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1、高考英语一轮复习知识排查突破book7Unit5Travellingabroad新人教【步步高】(新课标)2016高考英语一轮复习 知识排查突破 book 7 Unit 5 Travelling abroad 新人教版重点识记词汇1.adjust to适应;调节 in相适应;相融合3destination n目的地 in and day out日复一日5enterprise n事业;事业心 6.keep it up保持优秀成绩;继续干下去7parallel adj.平行的;相同的;类似的 8.draft n草稿;草案 vt.草拟;起草9as far as one is c

2、oncerned就而言 occupied with 忙着做;忙于某事物11acknowledge vt.承认;确认;答谢 12.routine n常规;日常事务 adj.通常的;例行的13out of the question不可能的;不值得讨论的 14.settle in (迁入新居、更换工作后)安顿下来15requirement n需要;要求require vt.需要 16.preparation n准备;预备prepare vt.准备17revise vt.复查;修正;复习revision n复查;修正;复习18apology n道歉;谢罪apologize vt.& vi.

3、道歉;谢罪19recommend vt.推荐;建议recommendation n推荐;介绍;劝告20comfort n舒适;安慰 vt.安慰comfortable adj.舒适的comfortably adv.舒适地21qualification n资格;资历qualified adj.有资格的;能胜任的qualify vt.(使)合格;(使)具有资格22substitute n代替品;代用品 vt.用代替substitution n代替;取代substitutive adj.可以替代的;代用的;取代的23occupy vt.占用;占领;占据occupation n占领;占据24option

4、al adj.可选择的;随意的option n选择25abundant adj.丰富的;充裕的abundance n丰富;充裕26contradict vt.反驳;反斥contradiction n反驳;矛盾contradictory adj.相互矛盾的27govern vt.& vi.统治;支配;管理government n政府28academic adj.学校的;学术的academically adv.学术上;学业上academy n学院;研究院;学会29agent n代理人;经纪人agency n服务机构;代理机构必背经典句式1.It was the first time she had

5、 ever left her motherland.这是她第一次离开她的祖国。2Besides,as far as he was concerned,what other people thought was not the most important thing.此外,他认为别人的想法并不是最重要的。3I have been so occupied with work that I havent had time for social activities.我一直忙于学习,以至于没有时间去参加社交活动。4You have to get used to a whole new way of

6、life,which can take up all your concentration in the beginning.你必须适应全新的生活,起初这能占去你全部的精力。5.we wish Xie Lei all the best in her new enterprise.我们祝愿谢蕾在新的事业中一切顺利。构词记忆optional /pnl/ adj.任选的;非强制的original /rIdInl/ adj.最初的;原先的;原创的sceptical /skeptIkl/ adj.(常持)怀疑态度的traditional /trdInl/ adj.传统的;习俗的;惯例的typical /

7、tIpIkl/ adj.典型的;有代表性的;独特的.词汇与派生A语境填词1The country finally gained independence after being governed(统治)by the British for so many years.2Can you substitute(代替)for the singer who is ill?3Its a great comfort(安慰)to the mother to see the children growing happily,especially after her husband died.4The theo

8、ry is generally acknowledged(认为) to be true.5We eventually arrived at our holiday destination(目的地)6We need a spirit of enterprise(事业心) if we are to achieve something.7While the government says there is a(n) abundant(充裕的)supply of houses,prices of apartments have been going up these years.8They sat d

9、own and drafted (草拟) a letter to the local newspaper.B用所给词的适当形式填空9He is trying his best to do as he is required though he thinks it hard to meet the requirements.(requirement)10Are you sure he is qualified to drive a car?Yes.He has got his driving qualification.(qualification)11He occupies an import

10、ant position in the government office,and his occupation brings him great fame.(occupy)12He sharpened his knife in preparation for carving the meat.But the other workers hadnt prepared yet.So the boss was very satisfied with him.(prepare)13Youd better apologize to your children,for making an apology

11、 is not a disgraceful thing and the children will respect you more.(apologize)14Professor Li,please recommend us a good dictionary.All the students in our class will depend on your recommendation.(recommend).短语运用A用方框内所给动词短语的适当形式填空15Daddy! I can pronounce these words. Keep it up!You are doing very we

12、ll.16His mind was occupied with this important task,so he couldnt go out for a walk.17Was he incapable of fitting in with his new teammates or his new clubs system?18Europe has got used to following rather than leading the pack.19These desks and seats can be adjusted to the height of any child.20The

13、y had entered the country and had applied for permanent residence.21I like feeling at home when I am abroad.B用方框内所给短语填空22As far as English is concerned,he is the best in our class.23I picked up a handful of letters and began to read them.24Without your help,finishing the task ahead of time would be

14、out of the question.25Day in and day out you can hear them arguing about the same silly questions.26The Prime Minister came to visit our country in the company of his assistant.经典句式27It is the first time that Ive spoken in public.这是我第一次在公开场合发言。28He was so moved that he could not say any words.他太感动了以

15、至于说不出话来。29The sun,which rises in the east,gives us heat and light.太阳从东方升起,带给我们光和热。30As far as Im concerned,there is only one possible way to keep away from the danger.在我看来,只有一种可能脱离危险的办法。31I wish you good luck in getting a job.祝你能幸运地找到工作。1 recommend vt.推荐,荐举;劝告做,建议(某事)(advise)应试指导(1)虚拟语气的考查(2)后跟非谓语动词

16、的考查(3)推荐信高频词汇recommend sb.sth.recommend sb.向某人推荐某物recommend doing sth.建议(劝告)某人做某事recommend do sth.劝告某人做某事recommend推荐某人当recommend that.(should) do.建议(某人)a letter of recommendation推荐信Secondly,I hope our teachers can recommend more interesting books and magazines and give us more fr

17、ee time to read them.第二,我希望老师能给我们推荐一些更有趣的书和杂志,给我们更多的自由时间进行阅读。(江苏书面表达)I have just spent a holiday there and would recommend it to anyone.我刚刚在那里度过假,很想把它推荐给每一个人。夯实基础(1)语法填空Teachers recommend parents (should) not allow (allow) their children under 12 to ride bicycles to school for safety.Wed recommend y

18、ou to book(book) your flight early.We strongly recommend reporting(report) the incident to the police.(2)I recommend that you (should) go by subway.I recommend your going by subway.(改为简单句)2 substitute v.替换(replace;take the place of);用替换;n.代替物(品);代替者应试指导作为高级词汇替换replacea substitute for.的代替者substitute

19、A for Breplace/substitute B with/by A 用A代替Bsubstitute for代替;取代She is seeking a substitute for the very man whose departure made her cry.那个男人的离去令她伤心痛哭,她正想找一个人填补内心的空缺。They were substituting violence for dialogue.他们在用暴力取代对话。词义辨析substitute,replace(1)这两个词的含义略有不同,substitute强调“代替,顶替”;而replace强调“替换,更换”,即把旧的

20、或坏的东西更换成新的(通常用take the place of更通俗些)。(2)在句型结构上,通常是:substitute A for B“用A代替B”(使用A);replace A with/by B“用B替换A”(使用B)。夯实基础(1)用substitute,replace的适当形式填空The driver replaced the wornout tires with/by new ones.He substituted for the teacher who was in hospital.(2)语法填空For sustainable development,I advocate w

21、e should substitute conventional energy with renewable energy.Theres no substitute for that watch.3 requirement n.要求;必要条件;需要应试指导(1)同位语从句的考查(2)虚拟语气的考查多词一义require,want,needrequire sth.of sb.要求某人某事require do sth.要求某人做某事sth.require(s) doing/to be done某事需要It is required that.要求(从句中用虚拟语气,即“shoulddo”

22、,should可省略)meet/satisfy ones requirements满足某人的要求All the members are required to attend the meeting.要求会员们都要出席这次会议。Its products met all legal requirements.它的产品符合所有的法律要求。夯实基础(1)This wall requires repairing.This wall requires to be repaired.(用不定式作宾语改写句子)(2)The situation required us to make an immediate

23、decision.The situation required that we (should) make an immediate decision.(改为复合句)4 acknowledge vt.承认(recognize);确认;答谢(express thanks);告知收悉应试指导(1)后跟非谓语动词的用法(2)写作高分句式:It is acknowledged that.(Sb./ acknowledged不定式)acknowledge sb./ be/as.认为某人(物)是;承认某人(物)是acknowledge doing sth.承认做某事acknowle

24、dge that.承认It is universally acknowledged that.是大家公认的。in acknowledgement of对表示感谢Naylor acknowledged,in a letter to the judge,that he was a drug addict.内勒在给法官的信中承认自己吸毒。夯实基础(1)Its universally acknowledged that he is the best player in the world.He is universally acknowledged to be the best player in t

25、he world.(改为简单句)(2)It is a truth which is universally acknowledged(公认的) that wealth doesnt necessarily mean happiness.5 keep it up保持优秀成绩;继续干下去keep up保持keep up with跟上;不落后keep back忍住;隐瞒keep down抵制;控制keep off(使)不接近;让开;远离keep mind把某事记在心里keep an eye on留神注意;照看If youre already eating a healthy diet,

26、keep it up.如果你已经有了健康的饮食习惯那么继续保持。I will always keep it up and let you see my willpower.我会一直坚持下去,让你看到我的毅力。夯实基础选择方框内的短语填空(1)They lit a fire to keep off wild animals.(2)Neither of them is telling the whole truth.Invariably,they keep something back.(3)Even wellestablished companies can scarcely keep up w

27、ith demand.(4)You can use farm chemicals to keep down the weeds.6 as far as one is concerned在看来;就而言多词一义as far as concerned,personally,based on ones opinion,in ones opinion,in ones (point of) viewas/so far as I know就我而言as far as I am aware据我所知from where I stand在我看来with regard to关于to my knowledg

28、e就我所知As far as I know,they are coming by car.据我所知,他们要坐汽车来。To my knowledge,she is still living there.据我所知,她还住在那里。夯实基础As far as Im concerned,it is unreasonable.(1)From where I stand,it is unreasonable.(用where从句改写句子)(2)Personally,it is unreasonable.(用personally改写句子)(3)As far as I am aware,it is unreaso

29、nable.(用aware改写句子)1 It was the first time she had ever left her motherland.这是她第一次离开她的祖国。(1)It/This/That was the first/second.time that从句(过去完成时)It/This/That is the first/second.time that 从句(现在完成时)(2)It is一段时间since.自从以来多久了(3)It will be一段时间before.多久之后才(4)It wont be long before.不久就(5)It is (high) time t

30、hat.(从句谓语动词用过去式或“shoulddo”)It was the third time that the old woman had been informed in danger.这是老太太第三次被通知病危。夯实基础语法填空(1)It is three years since I joined the army.(2)This was the last time that I had asked you for money.(3)John thinks it wont be long before he is ready for his new job.(4)It is time that we should go to bed.2单元语法用定语从句的引导词完成句子(1)She has two sons,who work in the same school.(2)The Science Museum,which we visited during a recent trip to Britain,is one of Londons tourist attractions.(3)I have invited more than one hundred friends to the party,most of who

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