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1、词根词缀精讲三词根词缀精讲(三) 走(单独记忆it走很难,可从exit来联想记忆it词根)initial adj 初始的应用:初始的印象形象反应 initial impressionimagereactioninitiative n 进取心 首创精神翻译:she was disappointed by his lack of initiative她对他缺少进取心感到失望transitory trnst:ri adj 转瞬即逝的 昙花一现的例句:For a transitory enchanted moment man must have breath in the presence o

2、f this continent.在那昙花一现的神妙的瞬间,人面对这个新大陆一定屏息惊异.翻译:Most teenage romances are transitory.绝大多数十几岁少年的恋情都转瞬即逝itinerary 旅行行程表(与journey区别旅行本身)例句:决定去哪里就去哪里然后计划一个行程Decide where youd like to go and it will plan an itinerarySedition n 暴动 叛乱例句:To prohibit any act of treason, secession, sedition and theft of state

3、 secrets.禁止任何叛国 、 分裂国家 、 煽动叛乱及窃取国家机密的行为.2.Ject投project v呈现 表现 投影 投射例句:He just hasnt been able to project himself as the strong leader.他根本没能表现出一个强有力的领导者的样子。翻译:Bradley projects a natural warmth and sincerity.布拉德利表现出一种自然的热情和真诚。Subject to 遭受 易受。影响例句:a disorder in which the persons mood is subject to wil

4、d swings from mania to depression.精神病屎在狂热和抑郁之间疯狂起伏的紊乱状态翻译:innocent civilians are being arrested and subjected to inhumane treatment.无辜的平民正被逮捕并遭受非人的虐待。Abject adj 可怜的 凄惨的(ab离开反 )例句:Both of them died in abject poverty.他们都死于可怜的贫穷翻译:This policy has turned out to be an abject failure.这一政策最后以惨败而告终.Dejected

5、 adj 失落的例句:Another dejected driver who was crying and declined to be named said his oil tanker was devoured in the fire.3.lectleglig 选择select elect intellect collect neglectelegant例句:Its a sparse and elegant piece of work.这是一个绝世经典的著作inelegant 粗略的 不精致的eligible英英释义:Someone who is eligible to do someth

6、ing is qualified or able to do it, for example because they are old enough.应用:sb be eligible to do 翻译:你也许有资格获得大学奖学金。You could be eligible for a university scholarship.ineligible4.literletter 字母 文字literacy 读写能力例句:Many adults have some problems with literacy and numeracy.很多成年人在读写和计算方面都有困难。Illiteracy 文

7、盲例句:The campaign to wipe out illiteracy launched out with great vigour.扫盲运动生气勃勃地展开了.Literally逐字地; 照字面地; 确实地,真正地; 口语差不多,简直(用于加强语意)例句:A stanza is, literally, a room.stanza(诗节)的原意为“房间”。翻译:The views are literally breath-taking.景色美得简直让人窒息。obliterate vt抹去 o bltereit例句:There was time enough to obliterate m

8、emories of how things once were for him.时间足以抹去他对过去经历的记忆。5.loglanguageeulogy apology dialogue prologue序言 epilogue 结束语 logic monologue pseudology sju:dld(pseudo 假的)假话neologism ni:ldzm 新语例句:The newspaper used the neologism dinks, Double Income No Kids.报纸使用了新词“丁克族”,即“双收入无子女”。antilogy 自相矛盾dyslogy dsld (d

9、ys 坏的) 指责 咒骂philology 语言学 例句:During the Qing Dynasty, philology was a mere handmaid附庸女佣 of classical studies.语言文字学在清代还只是经学的附庸.6.loqlogeloquent 有口才的翻译:非常有说服力的陈词a very eloquent speechcolloquial 白话的 口语的例句:Its hard to understand the colloquial idioms of a foreign language.外语里的口头习语很难懂.magniloquent gre 单词

10、 夸张的翻译:Many people enjoy his lofty 高傲的 orations(书面语演讲), but I consider his magniloquent style of speaking old-fashioned7.man1.停留读音慢 2.手工 人造mansion 大厦 manor庄园permanent 永远的翻译:permanent residence. 永久居留权immanent 内部的翻译:immanent mechanism内在机理 immanent frame固有框架manumit 释放 翻译:解放奴隶maintain(maintenance)名词不规则变

11、幻例句:In New Zealand, the Maori people maintain a strong cultural tradition.在新西兰,毛利人保持着深厚的文化传统。翻译:the importance of natural food to the maintenance of health.天然食品对保持健康很重要8.mergmers 沉emerge 浮现 (emergence emergency 辨析)翻译:Language emerges and develops with the emergence and development of society.语言是随着社会

12、的产生而产生,随着社会的发展而发展的.immerge 浸入submerge 沉下9.migr 移migrate 移居国外 与 immigrate移入者 的区别migrant 移民 候鸟emigrate 移民 永久transmigrate 两国内互相迁移10.nominonymnamenominal 有名无实的 名义上的翻译:他只是名义上的老板nominate 提Ice Bucket Challenge I nominate I accept the challenge from.denominate 命名denomination 名称 denomination=face value面额 银行办

13、理业务例句:higher-denomination 高面额ignominious 不光彩的nmnis应用:ignominious failure. 不光彩的失败例句:He made one mistake and his career came to an ignominious end.他犯了一个错误,他的事业就很不体面地结束了。synonymous 同意的anonymous 匿名的homonymous 同名的pseudonymous 假名的11.pel 推propel 推进expel 驱逐repel 拒绝 (repellent 排斥的 令人反感的She still found the pl

14、ace repellent.她还是觉得这个地方令人厌恶。)dispel 驱散例句:We hope the programme will dispel certain misconceptions about the disease.我们希望这个节目能消除对这种疾病的一些误解.翻译:How can we dispel their doubts and fears?我们怎能消除他们的疑虑与恐惧?compel 强迫impel 激励翻译:勇气和竞争精神促使他冒险the courage and competitiveness impels him to take risks.12.pen 靠钱量pend

15、ent 下垂的应用:pendent lamp pendent problemsuspend 暂停append vt 附加 翻译:appended a note at the end of the letter.在信的末尾附加了一条备注。perpend 思考 考虑ponder 深思熟虑应用:overupon翻译:ponder deeply over the matter 反复思考这件事indispensible 重要的 不可或缺的13.plic折explicate 报告等的解释说明(interpret 解释一种抽象概念 illustrate 通常有图表表明)supplicate 恳求 哀求 (向

16、下折)翻译: She supplicated the judge for protection. 她恳求法官保护。implicate 卷入例句:Come what may, Ill brace myself and face the music . id rather die than implicate others! 汉做事好汉当, 我死就死,决不连累旁人.14.sciknowconscious 有意识的 自觉的应用:selfconscious 自我意识的翻译:a very self-conscious process.Subconscious 下意识的Unconscious 无意识的Sc

17、ient 有知识的Omniscient 无所不知的Prescient 预知的 有先见之明的例句:It was a remarkably prescient vision.这的确很有远见.15.sidsitpreside 主持subside 沉淀 平息例句:Violence has subsided following two days of riots.两天的暴乱过后,暴力事件开始平息。例句:Does that mean the whole house is subsiding?那意味着整个房子正在下陷吗?Assiduous 刻苦的 勤奋的应用:be assiduous in doing st

18、h例句:an assiduous student.勤勉的学生Podulski had been assiduous in learning his adopted language.波多斯基一直很努力地学习外语16.词根词缀精讲(三)学生版 initial 应用:初始的印象形象反应 initiative翻译:她对他缺少进取心感到失望transitory 例句:For a transitory enchanted moment man must have breath in the presence of this continent.翻译:绝大多数十几岁少年的恋情都转瞬即逝itiner

19、ary 例句: Decide where youd like to go and it will plan an itinerarySedition 例句:To prohibit any act of treason, secession, sedition and theft of state secrets.2.Jectproject 例句:He just hasnt been able to project himself as the strong leader.翻译:布拉德利表现出一种自然的热情和真诚。Subject to 例句:a disorder in which the per

20、sons mood is subject to wild swings from mania to depression.翻译:无辜的平民正被逮捕并遭受非人的虐待。Abject例句:Both of them died in abject poverty.翻译:这一政策最后以惨败而告终.Dejected例句:Another dejected driver who was crying and declined to be named said his oil tanker was devoured in the fire.3.lectlegligselect elect intellect co

21、llect neglectelegant例句:Its a sparse and elegant piece of work.inelegant eligible英英释义:Someone who is eligible to do something is qualified or able to do it, for example because they are old enough.应用: 翻译:你也许有资格获得大学奖学金。ineligible4.literletter literacy 例句:Many adults have some problems with literacy an

22、d numeracy.Illiteracy 例句:The campaign to wipe out illiteracy launched out with great vigour.Literally例句:A stanza is, literally, a room.翻译:景色美得简直让人窒息。Obliterate例句:There was time enough to obliterate memories of how things once were for him.5.loglanguageeulogy apology dialogue prologue epilogue logic

23、monologue pseudology sju:dld(pseudo 假的)假话neologism 例句:The newspaper used the neologism dinks, Double Income No Kids.antilogy dyslogy philology 例句:During the Qing Dynasty, philology was a mere handmaid附庸女佣 of classical studies.6.loqlogeloquent 翻译:非常有说服力的陈词colloquial 例句:Its hard to understand the coll

24、oquial idioms of a foreign language.magniloquent 例句:Many people enjoy his lofty orations, but I consider his magniloquent style of speaking mansion manor permanent 翻译:永久居留权immanent翻译:immanent mechanism immanent frame manumit 翻译:解放奴隶maintain 例句:In New Zealand, the Maori people main

25、tain a strong cultural tradition.翻译:天然食品对保持健康很重要8.mergmersemerge 翻译:语言是随着社会的产生而产生,随着社会的发展而发展的.immerge submerge 9.migr migrate immigrate migrant emigrate transmigrate 10.nominonymnominal翻译:他只是名义上的老板nominate denominate denomination 例句:higher-denomination ignominious 应用:不光彩的失败例句:He made one mistake and

26、 his career came to an ignominious end.synonymous anonymous homonymous pseudonymous 11.pel propel expel repel dispel 例句:We hope the programme will dispel certain misconceptions about the disease.翻译:我们怎能消除他们的疑虑与恐惧?compel impel 翻译:勇气和竞争精神促使他冒险12.pen pendent 应用:pendent lamp pendent problemsuspend append 翻译:在信的末尾附加了一条备注。perpend ponder应用:翻译:反复思考这件事indispensible 13.plicexplicate supplicate应用:supplicate sb for sth翻译:她恳求法官保护。Implicate例句:Come what may, Ill brace myself and face the music . id rather die than implicate others! 14.

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