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1、英语翻译Unit1Part A 1 An artist who seeks fame is like a dog chasing his own tail who, when he captures it, does not know what else to do but to continue chasing it. 艺术家追求成名,如同狗自逐其尾,一旦追到手,除了继续追逐不知还能做些什么2 Still, impure motives such as the desire for worshipping fans and praise from peers may spur the art

2、ist on. 尽管如此,希望赢得追星族追捧和同行赞扬之类的不太纯洁的动机却在激励着他们向前。3 When the performer, painter or writer becomes bored, their work begins to show a lack of continuity in its appeal and it becomes difficult to sustain the attention of the public. 4 若表演者、画家或作家感到无聊,他们的作品就难以继续保持以前的吸引力,也就难以保持公众的注意力。5 The public simply dis

3、counts styles other than those for which the artist has become famous. 6 公众对于他们藉以成名的艺术风格以外的任何形式都将不屑一顾。7 However, they paid for it by giving up the freedom to express themselves with other styles or forms. 但也让他们付出了代价,那就是失去了用其他风格或形式表现自我的自由你。8 The performer, like the politician, must often please his o

4、r her audiences by saying things he or she does not mean or fully believe. 艺人,就像政客一样,必须常常说些违心或连自己都不完全相信的话来取悦听众。9 One drop of fame will likely contaminate the entire well of a mans soul, and so an artist who remains true to himself or herself is particularly amazing. 一滴名气之水有可能玷污人的心灵这一整口井,因此一个艺术家若能保持真

5、我,会格外让人惊叹.10. They may justify their failure by convincing themselves their genius is too sophisticated for contemporary audiences. 他们也可以为自己的失败辩解:自己的才华实在过于高深,不是当代听众或观众所理解得了的11. Single-minded artists who continue their quest for fame even after failure might also like to know that failure has motivat

6、ed some famous people to work even harder to succeed. 那些失败了却仍不肯放弃的顽固派也许会乐于知道,某些名人曾经如何越挫越勇,直至成功。Part B1. Water from the mills wheel sprayed in the sunshine making a rainbow over the canal and I often stopped there on my way to bathe and cool off for a spellnatural air conditioning. 研磨机轮子上的水花在阳光下喷洒,在河

7、道上空形成一道彩虹。我常在半路上把车停下来,在河里洗个澡,凉快一会,享受一下天然空调。2. I pulled my purchases up to the counter and placed the nails in the tray of the scale, saying carefully, I need to put this on credit. 我把要买的东西拖到柜台前,把钉子放进秤盘,小心翼翼地说道:“我要赊账。” UNIT2课内Certainly middle-class audiences did; the working-class audiences were more

8、 likely to clap for a character who revolted against authority, using his wicked little cane to trip it up, or aiming the heel of his boot for a well-placed kick at its broad rear.中产阶级当然这样认为。劳动阶层反倒更有可能为这样一个反抗权势的角色拍手喝彩:他以顽皮的小拐杖使绊子,或用皮靴后跟对准权势者肥大的臀部踢一下。It cant be me. Is that possible? How extraordinary

9、, is how he greeted the first sight of himself as the Tramp on the screen.当他第一次在银幕上看到自己扮演的“流浪汉”时,他说:“这不可能是我。那可能吗?瞧这角色多么与众不同啊!”In Oona ONeill Chaplin, he found a partner whose stability and affection spanned the 37 years age difference between them, which had seemed so threatening, that when the offi

10、cial who was marrying them in 1942 turned to the beautiful girl of 17 whod given notice of their wedding date, he said, And where is the young man? Chaplin, then 54, had cautiously waited outside他找到了沃娜奥尼尔卓别林这个伴侣。她的沉稳和深情跨越了他们之间37岁的年龄差距。他们的年龄差别太大,以致当1942年他们要结婚时,新娘公布了他们的结婚日期后,为他们办理手续的官员问这位漂亮的17岁姑娘:“那个年

11、轻人在哪儿?”当时已经54岁的卓别林小心翼翼在外面等候着She became an ambassador for womens political rights, giving speeches before womens groups and going from door to door, handbag in hand, spending hours at a time giving a combination of speech and government lesson.她成为捍卫妇女政治权利的使者,向妇女团体发表演说或者挎着手提包挨家挨户去做演讲,并给他们讲解政体,一讲就是数小时。

12、Education of African women has become a top priority for political activists.非洲妇女的教育已经成为政治活动家们着重考虑的问题。Women politicians and activists say they are fighting deeply-held cultural traditions.妇女政治活动家们说她们正在与根深蒂固的文化传统作斗争。Today, men still have the upper hand.今天,男性仍占有优势。They give us so many promises, but th

13、ey dont deliver the goods. As long as she keeps giving us what we want, she is all right.只要她能不断带来我们所需的东西,她就行。课后1.如果没有查理卓别林,世界电影史就会不一样了。2.令人感到宽慰的是,他的努力最终给予了他长期渴望的结果他成功地发现了这种疾病的原因。3.查理卓别林是最伟大、最广受热爱的电影明星之一。从流浪汉到摩登时代,他拍摄了许多他那个时代最有趣、最受欢迎的电影。他最出名的是他扮演的一个人物年轻可爱的小流浪汉。4.卓别林是一个才能非凡的人:自他1914年第一次在电影中出现,两年时间内他就成

14、了这个国家最有名的人物之一。5.查理卓别林对20世纪初期每个人的生活都产生了影响。与有史以来的任何人相比,他让更多的人欢笑,改变了人们看待这个世界的方式。6. 1977年,查理卓别林在圣诞节那天去世了,身后留下了悲伤的家人和朋友,以及全世界数以百万计的影迷。汉翻英课后1、 With so much going on at the office,it is a wonder to find (令人惊奇地发现) that Mr.Lawrence has much time left for anything else.2、 It is a surprise for us to find (我们非常

15、吃惊的发现) that television enjoys its greatest competitive advantage on information3、 You will soon find that it is a waste of time to argue with him (与他争论是浪费时间)4、 It is a comfort to know (令人宽慰的了解到) that there is always someone to keep an eye on the kid5、 It is a relief for us to learn (我们宽慰的了解到) that t

16、he driver was able to control the car during the stormy weather 1、 要是这部戏剧中的人物更幽默的话,就会吸引更多的观众if the characters in this comedy had been more humorous ,it would have attracted a larger audience2、 他从未对自己的能力失去信心,因此他有可能成为一名成功的演员she has never lost faith in her own ability ,so it is a possibility for her to

17、 become a successful actress.3、 我从未受过正式培训,我只是边学边干I never had formal training , I just learned as I went along.4、 随着产品进入估计市场,他们的品牌知名度越来越高了as their products find their way into the international market ,their brand is gaining in popularity .5、 他可以编造一个故事,说自己被窃贼打昏,所有的钱都没了,但他怀疑是否能让这个故事听起来可信she could make

18、 up a story by saying she was knocked unconscious by thieves and that all her money was gone ,but she doubted whether she could make it sound believable .6、 谁都不清楚他是否故意推迟了时间,可是这引起了对他更多的批评no one was certain whether he postponed the visit on purpose ,but this brought more criticism of him. UNIT3Transla

19、tionXI.1. Seven or eight officials are reported to have taken bribes and the mayor has decided to look into theaffair in person.2. These workers regret yielding to the managements advice and going back to work. Now they areagain faced with the threat of losing their jobs.3. You only need to fill out

20、 a form to get your membership, which entitles you to a discount on goods.4. Their car broke down halfway for no reason. As a result they arrived three hours later than they hadplanned.5. The official got involved in a scandal and was forced to resign weeks later.6. The man living on welfare began t

21、o build up his own market, one step at a time and his business isthriving.XII1.据报道这个男子曾在私下说:“许多救济对象在欺骗我们,因此,作为补偿,我们有权让他们对我们点头哈腰。2.我们考虑了你的背景与经历,很遗憾地告诉你,我们目前没有适合你的工作机会。3.我没能按奥斯卡的暗示去做,相反,我反驳了那个妇女,结果她竟然是我们的新经理。4.需要有人来充当穷人权利的捍卫者,因为这一体制太容易被滥用。5.我的车子在高速公路上抛锚后,我打电话向警察求助,20分钟后他们赶来帮我。6.他热爱艺术,却经受了巨大的痛苦贫穷与误解。 U

22、NIT51. This little man is not so innocent as he appears.2. Theres nothing I can do about the problem, so you might as well turn to Professor Wang for help.3. Both sides speak highly of the fruits in their cooperation in different areas, and hope that thecooperation can be furthered.4. On the one han

23、d, an image of being close to the people can get a new policy more easily accepted.On the other hand, it will encourage people to speak their minds and come up with constructivesuggestions.5. His sense of loneliness rose and fell and he sometimes would talk at length to himself and his petsand the television.6. After all, money is not everything. The richest people are not necessarily the happiest.

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