judicial body, independent of the Government, specialized agencies, and trade for the U.S. government to

5、 provide advice and statistics. To take measures to maintain the general market relations in the United States for unfair trade practices.That is, the ITCs main functions include three parts. Management of U.S. trade remedy laws fair and objective manner; tariffs, international trade and competition

6、 issues to the President, the United States Trade Representative (USTR) and Congress to provide independent, high-quality information and support; maintaining the U.S. Harmonized Tariff Schedule. Based on the above-mentioned functions .ITC six members designated by the President and the Senate recog

7、nized the addition was designated to fill the unexpired vacancy, the appointment term of nine years. The term of office by the Constitution, the provisions of the staggered calculated. Every 18 months, have different members have retired. Members of the office for more than five years may not again

8、be specified. No more than three members from the same political party. Chairman and Vice-Chairman appointed by the president for a term of the statutory two years. The President shall not former President from the same political party. The President shall appoint two members from the same political

9、 party as Chair and Vice-Chairman.Foreign Tade:Then, the ITC is how to perform its functions for national service?Deanna Tanner Okun:ITC are five ways to carry out its functions to serve the country:- Import injury investigation, including determining the import of some kind of unfair trade (anti-du

10、mping or countervailing duty investigations) and the increase in imports (global and bilateral security measures for the investigation) to cause damage or a threat of material injury to U.S. industry.- IP-related imports of investigation, including the guide to sex, to obey the presidents objections

11、 against certain unfair practices in the import trade, such as patent or trademark infringement.- Investigation procedures, including an objective analysis of the major trade-related issues; to predict the economic impact of trade agreements; analysis of the specific competition in the industry, and

12、 to find within the industry and external economic factors that affect the industry competitive.- Trade information services to the ITC, Congress and the implementing agencies and the public delivery of reliable and timely information and analysis of data through this service.- Trade policy support

13、.ITC staff to provide direct technical support to the USTR, Congressional committees, inter-departmental committee, and the U.S. delegation in multilateral trade organizations such as the World Trade Organization (WTO).Authorization based on field surveys .ITC to exercise the powers of the extensive

14、 investigation of trade-related issues.The right to exercise judgment, the ITC to make a decision in respect of certain unfair trade practices. Through research .ITC also become the source of a national trade data collection and analysis, and information and analysis available to the implementing ag

15、encies and Congress to help them to specify and develop U.S. trade policy.Foreign Tade:Articles understand, import injury investigation, anti-dumping / countervailing duty investigations. The five-year (sunset) review of global security measures to investigate, and IP-related imports investigation t

16、he ITC often conducted several major investigations. Could you talk about the difference between them?Deanna Tanner Okun:Import Injury Investigation: ITC reserves the right to decide based on whether the U.S. trade law imported products cause damage to related industries for the United States, or a

17、threat of injury. ITCs injury investigation into the 13 anti-dumping and countervailing duty investigations .And in accordance with Chapter VII of the 1930 Tariff Act five-year (sunset) review; global security measures under the 1974 Trade Act (Disclaimer), Chinese security measures market disruptio

18、n investigation; According to the 1994 North American Free Trade Agreement(NAFTA), bilateral security measures to investigate the implementation of Act 302; and a survey conducted in accordance with section 22 of the agricultural Adjustment Act.Members according to the facts recorded in the relevant

19、 legal requirements and each survey to survey into El damage a decision on its view into El damage survey announced. And subject to judicial review.In each investigation, the ITC and investigation team (including an oversight investigator of an investigator, an accountant or auditor. An economist, a

20、 business analyst and a lawyer) produced a complete the survey of the domestic industry competitive market conditions report .Committee members and the research team using a variety of fact gathering techniques, including (but are not limited to) industry-specific questionnaires, telephone interview

21、s, factory visits, technical and market experts advice, statements by the parties, the public hearing, and to review the industry and market literature.In each survey, the survey team to collect and analyze a wide range of data, then an objective and comprehensive report submitted to the ITC. The da

22、ta in the report include (but are not limited to) industry production capacity, actual production, capacity utilization, domestic El goods, stocks, imports, the United States and foreign supplier by the share of U.S. market share, labor conditions, working hours, productivity, wages, paid total comp

23、ensation, unit labor cost, pricing, distribution channels, and related industries in the United States financial data .Some foreign production of related products industry data collection and analysis.ITC members and officials of the U.S. Department of Commerce, the U.S. customs service, survey clie

24、nts and their lawyers, the person in charge of the U.S. production company, importer, product buyers such as working together in the course of the investigation into El damage. In addition, members of Congress often through the hearing participating damage to their views and perspectives to the surv

25、ey report. In 2003.Members of Congress on the importation matters related to the investigation of l damage appeared 51 times in the ITC. Second, the anti-dumping / countervailing duty investigations and five-year (sunset) review: 1930 under Chapter VII of the Tariff Act of the U.S. industry in the U

26、.S. market at less than fair value into 13 sales (dumping) or benefit from foreign government subsidies (subsidies) to request the Government for relief .Dumping and subsidies are considered to be unfair trade practices.Under the law, the U.S. Department of Commerce decided to dump or subsidies exis

27、t, if it exists, the amount of dumping and subsidies. ITC decided to dumping or subsidies for imported products is the U.S. industry to cause substantial damage or substantial damage to the threat. If the two bodies on their respective problems have to give a positive final ruling, the Commerce Depa

28、rtment will dump released the command of anti-dumping duty order or subsidies countervailing duties. In the five years after the promulgation of the Commerce Department should cancel the anti-dumping or countervailing duty imposed order .Or termination of the moratorium, unless the Commerce Departme

29、nt that the elimination of tariffs imposed order or termination of the moratorium could lead to the continuation or resumption of dumping or subsidies .ITC at the same time that the elimination of tariffs imposed order or termination of dumping or subsidies to suspend the agreement in the reasonably

30、 foreseeable period of time is likely to continue or start again.In 2003.41 under Chapter VII of the request is put forward .Most of which are dumping (41, 35). These requests include a wide range of products, Such as malleable iron pipe fittings, memory, memory module, refined brown aluminum oxide,

31、 ceramic radio cylindrical insulator, prestressed cement Wire Rope, fluorescent pale rust inhibitors, water magnetic cut-outs, Color television receivers, Wax / resin transfer zone, Ethylene retail bag, Trahydrofurfuryl alcohol ,Hot coat hanger, Electrolytic manganese dioxide, Transparent rectangula

32、r tube. ITC has also completed a 2002 cases.Third, the global security measures survey: According to the 1974 Trade Act 201, imported products cause serious harm or serious threat of injury, the domestic industry can be brought to the ITC to reduce imports.201 did not like the anti-dumping / counter

33、vailing duty provisions of the Tariff Act, as the requirements to identify the existence of unfair trade behavior. If the ITC 201 investigation, a positive decision, it will recommend to the President to reduce imports to compensate for the damage, easy to adjust the domestic industry against import competition .The

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