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1、托福考试写作词汇包写作高频词汇替换1. 认为:think-holdmaintainassumeargueclaimdeemreckon2. 获得: get-obtaingainachieveacquirehave access to3. 有:have-ownpossess4. 帮助:help-assistfacilitategive a hand toact as a contributing factor to5. 使用,利用:use-utilizeexploittake advantage of6. 给,提供:give-provideofferaffordconfer7. 想要:want-

2、desirebe eager for8. 好的:goodpositivebeneficialeffectiveconstructivesuperior9. 坏的:badnegativeharmfuldevastatingdeterioratinginferior10. 许多,大量:many-a vast number ofnumerousa wealth ofa host ofa multitude of11. 各种各样的:different kinds ofa variety of, a wide range ofdiversediversified12. 人们:peopleindividu

3、alscitizenthe public13. 发展,增长:developmentimprovementprogressprogressionadvancementgrowthflourishprosperityboost14. 促进,推动:developimprovepromoteenhancestrengthenupgradeboost15. 重要:importantsignificantessentialcriticalcrucialvitalpivotal16. 重视:focus onemphasizehighlightattach importance to give priorit

4、y to17. 忽视:ignoreneglectoverlookturn a blind eye tofail to take into account18. 观点:ideaopinionviewstandpointnotionconceptthoughtassumption19. 原因,因素:reasoncausefactorcontributortrigger20. 优点:advantagemeritbenefitvirtueupsidestrength21. 缺点:disadvantagedemeritdefectdrawbackdownsideweakness22. 解决,处理:sol

5、eresolvework outfixhandledeal withcope with tackle23. 关于:in terms ofwhen it comes toas toin regard to relating towith respect toconcerningregardinginvolving24. 采取,实施:adoptundertakecarry outinitiateimplementlaunch25. 措施,方案:measureactionapproachpolicyinitiative26. 改变:changetransformaltershiftswitchcon

6、vert27. 探讨,分析:exploreanalyzeexamineexplicitillustrate28. 反驳,冲突:contradictconflict withchallengedenyopposecast doubt oncounter-refute29. 普遍一般:commonuniversalubiquitous30. 足够:enoughsufficient-plentifulabundantample31. 坚持:stickadherecling32. 追求:pursueseek33. 确切,准确:exactaccurateprecise34. 顶端:toppeaksumm

7、it35. 竞争者:competitorrivalopponent36. 名声:famereputationprestige37. 建立:buildestablisherect38. 基础的,根本的:primaryfundamentalradical39. 缓解:relievealleviateease-lighten40. 贫穷:poorneedyimpoverishedpovertystricken41. 富有:richwealthyaffluentwell-off42. 流行:popularprevailingprevalentpervasive43. 鼓励,刺激:encouragemo

8、tivatestimulatespur44. 保持:keeppreserveconserve-retainremainmaintain45. 完成:finishcompleteaccomplishfulfill46. 破坏,危害:destroydamageimpairunderminejeopardize47. 幸福:happinesscheerfulnesswell-being48. 教育:educationschoolingparentingupbringing49. 年轻人:young peopleyouthyoungstersadolescents50. 老年人:old peoplet

9、he elderlysenior citizenthe aged51. 责任:responsibilityobligationliability52. 工作:jobcareeremploymentprofession53. 娱乐,消遣:enjoymententertainmentpastimesrecreation54. 孩子:childrenkid-offspringdescendant55. 起作用:play arole inexert a part inperform a function in 56. 对。有影响:have a effect onexert a influence on

10、 exercise a impact on57. 充满:be filled withbe awash withbe inundate withbe saturated withbe flooded with58. 努力: struggle forstrive foraspire afterspare no efforts for59. 从事:take upset aboutgo in forembark on-be engaged in60. 在当代:in contemporary societyin present-day societyin this day and age写作脑暴分类词汇

11、微观-个人成功achievement/attainment 成就win the prize of 获奖win the reputation 赢得名声public recognition 公众认可make a fortune 发财wealthy 富有的realize the dream of 实现梦想reach the goal/target 达到目标朋友have something in common 有共同点find each other congenial 意气相投,性格相似consult with 商量a lifelong friend 一生的朋友most trusted 最信任的a f

12、riend in need 患难之交social network/circle 社交圈工作 work ethic 职业道德job satisfaction 工作满足感assessment of performance 绩效考核laborious and demanding work 辛苦的工作professional 专业的find ones niche 找到合适的职业long-term and short-term goal 长期和短期目标goal-oriented 目标导向的well-defined goal 明确的目标collaboration 协作partnership 合作关系tea

13、mwork 团队合作promotion 升职career advancement 职业发展competent/competence 胜任的(能力)overwork 过度劳累be exposed to stress 压力山大grumble/complain about 抱怨workplace 职场/工作场所specialist 专家生活方式balanced lifestyle 平衡的生活方式get away from the daily grind 逃离日常苦工indulge in 沉迷于sedentary lifestyle 久坐不动的生活方式rid off the worries 摆脱烦恼d

14、aily chores 日常杂务addict 有瘾的人indoor/outdoor activity 室内/室外introverted 内向的extroverted 外向的social adaptability 社会适应能力socializing 社交fancier 爱好者,狂热者pace/tempo of life 生活节奏知识和技能impart knowledge and skills 传授知识和技能career preparation 职业准备well-rounded individuals 多才多艺的人highly motivated 积极性高autonomous learner 自主

15、学习者hallmark of a good education 好的教育的品质特征vocational education 职业教育up-to-date 最新的expand ones outlook 开阔视野broaden ones vision 开阔视野computer literacy 有使用电脑的能力literacy 识字能力multi-media 多媒体mutual understanding 互相理解spoil 破坏,搞砸pamper 纵容,使过量nurture 培育inherit 继承钱economical 节省的a tight budget 预算紧缩temptation 诱惑te

16、mpting 诱惑的the haves and the have-nots 有的和没的property 财产possessions 财产financial strain/burden 资金紧张extravagant 奢侈的,浪费的articles of luxury 奢侈品salary/wage/payment 薪酬living expenses 生活费wealthy/impoverished 富有/贫穷健康physical and mental health 身心健康stress 压力depression 抑郁light exercise 轻松的锻炼workout 锻炼aerobic exe

17、rcises 有氧运动obesity 肥胖diabetes 糖尿病cardiovascular disease 心血管疾病chronic diseases 慢性病food hygiene 食物卫生excessive intake of 过量摄取low-calorie 低卡路里家庭a sense of attachment/belonging 归属感strengthen the family bond 增强家庭关系 filial duties 孝道take care of the elderly 照顾老人family reunion 家庭聚会sibling 兄弟姐妹single-parent h

18、ouseholds 单亲家庭parental guidance 父母的引导make a concerted effort to do 共同努力parental overindulgence 父母溺爱salvage the dysfunctional family relationship 挽救紊乱的家庭关系宏观-社会经济tax revenue 税收the expenditure on 支出to make ends meet 收支相抵,量入为出economic growth 经济增长ease the financial burden of 缓解财政负担globalization 全球化econo

19、mic recession 经济衰退financial crisis 金融危机limited budget 有限的预算环境contaminate 污染be unduly reliant on 过渡依赖于forestation 造林erosion of the soil 土壤侵蚀human-related activities 人类活动endangered animals 濒危动物reverse environmental deterioration 逆转环境恶化dearth/famine 饥荒eco-friendly 生态友好的renewable resources 可再生资源take mea

20、sures/take initiatives 采取措施viable/feasible/practical 可行的lessening of air pollution 减轻空气污染environmental degradation 环境退化conserve/preserve 保护教育impart knowledge and skills 传授知识和技能kindle curiosity 激起好奇心help students explore possibilities 帮助学生探索可能性acquire employable skills 获得就业技能open the door to 给以机会sens

21、e of cooperation 合作意识sense of responsibility 责任感peer pressure 来自同龄人的压力primary school/secondary school/high school 小学/中学lifelong process 一生的过程involvement in class 课堂参与test-driven 测试驱动的student-centered 以学生为中心的academic performance 学业表现elective course 选修课required course 必修课hallmark of a good education 好

22、教育的品质pedagogy 教育学critical thinking 批判性思维竞争和就业competitive 有竞争力的excel in 在方面胜过industrious 勤奋的conscientious 认真的,尽责的stressful 有压力的high-paying job 高薪酬的工作career path 职业道路workload 工作量psychological strain 心理压力downsizing 裁员assessment 评估entrepreneur 企业家stability 稳定devoted/fervent/ardent 投入的,热情的interpersonal s

23、kills 人际交往技能career prospects 职业前途 媒体break news 突发新闻public figure 公众人物celebrity 明星trustworthy 值得信任的taint ones reputation 玷污名声exaggerate/overstate 夸张rumor 谣言icon 偶像intrude on ones privacy 侵犯隐私be susceptible to negative influences 容易受到负面影响misleading advertisement 误导的广告民生infrastructure 基础设施unemployment

24、失业health care 医疗保健divert money to 转钱到public transportation 公共交通narrow the gap between the rich and the poor 贫富差距optimize the distribution of resources 优化资源分配welfare 福利wellbeing 幸福,福利insurance 保险pension 退休金,抚恤金政府投资citizens 公民long-term problem 长期问题pressing problem 紧急问题government expenditure 政府支出regula

25、te 规定enforce the law 实施法律subsidize/fund/sponsor 资助invest money in 投资trim then budget 削减预算cut down the expenses 减少开支客观科技 cutting-edge technology 尖端科技state-of-the-art technology 最先进的科技over-reliance on 过度依赖于information overload 信息超载increase exponentially 指数级增长labor-saving 节省劳动力mechanization 机械化,自动化the

26、information age 信息时代social networking website 社交网路at a staggering rate 以突飞猛进的速度时间和效率augment 放大accelerate/speed up 加快boost efficiency/productivity 提高效率/生产力the tempo of life 生活节奏slow down the pace/process of 减缓的速度time-consuming 浪费时间的productive 有生产力的,多产的逻辑连接词因果:thus/ therefore; as a consequence/ as a r

27、esult/ consequently;转折对比:in contrast; by contrast; on the contrary; on the other hand however, nevertheless, conversely, adversely, oppositely 让步:admittedly, undeniably, undoubtedly 附加递进:besides, furthermore, moreover, additionally, in addition; whats more参考插入语 1. in other words 换句话说2. in a sense 在某

28、种意义上 general 一般说来4 .as a matter of fact 事实上5. strictly speaking 严格地说6.generally speaking 一般地说7.judging from8. to be sure 无疑9. to sum up 概括地说 tell the truth 老实说11.what is important (serious)重要(严重)的是12. in a few words(或in sum,in short)简而言之13. strange to say 说也奇怪14. needless to say 不用说15. most

29、 important of all 最为重要的是16. worse still 更糟糕的是17. to my knowledge 据我所知18. On the contrary 相反的是 contrast 相比之下(对比) comparison 相比之下(类比)好用的固定句式1. There be 句型是不可否认的 There is no denying/ doubt that 没有万灵药 there is no panacea for无可替代 there is no substitute for2. It is句型是人尽皆知的 it is universally ackn

30、owledged that 是很明显的 it is evident/ obvious/ apparent that 该是的时候了 it is high time that (谓语动词用过去式)可想而知 it is conceivable that很寻常 it is not usual for sb. to do sth. 毫不夸张地说 it is no exaggeration to say that 毫不夸张地说 it is hard to overstate that毫无争论余地的It is disputable that毫不令人惊讶的it is no longer surprising that褒义词(be good for的替换

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