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1、英语四六级考试译文笔记 第19篇英语作文写作及翻译老师笔记(四六级考试)1.尽管媒体上大量的犯罪事件报道会导致公众存在一定程度的多疑,但在今天这个时代,任何想对公众隐瞒信息的尝试最终都很可能会适得其反。Althoughthe sheer volume of(1.大量的)crime stories in the media can lead to a degree of paranoia among the public,in this day and age(2.在这个时代) any attempts to hide information from the public would like

2、ly becounterproductive(3.适得其反).1- the sheer volume of词典释义:sheerUKrUSradjectiveCOMPLETE完全的ADVANCEDbefore nounused to emphasize how very great, important or powerful a quality or feeling is; nothing except完全的,彻底的The suggestion issheernonsense.这个建议纯粹是胡言乱语。His success was due tosheer willpower/determina

3、tion.他的成功全靠自己的意志力决心。It wassheercoincidence that we met.我们的相遇纯属巧合。volumeUKvl.ju:mUSv:l-nounAMOUNT数量ADVANCEDuncountablethe number or amount of something in general总数;总量;总额Its thesheervolumeof traffic in the city that is causing the problems.造成这些问题的就是城里的交通流量。外刊例句:If you had the good fortune to sit next

4、 to Garret FitzGerald at dinnerwrapped round by his natural warmth and curiosity, as well as numbed bythe sheer volume of Dublin-tinctured words that tumbled out of himyou might learn many dozens of mind-bogglingly arcane facts.()如果你有幸在晚餐时坐在Garret FitzGerald旁边置身于他天生的热情与好奇中,谈定地听着他都柏林味十足的口音在那里滔滔不绝你也许能

5、得知很多神秘的事实,开阔了眼界。学生错误表达:(1) a great amount of点评:amount of后面应该接不可数名词,不能用来修饰crime stories(2) massive点评:massive是指事物的规模大,例如:Club members can get a massive discount of 50.会员可以有 50 英镑的大折扣。Massive不可以用来指数量多。2- in this day and age词典释义:in this day and ageat the present time如今,当前,当今You cant afford to run busine

6、sses inefficiently in this dayand age.如今低效经营企业是行不通的。外刊例句:Sian Bloor from Trafford spoke of her feelings at missing out on a grammar school place at the age of 11: “I was the failure. Is that what we want for childrenin this day and age, to be classed as clever or failures?”()来自特拉福德的席恩布鲁尔谈及她在十一岁时未能进入

7、文法学校读书的心情时,称“我当时就是个失败者。而这就是我们今时今日仍想对孩子做的?把他们分成聪明人和失败者?”替换表达:nowadays / now / today3- be counterproductive词典释义:counterproductive UKkan.t.prdk.tvUS-t-adjectivehaving an effect which is opposite to the one that is intended or wanted产生相反效果的;产生相反作用的;事与愿违的,适得其反的Improved safety measures in cars can becount

8、erproductiveas they encourage people to drive faster.提高车辆安全性的措施可能会适得其反,因为这会激励人们开快车。外刊例句:Nor would they solve the underlying problem in global steel markets, which is the huge excess steel capacity in China. Indeed, they could be counterproductivein their effects.()他们将不会解决全球钢铁市场的潜在问题,即中国钢铁产能过剩。他们的努力的

9、确可能适得其反。替换表达:be self-defeating / have the opposite effect / backfire学生错误表达:(1) end up with counterproductive results点评:可以精简为counterproductiveQ:any后什么时候跟复数,什么时候跟单数?A:any在否定句和疑问句中后面一般接复数名词和不可数名词,例如:Are there any stamps?有邮票吗?I never make any big decisions.我从未作过任何重大决定。此时句子不能写成Are there any stamp? / I ne

10、ver make any big decision.2.从实际操作的角度来看,在当今世界想要查禁暴力内容几乎是不可能的。因暴力内容而被禁的电影很容易在网上找到,而且通常封禁一部电影反而起到宣传它的作用。From a practical perspective(1.从实际操作的角度来看), trying tocensor(2.查禁,审查)violence is near impossible in todays world. Films that are banned due to violent content can easily be found on the internet, and

11、often the banning of a filmonly serves to(3.反而起到的作用)publicise it.1- from a practical perspective词典释义:perspective UKpspek.tvUSpspek-nounTHOUGHT想法IMPROVERcountablea particular way of considering something(思考问题的)角度,观点,想法Her attitude lends a freshperspectiveto the subject.她的态度为这个问题提供了新的视角。He writesfroma

12、 Marxistperspective.他从一个马克思主义者的角度写作。Because of its geographical position, Germanysperspectiveon the situation in Eastern Europe is rather different from Britains.由于地理位置不同,德国对东欧局势的看法与英国大相迳庭。from a feminist / Christian / global etc perspectiveWe have to look at everything from an international perspec

13、tive.我们必须以国际的视角来看待一切问题。外刊例句:Indeed,from a practical perspective, the school run is a massive congestion causer; the more kids we can get from cars onto some form of public transport, the better for congestion and the environment.()从实际出发,这条学校线路的确会引起了严重交通堵塞。我们如果可以让更多孩子坐公共交通上学而非私家车,那将不仅能缓解堵塞,而且可以造福自然。替

14、换表达:from a adj view/angle、practically学生错误表达:(1) From the practical operation点评:表达不准确,不能根据字面意思直译,operation一般是指“手术;行动”。(2) practically speaking点评:没有practically speaking的说法(但有generally speaking的说法)(3) from the practical perspective点评:应该改为from a practical perspective2- censor词典释义:censorUKsent.srUS-snoun

15、countablea person whose job is to read books, watch films, etc. in order to remove anything offensive from them, or who reads private letters, especially sent during war or from prison, to remove parts considered unsuitable(书籍、电影等的)审查员,审查官;(尤指战时或监狱中私人书信的)检查员 UKsent.srUS-sverbtransitiveto remove anyt

16、hing offensive from books, films, etc., or to remove parts considered unsuitable from private letters, especially sent during war or from a prison审查(对书、电影等进行删改,以筛除当中冒犯粗劣的内容,也指对战时或监狱中所写的私人书信的检查,删除其中不当的部分)The book was heavilycensoredwhen first published.这本书首次出版时经过了严格的审查。外刊例句:Googles video platform is

17、being attacked by advertisers for notcensoringenough and by creators forcensoringtoo much. But dont feel sorry for it just yet.()谷歌的视频平台正遭广告商投诉其审查太松的同时,又遭到视频创作者投诉其审查太严了。不过它没觉得自己的审查系统有什么问题。3- only serve to do sthonly serve to do sth、only to do往往都有“出人意料(的结果)、本想达到可是正好相反(的结果)”之意。词典释义:only It willonlyser

18、veto annoy the claimants advisers and will not lead to a conducive climate for ultimate settlement. I think it wouldonlyserveto reinforce my fears. Many documents, especially from the nineteenth century, contain redundant words whichonlyserveto confuse. Again, this story mayserveonlyas propaganda, o

19、r it may indicate an earlier culture in which women held power. Calley, who had been sentenced to life imprisonment, was eventually paroled after havingservedonlythree years. This couldonlyserveto make things worse.外刊例句:Once again, the Japanese public must be wondering whether politicsonly serves to

20、inflict cruel jokes upon them.()日本民众再一次不得不心生疑问这些政策是否将反过来变成一堆笑话。替换表达:Doing sth will achieve nothing, and may result in sth instead.3.媒体对名人强烈的兴趣所带来的一个问题是它转移了读者的注意力,使得他们无法关注更加重要的事情。除了在一些媒体被严格管控的国家,名人的故事经常占据大量新闻版面。即使很容易获得更有意义的新闻,许多人还是被名人的故事所吸引。结果,人们没能对社会问题有一个全面的了解,比如涉及到医疗、教育和环保的问题等。One problem with the

21、medias keen interest in celebrities is that itdiverts(1.转移) peoples attention from more important issues. Except in countries in which the media are tightly regulated, celebrity stories oftenreceive disproportionate news coverage(2.占据大量新闻版面). Even though it is still easy to obtain more significant n

22、ews, many people areallured(3.被吸引)by celebrity stories. As a result, they do notget a full picture of(4.对有全面的了解) societal issues, such as those relating to healthcare, education and the environment.1- divertdivert在表示转移人的注意力时,通常采用的是间接的方式。词典释义:divertUKdav:tUSdv:tverbtransitiveTAKE ATTENTION AWAY转移注意力t

23、o take someones attention away from something分散,转移(注意力)The war hasdivertedattention(away)fromthe countrys economic problems.战争转移了人们对国家经济问题的关注。外刊例句:Demonstrators are a tiresome lot. They block streets and clog traffic, costing other people time and money; theydivert police attention, draining budgets

24、 and perhaps helping criminals.()示威者真是令人厌烦。他们封锁街道,堵塞交通,浪费别人的时间和金钱;他们分散公众注意力,浪费财政预算,甚至可能滋生犯罪。替换表达:学生错误表达:(1) Transfer readers attention点评:动宾搭配不当,transfer含义是“搬运,转移”,后面的宾语一般是实物,不能用来指转移注意力。2- receive disproportionate news coveragedisproportionate直译为“不成比例的”,在句子中使用时,根据上下文的情景可以体现出“比例太大/太小的”,所以想要表达“比例太大/太小”

25、时就直接可以用这个词。词典释义:disproportionate UKds.prp:.n.tUS-p:r-adjectivetoo large or too small in comparison to something else, or not deserving its importance or influence不成比例的;不相称的;不协调的;太大(或太小)的There are adisproportionatenumberof girls in the class.这个班里女孩的人数特别多。The countrys great influence in the world isdi

26、sproportionatetoits relatively small size.该国在世界上的巨大影响力与其相对较小的面积有些不相称。coverageUKkv.r.dUS-noununcountableREPORT报道ADVANCEDthe reporting of a particular important event or subject新闻报道What did you think of the BBCs electioncoverage?对英国广播公司的大选报道你怎么看?外刊例句:Thisdisproportionate media coverageof fringe climat

27、e contrarians is a problem known as “false balance,” and has plagued not only politically conservative media outlets, but also purportedly neutral news organizations like the BBC.()对非主流的气候变化否定份子的这些不成比例的报道体现了为人熟知的“虚假平衡”问题,而且这不仅困扰着那些政治保守媒体,甚至影响着一些像BBC等致力于保持政治中立的媒体。替换表达:unequal、unreasonable、too much学生错

28、误表达:(1) take up a lot of news点评:take up一般指占据时间、精力和空间等,用在这里不合适。(2) occupy a large number of/ a lot of news layout点评:用词不当。Layout是指“版面编排,版面设计”,occupy a large number of/ a lot of news layout不能用来指新闻占据的版面大。(3) occupy large volumes of news / a large part of newspaper is occupied by点评:搭配不当,occupy一般指占据时间或空间,

29、不能和news/ newspaper搭配。3- be allured byallure的程度要比attract深,除了表示中性的“吸引”,还能表示使用负面手段的“引诱”。词典释义:allurev.(动词)allured, alluring,及物动词)To attract with something desirable; entice:诱惑;引诱:Promises of quick profits allure the unwary investor.能很快收得到利润的承诺吸引了心存侥幸的投资者v.intr.(不及物动词)To be highly, often subtly attractive:吸引,诱惑:高度地,常常是微妙地吸引:charms that still allure.仍然有吸引力的魅力外刊例句:Were these bohemian rooftop-dwellers merely “ur-hipsters”, or antediluvian beatniks,allured b

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