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1、泰坦尼克号电影中英文剧本台词泰坦尼克号-1泰坦尼克号4距离13米. 应该看得见了13 meters. You should see it.6好的,越过船头的栏杆Okay. Take her up-and over the bow rail.7和平二号Okay, Mir 2, were going over the bow.-Stay with us.8我们就要到船头了,跟好好了,安静,我们开始Okay, quiet. Were rolling.10看她像鬼船一样地出现Seeing her coming out-of the darkness like a ghost ship11每次都让我胆颤

2、心惊still gets me every time.12看到这艘巨轮长眠海底To see the sad ruin-of the great ship sitting here13一九一二年四月十五日-凌晨两点半where she landed at 2:30-in the morning of April 15, 1912,14她从海面上缓缓堕入海底after her long fall15from the world above.16好象你亲眼看见似的,头儿You are so full of shit, boss!17我们这是第六次来了Dive six - here we are ag

3、ain-on the deck of Titanic.18水深2.5英里2.5 miles down, 3,821 meters.19就是3821米20每平方英寸的水压达到3.5吨The pressure outside-is 3.5 tons per square inch.21这些窗户9英寸厚These windows are nine inches thick.22万一玻璃破裂-我们瞬间就会完蛋If they go,-its sayonara in two microseconds.23好了,废话说够了All right. Enough of that bullshit.24将潜艇降在办

4、公舱尾部的顶上Put her down on the roof-of the officers quarters.25和平二号Sure.Okay, Mir 2.26我们已经降在大梯上方了你们准备好了没?Weve landed on the grand staircase.-You guys set to launch?28好,放机器人,去吧,查理Yeah. Launching Dunkin now.-Go, Charlie.30放出缆绳- Tether out.- Tether out.31布洛克,沿船舱往下放Okay, Brock,-were dropping down along the

5、hull.32知道了Roger that. Okay, drop down and-go into the first-class gangway door.沿着一等舱登船口下去34看看D层、接待大厅和餐厅I want you guys working the D deck,-reception and the dining saloon.35知道了Copy that.36放出缆绳,往左边- Tether out.- Tether out.- Now left.- Im coming left.38探测狗出动Snoop Dog is on the move.39沿着楼梯往下Were heade

6、d down the stairwell.40下到B层,路易斯Okay, Lewis. Drop down to B deck.41A层Okay. A deck.42缆绳放长一点Give me some rope, Captain.43B层,到里头去B deck. Get in there.44小心门框Watch the doorframe.45I see it. I got it.我知道47没事了,放松点,头儿Were good. Just chill, boss.48好,转弯Make your turn.49转弯,小心墙- Cable out, Captain.- Make your tu

7、rn.50布洛克,我们看到钢琴了Brock, were at the piano.-You copy?51听到没?52知道了Okay, copy that.53就在那里,就在那里Right there, thats it!54就是那道房门!- Thats the bedroom door!- I see it. I see it.55我看见了56进去了Were in!57进去了,我们进去了Were in, baby, were there!58那就是霍克利的床-那个狗娘养的就睡在那Thats Hockleys bed.59Thats where the son of a bitch slept

8、.60有人忘了关水龙头Somebody left the water running.61等一下,回到右边Hold it. Go back to the right.62那个衣柜的门,靠近点That wardrobe door. Get closer.63你察觉到什么了,头儿?- You smelling something, boss?- I wanna see whats under it.64我想看看它下面65让我操作手臂Gimme my hands, man.66好极了All right.!67轻点,不然可能会散掉- Take it easy. It might come apart.

9、- Okay.68好,掀开Go! Go, go, go!69继续,继续Flip it over, flip it over. Go.70Keep going. Go, go, go.71好,放下Okay. Drop it.72哦,宝贝,宝贝-你看到没有,头儿?Oh, baby, baby.-Are you seeing this, boss?73兄弟们,今天发饷Its payday, boys.74Ka-ching!75我们找到了,鲍比!We did it, Bobby!76Oh, yeah! Whos the man!77谁最棒啊?Whos the best, baby?7说啊!说啊Say

10、it, say it.79当然是你,路易斯You are, Lewis.80鲍比,我的雪茄- Bobby, my cigar.- Right here.81把它撬开Okay, crack her open.82- Let me get around. Hang on.- You getting it?83妈的!Shit.84没有钻石?No diamond.85这种鸟事泽罗德以前也碰到过You know, boss,86他从此一蹶不振the same thing happened to Geraldo,-and his career never recovered.87把摄影机关掉Turn th

11、e camera off.88合伙人想知道现在的情况Brock, the partners would-like to know how its going.89嗨,戴夫巴瑞Hey, Dave. Barry. Hi.-Look, it wasnt in the safe, but hey东西不在保险箱里,但别担心91可能在其他地方dont worry about it.-Theres plenty of places it could be.92地板碎片、他母亲的房间The floor debris,-the mothers room.94船上的保险柜里- Pursers safe on C

12、deck.- Jimmy Hoffas briefcase.或是在百慕大三角96还有很多地方要找A dozen other places.97要一个一个排除Youve got to trust my instincts.-I know were close.98我相信快找到了We just got to go through-a process of elimination.100等一下Hang on a second.101让我看看Let me see that.102可能有发现了We might have something here, guys.103项链的照片呢?Wheres the

13、photo of the necklace?104我等会儿再打电话给你- Well call you right back.- Holy.105 “一九一二年四月十四日”-“J.D.”106竟有这种事!Ill be goddamned.107因找到西班牙黄金而闻名的-寻宝高手布洛克罗威特Treasure hunter Brock Lovett-is best known for finding Spanish gold.108他租用了一艘俄罗斯潜艇Its okay. Ill feed you in a minute.109探索最有名的沉船泰坦尼克号Hes chartered a Russian

14、 sub to reach-the most famous wreck of all: Titanic.110他正在北大西洋的船上-通过卫星和我们连线Hes with us live via satellite from-the Keldysh in the North Atlantic.111你好,布洛克- Hello, Brock.- Hello, Tracy.112你好,崔茜113泰坦尼克号的事是家喻户晓的Everyone knows-the stories of Titanic,114船上的贵族、乐队等等the nobility,-the band playing and all th

15、at.115但我想发掘的-是那些不为人知的故事Im interested in the untold stories,-the secrets deep inside the hull.116深锁在残骸中的秘密117没人像我们如此深入探测Were using robot technology-to go further into the wreck118此事引起许多争议than anybodys ever done before.119Youre at the center of a controversy像打捞权和道德问题等121很多人批评你是在发死人财over salvage rights

16、, and ethics.-Many are calling you a grave robber.122这是见仁见智的Nobody called the recovery-of King Tut grave robbing.123什么事?- What is it?- Turn that up, dear.124把声音开大点125我们请了很多专家I have museum-trained experts here126所有发现的物品都会被妥善保存making sure these relics-are treated properly.127看我们今天发现的这幅画Look at this dr

17、awing-we found just today.128它在海底已经八十四年了A piece of paper thats been-underwater for 84 years129我们却能把它完好地加以保存and my team were able-to preserve it intact.130难道这应该永远留在海底? Should this have remained unseen-at the bottom of the ocean for eternity?131竟有这种事?Ill be goddamned.132布洛克Brock!-Theres a satellite ca

18、ll for you.133有找你的卫星电话134鲍比,我们要下海了Bobby, were launching.-You see these submersibles going in?看到潜艇没有?136相信我,不接你会后悔的Trust me, buddy.-You wanna take this call.137最好别骗我This better be good.138你得大声点,她年纪很大了You gotta speak up.-Shes kinda old.139好极了Great.140我是布洛克罗威特-请问有何指教?这位夫人是This is Brock Lovett.-How can

19、I help you, Mrs.?141是卡维特,露丝卡维特Calvert. Rose Calvert.142露丝卡维特143卡维特夫人?Mrs Calvert?144我想知道I was just wondering if youd found-the Heart of the Ocean, Mr Lovett.你是不是要找“海洋之心”?146我说这个电话对你很重要吧I said you wanted to take the call.147好的,露丝,我洗耳恭听All right.-You have my attention, Rose.148你能告诉我们-画中那女人是谁吗?Can you

20、tell us who the woman-in the picture is?149当然可以,那画中的女人就是我Oh, yes.The woman in the picture is me.151她一定在撒谎Shes a goddamned liar! Some nutcase-seeking money or publicity!不是想捞钱就是想出名153就像“真假公主”的故事一样God only knows why!-Like that Russian babe, Anaesthesia!154他们到了Theyre inbound!155露丝十七岁时就沉船死了Rose DeWitt Bu

21、kater died on Titanic-when she was 17.156要是还活着,现在得一百多岁了Right.If shed lived, shed be over 100 by now.158下个月满一百零一岁101 next month.159所以这老骗子岁数肯定不小了So shes a very old goddamned liar!160我查过她的底细Ive done the background-on this woman161她在20年代是个演员back to the 20s-when she was working as an actress.162演员啊An act

22、ress!163她当时叫露丝道森Theres your first clue, Sherlock!-Her name was Rose Dawson back then.164后来她嫁给一个姓卡维特的人She marries a guy named Calvert.-They move to Cedar Rapids and have kids.搬到博瑞镇,生了几个孩子166现在她老公死了Now Calverts dead,-and Cedar Rapids, too.博瑞镇也没落了168知道钻石的人估计都死光了Everybody who knows-about the diamond169但

23、她却知道is supposed to be dead-or on this boat, but she knows.170她的行李可真不少Doesnt exactly travel light, does she?171卡维特夫人,我是罗威特Mrs Calvert, Im Brock Lovett.172欢迎登上凯尔迪希号Welcome to the Keldysh.173送她进去Lets get her inside.174嗨,卡维特小姐Hi, Ms Calvert.175欢迎来到凯尔迪希号- Hi.- Welcome to the Keldysh.176谢谢177Hey.178Hey!17

24、9房间还舒适吗?Yes?180很舒适- Are your staterooms all right?- Very nice.181见过我孙女莉西没有?Have you met my granddaughter Lizzy?182一直都是她在照顾我She takes care of me.183我们刚才见过了We metjust a few minutes ago.184在甲板上,记得吗?Remember, Nana? Up on deck?185哦,对了这样就对了There, thats nice.187我出门都一定带着照片Have to have my pictures when I tra

25、vel.188还需要些什么?Is there anything youd like?189是的Yes.190我想看看我的画像I would like to see my drawing.1910路易十六的王冠上-有一颗非常少见的蓝色钻石Louis XVI wore a fabulous stone,-the Blue Diamond of the Crown,192在一七九二年时不见了which disappeared in 1792.193差不多就是在他上断头台那年About that time old Louis-lost everything, from the neck up.194据

26、说那颗钻石也被切割了The theory goes that-the Crown Diamond was chopped, too.195重新切割成心形Recut into a heart shape that became-known as The Heart of the Ocean.就是有名的“海洋之心”197如今它的价值-可远超过“希望之钻”Today itd be worth more-than the Hope Diamond.198那东西重的不得了It was a dreadful, heavy thing.199我只戴过一次I only wore it this once.20

27、0奶奶,你真的认为这是你吗?You actually think this is you, Nana?201当然是我,亲爱的It is me, dear.202我那时很美吧?Wasnt I a dish?203我翻遍保险记录I tracked it down-through insurance records.204但老的保险条款规定-获赔人信息要绝对保密An old claim that was settled-under terms of absolute secrecy.205您能告诉我,获赔的人是谁吗?Can you tell me-who the claimant was, Rose

28、?206我想应该是个姓霍克利的人I imagine someone named Hockley.207对,奈森霍克利Nathan Hockley, thats right.208匹兹堡的钢铁大亨Pittsburgh steel tycoon.209他掉了一条钻石项链The claim was for a necklace his son-Caledon bought his fiance - you -是他儿子买给未婚妻你的211那是上船之前一星期时买的a week before he sailed on Titanic.212沉船后就马上办了理赔It was filed right after the sinking,213因此项链-一定跟着船沉入海底了so the diamond had to have-gone down with the ship.2

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