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1、Dairy+Glossary+乳业中英词汇对照表Dairy Glossary 乳业词汇Acid Rinse - Part of the equipment cleaning process for stainless steel and rubber parts, removes fat, protein and minerals and also reduces bacteria. (See Equipment Sanitization) 酸冲洗:专门针对设备中的不锈钢和橡胶部分的冲洗过程。清洗油脂、蛋白质、矿物质同时也有杀菌的效果。(参见:设备消毒)Acute - Used to desc

2、ribe disease where symptoms are readily evident. Treatment is generally required. 急性病Alley - A walking area for cattle within a barn such as a loafing alley, feeding alley or cross alley (walkway) from a barn to the milking parlor.小径:奶牛等动物在牛舍内活动的小径(细长型小径、喂食小径、交叉小径-从谷仓到挤奶间)Alley Scraper - A V shaped

3、mechanical blade that is dragged over an alley by chain or cable to pull manure to collection channel at the end of the alley (or possibly the center of the barn). The blade then collapses and is drawn back to the opposite end of the alley. 小径刮刀(粪便用):专门将小径内的牛粪等物质运出小径。Antibiotic - A metabolic product

4、 of one microorganism or a chemical that in low concentrations is detrimental to activities of specific other microorganisms. Examples include penicillin, tetracycline, and streptomycin. Not effective against viruses. A drug that kills microorganisms that cause mastitis or other infectious disease.抗

5、生素:盘尼西林、tetracycline(四环素)、streptomycin(链霉素);只针对细菌,对病毒无效,可消灭乳腺炎或其他传染性疾病致病菌。Antibiotic Residues - The presence of traces of antibiotics or their derivatives in milk or meat. 抗生素残留:抗生素在肉类或其他奶制品中的残留或衍生物。Antibiotic Test Kit - Test kit for use on the farm to detect residues of antibiotics in milk before t

6、he milk is picked up for delivery to the plant.抗生素测试工具箱:在牛奶从牧场运至加工车间前,用工具箱来检测抗生素残留。 Automatic Detacher or Automatic Take-off - A device for sensing the end of milk flow in the milking machine which shuts of the milking vacuum and releases the milking machine from the cows udder.自动脱离器(挤奶用):检测挤奶机中的奶流是

7、否停止输送,停止输送后装置自动从奶牛的乳房处脱离。Barn Cleaner - Usually a chain linked system of paddles that moved manure from gutters, up a chute, into a waiting manure spreader. Most often seen in tie-stall or stanchion barns.牛舍清洗设备:主要通过一个桨状装置将牛粪从排水沟中移至斜槽内再转至推粪器中来清理牛的粪便。Bedded Pack - Open housing in a barn that is commo

8、nly used in conjunction with an outside feeding area. 牛舍中的开放区域,和牛舍外的饲料喂食区相连。Bedding - Material used to absorb moisture and provide cushion. It is easily cleaned to provide a clean, dry surface and reduce the incidence of mastitis. Possible bedding materials include: straw, sawdust, wood chips, sand,

9、 ground limestone, separated manure solids, shredded newspaper, corn stalks, bark, peanut hulls, sunflower hulls and rice hulls.草垫:用来吸收水分、提供底层铺垫的材料。简易清洗后易干且较为清洁,可以减小乳腺炎的患病几率。常见材质包括:草垛、锯屑、木屑(木片)、沙子、地表石灰、固态粪便、报纸碎片、玉米杆、树皮、花生壳、瓜子壳、粗糠(稻谷壳)Biosecurity - Any of a broad range of practices enforced at a dair

10、y farm to prevent transmittal of pathogens from other sources by feed, cattle, people, or other animals.生物安全性:为防止来自牧场饲料、奶牛、工人或其他动物携带病原体而造成交叉感染的一系列措施。Blind Quarter - A quarter of an udder that does not secrete milk or one that has an obstruction in the teat that prevents the removal of milk. A nonfun

11、ctional mammary gland.盲乳区:乳腺上的非功能性部分。奶牛乳房中不分泌乳汁的区域;或是由于奶头闭塞造成的不排乳。Bovine - Refers to cattle or oxen. 牛Brisket Board - A raised part of the freestall platform about 6.5 feet in front of rear of the stall to keep cows positioned properly while lying. Usually made of wood or plastic, but occasionally c

12、oncrete. 散养台中凸起的一部分,位于畜栏(stall)后方6.5尺处,主要功能是确保牛在横卧时姿势得当。通常是木质或塑料制,但也有混凝土(concrete)材质的。Broken Udder - Term used to describe an udder that is loosely attached or pendulous. 破损乳房:牛乳房松弛或下垂。Bucket Milking System - A system in which the milk coming from the cow is drawn into a bucket or pail and manually

13、transferred to a collection area or the milk house.提桶式挤奶机:原奶直接从奶牛体内流入提桶内,再由工人将其转移至奶厂。Bull - A sexually mature, uncastrated bovine male.公牛:指未阉割的性成熟雄性牛。Bulk Tank - A refrigerated, stainless steel vessel in which milk is cooled quickly to 2 to 4C (35 -39F) and stored until collected by a bulk tank truc

14、k for shipping to the milk plant.集液罐 Bunk - A feed trough or feeding station for cattle.饲料草Bunker - (Sometimes called Bunker Silo) A flat rectangular structure with concrete floors and walls used to ensile and store forages. 青贮槽,用来贮藏饲草Butterfat 乳脂Calf - A young male or female bovine. Usually referre

15、d to as calves until reaching sexual maturity.犊牛Cannula - A special tube designed for placing drugs into the udder through the teat end and streak canal.乳房插管,通常通过乳头末端和乳头管向乳房注射药物。Chalk Sticks - Used to mark treated, fresh, or special-needs cows.对已经接受过治疗、刚出生的或有特殊需求的奶牛进行标记的粉笔Cheese Curd - The clumps of

16、 casein and other milk components that are formed during the cheese making process. These curds are then pressed into blocks or barrels for proper aging and curing of the cheese.凝乳:在奶酪制作过程中形成的酪蛋白块或由其他牛奶成分组成的块状物。这些乳块随后会被压制入乳砖或乳桶以备奶酪的调制和固化。Churning - The process of stirring and agitating cream in the

17、process of making butter.Churning causes the fat globules in cream to clump together and separate from the liquid. 搅乳。在制作黄油的过程中搅拌奶油。搅乳会在奶油中形成与液体相分离的脂肪球。 Chronic - Used to describe recurring symptoms or disease. 慢性的Clinical - Symptoms are present, supportive therapy or treatment is necessary.Colostru

18、m - First milk following calving. High in fat, protein, and immunoglobulins that may be directly absorbed by the newborn calf in its first 24 hours of life.初乳。产犊用初乳。脂肪、蛋白质含量高,初乳中富含的免疫球蛋白可在犊牛出生的24小时内被直接吸收。Commodity Storage - Usually a steel framed shed that provides storage for commodity feeds, such

19、as cottonseed, brewers grains, chopped hay, etc.商品仓储区:存放商品饲料(如棉籽、啤酒槽、碎干草等)Composting Pad - A concrete or hard packed surface that provides an area on which manure and discarded feed may be composted with ready access to aerate the composting materials. 堆肥垫:混凝土或硬质结构表层,将牛粪以及废弃饲料置于其上,可形成堆肥。Concentrates

20、 - High energy or high protein feeds consisting primarily of the seed of the plant,but with out stems and leaves.精饲料:不包含杆类和树叶主要由植物种子提炼而成的具有较高能量值和蛋白质含量的饲料。 Conformation - The body form or physical traits of an animal or parts of the animal in the case of udder conformation. 体形;局部形态。Contagious - Disea

21、se that can be passed from one cow to another through a number of possible ways. 传染病Corn Belt - The area of the United States where corn is a principal cash crop, including Iowa, Indiana, most of Illinois, and parts of Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, South Dakota, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin. 玉米带Cow

22、- A mature female bovine. Usually referring to any dairy females that have borne a calf. Some may consider females having given birth only once as first-calf heifers until they have a second calf. 母牛Cow Trainer - A tin or wire structure supported a few inches above a cow to prevent her from soiling

23、the platform of her stall by administering a gentle electric shock if she arches her back to urinate or defecate while too far forward in the stall.驯牛器:防止母牛随地大小便的一种类似于监狱电网的装置。但电压较小。Coverall - A brand name, but commonly referring to any of a group of hoop type barns with opaque or mylar fabric covers

24、 over a tubular steel frame.牛舍的一种类型 不透明,不传热的聚酯薄膜覆盖在管状金属支架上Crate - An elevated stall for a calf in an indoor facility. 板条箱Crowd Gate - A motorized or manual gate at the end of the holding pen(临时畜栏) that may be moved forward to guide cows toward the entrance to the milking parlor. 赶牛闸Cull - To remove

25、a cow from the herd. Culling reasons include voluntary culling of cows for low milk production, or involuntary culling of cows for reasons of health or injury. 劣质牛Cull Cow - A cow having been identified to be removed from the herd or having recently left. 宰杀牛Culture - In microbiology, a population o

26、f microorganisms in a growth medium or the act of growing bacteria in media for identification. A pure culture contains only organisms that initially arose from a single cell. Cultures are used in manufacturing cultured dairy products and most cheeses. 培养(皿)Dairy Cow - A bovine from which milk produ

27、ction is intended for human consumption, or is kept for raising replacement dairy heifers. 奶牛Dairy Herd Improvement (DHI) - A specific testing plan which requires supervision and compliance with all official DHI rules. 奶牛性能测试Dairy Herd Improvement Association (DHIA) - An organization with programs a

28、nd objectivesintended to improve the production and profitability of dairy farming. Aids farmers in keeping milkproduction and management records.Dairy Herd Improvement Registry (DHIR) - A modification of the DHIA program to make milk production records acceptable by the specific dairy breed associa

29、tions. 奶牛改良登记制 DHI Records - Generic term used to refer to records computed by the Dairy Record Processing Centers.DHI Supervisor - An officially trained and DHIA-certified employee qualified to collect milk samples and record milk weights on the farm for all official types of testing plans.Dairy St

30、eer - A neutered male of any of the dairy cattle breeds. The dairy steers are raised for meat production and usually managed like beef cattle. 阉割乳牛Dam - Mother or female parent in a pedigree. 母兽Denitrification - The biochemical reduction of nitrate or nitrite to gaseous nitrogen, either as molecular

31、 nitrogen or as an oxide of nitrogen.脱氮Direct Microscopic Somatic Cell Count (DMSCC) - Microscopic count of the actual number ofsomatic cells in milk. This system is used to check and verify electronic cell count machines used in DHI laboratories.直接显微镜体细胞技术法:用来检查并核对DHI实验室中所使用的电子细胞计数器Dock - To remove

32、 a cows tail. This practice may keep cows udders cleaner, but may also result in cows being less content, especially in fly season. 剪尾Downer Cow - A cow unable to arise due to disease or injury.起立不能牛Dry Cow - A cow that is not lactating or secreting milk after it has completed a lactation period following calving. 不泌乳牛Dry Lot - An open lot that may be covered with concrete, but that has no vegetative cover. Generally used as exercise areas in most of US, but may be used as primary cow housing in the more arid climates. 饲养场Edem

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