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1、生活大爆炸第一季THEBIGBANGTHEROYS01E16字幕中英文对照打印版-Leonard:Its no big deal, its just the way I was raised.没什么大不了的,我就是这么长大的啊。My parents focused on celebrating achievements,我父母只庆祝重大成就,and being expelled from a birth canal was not considered one of them.而我从产道里被排出那么不认为是重大成就之一。-Penny:Thats so silly.这太愚蠢了。-Sheldon:

2、Its actually based on very sound theories.这实际上是很有理论根据的,His mother published a paper on it.他母亲还就此发表了论文。-Penny:Well, what was it called?那题目叫什么?I Hate My Son and Thats Why He Cant Have Cake?我恨我儿子所以他不能过生日?-Sheldon:It was obviously effective.这显然很有效果。Leonard grew up to be an experimental physicist.Leonard

3、成长为一名实验物理学家。Perhaps if shed also denied him Christmas,如果他母亲取消了他的圣诞节,hed be a little better at it.他可能还会做得更好。-Leonard:Thank you.谢谢。-Howard:Well, I love birthdays.我喜欢过生日。Waking up to Moms special French toast breakfast,在母亲特制的法国面包早餐的香味中醒来,wearing the birthday king crown, playing laser tag with all my fr

4、iends.戴上生日皇冠和朋友们一起玩激光生存游戏.-Penny:Yeah, see? Thats what kids should have.对了,瞧吧? 孩子就该这么过生日。-Howard:Actually, that was last year.其实那是我去年的生日。-Penny:So you really never had a birthday party?你真的从来没有过生日派对?-Leonard:No, but it was okay.没有,不过没关系。I mean, when I was little,在我很小的时候,Id think maybe my parents woul

5、d change their mind我想可能父母会改变主意,and surprise me with a party.给我个惊喜开个生日派对。Like this one birthday I came home from my cello lesson就像有一次生日,我去学大提琴下课回到家,and I saw a lot of strange cars parked out front.看到家门前停了很多陌生车辆,When I got to the door, I could hear people whispering我进门后听到很多人低声耳语,and I could smell Germ

6、an chocolate cake,我还闻到了德式巧克力蛋糕的味道,which is my favorite.正是我最喜欢的那种。-Penny:And?然后?-Leonard:It turns out my grandfather had died.原来是我祖父刚去世。-Penny:Oh, my God. Thats terrible.天哪,太可怜了。-Leonard:Well, it was kind of like a birthday party.这也算是一次生日派对了。I got to see all my cousins, and there was cake, so.我见到了所有的

7、表亲还有蛋糕.-Penny:Thats the sadest thing Ive ever heard.这是我听到过最悲惨的事了。-Howard:You think?你这么认为么?Go ahead, tell her about your senior prom.继续,跟她说说你的毕业舞会。-Howard:You make sure they remember no peanuts.记得告诉他们别放花生。-Leonard:Howard, every Thai restaurant in town knows you cant eat peanuts.Howard,城里的每个泰式餐馆都知道你不吃

8、花生。When they see me coming, they go, Ah, no-peanut boy!他们一看到我来就喊 啊不吃花生的男孩!。-Sheldon:Hello, Penny. Leonard just left.你好Penny ,Leonard 刚出去。-Penny:I know. I want to talk to you.我知道,我是想跟你谈谈。-Sheldon:What would we talk about?我们能谈什么?We have no overlapping areas of interest Im aware of.我想我们的兴趣没有交集吧。As you

9、know, I dont care for chitchat.你知道我不喜欢闲谈。-Penny:Can you just let me in?能让我进去吗?-Sheldon:Well, all right, but I dont see this as a promising endeavor.好吧,但我不认为这尝试有用。-Penny:Okay, heres the deal.好吧,事情是这样的,We are going to throw Leonard a kick-ass surprise party for his birthday on Saturday.我们周六为Leonard生日办

10、个超酷的生日派对。-Sheldon:I hardly think so.我不同意。Leonard made it very clear he doesnt want a party.Leonard 非常清楚地表示他不想要生日派对。-Howard:Did someone say. party?有人提到. 派对?-Penny:He just doesnt know he wants one cause hes never had one.他只是不知道他想要,因为从来没人为他举办过。-Howard:I suppose thats possible, but for the record,就算如此,但

11、是请注意,Ive never had a threesome and yet I still know I want one.我从来没有玩过三人行 但我知道我想要玩。-Penny:Howard, heres the difference- the possibility existsHoward 这两者的区别是. 在地狱被冰封之前,that Leonard could have a birthday party before hell freezes over.Leonard有可能享受生日派对。-Howard:Fine. If I do have a threesome, you cant b

12、e part of it.好吧,如果我玩三人行 你不能参加。Im just kidding. Yes, you can.开玩笑的,你能参加。Can you bring a friend?你能再带个朋友来吗?-Sheldon:I think a birthday partys a terrible idea.我觉得生日派对的主意太糟了。I envy Leonard for growing up without that anguish.我很嫉妒Leonard从小到大没遭这样的罪。-Penny:Anguish?!遭罪?!-Sheldon:Year after year, I had to endu

13、re wearing comical hats年复一年我不得不忍受戴着滑稽的帽子,while being forced into the crowded, sweaty hell of bouncy castles.被迫挤在人群里,在充气城堡里弄得满身大汗。Not to mention being blindfolded and being spun toward a grotesque更别提被蒙上眼睛去给那头无尾的怪驴钉上尾巴了,tailless donkey as the other children mocked my disorientation.还要被其他孩子嘲笑我的方向感。-Pen

14、ny:Okay, sweetie, I understand you have scars好了,亲爱的我理解你有心理创伤,that no nonprofessional can heal, but, nevertheless, were going to throw Leonard a birthday party. 不是非专业人士可以治愈的,可是尽管如此,我们还是要替Leonard办一个生日派对。 -Sheldon:HaveI pointed out我有没有指出that Im extremely uncomfortable with dancing, loud music我极度反感跳舞,吵闹

15、的音乐,and most other forms of alcohol-induced frivolity?和大局部由酒精引发的轻薄行径?-Penny:Nevertheless, were. 但是我们. -Sheldon:In addition, I really dont think that Leonard wants. 此外,我真的不认为Leonard会希望. -Penny:Okay, heres the deal:好吧,这么说吧:You either you help me throw Leonard a birthday party你要么帮我为Leonard搞派对,or, so he

16、lp me God, I will go into your bedroom要么,帮帮我吧上帝,我会去你卧室把你最珍惜的and unbag all of your most valuable, mint-condition comic books.And on one of them- you wont know which-我会在其中一本上. 你不会知道是哪一本.Ill draw a tiny happy face in ink.用墨水画一个小笑脸。-Sheldon:You cant do that.你不能那么做。If you make a mark in a mint comic book

17、, its no longer mint.-Penny:Sheldon, do you understand the concept of blackmail?Sheldon你知道什么是勒索么?-Sheldon:Well, of course, I. Oh.当然,我. 噢。Yeah, I have an idea.对了,我有个主意,Lets throw Leonard a kick-ass birthday party.我们给Leonard办一个超棒的生日派对吧。-Sheldon:Thats not the secret knock.This is the secret knock.-Howa

18、rd:What difference does it make?有什么区别吗?-Sheldon:The whole point of a secret knock is to establish a non-verbal signalto verify the identity of ones co-conspirators.以此验证同谋者的身份。-Penny: Is that Raj and Howard? 是Raj和Howard吗? -Sheldon:Possibly, but unverified.可能是,未经查证。-Howard:Will you just let us in.让我们进

19、去行不行。-Sheldon:Luckily for you, this is not a nuclear reactor.算你们走运,这里不是核反响堆。-Penny: So whatd you get the birthday boy?你们给生日主角准备了什么?-Howard:Well, Raj got him an awesome, limited edition Dark Knight sculptureRaj给他准备了一个非常棒的限量版暗夜骑士人形玩偶,based on Alex Rosss definitive Batman.基于Alex Ross确认的蝙蝠侠形象 ( )。And I

20、got him this amazing autographed copy我给他的是费曼物理讲义,of The Feynman Lectures on Physics.-Penny: Nice. I got him a sweater.不错,我给他的是件毛衣。-Howard:Okay, well, he might like that. Ive seen him get chilly.他可能会喜欢的,我看到他打过寒颤。Sheldon, I didnt see your present.Sheldon我还没看到你的礼物呢。-Sheldon:Thats because I didnt bring

21、one.因为我没准备。-Penny: Why not? 为什么? -Howard:Dont ask.别问了。-Sheldon:The entire institution of gift-giving makes no sense.互赠礼物的机制根本毫无意义,-Howard:Too late. 太晚了。-Sheldon:Lets say I go out假设我出去了,and I spend $50 on you. Its a laborious activity然后为你花了50美元,这纯粹是费力的活动,because I have to imagine what you need,我还得考虑你

22、需要什么,whereas you know what you need.然而只有你知道你需要什么。Now, I could simplify things- just give you the $50 directly,那么我可以把事情简化. 直接给你那50美元。and then you could give me $50然后你会在我生日时给我50美元。on my birthday, and so on, until one of us dies,如此反复,直到我们中的一人死去。leaving the other one old and $50 richer.另一个老家伙就会比这人富有50美元

23、。And I ask you, is it worth it?我问你这样有好处吗?-Howard:Told you not to ask.告诉你别问了。-Penny:Sheldon ,You are his friend.Sheldon你是他的朋友。Friends give each other presents.朋友之间会赠送礼物的。-Sheldon:I accept your premise, I reject your conclusion.我接受你的前提但拒绝接受你的结论。-Howard:Try telling him its a non-optional social convent

24、ion.告诉他这是不可选择的社会习俗。-Penny:What? 什么? -Howard:Just do it.就这样说。-Penny:Its a non-optional. social convention.这是不可选择的. 社会习俗。-Sheldon:Oh. Fair enough.噢,这理由可以接受。He came with a manual.他还有附送的使用手册。-Sheldon:Question-问题.how am I going to get Leonard a present before the party?我怎么才能赶在派对之前给Leonard买到礼物呢?I dont dri

25、ve and the only things available我不会开车但是在步行范围内within walking distance are a Thai restaurant and a gas station.只有一间泰式餐馆和加油站。I suppose I could wrap up an order of mee krob and a couple of lottery scratchers.我想可以打包一份泰式米粉还有几张刮刮彩票。-Penny:Okay lets do this-好吧,行动吧.I will drive Sheldon to get a present.我开车带S

26、heldon去买礼物。And Howard, you need to get rid of Leonard for about two hours. Howard你把Leonard骗出去大概两个小时。 -Howard:No problem.没问题。-Penny:And then, Raj, you bring the stuff across the hall and start setting up.然后Raj你把东西拿到对面可以开始布置了。-Howard:What if guests show up?客人来了怎么办?-Penny:Entertain them.招待他们。-Howard:Wh

27、at if theyre women?如果是女客人呢?-Penny:Stare at them and make them feel uncomfortable.盯着她们让她们觉得不舒服。-Howard:Hey.嘿。-Leonard:Hey.嘿。-Howard:Hows it going on? 怎么样啦? -Leonard:Fine.很好。-Howard:So listen, the NuArt is showing the revised, definitive cut of Blade Runner. 听好,NuArt影院正在上映最终修改版的银翼杀手。-Leonard:Seen it.看

28、过了。-Howard:No, youve seen the 25th Anniversary Final Cut.Anniversary:周年纪念This one has eight seconds of previously unseen footage.这次是含有8秒珍贵的未公开片段。They say it completely changes the tone of the film.他们说这将完全改变电影基调。-Leonard:Uh. pass.呃.算了。-Howard:Come on.不是吧。Afterwards, theres a Q & A with Harrison Fords

29、 body double.然后还有哈里森福特的替身访谈。-Leonard:Look, Im in the Halo battle of my life here.你看,我还在光晕战争的紧要关头呢 (光晕XBOX著名的电脑游戏)。Theres this kid in Copenhagen- he has no immune system,这个哥本哈根的孩子. 他没有免疫系统,so all he does is sit in his bubble and play Halo 24-seven.所以他只好待在隔菌罩里7天24小时只能玩光晕。-Howard:Cant you play him some

30、 other time?你就不能改天跟他玩吗?-Leonard:Not if you believe his Doctors.除非你不相信他医生的话。-Howard:Oh, my God, do you smell gas?噢,天,你闻到煤气味了吗?-Leonard:No. 没有。-Howard:Yeah, No.对,没有。-Penny:You know, they have DVDs over there.那边有卖DVD的。-Sheldon:Yes, but they have DVD burners over here.没错,但是DVD刻录机在这里。Leonard needs a DVD burner.Leonard需要一台刻录机。-Penny:Sheldon, a gift shouldnt be something someone needs,Sheldon礼物并不应是对方需要的,it should be something fun.应该是些有趣的东西。You know, something they wou

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