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1、四川省宜宾市一中17学年高中英语上学期第9周教学设计四川省宜宾市一中2016-2017学年高中英语上学期第9周教学设计考点、知识点IntroductionReading and vocabulary学习目标1. To revise and learn some words and expressions2. To learn some information about The D-Day landings 重、难点IntroductionReading and vocabulary学习内容学生活动Learning goals:1. To revise and learn some words

2、 and expressions2. To learn some information about The D-Day landings 【使用说明与学法指导】自学要求:课前自主学习完成课前预习部分。正课要求:课上前15分钟完成课内探究部分,15分钟讨论展示,10分钟点评,5分钟当堂检测 课前预习Task I: do Activity 3 on page 71 in the Students BookTask II: Reading and vocabulary1. D-Day landings: D-Day Invasion or Invasion of Normandy. D日登陆,诺曼

3、底登陆2.Word study Activities 2 and 3 on page 72 in the Students Book bravery:n._-adj. _ confusion:n._-v. _-adj. _/_exhausted:adj._-v. _-n. _-adj. _heroism:n._ wounded:adj._课内探究Task I: Match the left with the right.Passage1: a. Survivors of D-day returned to France to remember their lost comrades.Passa

4、ge 2: b. The main introduction of D-day landings.Passage 3: c. The contribution to D-day made by Able CompanyTask II: true or false1. The D-Day landings were a military of the European countries. ( )2. The D-Day landings were sure to be successful at the very beginning. ( )3. The American soldiers p

5、layed an important role in D-Day landings. ( )4. The D-Day landings were the beginning of the Second World War. ( )5. American soldiers succeeded in landing at the most dangerous placeOmaha Beach. ( )Task III: Read the text(P2-3) carefully and fill in the blanks. Name of the battleOperation Overlord

6、 which began with_Time and placeOn the morning of _On the beaches of _ in France.Story of Able CompanyThey set off in _ boats.Two thirds of them died after the first attack.Only _ of them survived.Memory of the battle_ were built to remember the war.In _ survivors of the D-Day landings went to Franc

7、e.Part of the poem “For the Fallen” was written on _.当堂检测Read the passage1-3 carefully and fill in the blanks.During the Second World War, Germany _ many countries. The most important battle of the war in Europe was _. It started when soldiers landed on the _ in France. 5000 ships crossed the _, car

8、rying 130,000 troops to the French coast. The United States, Britain and _took part in the battle. The operation was extremely _and thousands of soldiers were killed. American soldiers tried to _ at the most dangerous place, Omaha Beach.The _was very bad but they eventually made a(n)_.The D-Day land

9、ings were _.On the morning of_ 1944, the soldiers of Able Company crossed the English Channel. When they were about _kilometers from the beach, the Germans started firing at them. Boat_ was hit and six men were drowned. _men were saved by other boats. When Boat5 _was a few meters from the beach, the

10、 soldiers jumped out so that some drowned. Many were killed or wounded by _fire. Most of the soldiers on Boat I and Boat4 drowned. Half an hour after the first attack, _of the company were dead. After an hour and forty-five minutes, six of the survivors tried to get off the beach, but only _ joined

11、a group from another company.On the 6th June 2004, _ of the D-Day Landings from many different countries returned to _ to remember their lost comrades. They went to the _ and _ which are _ on a cliff overlooking the beach and the English Channel, from where the boats _ their landings. On the memoria

12、l there is part of a poem called “_”. 教学反思课题选修6模块6(第2课时) Language Points课时1授课班级考点、知识点Language Points学习目标1. To master the usage of the important words, phrases and sentences and use them freely .2. To improve the ability of self-study, group discussion, cooperation and analysis. 重、难点 Language Points学

13、习内容学生活动【Learning Goals】1. To master the usage of the important words, phrases and sentences and use them freely .2. To improve the ability of self-study, group discussion, cooperation and analysis.【使用说明与学法指导】自学要求:课前自主学习完成课前预习部分。正课要求:课上前15分钟完成课内探究部分,15分钟讨论展示,10分钟点评,5分钟理解巩固【课前预习】Task I: find out the f

14、ollowing phrases in the whole passage.向宣战_ 作为而闻名_军事行动_ 穿过英吉利海峡_参与, 参加 _ 下船 _ 试图/企图做某事 _ 考虑干某事_放弃侵略_ 取得重大突破_ 以开始 _ 以结束_ 在 早上_ 在1944年的早上_落到 水里_ 朝某人进行炮弹射击_ 救起某人 _ 跳出_ 三分之二的连队_ 爬上悬崖_ 与某人并肩战斗_ 对。的贡献_ 纪念阵亡的战友_ 公墓和纪念碑_ 坐落于悬崖上_ 变老_ Task II: Language points1. In September 1939, Britain declared war on German

15、y after Germany invaded Poland.invade (vt.) n. invasion 入侵者invader(1) 侵略(他国等), 入侵(2)侵犯(人的权利等), 侵扰(生活) (3) (人) 涌入(城市等)e.g. Germany invaded Poland in 1939 德国于1939年入侵了波兰。 Many tourists invade the city every summer. 每年夏天许多旅游者涌入那个城市invade a persons privacy 侵犯某人的隐私2. During the war, Germany occupied many

16、countries, including France.occupy:vt.占(空间、时间等); 担任(职务),处于(某种地位) ;(军队)占领e.g. The park occupies a third of the city. 公园占了了那个城市的1/3 面积。 The dinner and speeches occupied 2 hours. 晚餐和演讲占了了两个钟头。 The allied forces occupied that country for several years after World War II. 第二次世界大战后, 盟军占领了那个国家好几年。 The Smit

17、h family have occupied this farm for over a hundered years. 史密斯一家在这个农场住了100多年了。表示“使忙于,使从事于”,常与反身代词连用或用于被动语态occupy oneself in doing sth. = sb. be occupied in doing sth 某人忙于干某事 sb. be occupied with sth = occupy oneself with sth:某人忙于某事Eg. The child occupied himself (in) playing basketball. 这个孩子忙着打篮球occ

18、upation (n.) 职业 工作3. American soldiers attempted to land at the most dangerous place. attempt to do sth. 试图/企图做某事attempt还可用作名词,“努力,尝试”make an attempt to do sth. make an attempt at doing sth.企图做某事at ones first attempt 在某人做第一次尝试时4. The situation at Omaha Beach was so bad that the US army commanders th

19、ought about abandoning the invasion.abandon (v.)抛弃, 遗弃, 放弃,背弃e.g. He abandoned his family. 他遗弃了家人。abandon ones country/friends 背弃祖国 / 朋友He abandoned the plan. 他放弃了这个计划。 abandon ones hope 放弃希望an abandoned farm/child一个遗弃的农场 一个被遗弃的孩子abandon还有“放任,放纵,沉湎与”等含义,常用于abandon oneself to sth./doing sth.表示“某人沉湎于”

20、 to 是介词Eg Dont abandon yourself to despair.不要绝望 They abandoned themselves to drinking.他们沉迷于酗酒5 . Eventually, the soldiers made a breakthrough .make a breakthrough(in) 取得重大突破break through (v.) “突破。冲破” e.g. 拂晓时, 300辆坦克准备突破敌人的防线。 At dawn, 300 tanks prepared to break through the enemy lines.The scientis

21、ts make a great breakthrough in cloning.科学家们在克隆方面取得了很大的进展6. Six men drowned before help arrived.drown: v. (pt. drowned, pp. drowned)(1)(vt. / vi.) 淹没, 淹死 e.g. 那人溺死在河中。The man drowned in the river.他试图把她淹死在河里。He tried to drown her in the river. 洪水淹没了许多房屋。The great flood drowned many houses.(2) (vt.) (

22、噪音等)把(声音)压倒, 盖住, 淹没又作drown oute.g. The music almost drowned the sound of his voice.音乐声几乎盖过了他的声音7. pick up 的用法总结 1.) She saw a wallet on the road and picked it up. _2.) He picked up the child and put her on his shoulder. _3.) The lifeboat picked up all the survivors. _4.) Will you come to pick me up

23、tomorrow morning? _5.)He picked up the girl at a college disco. _6.)She picked up a few German phrases while staying in Berlin. _7.)Her health soon picked up after a few days rest. _8.)The market always picks up in the spring. _8.The cemetery and memorial are situated on a cliff overlooking the beac

24、h and the English Channel,from where the boats attempted their landings.(1)A is situated in/to/on B= A is located in/to/on B= A lies in/to/on B 坐落于 位于(2)from where 结构要点归纳: 少数介词(from, since, until等)可以构成from where, since when, until when等定语从句,因为介词from, since, until,by 等后可接状语,如:from behind the door, by

25、 then, since then, until recently.Eg. 1. The boy went up to the roof, from where (from which place) he had a good view of the enemy in the distance. 2. The book was written in 1946, since when(since which time) the education system has seen great changes.活学活练:Jane is back in May, by _ the new house

26、should be finished.A. which B. that C. whom D. when9.Age shall not weary them , nor the years condemn. (1) condemn sb. for (doing) sth. 因为而谴责某人e.g. 报纸严厉谴责那政客的受贿行为。The newspapers condemned the politician for bribery. (2) condemn/sentence death 判某人死刑常用被动:sb. be condemned/sentenced to death 某人被判死

27、刑e.g. 他被判处了死刑。 He was condemned to death.课内探究单词拼写:1.I object to our privacy being _(侵犯)2.The next best solution is to _(放弃) the project altogether.3.There was only one _(幸存者)from the plane arash.4.Enemy troops _(占领)the country.5.The little boy was_(震惊的) by the fall, but he got up and tried again.6.

28、It was a long journey, but we _(最终)arrived.7. We visited the Lincoln _(纪念馆)8. My room _(俯瞰)the garden9. He dived from the bridge to _(拯救)the drowning child.10. The soldier received a serious _(伤)on the chest.选择题1. Now scientists are doing their best to make _ breakthrough in cancer research.A. the B. / C. a D. one2 As we all know, Britain _ war on Germany after

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