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高考英语北师大版大一轮讲义Book 1 Unit 1 Word版含答案.docx

1、高考英语北师大版大一轮讲义Book 1 Unit 1 Word版含答案.读句品词阅读下列句子,写出加黑单词的词性及汉语意思1I was asked to give a short presentation on the aims of the plan.n.陈述其他意义:n.表演;展示2Despite the good weather forecast,the next morning was as wet as ever.n.预报;预测3The government reminded the citizens that it was frightening to cycle to work

2、in a sandstorm.v.骑自行车/摩托车4He has applied to that famous company for a position of an accountant.n.会计师5It was a big change in lifestyle when we moved to the countryside.n.生活方式6The satellites are able to observe the changes of climate on earth by means of remote sensors.adj.遥远的.语境填词背一背1matter vi.要紧,有重

3、大关系2partner n.合作者,搭档3suppose vt.认为,猜想4switch vt.转换,转变5crowd n.人群;一伙人6expert n.专家7pressure n.压力8stand vt.忍耐,忍受9support vt.& n.支持;支撑10design n& vt.设计11solve vt.解决;解答12otherwise adv.否则;另外练一练从左栏中选择合适的单词并用其正确形式填空1The small classroom becomes very crowded because over eighty students sit there.2It is what

4、you do rather than what you say that matters.3We didnt know you were in trouble at that time;otherwise we would have given you a hand.4He switched from a back seat to a front one so that he could see clearly.5These days,I cant fall asleep because the coming final exam is putting great pressure on me

5、.6Im trying to find the solution to the problem,but I cant find a right one.拓展提升背一背1volunteer n志愿者 vt.& vi.自愿去做voluntary adj.自愿的;志愿的2advertisement n广告advertise v做广告advertiser n登广告的人;广告商3peaceful adj.平静的;和平的peacefully adv.和平地;平静地peace n和平4relaxing adj.令人轻松的,放松的relax vt.& vi.放松relaxed adj.松懈的,放松的5comp

6、lain vi.抱怨;投诉complaint n抱怨6bored adj.厌烦的,不感兴趣的boring adj.令人厌烦的;无聊的bore n令人厌烦的人boredom n厌烦;无聊7stress n压力stressful adj.充满压力的,紧张的8organise vt.组织organiser n组织者organisation n组织organised adj.有组织的;有条理的;有秩序的9prefer vt.更喜欢;宁愿preference n喜好;偏爱10challenge n挑战 vt.向挑战challenging adj.有挑战性的11formal adj.正式的,合礼仪的inf

7、ormal adj.非正式的12reduce vt.减少;降低reduction n减少练一练用所给单词的适当形式填空1I dont want to work under stress and I am eager for a job that isnt stressful.(stress)2Generally speaking,we feel relaxed while listening to some relaxing music.(relax)3Advertisers are supposed to be honest with the advertisements.If you ad

8、vertise your goods in a dishonest way,you will be fined up to 50,000 yuan.(advertise)4When talking about my sons reading preference,I think he prefers science books.(prefer)5The organiser said an international organisation offered much money to organise the activity.(organise)6In a way,challenges ar

9、e good for developing our strong characters and I like doing challenging work.(challenge)7The peaceful people hoped that the dispute was to be solved peacefully and a peace agreement could be signed as soon as possible.(peace)8Nowadays with the development of society,many volunteers do voluntary wor

10、k without any pay.(volunteer).选词填空背一背1switch on/off/over把开关打开/关闭/转换频道,转变2take up占据;开始从事;拿起3be filled with充满着4suffer from忍受,遭受5get changed换衣服,更衣6take turns to do sth.轮流做某事7at the moment此刻,目前8make sure弄清,查明9come up with追上,赶上;想出,找到10look forward to盼望,期望11make a difference有影响;起作用12go off(铃、爆竹等)响;爆炸练一练从左

11、栏中选择合适的短语并用其适当形式填空1A bomb went off in the busy street and many people were badly hurt.2It isnt what you have done but what you will do that makes a difference.3I cant go to the new sports shop with you because Im as busy as a bee at the moment.4The party is about to begin.Hurry up or you wont have t

12、ime to get changed.5It is likely that you will suffer from bad health if you keep smoking.6As we grow older we come to realize that life is filled with challenges.7She couldnt come up with a solution to the problem,so she turned to me for help.仿写运用背一背1What kind of lifestyles do you think the men in

13、the pictures have?你认为图中的这些人有什么样的生活方式?2I always take my portable TV and I sit on the stone wall while the dog walks round in a circle.我总是随身携带我的手提电视,坐在石墙上,而小狗围着我转圈。3It takes me less than fifteen minutes to wash,get changed,have breakfast,leave home and get on a bus.我从洗漱、穿衣、吃早饭、离开家到坐上公共汽车只用不到15分钟的时间。4U

14、sually,its so crowded that I cant find anywhere to sit.通常地铁很拥挤,以至于我找不到坐的地方。5We dont have the same work hours that office workers in the city have.我们和城市里在办公室工作的人的上班时间不同。练一练用左栏中的句式结构完成下列句子1在去长江和泰山的这两条线路中,你认为哪条是我最好的选择?(do you think作插入语)Of the two routes to the Yangtze River and Mount Tai,which do you t

15、hink is the best choice for me?2起初,我自己做了大部分值日,而其他同学不大关心班级活动。(while)At first,I did most of the duties myself while other students cared little about class activities.3在只准讲英语的学校,亚洲学生需要大约五到十年才能达到本地人的语言表现。(It takes sb.some time to do sth.)It takes Asian students between five and ten years to reach nativ

16、e speaker performance in Englishonly schools. 4我们的排球队如此优秀,在全国中学排球比赛中两次获得冠军。(so.that.)Our volleyball team was so excellent that it won the championship twice in national middle school volleyball matches.5北京大学和清华大学有着同样的教育理念。(the same.that.)Peking University has the same educational ideas that Tsinghua

17、 University has.1“增加”“减少”对对碰(1)增加:increase,accumulate,rise,go up (2)减少:decrease,decline,reduce,fall,drop,go down2“支持,拥护”串串记(1)support vt.支持,拥护(2)advocate vt.提倡,拥护(3)back vt.支持(4)stand by/for支持(5)in favour of支持,赞同(6)stand by支持3“事儿”多多(1)matter事件,问题(2)incident事件,事变(3)business事情(4)affair事务,私事(5)issue问题,

18、事情(6)event事件,大事4“盼望,期望”表达种种(1)look forward to盼望,期望(2)be eager for/to do渴望,期待(3)be dying for/to do渴望/盼望(做)(4)long for/to do渴望/盼望(做)(5)hope for/to do希望/期待(做)5“getdone”短语大全(1)get changed换衣服(2)get dressed穿好衣服 (3)get hurt受伤 (4)get arrested被捕(5)get lost迷路6“beadj.of”短语集锦(1)be fond of喜爱,喜欢(2)be tired of对厌倦

19、(3)be afraid of害怕 (4)be aware of意识到,知道 (5)be proud of为而自豪 matter vi.要紧;有重大关系n情况;事态;问题(1)It doesnt matter.没关系/不要紧。(2)as a matter of fact其实,事实上to make matters worse更糟糕的是no matter疑问词无论Whats the matter with.?怎么了/出了什么问题?单句语法填空(1)Does it matter a great deal to her whether they come or not?(2)Is the global

20、 warming a matter of life and death to mankind?(3)As a matter of fact,I have never been there before.句型转换(4)No matter what you say,I wont believe you.What ever you say,I wont believe you.(5)Whats worse,Moth was diagnosed with a serious disease.To make matters worse,Moth was diagnosed with a serious

21、disease.(6)It doesnt matter to me what you do or where you go.It doesnt make any difference to me what you do or where you go.思维发散表示“实际上;事实上”的词汇还有:in fact,in actual fact,in reality,in nature,in practice,in effect,actually等。 suppose v.认为;猜想;假设;假定(1)suppose sb.(to be).以为某人(是)be supposed to应该;理应be supp

22、osed to have done.本该做(但实际上未做)I suppose so (not)我想是这样/不会的。(2)supposing conj.假如单句语法填空(1)I suppose that he is quite in spirits at your success, isnt he?(2) Supposing/Suppose(suppose) it rains,can we play the match indoors?(3)You are late again.You are supposed to have arrived(arrive) here five minutes

23、earlier.(4) Is it going to rain? No,I suppose not.句型转换(5)I supposed him to be about forty.I supposed that he was about forty.链接高考(6)此外,餐桌礼仪也是你应该注意的。例如,你不应该把筷子插进食物里。相反,把它们放在你的盘子上是一个明智的选择。(2018全国)Besides,table manners are also what you should pay attention to.For example,you are not supposed to stick

24、your chopsticks into your food.Instead,laying them on your dish is a smart choice.用法点拨suppose和supposing一样,可用作连词,引导条件状语从句。suppose后不跟不定式(此时可改为宾语从句)。 complain v.抱怨;埋怨;发牢骚;投诉(1)complain (to sb.) of/about (doing) sth.(向某人)抱怨/诉苦(做)某事(2)complaint n抱怨,怨言;不满,委屈make a complaint about/of.抱怨;投诉make a complaint

25、to sb.向某人抱怨/投诉单句语法填空(1)We received a lot of complaints from customers about the lack of parking facilities.(2)Instead of doing the task happily,he wandered around there for hours,complaining(complain) to himself and doing a bad job.(3)She complained to her friends about the barking of her neighbors

26、dog.句型转换(4)She is always complaining about her job.She is always making complaints about/of her job.(5)She complained that her work was too hard.She complained of/about her work being too hard.用法点拨complain用作及物动词时,不能用于被动语态,后只能接that从句,不接名词或代词。 switch v转变;转换n开关;转换switch off关上(电灯、电视等);断掉(电源)switch on打开;

27、开始运行switch over转变;转换;换台switch to切换到;转到单句语法填空(1)Switch over if you dont like the programme.(2)When I switched on the light,I found the room robbed.(3)I parked the car and switched off the engine.(4)He was tired of teaching and as a result,switched to writing novels. bored adj.厌烦的;厌倦的(1)be/get bored w

28、ith对感到厌烦(2)bore v使厌烦 n令人讨厌的人/事bore sb.with用使某人厌烦(3)boring adj.无聊的;令人厌烦的boredom n厌倦;厌烦单句语法填空(1)She was bored with the work and wanted to do something completely different.(2)Her husband is about the most boring(bore) person Ive ever met.(3)Here was an expression of boredom(bore) on his face.句式升级(4)He

29、 was bored with that boring speech and left the lecture hall.(改为简单句) Bored with that boring speech,he left the lecture hall.联想发散表示“对厌倦”的短语还有:be tired of,be fed up with,be sick of等。 suffer vt.& vi.受苦;遭受;经历(1)suffer from遭受折磨;患病(2)suffering n受苦,遭难;苦楚,苦难sufferer n受害者;患者单句语法填空(1)I have not understood eno

30、ugh of your difficulties and suffering(suffer)(2)Drought continues to annoy many parts of China,with tens of thousands suffering(suffer) water shortages and millions of others affected.(3)It is likely that you could suffer from bad health if you keep smoking.(4)To our delight,the sufferer(suffer) has decided to give up smoking.句式升级(5)After they had suffered such a heavy loss in the earthquake,they got help from all over the world.(用现在分词短语作状语改写)Having suffered such a heavy loss in the earthquake,they got help from all over the world.用法点拨(1)suffer和suffer from一般不用于被动语态。(2)suffer作及物动词,意

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