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1、NHCE1610Unit 6 THE WIDOWUNDERSTANDING WORDSListening Task 1 1. cheerful 2. surround 3. sympathize 4. curiosity 5. anniversary6. bride 7. mission 8. accidental 9. honeymoon 10. cabinKey: 1. (A) 2. (B) 3. (C) 4. (C) 5. (C) 6. (A) 7. (A) 8. (C) 9. (B) 10. (A)Listening Task 2 1. considerably 2. define 3

2、. quotations 4. colleagues 5. congratulate 6. environment. 7. conveyed 8. restrained 9. anniversary. 10. fading UNDERSTANDING SENTENCESListening Task 1 1. Mr. Johnson died yesterday, leaving a widow and four children.2. Everyone turned around as her father led the beautiful bride into the church. 3.

3、 My husband replied in his usual cheerful way. 4. You need time to get over it; the sadness of loss doesnt disappear in one day, you know. 5. Jane shared happiness with her husband in the forty years of their married life. 6. Tom had lodged at Mrs. Smiths for two years and had got quite used to shar

4、ing with the family. 7. The lawyer asked the person who saw it to try to recall as much about the accident as possible. 8. I tried to convey my sympathy by touching her hand. 9. Girls respond better than boys to our new teaching method.10. She scanned the menu outside the restaurant, but decided it

5、looked too expensive.Key: 1.(B) 2. (B) 3. (B) 4. (B) 5. (A) 6. (B) 7. (A) 8. (A) 9. (A) 10. (A)Listening Task 2 1. The whole family was delighted when she gave birth to a healthy child. 2. The church was filled with more and more people who came to celebrate the wedding service. 3. With the passage

6、of time, the childrens memory of their father slowly faded. 4. I often mistake her on the phone for her mother. 5. She decided to live on her own because she could not bear her husbands mother complaining about her all day long. 6. My wife has just worked her way through a great pile of washing for

7、the children. 7. What matters is that we dont miss the next train to Beijing. 8. She wished that she had never brought up the subject of money in the face of her relatives. 9. The company is planning to set up a factory in this area, so it could provide some employment for the local people.10. Someo

8、ne knocked over the candle and the curtain began to catch fire.Key :I.(C) 2.(C) 3.(B) 4.(A) 5.(B) 6.(B) 7.(B) 8.(B) 9.(B) 10.(B)UNDERSTANDING PASSAGESListening Task 1 Passage1 It is my practice to interview couples who ask me to marry them, and then to give suitable advice to them before their marri

9、age. If some serious problem is not covered, I will try my best to deal with it. After talking to David and Betty, I had serious doubt about marrying them at all. It became obvious that Davids main desire in marriage was the satisfaction of his physical desires. Betty was closing her eyes to this be

10、cause she was determined to escape an unpleasant situation at home and because she was blinded by Davids false praise. In a talk alone with Betty I warned her as carefully as I could against marrying immediately. Maybe time would help them understand each other better and bring things to the surface

11、 so that they could deal with them more wisely. Certainly if David loved Betty he would be willing to wait a little while for her. But Betty became angry and told David of my advice to her. They decided to have nothing more to do with me. I lost touch with them after that. But four years later I hea

12、rd the news that David divorced Betty and Betty was struggling to finish her education while providing for her children. It was a marriage without real love that had failed to keep them together. Questions 1 to 5 are based on the passage you have just heard, 1. What is the speaker likely to be? 2. W

13、hat did the speaker tell Betty to do in his talk alone with her? 3. What was Bettys reaction after she had a talk with the speaker? 4. Who caused David and Bettys divorce? 5. What happened after David and Betty got divorced? Key: 1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. TPassage2 Love is a popular subject today. Neve

14、r before in history have we heard so much about it and yet seen so little of it in action. Often we use the word in a rather free way. For example, a person may say he loves his family, his work, his new car, or even a particular dish. Hardly anyone defines the kind of love he means. Newspapers have

15、 been known to announce love murders or love suicides- it seems to be a strange idea indeed! It is obvious that the word love means different things to different people in different situations. Yet love is a basic idea as well as the single most important part in a successful marriage. We ought to f

16、ind out what love really means. Let us consider a persons first experience of love. A baby must be loved or it will die. It receives love, but it has none to give in return. The loving holding which mothers understand as an expression of love is really only the babys natural effort to get food and s

17、atisfy itself. Newborn babies love only themselves. As the baby grows, however, he becomes more aware of his mother. She cares for him, feeds him, and provides companionship for him through most of his waking hours. This new awareness includes growing and developing. A childs first expressions of li

18、king (love) will, therefore, usually be directed to his mother. Questions 6 to 10 are based on the passage you have just heard. 6. How is the subject of love different from the past? 7. How is the word love used nowadays? 8. What relation does the talk suggest between love and marriage? 9. How does

19、the mother usually take care of her baby? 10. What is true of newborn babies according to the talk? Key: 6. F 7. F 8. T 9. F 10. FPassage3 Some say marriage is the graveyard of love. Some say marriage is the beginning of a new chapter in life. According to many dictionaries, marriage is the official

20、 uniting of a man and a woman so that they can live together and produce children. They dont say anything about love and trust. Clearly dictionaries know very little about marriage. As a white man with an Asian wife, I was interested to read the article White Men on Asian Women. However, I found it

21、showed as little understanding of love and marriage as most dictionaries! If I were an Asian woman reading this article I would certainly think twice about getting connected with a white man. Though the article states otherwise, its tone seems to suggest that white men are mostly concerned with Asia

22、n womens physical qualities and serving behavior. My experience is very different. When I was younger, I seemed to form friendships much more quickly with Asian children and classmates. I think it was probably because their behavior was quiet, shy and polite. My non-Asian classmates always seemed mu

23、ch wilder and I felt less comfortable with them. My high school was near a Chinatown and 40% of the student body was Chinese. I was attracted to mywife, a classmate, for the same reason I formed friendships with other Asian classmates. She was bright, kind, and thorough and we shared common interest

24、s. Her mother had a horrible marriage to a man with an Asian background similar to her own. Many of my own relatives and family members had ended up divorced from partners of the same particular racial background. But Ithink a marriage can fail or a marriage can succeed no matter whether the couple

25、are of the same race or not.Questions 11 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.11. How is marriage defined according to many dictionaries?12. What does the tone of the article suggest?13. Why did the speaker find it easier to make friends with Asians?14. What does the speaker think abou

26、t inter-racial marriage?15. How is the speakers marriage probably different from that of his many relatives?Key: 11. T 12. T 13. F 14. F 15. TListening Task 2 Passage1 Elizabeth was a very pretty girl, and her parents were rich. Quite a lot of the young men in the town wanted to marry her, but she w

27、as not satisfied with any of them. Every night she was taken to parties, to the theatre, to the films or to dinners but none of the young men who took her out was ever good enough. Even when her parents especially liked a young man and felt sure they had found their future son-in-law, Elizabeth didn

28、t agree. She was always waiting for someone better to come along. One evening, one of the handsome young men who wanted to many Elizabeth came to visit her in her parents house and asked her to become his wife. She answered, No, William, I wont marry you. I want to marry a man who is famous, who can

29、 play music, sing and dance very well, who can tell really interesting stories, who does not smoke or drink, who stays at home in the evenings and who stops talking when Im fired of listening. The young man got up, took his coat and went to the door, but before he left the house, he turned and said

30、to Elizabeth, It isnt a man youre looking for. Its a television set.Questions 1 to 5 are based on the passage you have just heard:1. Why did so many men want to marry Elizabeth?2. What were Elizabeths parents attitudes towards her getting married?3. According to the speaker, what kind of man would E

31、lizabeth like to marry?4. What did William think of Elizabeth when she did not accept his offer of marriage?5. What can be understood about Elizabeth from the talk?Key: 1. (D) 2. (A) 3. (C) 4. (A) 5. (B)Passage 2 Everyone agreed that Diana could not have been more beautiful. Several, however, doubte

32、d whether she was the tight gift for the Prince of Wales. Some of his friends also had doubts, which they expressed. Attractive, beautiful, delightful, kind and real as Diana was, they feared that the pair would not have enough in common to keep the relationship interesting. For a start there was the age difference: Diana was very young and only nineteen, while Charles was thirty-two and in some ways had had more experience than most men of fifty-two. He was a deep and reflecting person, while

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