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贵州省学年高一寒假作业1英语 Word版含答案.docx

1、贵州省学年高一寒假作业1英语 Word版含答案【KS5U首发】贵州省2013-2014学年高一寒假作业(1)英语 Word版含答案 题号一二三四五六总分得分评卷人得分一、单项填空(共15小题:每小题1分,满分15分) 从A. B. C. D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选硕,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1.The Beijing Olympic Games has been the biggest _ Games in the world. A. live B. lively C. alive D. living2.She doesnt know anyone here. She has g

2、ot_to talk to.A. anyoneB. someone C. everyoneD. no one3.It is not socially for parents to leave children unattended at that age. Aaccessible Badorable Cadaptable Dacceptable 4.Two middle-aged passengers fell into the lake._, neither of them could swim.AIn fact BLuckily CUnfortunately DNaturally5.The

3、 students competed _ each other _ the honour of winning in school sports meet. A. against; for B. for; against C. with; at D. at; with6.My father served in the army in _ when he was in _. A. 1950s; twenties B. the 1950s; his twentiesC. the 1950s; the twenties D. 1950s; the twenties7.-Hey, Mr. Smith,

4、 you are wanted on _ phone.-Who is calling?-_ Mr. Green. I dont know who he is.A. /; A B. the; / C. the; A D. /; /8.The trees _ in the storm have been moved off the road. A. being blown down B. blown down C. blowing down D. to blow down 9.Would you prefer to attend a private tutor?Id rather _ for a

5、class than _ a tutor. A. sign up; have B. to sign up; haveC. sign up; to have D. to sign up; to have10.Each of the students in our classgreat interest in English and we eacha copy of A New EnglishChinese Dictionary. A. shows; have B. show; has C. are; has D. is; have11.As I couldnt find a better way

6、 to solve the problem, he suggested _ to my parents.A. me to turn B. I would turn C. me turning D. me turn12.It was John we won the game. A. because; who B. because of; whom C. as; that D. thanks to; that 13.She is my best teacher _ help I have made great progress Awith whom Bwhose Cwhich Dwith whos

7、e14.It is generally considered unwise to give a child he or she wants.A. no matter what B. whichever C. whatever D. whenever 15.- _ for the glass!- Its OK. Im wearing shoes.A. Look out B. Walk out C. Go out D. Set out评卷人得分二、完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在

8、答题卡上将该项涂黑Robison was born in a very poor family. At seven, he had to pick cal in a deserted mine, then he 16 what he had picked and earned a few coins to help his parents. He had 17 schooling. 18 so poor, how could they pay for the education?When he was fifteen, he worked 19 a servant in a school, l

9、ooking at other children studying in the classroom, he felt 20 for himself. How he wished to have the same chance. He 21 to study by himself. In the day time after the sweeping and cleaning was over, he 22 stand by the window outside the classroom trying to 23 what the teacher said. At night, he tri

10、ed his best to remember 24 he had learned during the day. He worked 25 hard at the lessons that he sometimes had just three or four hours 26. The more he learned, the 27 he wanted to learn.A maths teacher 28 him and came to like this diligent(刻苦) boy and 29 him to sit at the back of the class. In 30

11、 exam, he was the one in the whole school who reached the 31 grade.Robison went on for six years 32 his study of maths and wrote several articles which drew the attention of some university professors. They appreciated (欣赏) his talent and his diligence. 33 him the better chance they employed him as

12、a librarian and 34 him free guidance. Robison was filled with joy. Fro he felt that before him there was a broad road leading to 35.16. A. burned B. gaveC. sent D. sold17. A. anyB. less C. noD. small18. A. Because B. As C. For D. Being19. A. likeB. as C. forD. at20. A. sorry B. angry C. disappointed

13、 D. interesting21. A. wishedB. wanted C. decidedD. considered22. A. wouldB. shouldC. couldD. might23. A. doB. catch C. listen to D. hear24. A. when B. allC. that D. which25. A. such B. tooC. soD. very26. A. studyB. sleep C. work D. time27. A. betterB. harder C. less D. more28. A. punished B. discove

14、redC. liked D. laughed at29. A. allowed B. let C. pushed D. tired30. A. hisB. a C. one D. the31. A. highestB. most C. tallestD. largest32. A. forB. at C. with D. in33. A. To give B. Giving C. GiveD. For giving34. A. taughtB. offered C. sent D. supplied35. A. death B. success C. school D. happiness评卷

15、人得分三、阅读理解(共15小题:每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A. B. C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑AMembers of an elephant family may be out of sight but they are always in the minds of the herds matriarchs (象群的女家长), researchers have found.Tests have found that female elephants are able to remember the whereabouts of at

16、least 17 family members simultaneously and perhaps as many as 30. They watch which of their relations are ahead of them when the herd searches for food, which of them are lagging behind and which are traveling in separate groups.Professor Richard Byrne, of the University of St Andrews, said that the

17、 elephants performed a good memory by being able to recall where each of their relatives was in a changing environment. “Its hard enough for us to watch two or three children in a busy shopping centre. Imagine trying to do it with 30 or so,” he said.Researchers tested the ability of African elephant

18、s to remember where each family member had got to. Elephants have poor eyesight but an excellent sense of smell and are able to identify (鉴别) one another from traces of urine (尿) on the ground.To test the memories of the elephants, samples of urine-soaked earth were collected by researchers and plac

19、ed in positions where a herd was about to pass. Observations showed that the animals exhibited surprise when they could detect the odor of a family member they knew was behind them. Interest was shown when the urine was that of a close relative traveling in the same group or in a separate herd, but

20、samples left by unknown individuals were ignored.The researchers, who reported their findings in the journal Biology Letters, concluded: “ It seems that female elephants have a general interest in monitoring family members with whom they are traveling. Elephants order of traveling often changes and

21、overtaking is common, suggesting that elephants must frequently update their expectation of where others are in relation to themselves.”36. According to the passage, female elephants . A. are usually stronger than male elephants B. usually stay at home while male elephants search for food C. can rem

22、ember where their family members are while traveling D. can recognize the odor of human beings37. The third paragraph is developed by . A. space B. frequency C. time D. comparison38. Elephants identify their family members mainly by using their . A. eyes B. nose C. ears D. mouth39. Whats the researc

23、hers conclusion about their findings? A. Male elephants have no interest in other family members. B. An elephant never goes to search for food alone. C. Elephants dont stay in the same order while traveling in groups. D. Elephants abilities to survive are beyond our expectations.B. If someone wants

24、to buy a secondhand car, the buyer should have a good idea of what he or she wants before going to a dealer. Read the labels in the windows about price and condition of the cars. Dealers in Wisconsin are required to tell the truth about what they know about the condition of a car. If they are not aw

25、are of a problem, they do not have to report the problem on the label.Read the title for the vehicle. The title is the piece of paper that shows who owns the car. Buyers should also read the odometer statement. The odometer is a dial on the dashboard. It shows how many miles the car has been driven.

26、 Cars with a high number of miles on the odometer are more likely to need more repairs.Read any warranties. A warranty is a promise to do certain things. It is like a contract. Ask if there are any warranties. If there are, look at them. Ask for the name and address of the previous owner of the car.

27、 Ask for repair records of the car.Buyers should take the car for a test drive. See how the car operates when it is cold as well as warmed up.Drive the car at high speeds. Drive the car in stop-and go traffic. Also drive the car on hills. The dealer will ask to see your drivers license. The dealer a

28、lso may require a sales person to go along for the ride.40. The odometer_A. can tell you who owns the carB. is a button on the dashboardC. shows how many miles the car has been drivenD. shows how many years the car has been used41. If you are going to buy a secondhand car you should read all the fol

29、lowing EXCEPT_A. the odometer statement B. the label of the carC. the number of the car D. the warranties42. What may be required if you want to try driving the car?A. To show your drivers license. B. To drive the car alone on the way.C. To drive the car and stop suddenly D. To drive the car at the highest speed43. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A. The farther the car has been driven, the more repair

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