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第五章 动词.docx

1、第五章 动词第五章 动词动词是表达句意的精髓,句子的时态、语态等全依靠动词来体现。动词可分为实意动词(如:go, do, make)、系动词(如:be, remain, seem)、助动词和情态动词(见第七章)实意动词又可分为及物动词,即可接宾语的词,如:yield, resist, discover;和不及物动词,即不能直接接宾语的词,如:go, begin, happen。有很多词既是及物动词又是不及物动词,如:drop, grow, fail第一节 不定式不定式是动词的非谓语形式,它的构成为:to+动词原形,to 可视为不定式的标志词,两个动词常用to 连接构成不定式。不定式可以有多种形

2、式,如:主动式(to drink, to see)、被动式(to be continued, to be understood)、完成式(to have completed, to have been adopted)、进行式(to be leaving)等不定式在句中常作下列成分:考点一 不定式作宾语、主语或表语1. 作宾语:不定式多接在谓语动词后作宾语如:He decided to put in a good word for me at the meeting.I didnt expect to hear from you so soon.常用的可接不定式宾语的动词有:decide, e

3、xpect, determine, offer, forget, remember, want, prefer,wish, hope, continue, begin, attempt, agree, etc.例:Human beings are social animals who usually prefer not to live in physical or psychologicalisolation.2. 作主语:不定式短语可作主语如:To see is to believe (百闻不如一见)To work hard should be your major concern.注意:

4、由于英文不习惯句子主语过长,不定式主语常被形式主语it 所代替(详见第十七章)例如上面第二句可以变为: It should be your major concern to work hard.又如: It is very nice of you to help me.It is hard for you to carry this heavy box.3. 作表语:当句子的主语是purpose, aim, duty, goal, hope, plan, suggestion, idea, intention,problem, mistake, reaction 等表示“意图”、“目的”、“功

5、能”等意思的词时,一般由不定式作表语如:His only purpose in life is to seek truth.Our plan was to raise money for the new project.满分网托福语法28例题:(1)Before the invention of the clock, people had to reliable on the celestial bodies toA B Ctell time.答案:C应改为:rely.解释:此处to 是构成不定式的标志词, 之后应接动词原形(2)Chinese immigrants began - to th

6、e United States in large numbers in the middle of the nineteenthcentury.(A) come(B) to come(C) to have come(D) have come答案:B解释:空格处需要began 的宾语,可以是动名词或不定式,A, D 是动词原形,可先排除;C 是不定式的完成式,不符合begin 的用法;只有B 正确(3)The central purpose of management is for making every action or decision helpA Bachieve a carefull

7、y chosen goal. 答案:A应改为:to make解释:主语purpose 决定应用不定式作表语,故改为to make考点二 不定式作定语不定式常接在名词之后作定语,如:something to read, nothing to do, anything to declare,a lot to complain of, the right person to talk to, etc.由上述例子不难看出不定式和被修饰词间有动宾关系,因此不及物动词之后必须加上相搭配的介词(例如上面的complain + of, talk +to)不定式定语还可表示将来的含义,如:in the year

8、s to follow, the meeting to be held in June针对TOEFL 解题需注意下列情况:1. 由序数词修饰的名词之后多用不定式作定语,如:the first one to arrive, the last to mention, the only thing to talk about例句:Not only was the Mariner spacecraft the first to fly beyond Mars, but it also survived inspace well past its expected lifetime of twenty-

9、one months.2. 改错题常出现名词之后直接接动词,且二者间不是主谓关系而是动宾关系,此处必定有错,应在动词前加to,变为不定式作定语如:Do you have anything declare (错)Do you have anything to declare (对) (你有什么东西需要申报的吗?)3. 少量题中出现了类似定语从句的不定式作定语,其基本形式为:介词+关系代词+不定式,如:Here is ablue pen, with which to fill out the form.满分网托福语法29例题(1)An innovator, ballerina Augusta Ma

10、ywood was - a traveling company.(A) to form the first(B) the first to form(C) who formed the first(D) forming the first答案:B解释:空格前是句子的主谓语, 空格处需要was 的表语, first 不能和a 连用, 故A、C、D 肯定不对; B 中the first 作表语, 省略了后面的person, 不定式to form作定语, the first to do 是常见用法, 表示第一个做某事的人考点三 不定式作状语不定式作状语是相当普遍的语法现象,通常表示目的、结果或原因如

11、:I got an early morning to catch the first train to London. (表目的)She raised the lid only to find an empty bottle. (表结果)He trembled to think of his shameful failure. (表原因)TOEFL 种主要涉及第一种用法例题:(1)Using their bills as needles, tailorbirds sew large leaves together with plant fiberA B Cto forming their ne

12、sts.答案:D应改为:to form解释:to 是不定式的标志词,应接动词原形作目的状语(2)The dromedary camel is raised especially to racing.A B C D答案:D应改为:race解释:此句中的to 不是介词, 而是不定式的标志词, 之后应接动词原形作目的状语考点四 是否用不定式1有部分动词的习惯用法要求采用不定式复合结构,其基本形式为:动词+宾语+不定式,如:enable him to dance, cause the little girl to cry,consider it to be a great honor, imagine

13、 herself to a soprano常接不定式复合结构的词有:allow, enable, cause, ask, expect, invite, advise, permit, oblige, help,encourage, persuade, instruct, command, urge, consider, believe, declare, etc.注意:help 既可以接不定式,也可以接动词原形(或称不带to 的不定式),如:help him to clean the lab, help me do the housework例题:(1)The flexibility of

14、film allows the artist -unbridled imagination to the animation of cartooncharacters.(A) to bring满分网托福语法30(B) bringing(C) is brought(D) brings答案:A解释:allow somebody to do sth.属于固定动词词组搭配,若allow 之后无宾语则用allow doing 的形式。例: Mum doesnt allow me to eat too much chocolate.Sorry, sir, but we dont allow smoking

15、 here.(2)A dictionary allows quick access to the meaning of a word only if one knows howA B C Dspell the word.答案:D应改为:how to spell解释:how 和spell 不能连用,应变为不定式复合结构,加上to, 构成know 的宾语2. 在一些表示“意图”、“目的”、“倾向”等意思的动词、形容词后面经常要跟不定式,而表示同样意思的名词后面经常需要用不定式做定语例句:Having lost the election, the presidential candidate int

16、end to support the opposition despitethe objections of his staff.Many modern photographers attempt to manipulate elements of photography other than light in theirphotographs.这样的动词还有tend, plan, expect, endeavor, try, wish 等He is anxious to go home.I am inclinded to work in Shanghai.这样的形容词还有able, apt,

17、 eager, glad, ready, likely 等A loan may be acknowledged by a bond , a promissory note, or a mere promise to repay.He has the inclination to grow fat.这样的名词还有ablility , effort , attempt, anxiety,determination, inclination, plan 等例题:(1)Billie Holidays reputation as a great jazz-blues singer rests on he

18、r ability -emotional depthto her songs.(A) be giving(B) are given(C) being given(D) to give答案:D解释:此句主谓俱全, 主语reputation, 谓语rests on, 缺少宾语ability 的修饰成分. 根据谓语唯一原则可首先排除A B; C 是被动式, 后面不能有宾语, 亦可排除; D 为不定式作定语, the ability to do 即做某事的能力第二节 分词分词是动词的又一种非谓语形式,主要分为现在分词(ing 为词尾)和过去分词(主要以ed 结尾),他们在句中可作定语、状语或表语。满分

19、网托福语法31由于作表语的分词往往被视为形容词的用法,其用法比较简单,这里只着重介绍前两种用法如:exciting news (激动人心的消息), charming girl(迷人的女孩),promising work(有希望的作品), known criminal(臭名昭著的罪犯),broken bottle(破碎的瓶子)考点一 现在分词现在分词和过去分词的主要区别在于:现在分词表主动意义;过去分词表被动意义。现在分词较过去分词形式灵活,除部分能接宾语之外,可有被动形式(being done)和完成式(having done,having been done), 当然being done 和

20、having been done 也可理解成过去分词变形为进行式1. 现在分词作定语现在分词常接在名词之后作定语,经常可与定语从句替换如:the man sitting behind me, 相当于:the man who is sitting behind methe kids running about in the garden, 相当于:the kids who are running about in the garden单个的分词作定语可放在被修饰词之前,如:the sleeping baby, a running nose改错题中若出现名词之后直接接动词,且之间是主谓关系,但不是

21、句子主谓语,此处必定有错,可改为现在分词作定语例题:(1)The boiled point of any liquid is determined by the pressure of the surrounding gases.A B C D答案:A应改为:boiling.解释:沸点的英文表达应该是boiling point. 类似的表达如: boiling water(沸水); boiled 表示已完成的状态, 如boiled water 意为白开水, 即已沸腾过的水(2)The slide rule uses sliding scales with marks - numbers and

22、 their logarithms.(A) representing(B) represented(C) are represented(D) they are representing答案:A解释:空格前是句子的主谓成分,空格处需要marks 的定语,C, D 可先排除;B 是被动式,无法接宾语numbers;因此A 正确,是现在分词作定语2. 现在分词作状语分词还可在句中作状语,可放在句首、句中或句尾。现在分词作状语时,通常都表示主语正在进行的动作/伴随动作或者表示原因。1现在分词短语可以作时间状语,相当于when, while, as soon as 等所引导的从句如:Hearing t

23、he news, he couldnt help crying.= When he heard the news, he couldnt help crying.2现在分词短语也可以表示原因,代替由since, as 等所引导的从句如:Not knowing what to do about the situation, she turned to him for help.=Since she didnt know what to do about the situation, she turned to him for help.Being so poor in those days, w

24、e couldnt afford to go to school.=As we were so poor in those days, we couldnt afford to go to school.满分网托福语法323如果分词表示的动作发生在主句动作之前,那么此时分词就需要用完成形式如:Having finished the work, she went to the park.=After she had finished the work, she went to the park.特别注意:分词状语的逻辑主语和句子的主语要保持一致如: Seeing from the moutain

25、, the ocean is emrald green.此句是一个错误的句子, 因为根据分词状语的逻辑主语和句子的主语要保持一致的原则, seeing 的逻辑主语也应该是the ocean, 而the ocean 是不能自己seeing 的, 应改为Seen from the mountain.例题:(1)Snow aids farmers by keeping heat in the lower ground levels, thereby - from freezing.(A) to save the seeds(B) saving the seeds(C) which saves the

26、 seeds(D) the seeds saved答案:B解释:thereby 一词习惯上接现在分词作句子的结果状语,只有B 符合要求考点二 过去分词1. 过去分词作定语与现在分词类似,过去分词作定语常可和定语从句替换, 通常表示被动的含义.如:a theory derived from rich experience= a theory that has been derived from rich experiencea gas composed of four chemical elements= a gas that is composed of four chemical eleme

27、nts单个分词可放在被修饰词之前,如:distinguished guests, unexpected trouble改错题中常考现在分词和过去分词的混用,关键看被修饰词和分词代表的动作是主动还是被动关系。例如: boiling water (沸腾的水,表示正在沸腾); boiled water(开水, 表示已经烧开)2. 同源现在分词和过去分词做定语的区别有时一个动词词尾分别加上-ing 和-ed 就构成了一组同源现在分词和过去分词, 这样的例子在英语里很多,如: interesting/interested, exciting/excited, disappointing/disappoi

28、nted 等, 这些由动词变化而来的分词已经被人们视为形容词了. 但是, 同源现在分词和过去分词做定语时有什么区别呢?现在分词通常表示某个事物的特性, 通常用来修饰某事或某物, 含有“使人(令人)感到”的意思, 如:an interesting novel, a confusing question 等;过去分词通常表示人的感受或状态, 意思是“的”, 如: a worried look (焦虑的神情)试比较: an interesting boy (一个有趣的男孩 - 让人觉得很有趣)an interested boy (一个产生了兴趣的男孩同样, 当同源现在分词和过去分词做表语时, 在意思

29、上也存在同样的区别, 如:The results are very disappointing. (结果很让人失望)We are very disappointed at the results. (我们对这样的结果很失望)例题:(1)The University of Georgia, -in 1785, was the first state supported university in the UnitedStates.(A) chartered(B) was chartered(C) it was chartered(D) to be chartered满分网托福语法33答案:A解释

30、:本句主谓结构完整, 缺少的是主语的修饰成分, A 构成过去分词短语作定语;B C 的动词结构与原句谓语冲突; D 不定式一般表示即将发生的动作, 与in 1785 不符(2)A patent gives inventors exclusive rights to their inventions for a fix period of time.A B C D答案:C应改为:fixed解释:fix 是动词,不能修饰名词period, 依句意改为分词fixed, “一段固定时间”(3)Closed plane figures like the square or the equilateral

31、 triangle can be grouped into a class-polygons.(A) called(B) to call(C) is called(D) call as答案:A解释:此句主谓完整, 句中又无连词, 需填的只可能是非谓语成分, A 是过去分词短语作定语, 等效于which is called, 符合题意. C D 属谓语结构, 与原句谓语冲突; B 不定式表用途或目的, 意思不通3. 过去分词作状语过去分词也可放在句首、句中、句尾作句子的状语,常表示事件发生的背景或原因,如:Seen from far away, the islands look like a chain of pearls in the midst of the lake.Defeated

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