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1、21世纪资本论21世纪资本论21世纪资本论:资本在美国 2014-10-31 华尔街俱乐部 2013年,法国经济学家托马斯?皮凯蒂(Thomas Piketty)的新著21世纪资本论(Capital in the Twenty-First Century)出版发行,该书一经出版便引发东西方各国的热议。书中,作者用翔实数据和生动事例揭露了资本主义贫富差距扩大的总趋势,是第一本关于收入和财富的具有历史意义的经济学著作。该书中文版由巴曙松研究员、陈剑博士等翻译,于2014年9月由中信出版社出版发行。下文系该书部分内容摘编,敬请品鉴。 在详细考察20世纪下半叶资本收入比的回升并分析其在21世纪的前景之

2、前,让我们看看资本在美国的历史形态和相对水平。 有几个事实很清楚。首先,作为新大陆,资本在美国的重要性不及旧大陆(也就是欧洲国家)。具体来讲,根据我所收集和对比的当时的若干估测数据,美国在取得独立前后(大约1770-1810年)的国民资本仅为国民收入的3倍。农地的价值约为国民收入的1-1.5倍(参见图1)。尽管有不确定因素,但北美殖民地的资本收入比显著低于英法两国是毫无疑问的,当时这两个国家的国民资本约为国民收入的7倍,其中农地约为4倍(参见图2和3)。 Stems, root cause mechanical damage, looping root amputation at the wo

3、und to prevent infection. (3) category tree seedlings: a spindle should have a uniform distribution of main branches, branches, trunk diameter above 3.0CM; make trees of broadleaved trees branch height should be relatively consistent, with 3-5 main branch, trunk diameter of not less than 4cm, branch

4、 point is not less than 2.5M; coniferous trees with the spindle, there are primary. (4) shrubs class seedlings: tufted type shrubs requirements irrigation bundle full, and main collateral distribution uniform, and main branch number not less than 5 branch, at least has 3 branch above irrigation high

5、 reached provides standard; creeping type shrubs requirements at least has 3 branch above main branch reached provides standard length; vine health seedlings, and should points branch uniform, and main article number 5 branch above, and main article diameter 1.0CM above; going it alone type shrubs r

6、equirements with trunk, and points branch uniform, base diameter in 2.0CM above; hedge with shrubs requirements irrigation bundle full, and points branch uniform, and dry lower leaves no bare, More than 2 years old. All plants are shrubs should meet the specifications. (5) the solitary trees should

7、be selected single planting ornamental tree is beautiful, high ornamental value of individual plants. (6) design should be selected when the bushes planted plant specifications, flowering shrubs such as rhododendron plants should select color uniform varieties, planting interval and density. 4, seed

8、ling planting project plants should be located according to the drawings, and with reference to the national standard and suitable to avoid lines, planting pits should be greater than the minimum thickness requirements, planting soil backfill compaction in layers to ensure that plants are firmly roo

9、ted in the ground, supported by large-size seedlingshe primary analysis of soil physical and chemical properties, such as pests, disinfection, pest control in advance. Garden plant growth by required of minimum planting soil thickness should meet Xia table (construction figure Shang indicate of exce

10、pt) vegetation type herb flower lawn to was small shrubs big shrubs shallow root trees deep root trees soil thickness 30 (CM) 30 (CM) 45 (CM) 60 (CM) 90 (CM) 120 (CM) planting soil should selection for plant growth of selective soil, as humic acid soil, and lawn fertilizer, and peat soil, and pH 5.5

11、7.0, humidity 3070%, completely loose, Lawn planting soil roughness (soil surface should be lower than teeth pond 25cm). 2, planting garden of foundation engineering projects from planning to the construction stage, focus on after completion of landscaping, the overall goal is to create a good livin

12、g environment for plants, create a garden and green space. Plant engineering of the project was to create the basis for plant growth, soil, it can be said is the garden project, is one of the most important works. Also planted phase of this project must be carried out by the local soil improvement p

13、roject. 3, seedling selection requirements: (1) engineering seedling selection of cooked goods, provisions relating to plant size. Plant procurement specifications can be large, so as to achieve ecological effect in a short time. Seedlings should have . Strong, lush, Crown-shaped full, normal color,

14、 root system, pest and disease-free. (2) the project should have growth robust, lush, Crown-shaped full, normal color, root system, pest and disease-free. 图1:美国的资本,17002010年 资料及数据源。 图2:英国的资本,17002010年 资料及数据源。 Stems, root cause mechanical da

15、mage, looping root amputation at the wound to prevent infection. (3) category tree seedlings: a spindle should have a uniform distribution of main branches, branches, trunk diameter above 3.0CM; make trees of broadleaved trees branch height should be relatively consistent, with 3-5 main branch, trun

16、k diameter of not less than 4cm, branch point is not less than 2.5M; coniferous trees with the spindle, there are primary. (4) shrubs class seedlings: tufted type shrubs requirements irrigation bundle full, and main collateral distribution uniform, and main branch number not less than 5 branch, at l

17、east has 3 branch above irrigation high reached provides standard; creeping type shrubs requirements at least has 3 branch above main branch reached provides standard length; vine health seedlings, and should points branch uniform, and main article number 5 branch above, and main article diameter 1.

18、0CM above; going it alone type shrubs requirements with trunk, and points branch uniform, base diameter in 2.0CM above; hedge with shrubs requirements irrigation bundle full, and points branch uniform, and dry lower leaves no bare, More than 2 years old. All plants are shrubs should meet the specifi

19、cations. (5) the solitary trees should be selected single planting ornamental tree is beautiful, high ornamental value of individual plants. (6) design should be selected when the bushes planted plant specifications, flowering shrubs such as rhododendron plants should select color uniform varieties,

20、 planting interval and density. 4, seedling planting project plants should be located according to the drawings, and with reference to the national standard and suitable to avoid lines, planting pits should be greater than the minimum thickness requirements, planting soil backfill compaction in laye

21、rs to ensure that plants are firmly rooted in the ground, supported by large-size seedlingshe primary analysis of soil physical and chemical properties, such as pests, disinfection, pest control in advance. Garden plant growth by required of minimum planting soil thickness should meet Xia table (con

22、struction figure Shang indicate of except) vegetation type herb flower lawn to was small shrubs big shrubs shallow root trees deep root trees soil thickness 30 (CM) 30 (CM) 45 (CM) 60 (CM) 90 (CM) 120 (CM) planting soil should selection for plant growth of selective soil, as humic acid soil, and law

23、n fertilizer, and peat soil, and pH 5.57.0, humidity 3070%, completely loose, Lawn planting soil roughness (soil surface should be lower than teeth pond 25cm). 2, planting garden of foundation engineering projects from planning to the construction stage, focus on after completion of landscaping, the

24、 overall goal is to create a good living environment for plants, create a garden and green space. Plant engineering of the project was to create the basis for plant growth, soil, it can be said is the garden project, is one of the most important works. Also planted phase of this project must be carr

25、ied out by the local soil improvement project. 3, seedling selection requirements: (1) engineering seedling selection of cooked goods, provisions relating to plant size. Plant procurement specifications can be large, so as to achieve ecological effect in a short time. Seedlings should have . Strong,

26、 lush, Crown-shaped full, normal color, root system, pest and disease-free. (2) the project should have growth robust, lush, Crown-shaped full, normal color, root system, pest and disease-free. 图3:法国的资本,17002010年 资料及数据源。 关键的一点在于,与古老的欧洲相比,北美洲的人均土地面积显然要大得多。从数量上看,美国的人均资本数量

27、比欧洲更高。其实,也正是因为土地如此之多,才导致其市场价值非常低,任何人都可以拥有很多土地,因此值不了太高的价钱。或者说,价格效应比与之作用相反的数量效应更为强烈:当某种类型的资本的数量超过了某个临界值后,其价格不可避免地跌至极低的水平,致使上述资本的价格与数量之乘积(即资本的总价值)反而低于资本数量较低时的总价值。 新大陆与欧洲在18世纪末到19世纪初的土地价格的巨大差距,从现存的所有关于土地买卖和继承的资料中(例如遗嘱和证明)都可以得到证实。 Stems, root cause mechanical damage, looping root amputation at the wound

28、to prevent infection. (3) category tree seedlings: a spindle should have a uniform distribution of main branches, branches, trunk diameter above 3.0CM; make trees of broadleaved trees branch height should be relatively consistent, with 3-5 main branch, trunk diameter of not less than 4cm, branch poi

29、nt is not less than 2.5M; coniferous trees with the spindle, there are primary. (4) shrubs class seedlings: tufted type shrubs requirements irrigation bundle full, and main collateral distribution uniform, and main branch number not less than 5 branch, at least has 3 branch above irrigation high rea

30、ched provides standard; creeping type shrubs requirements at least has 3 branch above main branch reached provides standard length; vine health seedlings, and should points branch uniform, and main article number 5 branch above, and main article diameter 1.0CM above; going it alone type shrubs requi

31、rements with trunk, and points branch uniform, base diameter in 2.0CM above; hedge with shrubs requirements irrigation bundle full, and points branch uniform, and dry lower leaves no bare, More than 2 years old. All plants are shrubs should meet the specifications. (5) the solitary trees should be s

32、elected single planting ornamental tree is beautiful, high ornamental value of individual plants. (6) design should be selected when the bushes planted plant specifications, flowering shrubs such as rhododendron plants should select color uniform varieties, planting interval and density. 4, seedling

33、 planting project plants should be located according to the drawings, and with reference to the national standard and suitable to avoid lines, planting pits should be greater than the minimum thickness requirements, planting soil backfill compaction in layers to ensure that plants are firmly rooted in the ground, supported by large-size seedling

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