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1、经典优美英语散文精选优美英语散文诗歌精选共8页经典优美英语散文精选【优美英语散文诗歌精选】模版仅供参考,切勿通篇使用诗歌作为一种特殊的文学体裁,有其独特的诗学和翻译原则。下面是X带来的优美英语散文诗歌,欢迎阅读!优美英语散文诗歌精选Flute in RainThis is the sound of a fluteIn waves of twilight rainDays beyond our sightThe autumn speaks againTo a young manDistant and strangeThe pastIs clearer than any book describe

2、sYellow leaves blewOver the campusIn a season clear and highDrawing that wonderful cool sense of emptinessYellow leaves alwaysBut that pure flute fills the wayLike wandering a July plateauBoundless grass in rolling hillsHooves in the midnight clayYet I still hear the pastOld autumns footfallsOutside

3、 this high windowPigeons flashed at duskOn whose balcony do they now roost?The sound of a flute drifts loosely,drifts into distant space雨中长笛林莽这是长笛的声音黄昏的雨飘个不停(可以把音量放得小一点)那些日子已经远得看不见了秋天在和一个少年的心灵对话既遥远又陌生那些逝去的日子比书中描写得更确切校园里的树叶黄了飘了一地心中的秋天更高远高得让人发空落叶在风中滚动长笛却很纯净纯净得有如漫步于高原的七月草场无垠马群在月光下漫游而我还听到了那逝去的深秋里的脚步声就在这

4、高高的楼窗前夕阳里闪动的鸽群现在不知在哪个阳台上躲雨长笛的声音在飘飘得很远优美英语散文诗歌阅读Thirsttonight all the light is shining for youtonight you are a small colonythat remains for a long time, melancholy seepingfrom your body, with exquisite drops of waterthe moon is like a clean, fragrant bodysound asleep, it gives off a seductive smella

5、 night is pressed on either side by two daysbetween them all, the dark circles around your eyesstay joyfulwhat kind of clamour is piled up into your body?inconsolable, one feels some substance taking shapethe walls in dreams blackenso that you see traces of triangular overflowthe pores of the whole

6、body openungraspable meaningstars in the night sky shine with inhuman shinewhile your eyes are loaded withthe sadness and content of remote antiquityand with them the agony of satisfactionas you look on gracefully, the power of a demonmakes of this moment an indelible memory渴望今晚所有的光只为你照亮今晚你是一小块殖民地久久

7、停留,忧郁从你身体内渗出,带着细腻的水滴月亮像一团光洁芬芳的肉体酣睡,发出诱人的气息两个白昼夹着一个夜晚在它们之间,你黑色眼圈保持着欣喜怎样的喧嚣堆积成我的身体无法安慰,感到有某种物体将形成梦中的墙壁发黑使你看见三角形泛滥的影子全身每个毛孔都张开不可捉摸的意义星星在夜空毫无人性地闪耀而你的眼睛装满来自远古的悲哀和快意带着心满意足的创痛你优美的注视中,有着恶魔的力量使这一刻,成为无法抹掉的记忆优美英语散文诗歌学习Song of the True SelfBy Walt Whitman(originally in English)Swiftly arose and spread around me

8、 the peace and knowledgethat pass all the art and argument of the earth,And I know that the hand of God is the elder hand of my own,And I know that the spirit of God is the eldest brother of my own,And that all the men ever born are also my brothers.and the women my sisters and lovers,And that a kel

9、son* of the creation is love.And limitless are leaves stiff or drooping in the fields,And brown ants in the little wells beneath them,And mossy scabs of the worm fence, and heapd stones, and elder,and mullein and poke-weed.真我之歌祥和与了悟迅即充溢我的四周超越世间所有的技巧与争辩我明白上帝的手就是我亘古的手上帝的圣灵就是我的长兄世间的男子也全是我的弟兄世间的女子都是我的姊妹

10、与爱人造化的精髓就是爱在田野里硬挺或下垂的叶子上在叶下小洞的棕色蚂蚁群里在篱笆上的苔痕、石堆、接骨木、毛蕊花和商陆草中我看到无限No American writer has had as powerful an influence in as many parts of the world and on asmany creative fields as therenowned nineteenth-century poet, essayist, journalist and mystic Walt Whitman(1819-1892).His profound impact oncountl

11、ess authors, artists and social thinkers stems from the spiritual insights and universalthemes expressed in his works, which resonate with the message of all the great Masters ofEast and West throughout the ages.华特.惠特曼(Walt Whitman 1819-1892)是美国十九世纪著名的诗人、散文家、记者兼神 主义者,他对世界许多层面及不同创作领域所带来的影响既深且广,全美作家中无人能出其右。他的作品所蕴涵的灵性洞察力和宇宙观,对无数的作家、艺术家和社会思想家造成深远的影响,而且也与历年来东西方的大师们所传达的讯息相呼应.

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