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1、简爱1Youll stay in the red room until youve learned to be good!2Please let me out, my father died in this room.3And his ghost灵魂 is still there, watching over you! No!4You could stay there until morning!5Oh, Aunt, no, no! I cannot endure忍受 it!6Youll do as so told!你最好按照我的吩咐去做7The Reverend,Mr. Brocklehur

2、st is here, madam8John!9Good afternoon. Mr. Brocklehurst.10Mrs. Reed.11Do come this way.这边请12My children.13Enchanting.迷人的14Tea?15Perhaps just this once16Pray, be seated.请坐17John, dear would you go and find that wretched可怜的 girl and bring her down?18Yes, mama19This has been, of course, a very difficu

3、lt decision for me. Mr. Brocklehurst.20Come on!,Shes going!21Hooray!万岁Shes going away.22Shell never like him. I cant believe it.23Her. um, mother,24was my late husbands sister.25She married a clergyman牧师. Penniless很贫穷. Both parents died.26of typhus斑疹伤寒, when the child was but a few months old.27Are

4、you her only living relative?28There is um. an uncle,29her fathers brother,30but he lives abroad, in um.Madera, I think. I know nothing about.31Go!32I have done what I can for the child.我已经做了我能为孩子做的33but she has.34a willful任性, obstinate nature天生倔强35Oh! Here she is.36This is Jane Eyre.37Jane, this is

5、 Mr. Brocklehurst of Loward School38How do you do sir?39I hear you are a wicked邪恶 child, Jane Eyre.40Let me examine检查,考验 you.41Do you know where the wicked go after death?42To hell.43What is hell?44Can you tell me that?45A pit坑 full of fire.46And should you like to fall into that pit.47and to burn t

6、here forever?48No, sir.49What must you do to avoid it?50Keep well, and not die, sir.51It is as I said.正如我说的52You must warn警告 her teachers to keep a strict严厉 eye on her.53and above all to guard against防备 her worst fault,54a tendency趋势,倾向 to deceit.55Deceit欺骗?56We do not tolerate容忍 that at Loward.57Th

7、at is why I wrote you.58I would like her to be brought up in a manner be fitting her prospects.我希望根据她的前程来培育她59to be made useful成为一个有用的人,to be kept humble永远保持谦卑.60And as for要求 the vacations,61I would prefer.if she spent them with you.62Of course.63Come!64Deceit is a sin.欺骗是一种罪过It is akin to falsehood

8、.这个类似于说谎65And all liars骗子,说谎者 shall spend eternity永恒.66in that lake湖 burningwith brimstone硫磺 and fire.67Im not deceitful.68I beg your pardon?再说一遍69Im not deceitful.And Im not a liar.70For if I were, I should say that I love you.71I do not love you. I dislike you worst of anybody in the world.72excep

9、t your son.73Your bags, Jane Eyre.74Do you see what a wicked child she is?75Have no fear不要担心, Mrs. Reed. At Lowardwe shall tame驯服 her unruly不羁 spirit.76The stool.凳子77Place this child upon it.78You see this?79This girl!80Her name is Jane Eyre.81Be on your guard against her.82Avoid her company.83Shut

10、her out of your conversations.84This girl, take a good look at her,85this girl is a liar!86Let her stand on the stool all day,87she shall have no food,88and let no one speak to her.89Alice!90Pay attention!专心91Back to your lessons!92Let her sing with us.93Jane94Jane!95What?96Some bread and some chees

11、e97Thank you.98What is your name?99Helen Burns100Thank you, Helen. And god bless you.101And you too, Jane.102Good night.103Hands!104Bonnet!帽子Toes!脚105Hands106Bonnet.Bonnet, Jones!107Burns, youre standing on the side of your shoes.Turn your toes out immediately.108And youre chin下巴 is poking out.draw

12、it in!109Hold your head up!110I will not have you standing in front of me in that slovenly懒散的 way!111Cover your mouth!112Dirty, disagreeable讨厌 girl.113You havent cleaned your fingernails指甲 this morning!114The water was frozen.115That is no excuse.116Fetch me the birch桦木!117Obstinate顽固的 girl!118One t

13、hing will cure治愈 you.119of your slovenly habits!120Im very sorry, Miss Catchard.121Put it away!122Cleanliness清洁 is next to godliness圣洁.123Time for your lessons, girls!124Go sit down now.125Who taught you to draw?126I taught myself.自学127I used to make up books at my Aunt Reeds house,128and then tried

14、 to copy the pictures.129You draw very well.130Not really.不见得131You do. You have a gift天赋.Youre lucky.132Helen.133Can I draw a portrait画像,肖像 of you?134Me?135Yes!136Take off your bonnet. You have such pretty hair.137The Lord has seen fit to burden负担,麻烦 us once more.138Whos that girl with red hair?139

15、Burns, sir, Helen Burns.140Burns, step forward过来.141Vanity虚荣!142You see this vanity.143Long curled卷曲 hair, masses of大堆 red curls卷发!144It is in defiance藐视 of every decent像样,正经 principle原则 of this school!145You know that, as well as I do.146It is my fault sir, I told her to take off her bonnet.147I do

16、nt care about her bonnet! Its her hair, her curls! Her vanity!148Its not vanity Mr. Brocklehurst. Helens hair curls naturally天生的.149And does she not sin, naturally, as well?150I am here to teach you discipline纪律,151I am here to correct nature. So are you Miss Temple.152Well, let me try to arrange th

17、e hair so that it does not offend得罪 you.153Offending me is not the issue问题!154It is the childs vanity that must be suppressed压制!155Remove消除 far from me vanity and lies.156Proverbs谚语, chapter 30, verse小节 8.157The girls hair shall be cut off!158No!159Did someone speak?160Why should you punish her for

18、the way God made her hair?161Fetch the scissors剪刀.162You, Jane Eyre.163Did you hear what I said?164I will not ask you again.165Your hair will grow again soon.166And if its cut off again, it will grow again.167And it will be even more beautiful than it was before.168Come, into bed.169Im sure you feel

19、 very sorry for yourselves.170Im sure you all envy羡慕 other girls.171who seem to have been blessed with happier lives.172But you have all been blessed with intelligence智慧.173Intelligence and a proper education will give you.174independence of spirit.175And that is the greatest blessing of all.176The

20、only thing that matters in your life, is to be in harmony和谐 with God.177What is this? Come, into bed.178Go to bed!179Lmmediately! All of you!180Miss Temple!181Im worried about Helen burns. Her cough is much worse.182Most little girls have a cough.183I think we should call the doctor.184Only Mr. Broc

21、klehurst can do that.185Then I shall talk with him.186No, Miss Temple, I will!187Helen?188Jane.189Is that you?190What are you doing here?191Its gone eleven.192I couldnt sleep until Ive see you.193Your feet are bare裸露.194Lie down.Come here beneath my quilt被子.195Dont cry.196You mustnt cry.197Please do

22、nt leave me.198Well be together again.199When? Where?200In heaven. Forever.201Will we?202Dont you believe that?203I dont know.204You must believe it Jane,you must believe!205God will take care of us.206Good night, dearest最亲爱的 Jane.207Ah!208Helen?209Mr. Brocklehurst!210Mr. Brocklehurst!211Ive found h

23、er, sir212Burns! Burns!213Ill tend to注意,常常,倾向(料理) it, sir.214Dont grieve悲伤, Jane.215Shes gone to a better place.216May god have mercy怜悯 on her soul.217Come, Jane.218Jane, Jane!219Jane! You must hurry,The coach教练,辅导(马车) is here.220I hope you dont thinkIm being ungrateful忘恩负义.221Ungrateful?Whatever do

24、 you mean?222Ever since I came to Loward, youve been my one true friend223apart from Helen.224I feel as if Im abandoning you.225No, no. You mustnt think that.226No, its good and proper that you should be starting a new life.227I wish you could come with me.228Thank you.229But, I believe its Gods wil

25、l that Im here. I cannot leave.230God bless you.231How much further? A couple of hours, I should think.232Ooh, I see.233If Miss Eyre, who advertised in the Yorkshire Herald of last Thursday,234is in a position位置 to give satisfactory references参考,证明.235as to character性格 and competency能力,236a situatio

26、n can be offered to her.237There is but one pupil学生, a little girl, under 10 years of age,238and the salary is 30 pounds per annum每年(拉丁语).239Miss Eyre is requested要求 to send references, name, address.240and all particulars to Mrs. Fairfax, Thornfield Hall.241Whoa!242Ltll be nice to get out and stret

27、ch伸展 our legs after that long journey.243Goodbye, Miss.Goodbye.244Goodbye, young lass小姑娘.245Oh! Come in Miss!246Come in.247Leah!Leah, its the new governess家庭教师!248Would you follow me, Miss?249Mrs. Fairfax.250Mrs. Fairfax. Miss Eyre.251Oh!252How do you do my dear?253Im afraid youve had a tedious乏味 journey. You must be frozen!254Let me help you.255Please dont trouble yourself.256Oh, no trouble.257Your own hands must be numb麻木 with cold.258Now, come! Come to the fire and get warm.259And I dare say a hot

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