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初一英语表格式教案Unit 7Welcome to the unit.docx

1、初一英语表格式教案Unit 7 Welcome to the unit 实验学校“15经纬教学法”教师备课用纸( 学年度第一学期 主备人: 总课时:课 题Unit 7 Welcome to the unit课型New课时1教 学目 标To learn the shops of the names we often see Learn to talk about buying presents in English教 学重 点难 点 words and phrases and about buying presents in English教 具准 备P

2、PT, Multi-media、Tape教 学 过 程教法提要学法指导关键点拨一导 入示 标2分钟 1. Please listen to the tape and answer the questions. 2. Ss say sentences 二疑 点探 究20分钟Step1 Lead-in 1.创设真实情境导入赠送礼物和购物的话题,引导学生学习生词。T: Today I am very happy, I got a birthday present last night.I like it very much. Look, Its a wallet. Whats this? Is th

3、is a wallet?(write on the blackboard and read several times). My friend bought it in a gift shop.Do you know gift?It means present,understand?Look!Theres some money in the wallet,right?Step2 Presentation1.Listen to the tape and answer the question below :What do they decide to buy? Stamps (write on

4、the blackboard and read several times) Where can they buy stamps for Simon?Read and reapeat and answer the question How do Millie and Daniel kow to buy stamps for Simon?三拓 展延 伸5分钟Step3 Practice and activities T:Hello,boys and girls!My husbands birthday is coming,I want to buy him a present .Do you h

5、ave any ideas?Ask the Ss to talk about their own ideas about what to buy and where to buy it.Have a commniucation with them.Make up similar dialogue in pairs.Act out their dialogue四检 测反 馈10分钟Practice Use the words and phrases to complete the passage Go shopping carry all the bags wallet come with Ne

6、ed to down the street hates money Theres a new mall_.Hobo wants to _,but Eddie_it.Hobo has no_so Eddie gives his_to Hobo.Hobo cant_.Hes asking Eddie for help,”Eddie,please_me,I _you _ help me. 2Check the answers and read together.Read the dialogue in roles in pairs.五学 法总 结2分钟1.Use PPT to help studen

7、ts learn the words and useful expressions easily.2.Consolidate the important ganmmar and give some examples. 六作 业布 置1分钟1.Revise the contents of this lesson.2.Do the exercise on the workbook.作 业批 改反 馈与 纠正 措 施Step6 HomeworkRemember the new words and phrasesLearn the dialogue by heartPreview the new wo

8、rds of reading板 书设 计Welcome to the unit I want to buy Simon a present. I am not sure. Thats a good idea. You”re welcome.教 学反 思外国语实验学校“15经纬教学法”教师备课用纸(20162017)学年度第一学期 主备人: 庄德运 总课时:课 题 Unit 7 Reading 1课型New课时2教 学目 标1. identify general information about shopping from the reading conversation.2. use the

9、 expressions to talk with shopper and the customer.3. cherich their presents,love their parents and friends.教 学重 点难 点1.Help them to grasp the basic words and expressions of shopping.2.How to make students use the language to talk about shopping.教 具准 备PPT, Multi-media、Tape教 学 过 程教法提要学法指导关键点拨一导 入示 标2分

10、钟 Revision:Revise the phrases learned last period and then have a free talk.We know Christmas is coming.Do you remember what present Daniel buy for Simon?Yes,he buys some stamps for him.Because Simon likes collecting them.二疑 点探 究20分钟Step1.Pre-reading 1. Amy is at a Sunshine shopping mall.She is shop

11、ping.Listen to the tape and then complete a form.Amy wantsto buyThingsCostfootball cardshair clips2. Finish PartB3 on P84.Step2. While-reading1. Skimming.Let the students read in silence.Give them two minutes and ask them to use their pens to underline some useful information and phrases.Purpose:Let

12、 the students get the main idea of this passage.三拓 展延 伸5分钟Read the conversations and fill in the blanks with proper words.In the first shop,Amy wants to buy some football cards for Simon.They are two yuan each.Amy thinks theyre not cheap.The shopkeeper says the last years cards are only one yuan eac

13、h.But Amy wants to buy new cards.In the second shop,Amy wants to buy hair clips for Sandy.She knows Sandy likes hair clips and they are very pretty.She thinks they match her pink coat.The hair clips are nine yuan.She has fifteen yuan.So she has enough money to buy them.四检 测反 馈10分钟Make a survey in gr

14、oups of three or four and then give a report.One of them will be a shopkeeper and a customer.Purpose:Understand the function of examples in the conversations and practice it.五学 法总 结2分钟六作 业布 置1分钟Repeat the new words,key phrases and important sentences.Read the conversation fluently after class.Make up new dialogues about shopping and act it out next class.作 业批 改反 馈与 纠正 措 施板 书设 计1.Please look at the blackboard.2 Can you see the bird in the tree?3 The woman is looking for her son.4. I like listening music.5. I hear nothing.教 学反 思外国语实验学校“15经纬教学法”教师备课用纸(20162017)学年度第一学期 主备人: 庄德运 总课时:课 题U

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