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1、九年级第二单元单词和短语九年级第二单元单词和短语 Unit 2 I think【(that) the moon cakes are delicious!】 (宾语从句、被动语态、节日)1. folk fk nfolk 民间 folk storyfolk stories民间故事句My grandma likes to tell me many f_ stories.-考:The f_ song has a good run in this area.2. steal sti:lVsteal 偷steal-stole-stolen 句The thief _ the purse from me ju

2、st now.-考:Did you know【that the man had _ (steal) your bike.】-考:Look out!=Watch out! Dont let the cat _(steal) that golden fish.-考:His purse _ by the thief. A. steal B. is stole C. was stolen D. stole3. tie ta系/领带Vtieto把系You can tie the horse to the tree.He tied the dog to the fence.Vingtietyingliel

3、yingdie-dyingHe is tying his shoelace.ntieC领带He wore a blue tie.wear-wore-worn穿tear-tore-torn眼泪/撕bear-bore-born熊/出生n纽带/关系The ties of their friendship become stronger. 友谊更巩固-考:I want to buy a beautiful _ for my fathers birthday.-考:You should tie your dog _ the front tree.4. dessert d z:tndessert 甜点 d

4、essertdesserts句You can take some d_ to the party.-考:After dinner, we had ice-cream and cakes for _ (甜点)5. relation rlennrelativeC亲戚 He has many r_nrelation C关系/联系improve the relations with-考:This book can help you to improve your r_ with your friends and families.-考:I have a big family. I have many

5、r_.-考:I dont see any r_ (relate) between the two problems.-考:Her aunt is her nearest r_(亲戚)6. admire d maVadmire欣赏/羡慕admire the moon欣赏月亮She is the movie star【that Jenny a_ most.】nadmiration His eyes widened in a_. -考:I a_ the way【you speak to your students.】 7. similar si mi l adj.similarbe similar

6、to不一定非得是外部像,性质相似都行look like是看上去像take after因血缘关系像 nsimilarity相似点C similaritiespopular-popularitysimilar-similarity同be similar to =take after=look like-考:We have many s_.-考:He is similar to his mother. He _ his mother.-考:The girl is similar to her mother in look. =The girl _ her mother.-考:My opinions

7、are s_ to yours.相似-考:Linda is _ her mother in many ways. For example, they are both tall and thin. A. similar to B. kind to C. friendly to D. different with-考:(2013浙江丽水中考) Can you tell the differences between these two pictures Difference Oh, no. They look (quite) _. A. different B. similar C. stran

8、ge D. interesting-考:(2013山东烟台中考) The customs in Qingdao are s_ (相似的) to those in Yantai. -考:My problems are very s_ to yours. 8. celebrate se l bret 庆祝 VcelebrateHow are you going to c_ Thanksgiving dayncelebrationWe gathered together for the c_ of her birthday.-考:I take the gift here to c_ my visit

9、.-考:We (happily) c_ her birthday yesterday.-考:Li Ming, how do you c_(庆祝) the Spring Festival-考:Lets c_ the Christmas Day together. let sb. do 9. 现在进行时:主be Ving:表正在We are having an English class.:表将来He is leaving(A) for Beijing.:加always表语气赞扬/批评He is always arguing with me:现在进行时表逐渐It is getting hotter

10、 and hotter.-考:Nowadays the city _. A. gets larger and larger B. is getting large and large C. gets large and large D. is getting larger and larger10. find-found-foundfind sb. do看见全过程/经常做find sb. doing看见片段/正在做find n adj.I found the trip exciting.find it adj. to doI found it exciting to have a tripfi

11、nd【that从句】I found【the trip was exciting】look for寻找 find找到 find out经调查得知-考:I often find the boy _(play)football.-考:We found some boys on the playground, They were playing soccer.=We found some boys _ soccer on the playground.-考:I found the book interesting. =I found【the book _ interesting.】-考:【When I

12、 walked into the classroom】, Ifound some students _ (copy) homework.-考:We found the trip exciting.=We found _ _ _ go on a trip.-考:We all found _ impossible to finish that much work in a few days. A. that B. one C. they D. it.-考:These children may find it hard to think for themselves =These children

13、may find _ _ _hard.-考:I think it my duty to write to you and thank you.(改为复合句) = I think【it _ my duty _ to you and thank you.】-考:We found some boys on the playground. They were playing soccer(合并) We found some boys _ soccer on the playground.-考:I found _ hard to finish the work in such a short time.

14、 A. that B. its C. it D. learns-考:(2013浙江余姚、临平六校联考) Youll find _ easy to learn it well. A. that B. its C. it D. this-考:Most young people find _ exciting to watch football games. A. one B. this C. that D. it-考:(2011山东泰安中考) Jack, could you help me _ when the plane will take off on the Internet Im sorr

15、y. My computer doesnt work. A. get out B. look out C. take out D. find out11. 感叹句把【从句】、to的不定式、时间、头花的、very/so/too等加强语气的词去掉再做题在后面找出:主 动词 (要么找到,要么没找到)看剩下部分:adj./adv用how n/n短语用what awhat anwhat-考:The flower is very beautiful.(变感叹) _-考:_ bad weather it is!A. What B. What a C. How D. How a-考:The boy is sh

16、outing very loudly.(变感叹句) _ _ _ _ _ _!-考:_ nice picture Linda has drawn! And _ girl she is! A. What a, What a bright B. What a, How bright C. How, How bright a D. What a , How bright a-考:(2014轴二中九年级第一次大练习) _ it is today! Yes. Shall we go hiking A. How fine weather B. What fine weather C. How fine th

17、e weather D. What a fine weather-考:_pretty the dragon boat teams were! -考:_ an interesting story it is! -考:_ beautiful the building is!-考:(2012广东惠州惠城十一校联考) _ lovely boy he is! A. How B. What C. What a D. How a-考:(2013山东威海) _ interesting the storybook is! Yes. I have read it twice. A. What B. What an

18、 C. How D. How an-考:How do you like the program The Voice of China _ amazing program it is! Many people like to watch it. A. What B. How an C. What an D. How-考:Our school is very beautiful(感叹句) _!12. 死亡VdieThe dog died two days ago.(当时)adj.dying快要死的 He saved the dying girl.adj.dead死了的The dead is dea

19、d(状态)ndeathHe was sad because of the death of dog.句die down 逐渐消失The fire died down after a while.die from/die of死于die 后既可接介词 of,也可接 from, 两者的区别是: 一、若死因存在于人体之上或之内(主要指疾病、衰老等自身的原因),一般用介词 of。如:die of illness (heart trouble, cancer, a fever, etc) 死于疾病 (心脏病,癌症,发烧等) 二、若死因不是存在人体之内或之上,而是由环境造成的(主要指事故等方面的外部原因)

20、,一般用介词 from 。 如: die from an earthquake (a traffic accident, a lightning, a stroke, etc) 死于地震(交通事故,雷击等) 三、若死因是环境影响到体内,即两方面共有的原因,则可用 of, from 均可。如:die of from a drink ( a wound, overwork, starvation, hunger and cold, etc) 死于饮酒(受伤,劳累过度,饥饿,饥寒等)延续性非延续性句型转换:The dog died two days ago.The dog has been dead

21、 for two days.The dog has been dead since two days ago.-考: He was sad because of the mans d_-考:The dog was (nearly) d_-考: The dog has _(be dead) for two days. -考:The dog has _(die)-考:The wind will _ _ later on.-考: The babies often _ _ illness and do not live very long.(死于)-考:He is afraid of the d_.-

22、考:This was a traffic accident(交通事故). Many people _(die).-考:A bad smell comes from the _ dog by the road. -考:The gardener picked off the d_(死的)flowers.13. punish p n Vpunish惩罚He _ often _ by his teacher.npunishmentA p_ is a way of punishing someone.-考:【If you break the rule】, you _. A. will punish B.

23、 is punished C. will be published D. punished14. spider spadnspider 蜘蛛spiderspiders句The boy dressed himself as a s_ man.dress up as/like 乔装打扮成15. treat tri:tVtreat 对待treat-treated-treated treat sb. to sth招待某人吃treat A as Bregard A as Bconsider A as B句You must t_ the little girl well.-考:Let me t_ you

24、to a good meal.-考:He always t_ his daughter as his friend.16. business bz nis nbusiness商业 (be) on business出差businessman businesswoman句My father is on b_. He is not at home.-考:Theyve done some b_ (生意)together.17. novel n vlnnovel小说novelnovels句I like the n_ written by Herman.-考:Lu Xun wrote a lot of n

25、_ in the old days.18. warn w:nVwarn 警惕warn sb. to do警惕某人做 warn sb. not to do句They warn me not to swim in the river.-考:He was pleased by the w_ of his welcome.19. spread spredVspread-spread-spread传播、展开句The disease s_ quickly. -考:We should be the men【who s_ (spread) their love often.】 who的单复数在简单句中who/

26、what当单数在V/介词【宾语从句中,who当单数】在n【定语从句中,who不能决定单复数】-考:The news soon s_ to the farthest corner. 20. Vlie-lay-lain 躺、卧lie-lying躺tie-tying系die-dying死lie downHe l_ down and h_ a rest.The boy l_ on the sofa just now.There is a wallet l_ on the groundThere be.Ving 做There be. to do去做Vlay-laid-laid下蛋、产卵lay out设计

27、;展示;安排;陈设Please lay out my evening clothes for the party.The hens l_ a lot of eggs yesterday.Birds fishes and insects l_ eggs.nlie C说谎tell a lie / tell lies nliar说谎者He said【the man was a l_】-考:【When I got home 】, my dog was l_ (lie) on the ground.-考:Many animals l_ (下) eggs.-考:Can you help me _ the

28、books on the shelf A. put on B. lay outC. dress up D. put up21. end up 名词 以而结束 end up doing-考:【If you continue to steal】 youll _ (以而告终) in prison. -考:They ended up _ (sing) an English song.22. keep out遮挡/不让进入 -考:Sunglasses can keep the sun _. -考:Thick coat can _ the cold.A. take out 拿出/take out the trash扔 B. keep out 阻挡C. clean out 清理D. look out=watch out 小心23. decide conclude总结VdecideHe decided to fly to London.ndecisionHe made a d_ to fly to London固decide to do-decide not to do= mak

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