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1、B级语法与词汇练习语法与词汇练习(一) 1. She was fined & 20 for failing to keep her dog under _. a. control b. command c. hand d. orders 2. Dont drop your cigarette butts on the floor. You could _ fire to the house. a. cause b. make c. set d. start 3. We must _ that our customs and habits are different from theirs. a

2、. keep up with b. keep in mind c. keep to ourselves d. keep in touch 4. _, what he said at the meeting is true except that a few figures he quoted are not very reliable. a. In general b. In particular c. In respects d. As a matter of fact 5. Reading detective stories is one of his favourite _. a. oc

3、cupations b. hobbies c. engagements d. habits 6. Last nights strong wind nearly took the roof _. a. away b. out c. down d. off 7. He is the manager of the company. Hes _ it. a. charged with b. in the charge of c. charged d. in charge of 8. He felt _tired, but he didnt stop studying. a. little b. fai

4、rly c. rather d. few 9. We went to the station to _. a. see them out b. see them off c. goodbye them d. say them goodbye 10. Id like to take _ of this opportunity to thank you all for your co-operation. a. profit b. occasion c. benefit d. advantage 11. I should like to _ touch with old friends but I

5、 have so little time. a. get into b. be in c. keep in d. lose 12. I wish you _ Jim so much. Hes still very depressed. a. had not hurt b. have not hurt c. shall not hurt d. hurt 13. All _ is a continuous supply of the basic necessities of life. a. what is needed b. the thing needed c. for our needs d

6、. that is needed 14. He asked _ since he had been chairman for seven years. a. not to have been re-elected b. not to be re-elected c. to not be re-elected d. to have not been re-elected 15. The reason _ we should study a foreign language is very clear. a. when b. which c. who d. why 16. Every teache

7、r and student _ to come to class immediately. a. has been told b. have been told c. has told d. have told 17. I _ to the hospital yesterday but I forgot all about it. a. had to go b. should have gone c. ought to go d. should go 18. John had his leg _ while playing football this morning. a. broken b.

8、 break c. to break d. breaking 19. I think you have paid _ your health. a. too few attention to b. too little attention for c. too little attention to d. too a few attention to 20. Do you remember _ to our president when you visited our school last month? a. to be introduced b. being introduced c. i

9、ntroduced d. to have introduced 21. This heroic deed _ him his life. a. spent b. cost c. took d. asked 22. To measure temperature, we have to _ some kind of suitable temperature scale. a. seek b. pick c. choose d. elect 23. They try to _ a new dictionary every other year. a. bring out b. bring up c.

10、 bring about d. bring on 24. This m atter is between you and me, and dont give it _ to anybody. a. away b. out c. up d. over 25. We tried to _ what he meant. a. make for b. make out c. make of d. make from 26. The English test has been put off _ next Friday. a. to b. in c. on d. till 27. The manager

11、 offered $3,000 _ to anyone who could solve the problem of water pollution. a. price b. prize c. award d. reward 28. The travelers were not aware _the danger ahead. a. with b. of c. for d. to 29. In order to improve our condition, this new scheme must be _. a. adopted b. adapted c. adjusted d. admit

12、ted 30. Because the company was doing more business, it was necessary to _ the factory. a. extend b. increase c. rise d. grow 31. He said that he had never _ across a painting which pleased him more. a. seen b. viewed c. happened d. come 32. Breakfast is _ in the dining room from 8 to 9:30 a.m. a. s

13、erved b. made c. cooked d. eaten 33. My shirt needs taking _ one inch. a. out b. off c. in d. up 34. She graduated from the Electronic Measurement Department, _ Electronic Technology. a. to major b. majoring c. to major in d. majoring in 35. Im sorry to arrive l ate, but the car _. a. broke back b.

14、broke down c. broke off d. broke through 36. The date of the meeting has been _ from the 5th to 8th June. a. postponed b. advanced c. put forward d. brought off 37. When will our plane _? a. take away b. take up c. take off d. land away 38. A sudden idea _ to him that he might try the new method. a.

15、 occurred b. happened c. took place d. took part 39. The prince _ in love with the country girl at first sight. a. dropped b. fell c. came d. went 40. The queen was very particular about her food, and was always finding _ with the maid. a. mistake b. error c. fault d. wrong 41. _I try, I cannot find

16、 the answer. a. However b. However hard c. No matter d. Even 42. We are _ going to Scotland for our holidays. a. thinking of b. considering of c. thinking d. considering the idea 43. The author is a well-known expert, _ his book is reliable. a. so b. but c. and d. nevertheless 44. The more I learn,

17、the more I realize _ . a. how little I dont know b. how few I know c. how little I know d. how few I dont know 45. Dont worry about my illness; what I need is nothing else _ a few days rest. a. than b. but c. except d. besides 46. _ into Chinese, the book is popular among the young people. a. Having

18、 translated b. Being translated c. Having been translated d. Translating 47. You should keep it in the ice box, _ it will go bad. a. and b. or c. but d. so 48. He doubted _ it was true. a. if b. that c. as though d. as if 49. The room is five times _ that one. a. more large than b. like c. as large

19、as d. the same as 50. The new building is to be _ high. a. six storeys b. six storey c. six-storeys d. six-storeyed 51. Who is going to _ the telephone? a. reply b. respond c. answer d. pick 52. Things are going from bad to _ . a. terrible b. bad c. better d. worse 53. She will always _ in mind what

20、 her parents told her when she left home. a. place b. keep c. control d. restrict 54. During the rush hour they were _ in the heavy traffic. a. held on b. held off c. held down d. held up 55. Would you mind _ the window since it is rather windy today? a. closing b. to close c. to have closed d. open

21、ed 56. The rich man _ his poor neighbors. a. looked down to b. looked down upon c. saw down to d. saw down on 57. Hard work can often _ a lack of intelligence. a. make for b. make up for c. make at d. make out at 58. I am _ of money at the moment. Could you lend me some? a. short b. long c. need d.

22、wanting 59. If you cant fix the machine before 3 p.m., Ill _ your job. a. take down b. take over c. receive d. resist 60. The glass fell and was broken into _. a. bit b. items c. articles d. pieces 语法与词汇练习(二) 1. The dry weather has _ the quality of the fruit. a. effected b. affected c. hurt d. harme

23、d 2. I _ go to the beach when I was a child. a. was used to b. had been used to c. used to d. had used to 3. You must give us more time, _ we shall not be able to make a good job of it. a. otherwise b. whether c. therefore d. consequently 4. _ right away, he might have been alive today. a. If he was

24、 operated on b. Had he been operated on c. Was he operated on d. Should he be operated on 5. Your bicycle is _ my way. Sop youll have to move it. a. on b. by c. in d. out of 6. This song is very popular _ young people. a. with b. in c. to d. at 7. The river flows _ along the frontier (边境) of the cou

25、ntry. a. continually b. continuously c. constantly d. regularly 8. These shoes are comfortable rather than _. a. are pretty b. to be pretty c. pretty d. were pretty 9. I didnt mean what I said. Neither _I. a. should b. did c. do d. would 10. _, the vitamine C in them will be destroyed. a. If vegetab

26、les are cooked too long b. If cooked too long c. If cooking too long d. If being cooked too long 11. The scientists tried _ thousands of chemicals before they found the right one. a. on b. as c. for d. out 12. He was poor but proud, and turned _ every offer of help. a. back b. down d. away d. in 13.

27、 The gas gave _an unpleasant smell. a. in b. out c. off d. up 14. John puts ten dollars _ every week. a. away b. aside c. down d. back 15. He is careful never to run _ bills. a. out b. over c. after d. up 16. They trade their goats and camel hair _the people of the oases (绿洲)_ wheat and fruit. a. wi

28、th for b. to for c. with with d. for with 17. Between them serious disagreements immediately _. a. raised b. rose c. risen d. arose 18. The driver examined the car engine _ but could find nothing wrong with it. a. thoroughly b. exactly c. steadily d. suitably 19. His stomach began to _ because of the bad food he had eaten. a. pain b. ache c. harm d. be hurt 20. The autumn air felt _ so she went to fetch a coat for her son. a. chilly b. shivery c. chill d. cool 21. Metal

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