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1、精品学年高二英语下学期期末考试试题新人教版2019学年度高二级第二学期期末试题(卷)英语满分120分,考试时间100分钟第1部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳答案。AOxfordAdvancedLearnersDictionaryTheOxfordAdvancedLearnersDictionaryisrecommendedbyteachersandstudentsbecauseitexplainswordsinlanguagestudentsunderstand,givesuseful

2、examplesentencesandincludesthetoolslearnersneedtosucceedinEnglish.Thenew9theditionwithOxfordiSpeakerandiWritermakesitthelatestspeakingandwritingtool. Author:MargaretDeuter,JenniferBradberyPrice:$29.95 Paperback: 1900pages AmazonBestsellersRank: 95 inbooksCollinsEnglishDictionaryAtthecuttingedgeoflan

3、guagechange,CollinsEnglishDictionaryoffersyouallthelatestwordsandphrasesyouneedatyourfingertips.Whetherforstudy,atwork,oronthego,youcancheckspellings,lookupmeaningsandwordsyouneed, everyday.Author: HarperCollinsPrice: $25.99 Paperback: 1920pages AmazonBestsellersRank: 227inbooksCambridgeAdvancedLear

4、nersDictionaryItisgreatforadvancedlearnersofEnglishandcontainsalargevocabulary, includingwordsfrom theareasoftechnology, languageandlifestyle, plusimportant2wordsforacademicstudy. Itisperfectasareferencetoolandasastudycompanion. Itisalsogreatforexampreparation. Author:CambridgeUniversityPrice:$39.27

5、 Paperback: 1856pages AmazonBestsellersRank: 461 inbooksLongmanHandyLearnersDictionary LongmanistheverybestforstudentslearningEnglishtostudy, liveandworkinNorthAmerica. Thisdictionaryprovideslotsofhandyreferencematerials. Thispopular, pocket-sizedictionary is great forstudentswhoneedquickandeasyrefe

6、rencetoAmericanwordsandphrases. Author: PearsonEducationPrice: $23.66Paperback: 528pagesAmazonBestsellersRank: 1144inbooks1. What is special about Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary?A. It gives useful example sentences. B. It is cheap and at the same time good.C. It is recommended by teachers and s

7、tudents. D. It is equipped with Oxford iSpeaker and iWriter.2Youcanprobablylookupsomenewly-createdwordsin A. OxfordAdvancedLearnersDictionary B. LongmanHandyLearnersDictionaryC. CambridgeAdvancedLearnersDictionary D. CollinsEnglishDictionary3WhatdoweknowaboutLongmanHandyLearnersDictionary? A. Itsthe

8、cheapestofthefourdictionaries. B. Itshelpfultoimproveyourpronunciation.C. Itsgreatforstudentstoprepareforexams. D. ItsgoodforBritishEnglishlearners.4Inwhatorderarethedictionarieslisted? A. Thethicknessofthedictionaries. B. Thepricesofthedictionaries.C. TheAmazonranksofthedictionaries. D. Thefunction

9、softhedictionaries.B If our kids dont fall, they dont learn to get up. I still remember the day in high school that my mom forgot to pick me up from school. Im the oldest of four children, and no doubt shed had a long day with the other kids and it had slipped her mind. After waiting at school for a

10、n hour, I walked the three miles home, and when I got to my house, I shut our front door with anger, stormed into the kitchen and screamed in my moms face that shed forgotten me. Later that night, my dad told me I no longer had a ride to school the next day. I figured my mom would still take me, but

11、 when the morning came, she refused. It was midterm, and as a straight A student ready to start college applications, being late wasnt an option. In my mind, missing these tests would have been the end of my academic career. I begged my mom, I told her she was running my future and everything I work

12、ed for. But she held her ground, and that day, I walked to school. And I missed my tests. My mom didnt rescue me from failure. She let me suffer from it. She let me figure it out. She let me learn. Now, as a mom myself, Ive realized that I want my kids to experience failure because failure is how we

13、 grow, learn and think outside of ourselves. Its how we self-educate to learn whats right and respectable, and whats not. Its how we become responsible and enthusiastic. Falling down makes us better, because we learn how to get up.5. Why did the author shout at her mother? A. She was tired after wal

14、king home. B. She missed some important tests. C. Her mother had ruined her future. D. Her mother didnt pick her up home.6. What does the underlined phrase held her ground in Paragraph 2 mean? A. Gave in to me. B. Said yes to me. C. Stayed in the place. D. Stuck to her decision.7. How does the autho

15、r feel about her experience now? A. Merciful B. Beneficial C. Disappointed D. Embarrassed8. What is the best title for the text? A. Try to meet your kids demands. B. Offer your kids help if necessary. C. Stop rescuing your kids from failure. D. Be responsible for your kids failure.C Naturally, paren

16、ts praise their kids. They want to encourage their children every day. But when it comes to building self-esteem (自尊) in children, praise doesnt always have a positive effect, according to a special edition of the journal Child Development. The issue, edited by Eddie and Thomas, is focused on resear

17、ch into how children develop a sense of self and building your childs confidence takes different skills than you might think. Eddie points out that children are born without a sense of self, but it doesnt take long before some kids have a lot of confidence and may feel superior to peers, while other

18、s may carry more self-doubt and see themselves as inferior. Yet no one really understands what causes children to view themselves the way they do. Surprisingly little is known about the origins of childrens self-concept, Eddie said. Research has found that when kids have a warm, loving relationship

19、with their parents, they develop higher self-esteem. However, when they are given endless praise that is unequal to their achievements, their self-esteem may drop. Instead of lavish praise, parents should focus on warmth to build self-esteem, researchers have foundspecifically, parents should show i

20、nterest in their kids activities and share joy with them. This makes children feel noticed and valued. According to Eddies own research, children may develop lower self-esteem when their parents give them lots of positive and overstated praises. Too much praise can make children worry about disappoi

21、nting their parents, and may lead to an unhealthy attitude toward failure. Other studies suggest that parents can teach children that failure is beneficial by encouraging kids to ask themselves, “Why didnt I achieve the result I wanted, and what can I do to change the outcome in the future?” Additio

22、nally, its important for parents to encourage the belief that kids can develop basic abilities through devotion and hard work. Kids who are praised for their effort instead of their ability are more likely to develop a growth mindset, which have a positive impact on their confidence. 9. What does th

23、e special edition of Child Development focus on? A. When is the best time to build a childs self-esteem. B. What effect praise has on a childs self understanding. C. How children develop their sense of self-esteem. D. How blaming and overpraise hurt a childs confidence. 10. How does too much praise

24、hurt childrens self-esteem? A. Theyll be afraid of failing and disappointing their parents. B. Theyll have a false understanding of their ability and fail. C. Theyll become too proud to get along with other children. D. Theyll focus more on their advantages than their weaknesses. 11. What can we inf

25、er from the last paragraph? A. Childrens effort will help to build their confidence. B. Children should he taught the value of hard work. C. Praising a childs ability will make them happier. D. Some parents doubt if kids can develop their abilities. 12. Which of the following is the passage mainly a

26、bout? A. Praising a child for any reason helps build his self-esteem. B. How kids develop their sense of self-esteem differently. C. Why some kids have more self-doubt than the others. D. Participation and encouragement build a kids self-esteem. D The Pareto principle, also known as the 80/20 rule,

27、the law of the vital few, states that, for many events, roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. Management consultant Joseph M. Juran suggested the principle and named it after Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto, who noted the 80/20 connection while at the University of Lausanne in 18

28、96, as published in his first paper. Essentially, Pareto showed that approximately 80% of the land in Italy was owned by 20% of the population. It is an axiom of business management that “80% of sales come from 20% of clients”. Richard Koch authored the book, The 80/20 Principle, which illustrated s

29、ome practical applications of the Pareto principle in business management and life. Mathematically, the 80/20 rule is roughly followed by a power law distribution, also known as a Pareto distribution, for a particular set of parameters, and many natural phenomena have been shown empirically to exhib

30、it such a distribution. The Pareto principle is only tangentially related to Pareto efficiency. Pareto developed both concepts in the context of the distribution of income and wealth among the population. The original observation was in connection with population and wealth. Pareto noticed that 80%

31、of Italys land was owned by 20% of the population. He then carried out surveys on a variety of other countries and found to his surprise that a similar distribution applied. A chart that gave the inequality a very visible and comprehensible form, the so-called “champagne glass” effect, was contained in the 1992 United Nations Development Program Report, which showed that distribution of global income is ve

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