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Crazy English.docx

1、Crazy English第一招 推销自己 1第二招 健康之道 2第三招 陈述观点 4第四招 巧问妙答 6第五招 优美谈话 8第六招 赞美人生 10第七招 真诚祝福 11第八招 笑对牢骚 12第九招 善意警告 13第十招 忠言劝告 14第十一招 巧妙建议 15第十二招 培养兴趣 16第十三招 投其所好 17第十四招 难得惊奇 17第十五招 枉自烦恼 18第十六招 热忱邀请 19第十七招 满怀希望 20第十八招 成功求职 20第一招 推销自己There is a friend that sticks closer than a brother.好朋友胜过亲兄弟。It is much to be

2、regretted that we could not have met earlier.相见恨晚。Mr. White, Im very pleased to make your acquaintance.Im so glad to have the opportunity of meeting you, Mr. White.Hello, Robinson! Ive often heard about you. I have heard a lot about you. 久仰!久仰!I havent seen him for donkeys ages. 我很久没见她了。Excuse me, m

3、ay I take the opportunity to introduce myself as an interpreter?Gee, let me see. Its an unusual name. Its on the tip of my tongue but I just cant get it out.哎呀,让我想想,是个挺特别的名字,就在我嘴边,可说不出来。Hi, Im Michael Radilolf. Im a student of French. Call me Mike, will you?Havent we met somewhere before? Im Sue. At

4、 the moment Im working for a commercial company.I am very touched that you have come all the way to meet me in person.I have heard your name before by reputation. 久闻大名。Friends like you come along once in a life time. 相识满天下,知心唯一人。Such an opportunity, of working together with colleagues, of many diffe

5、rent countries, is a rare one and I am sure that we will make full use of it.与许多国家的同行们在一起讨论,这是一个极其难得的机会,我相信大家会十分珍惜这个机会的。It gives me an excellent opportunity to meet old friends and make new friends.Heres my card with my address and phone number, and e-mail. I suppose my name is not new to you. But t

6、his is the first time I have the pleasure of meeting you in person.This is the first time we have met, but we made each others acquaintance long ago through correspondence. We have been expecting your arrival.Its pleasure to know special people like you who bring much pleasure with things that they

7、do. Its a pleasure to thank you and let you know, too, your kindness will be long remembered.你待人忠诚,认识像你这样的认真教人高兴。感谢你。我还要高兴地告诉你,你的关心将伴我心。Its unbelievable! I though youd be taking the summer courses in George University. I didnt know you were taking a vacation. I couldnt imagine that we would meet her

8、e. Isnt it a small world?这真是想不到的事!我以为你在乔治大学上暑假班呢。我不知道你在度假。没想到在这儿碰到你。世界到底不大,我们在这儿又见面了。Its a joy to know you. Wishing the nicest things always for you, not only today, but all year through because you are really a joy to know.认识你是一种快慰,愿你永远拥有最美好的东西,不仅今天拥有,而且天天拥有,因为认识你真是一种慰籍。Youre nice to be with, lots

9、of fun, you are understanding, too, you are all the things good friends are made of I am glad. I am friend with you!和您在一起真高兴,您能理解人,跟你在一起又说不完的乐趣,您有作为一个好朋友应有的一切,与您为友,真正快乐!第二招 健康之道Health is better than wealth. 健康胜过财富。To find its hard to tell about your sufferings. 有苦难言。Whats troubling you?Im a bit stuf

10、fed up. 我鼻子有点塞。Im having a bit of trouble sleeping.Ive got a pain in my chest. 我胸口隐隐作疼。This tooths playing up a bit. 我这牙又疼了。Oh, dear. My eyes are watering again. 哎呀,我的眼睛又流泪了。I feel a bit of colors. 我有点不舒服。 Ive got a bit of a headache. My backs giving me a bit of trouble.My throats a bit dry.Ive got

11、a cough in my throat. 我咳嗽。Are you all right? You look a bit pale. 你好吗?怎么脸色有点儿苍白。 Whats wrong? Do you suffer badly from cold? 你怎么啦?是不是感冒了?It sounds as if youve had another cold. 好像你又感冒了。Im pretty sure youve had another sleepless night. Ive been laid up (with illness). 我病倒了。Im afraid Ive been having t

12、rouble with my neck. 我脖子有点别扭。His health isnt up to scratch. 他的健康不佳。Go and have a medical check-up. Have a good rest. 去做做体检,好好休息休息!If you dont get more rest and relax a little, youre going to get run-down.如果你不多休息放松一下,你会累垮的。You need a day in the country to get some roses back in your cheeks.你需要到乡间散散心,

13、以恢复健康。Yes! Thats it! She fasts a day every week, and she has lost ten pounds.对了!就是她的体形。她每周绝食一天,她的体重已减了10磅。You sound as if youve got another attack of migraine coming on.你好像又犯了偏头疼。Atishoo! Oh, not again! Thats the third cold this winter.阿嚏!够了!这是今年冬天第三次感冒了。Im sorry to hear that. Dont work yourself so

14、hard.真倒霉。别太操劳了。Take things easy! Rest up a bit. Im sure youll get over it soon.别那么认真,多休息!你很开就好了。Get plenty of exercise and watch your diet. I hope youll get well soon.多锻炼,注意一下饮食,我想你会尽快好起来的。Cut down on your smoking. And youll get over it soon. 少抽点,你就会很快好起来。It goes without saying that good health is v

15、ery essential. Dont sit in the room reading the books all day long. Why not come out with us for a walk?谁都知道好的身体是非常必要的。不要整天关在屋里读书。跟我们去散散步,好吗?Wish you a long and happy life. Wish you will soon be well.Wish you a quick recovery.Get well soon and stay well for keeps.第三招 陈述观点Making others believe in you

16、. 取信于人。A men of men. 人上人。Id go along with you on that. 我和你的观点一致。I dont see anything wrong in space travel. 我不认为空间旅行有什幺不好。Whats so terrible about eating many sweats? 吃多了糖果又怎幺不好?I think I can understand how you feel. 我理解你怎幺想的。I couldnt agree more. 我太同意你的意见了。I couldnt have put it better myself. 我自己想得没有

17、你那幺好。You are very quiet, John, how do you feel about space race?John, 你怎幺一言不发?你觉得空间竞赛如何?What do you reckon the problem is, Smith? Smith, 你认为问题在哪里?How do you find things over here? 你觉得这里的一切怎幺样?Personally, I think that 我个人认为Frankly speaking, I think that learning English is pointless. 坦率地说, 学英语没什幺用。Al

18、l I see it, all motorists should wear seat belts. 我看,汽车司机都应该系上座带。I just cant accept that! 我就是不同意!I cant agree with you there! 我不同意你的观点!Its completely wrong to say that football is boring. 说足球没意思,那纯属胡言乱语。You cant be serious. 你开什幺玩笑啊。Thats what I think. What do you think is the best way to solve the p

19、roblem?I think Greg knows more about this than I do.What in your opinion can be done to develop their reading speed, Greg?Can you propose some way of putting up protest? 你能提意个提出抗议的方式吗?Joes looking skeptical.I was wondering where you stand on the question of being interviewed?乔看上去有点疑心。我想知道,乔, 你对被采访的态

20、度怎样呢?In my opinion, Id say that theres much violence on television. Why, killing seems normal now.依我看,电视上暴力行为演地太多了。怎幺现在凶杀好象很正常似的。As far as Im concerned, the point is Ive never met people that are that apathetic about violence.就我看来, 问题是我从未见到过对暴力行为那幺不关心的人。Well, if you ask me, Id just like to say that

21、I think the speed limit should be forth miles an hour on all highways.You know what I think. I think football is boring.你知道我是怎幺想的。 我认为足球没意思。Well, obviously, Id like to point out Englishs a very easy language to learn.I see what you mean, but of course learning English takes time.I cant help thinking

22、 space travel is a waste of money. 我总是认为空间旅行是浪费钱财。Although its true to say that space race is a big money waster, its also true to say that we benefit more or less form it. Dont you agree, Peter?尽管有理由说空间竞赛浪费不少钱财,但我们也从中多多少少地获得些好处。彼得,你说对吗?It seem quite clear to me that strikes should be made illegal.

23、You may be right, Mark. All the same footballs interesting.你可能说得对,马克。 但足球也是有意思的。Really? I cant say Ive particularly noticed. 真的吗? 我可没特别留心(这个问题)。You dont seem to realize that theres another problem, do you?Just think of the problem, if on the other hand, we neglect our children请想一想这个问题!如果我们忽视了我们的孩子No

24、noI think it goes further than a lot further. 不,不!我想问题说得有点儿太远了。Oh, come on! It isnt that bad.I suppose thats true in a way, but business management is not easy. in a way 在某种程度上, 稍稍Thats one way of looking at it, but a little simplistic, perhaps.那只是单方面看问题,但也许简单了一点儿。I really think you shouldnt think s

25、o. 我真认为你不该那幺想。But I was under the impression that inflation is unavoidable.You mean, it isnt true that industrys making us wealthier. 你认为不是工业使我们更富有吗?You are flogging a dead horse if you are trying to make him change his political view.你要想设法改变他的政治观点,那是徒劳无益的。 flog a dead horse 枉费心机 flog (verb) 鞭打, 鞭策,

26、严厉批评Taking the exam is one thing but passing it is a horse of different color.考试是一回事;通过考试又是另一回事。 a horse of different color 完全是另一回事What he said in his papers cannot hold water. 他在文章里所说的站不住脚。 hold water (理论、计划等)证明合理,说得通; (容器)不漏水But somehow I was sure that television does have some bad influence on ch

27、ildren.但不管你怎幺说, 我还是认为电视确实对儿童有些坏的影响。Well, Ive heard that therere too many commercials on the television.Do you think its right to say, man creates the world and also destroys the world?Would you agree that the earths natural resources will be used up soon?Perhaps, but dont you think you were going a

28、bit too far when you said English was a very easy language to learn?也许吧。但当你说英语是一种容易学的语言时,你是不是有点言之过分?I expect John will agree with me when I say that pollutions a global problem.I dont know what Bill think, but we must take very thing into account.我不知道比尔怎幺想,但我们应作全面的考虑。第四招 巧问妙答He who knows nothing but

29、 pretended to know everything is indeed a good-for-nothing.不懂装懂永远是饭桶。No problem is difficult for you, if you put your heart in it.天下无难事,只怕有心人。Oh, let me think for moment.I havent a clue, Im afraid.Im not really sure. Sorry.Im terribly sorry. I really cant remember. 非常抱歉。我真的不记得了。 I cant tell you off

30、hand now, Im afraid. 对不起,我不能马上回答你。 off hand (adv.) :立即的,临时的,不拘礼节的Id rather not answer that if you dont mind. 如果你不介意,我不想回答。Thats something Id rather talk about at the moment.Thatd be telling, wouldnt it? 那就是告诉你了,是不是?Can I answer that later ? I need to look it up. 我可以先不回答吗?我要把它查出来再告诉你。Do you mind if I

31、 ask how high your salary is?When and why if thats not asking to much, did you begin to smoke?如果不过分的话, 我想问你是何时、为什幺开始抽烟的。Might I ask if you have ever tried to give up smoking?Ah, Id like some information about the flight.Oh, listen! Do you happen to know wheres a good place to buy art supplies?唉,听着!你是否(恰好)知道什幺好地方可以买到艺术品?Im not sure, but I think theres an art shop over there.我说不好,但我想那边有艺术品商店。Sorry to keep after you, but are there any vacancies on the course?抱歉,我一问再

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