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摩登家庭 第4季第4集字幕对白中英文对照看美剧学英语打印word版.docx

1、摩登家庭 第4季第4集字幕对白中英文对照看美剧学英语打印word版Is everybody ok? 大家没事吧Im fine. Thanks for waiting. 我没事 谢谢你没丢下我What was that? 发生什么事了Water either gas line, the training is the same. 水管和煤气管爆炸的逃生方式都一样People, just stay low and move out. 大家弯腰前行 马上离开房子Honey, Lukes gone. 老公 卢克不见了Claire, spontaneous human combustion is ver

2、y rare. 克莱尔 人体自燃十分少见I dont think he exploded, Phil. 我不觉得是他自爆了 菲尔The rope ladder works. At least someone followed protocol. 绳梯很管用 至少有人是按逃生规程来的Oh! Oh, its there! 是那个Smoke is coming out of Lukes stupid suitcase. 烟是从卢克该死的魔术箱里冒出来的Like his old man, Luke is a magician. 有其父必有其子 卢克也是个魔术师Im taking lessons fro

3、m some guy my dad found online. 教我魔术的是我爸上网搜来的大师He came personally recommended from the guy who runs 他可是有莫德斯托巫师大会The Warlock Conference up in Modesto. 举办者的个人推荐呢Ocupad, big guy. 此位有人了 大块头Find another foxhole. 请另寻良枝吧*This is how we learn to sing 大家跟我一起学唱歌*Who can go up here with me? 谁来跟我一起唱*Cam took a

4、job teaching music at the local middle school. 小卡要去本地中学当音乐老师了Yeah, his first day is tomorrow. 明天就是上班第一天Im excited for me, 我为自己开心but Im probably more excited for the students 但更为我的学生开心because a great teacher is a gift. 因为优秀的老师是天赐的礼物Hasnt started yet. 还没正式上岗呢I have to tip my hat to my high school musi

5、c teacher. 我要向我的高中音乐老师致敬A real force of nature 此人带有自然的魔力who was also the defensive coordinator for the football team 同时身兼橄榄球队的防守员and supervised calf birthing for the animal husbandry club. 和农场动物俱乐部的牛犊接生监察员Doris Olson. Great lady. 朵莉丝奥尔森 一位伟大的女士Lady. 好一位女士*This is how. we learn to sing 大家跟我一起学唱歌*This

6、 is how. we learn to sing Ay, Jay, Im going to miss you. 杰 人家会想你的Its one night. 只是一晚上而已No, I dont want to be without you, 不 人家不想和你分离not even one night in my whole life. 我这辈子一晚都不能离开你What can I make you? 我能为你做点什么How about a little room on my side of the bed? 在床上给我腾点位置怎么样I mean, I shouldnt complain. My

7、 wifes a knockout. But. 我是不该抱怨 我老婆美艳动人 但是shes at that place in her pregnancy 她现在处于孕期中的某个阶段where, shes, you know. ample. 她变得 臃肿And the snoring. 还打呼噜I swear in the last ultrasound, the baby was like this. 我发誓 上一张超音波片里婴儿是这样的So I should be home about noon tomorrow. 我明天中午就能到家Who drank all the coffee? 谁把咖

8、啡都喝完了Oh, I, uh, I had quite a bit of that. 我喝了不少You know, I havent, um, been sleeping too well. 我最近晚上睡得不太好Theres actually a funny story about whats causing that. 失眠的原因说来也挺好笑Mom, Im fully aware of the changes your body is going through, 妈 我非常理解您的身体正经历着变化and that nasal stuffiness is very common during

9、 pregnancy, 鼻塞也是怀孕时常见的现象but we got a crisis in this house. 但家里的情况已经刻不容缓了Youve been snoring. But I got you these nasal strips. 你打呼太严重了 我帮你买了呼吸辅助贴In the commercial, 广告里the old mans angry red sound waves turn a gentle blue. 连老头如雷般的呼噜声也能化为轻柔之音- So Im like an old man? - No! -所以我打呼像老头子吗 -不是Like a dog then

10、? A pig? 那我是像狗 还是像猪What is it, Manny? Im an old man, a dog, or a pig? 怎么 曼尼 我是老头子 还是狗或猪Jay, help me out here. Youve heard it. 杰 帮我说两句 你也听到呼声了I dont know what the boys talking about. 我完全不知道这孩子在说什么If this is a glimpse of teenage Manny, I dont love it. 如果这是青春期的曼尼 我可不喜欢Have a little respect for your bea

11、utiful mother. 你妈这么漂亮 你要尊重她Thank you, Jay. 谢谢你 杰Youre right. Sorry, mom. 你说得对 我错了 妈妈And, Jay, 杰Have a great trip to San Francisco. 祝你在旧金山玩得愉快Okay, Lilys drop-off time is between 8:45 and 8:50, 莉莉到校的时间是8点45到50之间so you should be fine to get work by 9. 所以你应该能来得及9点上班Here is her checklist for her backpac

12、k. 这是她背包内容的清单Oh, I have this whole thing planned. 我一切都计划好了Okay, Im gonna walk in, take off my jacket, 我款款步入教室 脱下我的外套and say, Here comes treble. 大声宣布 高音号在此Big swing on the first day. 上班第一天扭得挺欢啊Please dont tamp down my enthusiasm. 请不要打击我的热情Okay, what else? 好了 还有什么Oh! The dimmer came in for the switch,

13、 对了 调光器的开关有问题so I want you to call the electrician, but not Brad. 你去请个电工来 但是别找布拉德Remember? We had a problem with him last time about the billing. 还记得上次我们为账单和他不太愉快吗He wanted his name above the title? 因为他想要名列账单演员表前茅He wanted his name above the title? 此处指的应是与著名影星布拉德皮特同名Yes, youve done that joke before.

14、 So cute. So funny. 你讲过这个笑话了 好可爱好好笑What else? Oh! 还有什么 哦Lily needs to get a present for Gios birthday party. 莉莉需要为吉奥的生日派对准备礼物And dont be thrown by the invitation. 别被请帖迷惑了It is a pirates party, not a pilates party. 是海盗主题派对 不是普拉提健身派对Now sit. I wanna talk juice boxes. 过来坐好 我再说说果汁盒的事Cam. Cam, I know wha

15、ts happening here. 小卡 小卡 我知道你现在什么状况Youre feeling very anxious about your first day at work, 你第一天上班 感觉特别紧张And youre focusing that anxiety on my day with Lily. 然后你把焦虑转移到我带莉莉这件事身上Really? Are you sure Im not 真的吗 你不觉得completely confident about my first day 我对这第一天充满了信心吗because its gonna be a home run. 人家肯

16、定满分表现啦And I am worried about you because youre taking on 而我担心你 是因为你的任务a little bit more of the Lily load? 可不只是照顾莉莉呢Dont be scared, sweetie. Mwah! 别怕 亲爱的 么哇Shes not scared! What are you doing? 她才不怕呢 你这是干嘛- Just call me if you need me. - I wont! -需要我就打电话给我 -不会的And thank you for managing my expectation

17、s today. 非常感谢你控制一下我的期望值Not necessary. 但其实没必要I saw you practicing a bow last night. 我昨晚看到你在练习鞠躬That was just in fun. 练着玩儿而已You know, I highly doubt some teenagers are gonna 我觉得那些孩子是不会throw rose petals at my feet. 往我脚边撒玫瑰花瓣的But I wouldnt be surprised 但是我第一堂课结束后if I got slow-clapped out of my first cla

18、ss. 掌声蔓延不息什么的也不足为奇Wrong. 错了I am thinking. 我还在想呢If you were thinking, 如果你真的用脑在想you wouldnt have Seattle as the capital of Washington. 就不会把西雅图当成华盛顿州的首府了Its Spokane. 是斯波坎Sure, which makes the 11th president of the United States 好吧 那美国的第11任总统就成了Sure, which makes the 11th president of the United States 正

19、确的应为詹姆斯波尔克James k. Pslk. 詹姆斯波斯克Okay, Alex, stop. 好了 艾丽克斯 别这样Im trying to figure this out. 我正在想呢Buzz. Times up, dummy. Its Olympia. 哔哔 时间到 笨蛋 是奥林匹亚Make sure you sound out the big scary words. 记得在表演时喊出那吓死人的行话哦Mom, somethings on my mind, and its really bothering me. 妈妈 有件事让我很苦恼Yeah, its really botherin

20、g me, too, 对啊 也让我很苦恼But I think its gonna be rich, 但我觉得她以后可能是个女富豪so we better be nice to it. 所以我们要对她好一点I wanna quit magic. 我不想再学魔术了What? 什么Im not really interested anymore, 我真的没什么兴趣了but I dont think dads gonna be happy. 但我想爸爸会不高兴的Oh, sweetheart. Dont worry about disappointing your father. 宝贝 别担心让你爸爸

21、失望He only wants you to do it if you wanna do it. 他只会希望你去做你真正喜欢的事Tell you what. I will talk to dad- 不如这样吧 我跟你爸谈谈Whoa! Talk to dad? That sounds serious. 哇 跟老爸谈谈 一本正经的样子Dont do drugs. 不许嗑药Stay in school. 不要逃学Luke wants to quit magic. 卢克不想再学魔术了Thats not happening. 绝对不行Well, see you guys at dinner. 晚上见吧S

22、weetheart, dont you even want to talk about this? 亲爱的 你完全不想谈谈这事儿吗Whats to talk about? The kids a natural. 有什么好谈的 我儿子天生就是这块料He has everything- 他天赋异禀the hands, the patter, the outfits. 双手灵活 行话精通 装备齐全Okay, lets play this out. 好吧 我们设想一下Even if he is one in a million, 即使他是万里挑一的好苗子whats our best case scen

23、ario here? 最好的结果又如何He becomes, what. 他会变成什么A professional magician! 一个专业的魔术师Honey, the boy has a gift. 亲爱的 这孩子就是有这天赋You wanna just throw that away? 你想白白浪费这天赋吗I dont think its about throwing it away. 那才不是什么白白浪费I think its about you pushing him- 而是你逼着他Dont I get a say in any of this? 我能插两句话吗Im sorry I

24、 dont like magic as much as you, 很遗憾我不像你那么喜欢魔术but I dont. 但我真不喜欢This isnt about magic. 这与魔术无关No, its about my life and you controlling it. 确实 而是我的人生你做主Look, you made a commitment. You will honor that commitment. 听着 你许下承诺 就该信守承诺Ugh! I hate it here! 我最讨厌这个Luke! 卢克All right, young ladies and gentlemen,

25、 好了 年轻的女士们先生们if I can have your attention, please. 请听我说 好吗Lets settle down 大家坐坐好and lets say a temporary good-bye to your neighbor 跟邻座的同学和无趣的生活and to life as you know it, because here comes treble. 暂时告个别 因为时代男高音来了Thats right, my friends, we got treble, 没错 下面的朋友们 时代最高音Right here at Franklin middle. 就

26、在弗兰克林中学Im Cameron T., and that rhymes with G, 我是卡梅隆小T 韵脚是个小GAnd that stands for Good morning! 意思就是古德猫林早上好Huh? Yes! Love the enthusiasm. 请说 就爱有热情的Go ahead. First question. 说吧 第一个问题Whens Mr. Namagachi coming back? 纳玛奇老师什么时候回来Okay, Mr. Namagachi isnt coming back, 纳玛奇老师不会再回来了But there is somebody that I

27、d like to introduce you to. 但我想向你们介绍一个人Dont know that you proy met. 不知道你们是否正式见过面了Shes a good friend of mine, 她是我的好朋友and she goes by the name of Music. 她的名字就叫作 音乐And sometimes my friend music can be shy. 有时候我的朋友音乐很羞涩Sometimes she can be angry! 有时候则充满了愤怒Sometimes she can be playful. 有时候又很欢腾And sometim

28、es she can be downright a-funky! 有时候则是非常 时髦放克乐Train wreck. 大事不妙Theres no way he ran this past Mitchell. 他肯定没跟米奇尔商量过要用这招Daddy always parks in the back of the school. 大爸通常停在学校的后门I know, sweetie, but, uh, 我知道 宝贝 但是those spots were all taken. 那里的停车位都被占了Because were late? 因为我们迟到了No, were, like, a minute

29、late, and thats cause of traffic. 不是 我们才晚了一分钟 是因为堵车And because I tipped over. 也因为我摔倒了You didnt snap my car seat right. 你没系好我的安全座椅Okay, well, it certainly didnt hurt your memory any. 好吧 那一摔倒是没把你的记忆摔坏嘛All right, heres your lunch. 给你午餐You spilled it! 你弄洒了Oh! Why is the top open? 盖子怎么开着呢Daddy always zip

30、s it for me. 大爸都会替我拉上拉链的Maybe you should zip it. 或许你该自己拉上I heard that. 我可听到你的吐槽了So with just a few more minutes left- 既然还剩几分钟时间- Mr. Namagachi- - used to work here, -纳玛奇老师 -以前在这里工作but he got fired, okay? 可他被开除了 明白吗So now lets form an orchestra 那么 现在 让我们用made up of my favorite instruments- 我最喜欢的乐器组成乐

31、队吧your beautiful bodies. 也就是你们美丽的身体Gettin creepy. 有点变态了Okay, so you guys are gonna be my, uh, table slappers. 那么 你们负责拍桌子打节拍Youre my bass line. 你们是我的低音部Okay, and youre gonna be mouth trumpeters in the back with the melody. 而后面这些同学就用嘴模仿小号的旋律Okay, now lets bring it all together. 好的 现在 大家一起来One, two, three. 一 二 三The bass line is a little- a little softer. 低音部声音再柔和一点Okay, louder with the mouth trumpets. 模仿小号的声音再大一些Okay. Great. Well, than

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