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1、英语四六级写作模板七、写作操练(一)对比选择型题目目标明确,富有针对性,即要求考生比较两种观点或两种做法,进而表明自己对问题或事物的态度或观点,也就是做出选择。此类题目有两种模式:1) 分析观点一的利弊分析观点二的利弊做出最佳选择2) 分析两种观点各自的优点分析两种观点的不足做出选择模板一(1)There is a heated debate over_(两种观点针对的争论焦点).(2)It is commonly accepted that_(观点一).(3)In contrast, others hold _(与观点一对立的观点二).(4)Those who hold the first

2、opinion suggest _(观点一的理由). (5)In their view, _(深入阐述观点一的理由).(6)However, others think _(观点二的理由).(7)They argue that _(深入阐述观点二的理由).(8)Considering one after another, I stand on the side of _(我的看法).(9)First of all, _(个人看法的依据一).(10)Further more, _(个人看法的依据二).(11)Thirdly, _(个人看法的依据三).(12)Therefore, _(个人的结论).

3、 模板二(1) Recently, we may hear quite different opinions _(两种观点针对的争论焦点). (2) Most people take it for granted that _(多数人的观点一). (3) However, others hold _(提出与多数人的观点对立的观点二).(4) A dominant idea is that _(多数人的观点及理由). (5) In this view, _(深入阐述观点一的理由). (6) Nevertheless, the objectors think _(观点二及观点二的理由). (7)

4、They argue that _(深入阐述观点二的理由).(8) As to me, I prefer _(我的看法或偏好). (9) On the one hand, _(个人看法的依据一). (10) On the other hand, _(个人看法的依据二). (11) Therefore, _(个人的结论). (12) In conclusion, _(文章的结论).模板三(1) Different people will offer quite different ideas _(两种观点针对的问题或现象). (2) Many people assert _(提出观点一). (3

5、) However, others believe _(提出与观点一对立的观点二).(4) Some may proclaim _(提出观点一及观点一的理由). (5) They maintain such an idea because _(深入阐述观点一的理由). (6) In contrast, the objectors think _(观点二及观点二的理由). (7) They argue that _(深入阐述观点二的理由).(8) As far as I am concerned, I agree to _(我的看法). (9) First, _(个人看法的依据一). (10)

6、Second, _(个人看法的依据二). (11) Last but not least, _(个人看法的依据三). (12) In a word, _(个人的结论或文章的结论).Model Paper: Is a Test of Spoken English Necessary?1)有很多人认为有必要举行英语口语考试,理由是2)也有人持不同意见 3)我的看法和打算。 A test of spoken English will be included as an optional component of the College English Test (CET). (1)This news

7、 causes a heated debate over the necessity of the test. (2)It is commonly accepted that such a test in China is very necessary. (3)In contrast, others think it unnecessary. (4)Those who hold the first opinion suggest that the speaking ability is very important in todays society. (5)In their view, a

8、test of spoken English will urge college students to improve their oral English. (6)However, others think that writing skills would be enough for daily use. (6)They argue that spoken English does not necessarily mean better opportunities. (8)Considering one after another, I stand on the side of the

9、former idea. (9)First of all, English as a language is a tool for oral communication. (10)Furthermore, the ability to speak English fluently is a must for us in the more open China. (11)Thirdly, the test will help us in our job-seeking. (12)Therefore, the test of spoken English is necessary. (150 wo

10、rds)Topics for practice1. Lecture or Discussion?1) 一些学生赞成讲座式教学2) 另一些学生偏爱讨论式教学3) 你的看法2. Reading Selectively or Extensively?1)有人认为读书要有选择;2)有人认为应当博览群书;3)我的看法.3. Should Private Cars be Encouraged?1) 一些人认为应当鼓励私人购买汽车;2) 另一些人认为应当控制私人购买汽车;3) 我的看法。4. Is Dink (Double Income No Kids) Family Good or Bad?1) 一些人认

11、为丁克家庭(双收入无子女家庭)是社会进步的表现;2) 另一些人认为丁克家庭有很多危害; 3) 我的看法。5. How to Memorize English Words?1) 一些人认为集中背诵生词表中的英文单词是最佳的学习方法;2)另一些人认为要记住英文单词的最佳学习方法是大量阅读;3)我的做法。(二)问题解决型所有段落以某个问题为核心展开,以提出问题分析问题解决问题为主线。这类作文通过提示性文字或图表提出或反映社会生活中存在的一个现实问题,通常会要求考生提出问题的危害性或解决这一问题的紧迫性;然后在第二段对问题展开分析,提出解决问题的方案或应对措施;最后一段要求考生表明自己对待这一问题的态

12、度、做法等。此类问题的基本结构为:现象的描述分析原因列举利弊个人看法或解决措施。写作思路:开头段描述现象,列举出现象的各种具体情况。中心段分析原因,可以根据上面的各种情况相应地说明每种情况产生的原因;或列举利弊。结尾段提出看法或措施,即提出自己对上面分析所得出的相应的观点或建议。模板一(1) With the _ of _, _(问题出现的背景). (2) So it is of great importance for us to _(提出问题). (3) On the one hand, _(问题的后果一). (4) On the other hand, _(问题的后果二).(5) How

13、ever, we have figured out many ways to _(提出解决这一问题的方法). (6) Firstly, _(解决方法一). (7) So long as _(进一步说明方法一). (8) Secondly, _(方法二). (9) Thirdly, _(方法三).(10) In fact, _(提出解决问题的根本途径). (11) That is because _(支持(10)句的理由). (12) In a word, _(总结全文).模板二(1) There has been a discussion recently about _(引出问题). (2)

14、 It is true to the present situation that _(现实的情况). (3) But_(问题的根源)(4) As is known to all, there are many ways _(提出解决这一问题的方法). (5) First of all, _(方法一). (6) Furthermore, _(方法二). (7) Last but not least, _(方法三).(8) So it is high time for us to _(提出解决这一问题的必要性). (9) That is because _(必要性的理由一). (10) Seco

15、ndly, _(理由二). (11) Thirdly, _(理由三). (12) All in all, _(总结全文).模板三(1) Nowadays, there is a growing concern on_(提出问题). (2) It is certain that _(问题产生的背景). (3) However, _(与背景有关的情况).(4) It will cause many serious results if _(问题产生的原因). (5) Firstly, _(原因一).(6) Secondly, _(原因二). (7) Finally, _(原因三).(8) In s

16、pite of all these, there are still many ways _(解决这一问题的方法). (9) First of all, _(方法一). (10) In addition, _(方法二). (11) Thirdly, _(方法三). (12) Only in this way _(指明前景).Model Paper:How to Succeed in a Job Interview? (1)There has been a discussion recently about the interview. (2)It is true to the present

17、situation that the interview becomes indispensable in seeking a job. (3)But not everyone has realized its importance. (4)As is known to all, there are many ways to succeed in a job interview. (5)First of all, the interviewee must demonstrate his aptitudes and skills for the job. (6)Furthermore, the

18、interviewee ought to be honest about his academic background. (7)Last but not least, the interviewee should behave himself as properly as possible. (8)So it is high time for us to master the skills on interview. (9)That is because an excellent performance will enable the interviewee to secure the jo

19、b. (10)Secondly, candidates can find a good job with these skills. (11)Thirdly, these skills are basics for candidates. (12)All in all, a fair performance can ensure a candidates success. (144 words)Practice Writing: 1. Air Pollution1) 大气污染严重,人类生存的环境日益恶化;2) 如何才能减轻大气污染;3) 我的看法。 2. Getting to Know the

20、 World Outside the Campus1) 大学生了解社会的必要性;2) 了解社会的途径(大众媒体,社会服务等);3) 我打算怎么做。 3. How to Deal With Anger1)许多人容易生气,而专家提醒,生气危害健康; 2)如何有效地控制或减轻愤怒情绪; 3)我的看法。 4. How to Tackle the Housing Problem in Big Cities?1) 随着大量人口涌入城市,城市的居住环境越来越拥挤;2)解决住房问题有那些不同途径?3)我的看法。(三)现象解释型现象解释型作文明确描述社会生活中存在的一种现象,通常会要求作者对这种现象做出说明,同


22、提出个人观点现象解释型叙事类作文专用模板(1) It so happened that _(指出事件发生的地点). (2) Just at the moment, _(描述事件的开端). (3) It impressed me most because _(描述事件使自己印象深刻的方面).(4) What happened was _(记叙事件的性质或特征). (5) At first, _(事件进展或情况表现的一方面). (6) Almost at the same time, _(事件进展或情况表现的另一方面). (7) Whats more, _(事件进展或情况表现的第三方面). (8)

23、 As a result, _(事件的进展结果).(9) As I understand, _(我的理解、看法等). (10) On the one hand, _(理解或看法一). (11) On the other hand, _(理解或看法二). (12) Therefore, _(结论).ExampleAn Eye-Witness of a Traffic Accident (03-6)It so happened that on the morning of last Sunday I was on the way to school. Just at the moment, a c

24、ar was driving out of a street corner. It impressed me most because the driver drove so fast.What happened next was a tragedy. At first, I saw a woman riding a bike with her eyes looking up at the sky. Almost at the same time, she was knocked off her bike by the speedy car. Whats more, the car got o

25、ut of control and ran into a tree on the roadside. As a result, both the woman and the driver were injured severely.As I understand, both the driver and the passer-by are responsible for the accident. On the one hand, the driver was driving too fast. On the other hand, the woman was so careless. The

26、refore, had both of them been careful enough, the tragedy could have been avoided. (151 w)模板一(1) Recently, _(描述现象,引起话题). (2) What amazes us most is _(表现较为典型的一个方面). (3) It is true that _(对于现象做出评论).(4) There are many reasons explaining _(承上启下,解释这一现象的原因). (5) The main reason is _(说明原因一). (6) Whats more

27、,_(原因二). (7) Thirdly, _(原因三). (8) As a result, _(讲述导致的结果). (9) Considering all these, _(作者的态度). (10) For one thing, _(观点一). (11) For another, _(观点二). (12) In conclusion,_(总结全文). 模板二(1) As is known to all, _(摆明现象). (2) _ seem to get accustomed to _(讲明事实,空格内填people,student等). (3) In fact, _(说明发生的实质变化)

28、.(4) The reasons of _ lie in several aspects(引起下文,讲明原因). (5) Firstly, _(原因一). (6) Secondly, _(原因二). (7) Thirdly, _(原因三). Finally, _(原因四或总结全文). (9) As a matter of fact, _说明作者的观点). (10) On the one hand, _(支持这一观点的理由一). (11) On the other hand, _(支持这一观点的理由二). (12)Therefore, _(得出结论).模板三 (1) Nowadays _(说明现

29、象). (2) For one thing, _(支持这一道理的一个方面). (3) For another, _(支持这一道理的另一个方面). (4) It is obvious that _(说明现象具有典型性的一面). (5) Many remarkable factors contribute to _(表明原因,引起下文). (6) First of all, _(产生这一现象的原因之一). (7) In addition, _(原因之二). (8) Thirdly, _(原因之三). (9) As to me, _(作者的观点). (10) As we know, _(支持这一观点

30、的理由一). (11) Besides, _(支持这一观点的理由二). (12) In a word, _(结论).Sample paperIt pays to Be Honest (03-1) Nowadays, we often hear peoples complaints about dishonesty. For one thing, employers are troubled with false certificates. For another, customers are worrying about fake commodities. It is obvious that

31、 there are dishonest practices in all walks of life. Many remarkable factors contribute to these dishonest behaviors. First of all, countless people neglect moral values in pursuit of their material benefits. In addition, unfair competitions worsen the situation. Thirdly, we lack powerful and effective l

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