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1、山西省吕梁市届高三上学期第一次阶段性测试英语试题注意事项:1.本试卷分为第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。2.答题前,考生务必用0.5毫米黑色签字笔填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息。3.考试作答时,请将答案正确地填写在答题卡上,答在本试卷上无效。4.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第卷(选择题)第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分60分)第一节(共15小题;每小题3分,满分45分) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AA good book is indeed the best friend sf a person. The

2、 same goes for outstanding CEOs of world recognized companies as well. Lets have a look at the favorite books of some of the world-famous CEOs of the globe.Microsoft CEO(Former)-Bill Gates, The Catcher in the Rye bu J.D. SalingerA few themes explored in the novel are rebellion(叛逆), anxiety and confu

3、sion. It acknowledges that young people are a little confused, but can be smart about things and see things that adults dont really see. Gates said, “ I didnt actually read The Catcher in the Rye until I was 13, and ever since then Ive said thats my favorite book.”OWN CEO-Oprah Winfrey, To Kill a Mo

4、ckingbird by Harper LeeThis book talks about how a little girl observes the people around her. Winfrey said, “I read it in eighth or ninth grade, and I was trying to recommend the book to other kids. So it makes sense to me that now I have a book club, because I have been doing that probably since I

5、 read this book.”Apple CEO-Tim Cook, Competing A gainst Time by George Stalk Jr. And Thomas M. HoutThis book is based on 10 years of precious research done by the authors. It talks about how newer concepts of managing time in new product development, production and sales and distribution provide com

6、panies with the edge to succeed in this highly competitive world.1.Which may be chosen by parents to learn about kids disobeying rules? A. Competing A gainst Time. B. The Catcher in the Rye. C. Napoleon. D. To Kill a Mockingbird.2.Who enjoys reading the life story of a great person? A. Tim Cook. B.

7、Bill Gates. C. Larry Ellison. D. Oprah Winfrey.3.What can be inferred from Winfreys words? A. She loved reading when young. B. She read the book with other kids. C. The book has an influence on her career. D. The book is about a girls thoughts.BThe Song Dynasty(960-1279) is often referred to as the

8、Chinese Renaissance(文艺复兴). For about three and a quarter centuries, under its rule, China enjoyed a period of economic growth with great artistic and intellectual achievements.One of the most important factors in the Song Renaissance was the printing press which made for a rebirth of classical Confu

9、cian learning. By the 10th century,printers were producing a large number of copies of the classical Confucian texts. With this increase in the production of books, education spread and became widely available.Printing also had its greatest influence on the Chinese political system. In the Song Dyna

10、sty, govemment examinations became the most important way to political power in China. For almost 1,000 years, China was govemed by men who had done very well in examinations. Thousands of students studied for the exams, and thousands of inexpensive books were required. Without printing, such a syst

11、em would not have been possible.The Song period was also the golden age of Chinese painting. Emperor Huizong(1101-1125) was a talented painter who encouraged the arts. A royal painting academy was created and many fine artists were supported. The period is best known for nature subjects and landscap

12、e paintings. Guo Xi used perspective in his paintings and The Quict Valley is one of his best-known works. One of the greatest landscape painters of the period was Fan Kuan. His masterpiece, Travelling among Mountains and Gorges, is one of the most famous Chinese paintings. Completed around the year

13、 1000, it was inspired by the power of nature and the relative insignificance of humans.4. When was the Chinese Renaissance? A. Immediately after the Renaissance in Europe. B. During the Song Dynasty. C. At the time of Confucius. D. in the year 1,000.5. What contributed to spreading the ideas of Con

14、fucius? A. The spread of education to the middle classes. B. Peoples new interest in classical texts.C. The development of painting.D. The printing press and a wide availability of books.6. How did people become politicians at the time? A. Only members of the wealthy class could go into politics. B.

15、 A small number of powerful families ran the country. C. Only members good at painting were supported by the royalty. D. There was a special exam system to select politicians. 7. From the passage we can know the painter of Travelling among Mountains and Gorges is Guo Xi B. Emperor Huizong C. Fan Kua

16、n D. ConfuciusCThey follow you in the street. They ask you for money and they dont leave you alone when you try to say no. They are the aggressive street-working, fund-raising charity workers, otherwise known as “chuggers”.The term “chugger” is a combination of two words, “charity” and “mugger”. Chu

17、ggers often work in the street. They set up a stall with information about the charity they represent, and they try to get you to donate money to the charity. Typically, they prey on your feelings of guilt, greeting you with questions such as, “Do you care about the planet?” or, “When was the last t

18、ime you did something for someone else?” But a survey of their strategies has found that some charity volunteers are far from charitable. “Many chuggers simply refuse to back off when asked to do so, said Brian Jones, a spokesperson for a charity watchdog (监察人). “One of the problems is that some chu

19、ggers say they are working as volunteers,” he added. “However, they arent really. Most of the 50 chuggers we spoke to showed little interest in anything other than raising the maximum amount of cash in the minimum amount of time. They get paid from this so it makes sense. Also, a fifth of fundraiser

20、s had no visible ID and almost a quarter failed to give clear information about the cause they were representing. By employing chuggers who break the law, tell lies or refuse to leave members of the public alone, charities undermine the trust we all instinctively have in them.” But Shirley Bosworth,

21、 chief executive of the Institution of Fundraising, said face-to-face fundraising remains “an appropriate and effective method”. “It enables charities to engage with a particular demographic of donor, and it means that charity and donor can enter into a dialogue about what the charity does and how t

22、he donors money will be used,” she explained. 8.What do chuggers do according to the passage? A. They rob money of strangers. B. They cheat you into buying things. C. They ask you to donate money for charities. D. They hurt your feelings by asking questions. 9. Whats the third paragraph mainly about

23、? A. The survey of charity volunteers. B. The problems with charity volunteers. C. The basic information about charity volunteers. D. The attitude Brian Jones takes toward charity volunteers. 10. What does the underlined word “undermine” may probably mean? A. betrayB. strengthenC. buildD. weaken 11.

24、 How does Shirley Bosworth feel about what chuggers do? A, Its useful.B. Its disgusting.C. Its absurd.D. Its popular.DSAN FRANCISCO(AP)-Samsung says new Galaxy Note 7 smartphones will be available in U.S. stones starting Wednesday to replace about 1 million devices that are being recalled because th

25、eir batteries can catch fire. The South Korean company has been scrambling to fix problems caused by faulty batteries in the latest version of its top of the line smartphone which first went on sale last month.When it first offered on Sept. 2 to replace the affected Note 7 phones Samsung said it wou

26、ld swap them for models of its other phones such as the Galaxy S7 until supplies of replacement Note 7 devices became available.Samsung followed up last week by announcing that U.S. consumers who had purchased one of the recalled phones could choose between a replacement or a refund fro the device w

27、hich sells for about $850. That offer was jointly announced with officials at the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission after Samsung was criticized for not coordinating more closely with the commission.Safety officials have urged Note 7 owners to turn off their phones and return them immediately.

28、 They cited reports of Note 7 batteries overheating in the United States including 26 instances where individuals were burned and 55 that caused property damage.The problem doesnt affect all Note 7 phones because Samsung uses batteries from different suppliers. But the company has said about 2.5 mil

29、lion devices may be affected worldwide including 1 million sold in the United States.Samsung also said its pushing out two software updates through wireless carriers. One will show a green battery icon to confirm that a Note 7 device is a new one that doesnt have the battery problem. The other will

30、display a short notice to owners of older phones covered by the recall telling them to turn off their device and take it in for a replacement.About a quarter of affected phones had been exchanged in the United States by Tuesday According to a spokeswoman for Samsungs U.S. subsidiary. She was unable

31、to say how many Note 7 buyers sought refunds but said “the vast majority” received a different Samsung phone as a replacement.12. Whats wrong with the affected Note 7 phones?A. The price of them is too high.B. Their batteries can catch fire.C. They are similar to iphone 7.D. They have problems with

32、their earphones.13. What can a U.S. consumer who had purchased one of the recalled phones do according to Samsungs announcement?A. To sell his/her recalled phone to others for about $850.B. To choose a replacement and a refund for his/her recalled phone.C. To use the recalled phone to replace a Galaxy S7 first and then one of the new Note 7 devices for free.D. To return the recalled pho

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