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人教版新起点小学一年级上册英语教学设计 全册.docx

1、人教版新起点小学一年级上册英语教学设计 全册学 期 教 学 目 的 要 求A.激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养他们英语学习的积极态度,使他们建立初步的学习英语的自信心:B.培养学生一定的语感和良好的语音、语调并初步打下良好的书写基础;C.培养良好的学习习惯D.培养他们初步用英语进行简单日常交际的能力、同时,注重培养学生的观察、记忆、想象和创造能力。E.适当介绍中西方文化,培养学生爱国注意精神,增强世界意识,为学生的进一步学习奠定良好的基础。周次月份节教 学 内 容备注193Unit 1293Unit 1393Unit 2493Unit 259-103Unit 3周后期十一放假6103Unit 37

2、103Unit 38103Unit 49103Unit 410113Unit 511113Unit 512113Unit 613113Unit 614123Unit 715123Unit 716123Unit 8 17123Unit 8 1812Revision周前元旦放假1913Revision2013Revision and Examination人教版新起点一年级上册 英语教学设计课 题Lesson 1单元第一课时总第1课时教学目标1利用动画歌曲,儿歌等活动激发学生对英语学习产生初步的兴趣。2能听懂并使用问候语Good morning。3感知课堂指令语Stand up和Sit down,

3、并做出正确反应。4认识4个主线人物:Bill, Lily, Andy和Joy,及宠物狗Lucy和主线人物的好朋友Angle。(说明:此课为一年级学生的第一节英语课,因顾及学生的接受能力和适应能力,故文具及学校等单词安排在下课时。此刻内容更改为课堂问候语指令语的学习,使学生尽快适应英语课堂的一般口令。)教学重点指令语和句型:Good morning.教学难点单词和句型的正确发音。教学用具录音磁带、文具实物、多媒体教学光盘、多媒体课件教 学 内 容教 法 说 明复备Step1:Greeting1. Take a look at English animated cartoon song. 2. G

4、reeting and Self-introduction. T: Good morning, students. My name is Zhang Yanyan. Your English teacher. You can call me Miss Zhang.Step2: presentation1. T: Before every class, we should make a greeting each other. How to make a greeting? (T plays the teaching CD)2. Learn the sentence: Good morning.

5、 T: Gu, gu, good. Mao, mao, morning. Good morning. 3. Group work and pair work.4. Know the friends in book.5. Chant: Say Good morning to these friends.Step3: Extend1. T: When we are making a greeting before the class, what should you also do? (T plays the teaching CD). 通过欢快的节奏及卡通画面激发学生对英语的兴趣,初步感知英语。

6、老师自我介绍,拉近与学生距离。通过动画展示,激发学生学习兴趣。对初学英语的小学生,张口说是学习英语的第一步。分解单词读法可降低说英语的难度,利于学生张口说。利用轻快的儿歌复习新学的知识。创设情景,学习新句型培养学生反应能力和听力能力,加深对新单词印象。Unit One Lesson12. Say and do. T says stand up and sit down, a student does the action, and then T speeds up.Step4: Drill and practice1. Drill the greeting of class.2. Simon

7、says game.Step5: HomeworkGive a English name and make a name card.营造英语学习氛围,并为下课时作铺垫。板书无反思Unit One Lesson2课题Lesson 2第二课时总第2课时教学目标1学习文具及学校的英文单词2 学生学会交际用语“Hello”,并学会介绍自己“Im”3 学生感知TPR用语:“show me.”教学重点文具及学校单词教学难点文具及学校单词及会用“Im”介绍自己教学用具文具实物、教学光盘、单词卡片教学内容教法说明复备Step1: Greeting and warm-up1. T: Class begins!S

8、s: Stand up!T: Good morning!Ss: Good morning!T: Sit down, please.2. Teacher and students take out the name cards and say Hello each other. T: Hello, Im Cathy. S: Hello, Im .3. Students say Hello each other.4. Say the chant.Step2: Lead inT: Lets have our class. But before the class, you should get re

9、ady something. What? Guess a rabble.Step3: presentation1. T: Look at me. Guess! Whats in my hand? Look, This is an eraser. Read after me: eraser. An eraser.2. T takes out a ruler and teach ruler. So does book and pencil.3. Talk about what we can do with them.4. T: You should check whether you take t

10、hese things before you go to school.(Teach school)5. See the word card and read the words.6. Teacher gives every group a name: ruler, book, pencil, eraser and school. Then play the game: Whats missing?7. Learn the chantStep4: Practice1. TPR: T: Show me your ruler/book/pencil/eraser.2. Guess the word

11、: two people a group, one act, the other one guess the word.师生互相问候,拉近师生距离,同时复习上课内容。在上课前学习打招呼的新知识,自然,流畅。在课堂上给新生互相认识的机会,增进学生间的友谊。游戏教学,调动学生学习积极性。实物教学,形象逼真,使学生更容易理解词义了解文具功能,拓宽知识范围,并为后面的猜词游戏作铺垫培养学生认单词的能力。利用比赛类游戏调动学生积极参与的同时巩固所学新知识。板书无反思Unit One Lesson3课题Lesson 3第三课时总第3课时教学目标1 能够运用所学英语进行交流2 学习新句子:Your book

12、!和Oh, thanks!3 复习所学知识教学重点复习单词并学习本课的英语对话教学难点Your book!和Oh, thanks!教学用具文具实物、教学光盘、单词卡片教学内容教法说明复备Step1: Greeting and warm-up1. T: Class begins!Ss: Stand up!T: Good morning!Ss: Good morning!T: Sit down, please.2. Teacher and students take out the name cards and greet each other. T: Hello, Im Cathy. S: He

13、llo, Im .3. Students say Hello each other.4. Read the card.5. TPR 6. Say the chant with action.Step2: Lead inT: Do you remember our friends? Look at the picture. Who is she? Who is he? They seem to be speaking. Lets see what they are talking about. Step3: presentation1. Students watch the CD.2. Talk

14、 about what the dialogue tells us? (to be polite) 3. Teacher and students greet each other.4. T drops a book intentionally and waits for one student to pick up. Then teacher says: Oh, thanks!5. Act the dialogue.Step4: Practice1. TPR: T: Show me your ruler/book/pencil/eraser.2. Game: words jump and jump and jump. 师生互相问候,拉近师生距离,同时复习上节课内容。运用全身反应法复习文具等单词加深对主线人物的印象,利用谈话导入。创设情景,使学习生动,丰富。运用游戏,复习单词。板书无反思

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