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1、Chapter 5 Plant Materials and Commencement,CompletionClause7-9Definition of Plant:means the apparatus,machinery and vehicles intended to form or forming part of the Permanent Works. of Materials:means things of all kinds(other than Plant)intended to form or forming part of the Perma

2、nent Works,including the supply-only materials(if any)to be supplied by the Contractor under the Contract. Plant Materials and WorkmanshipThe Employers Personnel shall at all reasonable times:(a)have full access to all parts of the Site and to all places from which natural Materials are b

3、eing obtained,and(b)during production,manufacture and construction(at the Site and elsewhere),be entitled to examine,inspect,measure and test the materials and workmanship,and to check the progress of manufacture of Plant and production and manufacture of Materials.Inspection7.3The Contractor shall

4、give the Employers Personnel full opportunity to carry out these activities,including providing access,facilities,permissions and safety equipment.No such activity shall relieve the Contractor from any obligation or responsibility.The Contractor shall give notice to the Engineer whenever any work is

5、 ready and before it is covered up,put out of sight,or packaged for storage or transport.The Engineer shall then either carry out the examination,inspection,measurement or testing without unreasonable delay or promptly give notice to the Contractor that the Engineer does not require to do so.If the

6、Contractor fails to give the notice,he shall,if and when required by the Engineer,uncover the work and thereafter reinstate and make good,all at the Contractors cost.隐蔽工程隐蔽工程是指地基、电气管线、供水供热管线等需要覆盖、是指地基、电气管线、供水供热管线等需要覆盖、掩盖的工程。掩盖的工程。房建工程的隐蔽工程包括以下内容:房建工程的隐蔽工程包括以下内容:(1)给排水工程;)给排水工程;(2)电气管线工程;)电气管线工程;(3)地




10、隐蔽工程不符合要检查后重新隐蔽。如果经检查隐蔽工程不符合要求的,承包人应当返工。检查隐蔽工程所发生的求的,承包人应当返工。检查隐蔽工程所发生的费用如检查费用、返工费用、材料费用等由承包费用如检查费用、返工费用、材料费用等由承包人负担,承包人还应承担工期延误的违约责任。人负担,承包人还应承担工期延误的违约责任。1.The Contractor shall provide all,as are necessary to carry out the specified tests efficiently.The Contractor shall agree,with the Engineer,the

11、 time and place for the specified testing.2.The Engineer may vary the location or details of specified tests,or instruct the Contractor to carry out additional tests.If these varied or additional tests show that the tested Plant,Materials or workmanship is not in accordance with the Contract,the cos

12、t of carrying out this Variation shall be borne by the Contractor,notwithstanding other provisions of the Contract.Testing7.43.The Engineer shall give the Contractor not less than 24 hours notice of the Engineers intention to attend the tests.If the Engineer does not attend at the time and place agr

13、eed,the Contractor may proceed with the tests,unless otherwise instructed by the Engineer,and the tests shall then be deemed to have been made in the Engineers presence.attend(+to):出席出席,参加参加;致力于,献身于;侍;致力于,献身于;侍候,照顾;关注候,照顾;关注 proceed with:继续做继续做presence:出席出席;仪表;仪表4.The Contractor shall promptly forwa

14、rd to the Engineer duly certified reports of the tests.When the specified tests have been passed,the Engineer shall endorse the Contractors test certificate,or issue a certificate to him,to that effect.If the Engineer has not attended the tests,he shall be deemed to have accepted the readings as acc

15、urate.duly:充分地充分地;适当地;及时;适当地;及时endorse:签名,签名,签署签署;批准;批准 reading:阅读;读物;阅读;读物;读数读数If,as a result of an examination,inspection,measurement or testing,any Plant,Materials or workmanship is found to be defective or otherwise not in accordance with the Contract,the Engineer may reject the Plant,Materials

16、or workmanship.Rejection7.5TIMETIMEcommencecommencementmentexecutionexecutioncompletiocompletion nremedy remedy any any defects defects n5.2 Commencement,Delays and SuspensionTypical sequence OF Principal Events during Contracts for Construction(1)Issue of Issue of tender tender documentsdocumentsSubmission Submission of the of the tendertenderIssue of the letter of acceptanceCommencement dateBase date?dTender periodIssue of performance security?d?dperformance security 4.2performance security 4.

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