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1、七下英语导学案123单元单元:Unit 1 设计:龙艳 、 李多慧 执笔:龙 艳 初审: 审核: 、 审批: Unit 1 Wheres your pen pal from?The First Period (Section A 1a1c)Notes for Teachers or Students一、 学习目标 Learning goals1学习和掌握重点词汇:pal伙伴, pen pal笔友,Canada加拿大,France法国, Japan日本, Australia澳大利亚2了解掌握一些国家的名称: 学会询问运用:1)Wheres your pen pal from?你的笔友来自哪里?-

2、He/She is from.他/她来自、2)What kind of noodles would you like? Beef and tomato noodles.二、 学习流程 Learning Procedures预习导学 Learning preparation1、用英文写出下列国家和地区的名称并注上音标试读1)加拿大 _ 2)法国_3)日本_ 4)美国_5)澳大利亚_6)新加坡_7)英国_8)中国_2、一回答下列问题(1)Where are you from? (2) Where is Jack from?=Where _Jack _ _?(America)互动探究 Interac

3、tive Learning Step1、学习重点词汇:1、 pen pal笔友。例如:我有一个笔友。I _ _ _.2、 Canada加拿大-(其名词、形容词)Canadian加拿大人,加拿大人的。例如:She is a Canadian girl.她是一个加拿大女孩。做一做:_ come from _ A、Canada , Canada B、 Canadians , Canada C、Canada , Canadians D、 Canadians, Canadian拓展:1)France法国-French法国人,法语 2)Japan日本-Japanese日本人,日语 3)Austrial澳大

4、利亚-Austrialian澳大利亚人 4)China中国-Chinese中国人,汉语练一练:1)I am _(China)2) He is from_,He is _(Japan)Step2、学习课文句型:1、 Wheres your pen pal from?你的笔友来自哪里?2、Shes from Japan她来自日本。注意:be from意为“来自于、”=come from.例如:Where are you from?=Where do you come from?你来自哪里?想一想:1)Wheres your pen pal from?= Where _ your pen pal _

5、 _? 2) He is from China =He _ _ China.训练反馈 Practicing Feedback当堂训练 Training In Class根据句意及首字母拼写单词。(1)where is his pen p from?(2)She (have) a foreign friend.(3)They (be) from china. They speak Chinese.(4)Where is Sydney(悉尼)? In A .(5)Where are your parents from? They from S .课后测评Review After Class一)英汉

6、互译1、日本_2、来自_3、澳大利亚_4、你的笔友来自哪里?_ your _ _ _?5、她来自日本She_ _ _6、你来自哪里?_ _ you _二)能力提升:7、Canadians come from C_.8、Japanese come from J_.9、Where_(be)his pen pals from?10、Gina _(come)from Austrial.11、 I live in _(French), I am _(France)12、I am an _(Austrial)girl, I come from_(Austrialian)13、The boy is from

7、 Canada(画线提问)_ _ he _?14、They come from China(一般疑问句)_ they_ _China15、 Jim is from Austrial.( 改为同义句)Jim _ _ Austrial.16、Where are your friends from?( 改为同义句)Where _your friends _ _?17、Where _the boy and the girl _ from? A、do ,comes B、are, come C、do ,come D、is, from18、_your pen pal from America. A、Do B

8、、Does C、Are D、IsUnit 1 Wheres your pen pal from?The Second Period (Section A 2a4)一、学习目标 Learning goals1、学习和掌握重点词汇:country国家,live居住, language语言2、继续学习和了解国家名称,城市3、听说能力训练:4、掌握的句型:1)Where do you live?-I live in. 2)What language do you speak?-I speak .二、学习流程 Learning Procedures预习导学 Learning preparation1 写

9、出下列名称。英语 , 汉语 , 日语 ,法语 加拿大 ,法国 ,日本 ,美国 ,澳大利亚 ,新加坡 ,英国 ,中国 2回答下列问题(1) Where are you from? What language do you speak?(2) Where is Jack from?=Where _Jack _ _?(America) What language does he speak? 互动探究 Interactive Learning Step1学习重点词汇复数)countries. China and Austrial are_(country)2live居住. 拓

10、展:live in住在、(后跟大地方), live at 住在、(后跟小地方),live on 以、为食,做一做:你住在哪里?_ _ you _? 他住在哪里?_ _ he _?3表示国家,国籍,语言和城市的归纳:(熟记这些词语)国家(名词)国籍语言(Language)城市(City)China(中国)ChineseChineseBeijingAustrial(澳大利亚)AustrialianEnglishSydneythe United States(America)美国AmericanEnglishNewYorkEngland(the United Kingdom)英国EnglishEng

11、lishLandonCanada加拿大CanadianEnglish, FrenchTorontoFrance法国FrenchFrenchPairsJapan日本JapaneseJapaneseTokyo4快速完成课文3aStep2、课文学习:1、完成课文听力2a,ab。2、朗读听力内容。并且小组朗读。3、朗读课文3b.4、小组合作,结合以下问题的句型编写对话:1)Where are you form? 2)Where do you live?3) What language do you speak?训练反馈 Practicing Feedback当堂训练 Training In Class

12、一) 根据句意填写单词。1. We are Chinese. We come from _.We speak _. 2. He is _. He is from America and he speaks English.3. _come from Japan. They speak_.4. The girl is Australian. She comes from _.5. Bethune(白求恩)is a Canadian. He comes from_二)根据汉语意思完成句子。1、他的笔友来自澳大利亚,他讲英语。His pen pal from . He English.2、他喜欢打篮

13、球,但他不喜欢游泳。He likes , but he like .3、他会讲什么语言?他会讲英语、法语和汉语。 he speak?He can speak , and Chinese.4、他和他的父母住在英国。He lives in the his parents.课后测评Review After Class单项选择1What language can you _? A、tell B、say C、speak D、talk2Kim is from_,He is a _. A、China , Chinese B、Chinese ,China C、Chinese , China D、China ,

14、China3His new pen pal_the United States. A、is form B、come from C、are from D、be from.4My pen pal comes from Pairs ,He can speak_. A、English B、Chinese C、French D、Japanese5Where is Tokyo? -Its in_ A、the USA B、France C、Japan D、Korea6Where _Linda_? A、do, live B、does , lives C、is live D、does, live7Where _

15、Lily and Kate come from? A、does B、is C、do D、areUnit 1 Wheres your pen pal from?The Third Period (Section B 1a2c)一、学习目标 Learning goals1.掌握单词和 重点句型。2.培养听说能力。二、学习流程 Learning Procedures预习导学 Learning preparation单项选择:1.Bob is from the Unite States .He speaks _ A、Japanese B、French C、 Chinese D、English2.Im

16、13 years old and my birthday is _ October. A、in B、on C、 at D、for3.Tom is my brother, He can speak English and_ French. A、little B、a few C、few D、a little4.He likes walking to school but dislike _to school by bus. A、to go B、go C、 going D、goes5.Who can _French in your family?-My father can A、read B、spe

17、ak C、 tells D、speaks6.I likeapples and strawberries best.-I like apples, too.But I _strawberries. A、like B、dislike C、love D、want7.Is _in the USA?-Yes, it is. A、Paris B、New York C、Tokyo D、Toronto8._language does she speak? A、Why B、Where C、How D、What9.We often play scooer _ weekend. A、in B、on C、 at D、

18、for10.My favorite subject in school _PE. A、are B、is C、be D、do11.China is _interesting country. A、a B、/ C、an D、the互动探究 Interactive Learning1.阅读并完成第一部分。2.问和回答2a.3.听录音,完成2a 和2b。1 放听力完成课文听力并且朗读听力内容。.结合听力内容模仿对话。训练反馈 Practicing Feedback当堂训练 Training In Class一) 单词拼写:1What l_ do you speak? 2. W_do you live?

19、3My pen p_ is from Canada. 4. I live in Tokyo, J_5I can s_ English. 6. Canadians are from C_二)用所给的词适当填空。1、Her pen pal _(be)from Japan. 2、_she_(have)any brothers?3.What language_she _(speak)? 4Whats_(she)favorite subject? 5、Mr Green can _(speak) three_(language).6、Canada and the Unite States are _(co

20、untry).7、This is a _(Japan)dictionary. 8、Where is _(Tom) pen pal from?课后测评Review After Class一)情景交际:A:Is that your pen pal?B:Yes, it is.A:Oh,Whats her_?B:Her name is Gina.A:And _ does she_ from?B:Shes from_.A:Uh-huh,Where does she_?B:She lives in Toronto.A:Does she have any brothers_sisters?B:Yes, sh

21、e does. She has two brothers _one sister.A:Does she speak English?B:Yes,She_English,but she can speak _ _ French.二)写作:写一篇自我介绍:介绍自己名字,国籍,自己的日常习惯和爱好(不少于60字)Unit 1 Wheres your pen pal from?The Fourth Period (Section B 3aSelf check)一、学习目标 Learning goals1. 读懂一封笔友的信,并根据信息写信。 2. 学会一些词汇的意义及用法。学习重点:词汇: favor

22、ite like want a little on weekends write to sb 句型:(1) I think、我认为、(2) Please +动词原形 请、3 学会简单介绍的自己国籍,年龄,爱好等等。二、学习流程 Learning Procedures预习导学 Learning preparation试试翻译看!1.我最喜欢的科目_2.去看电影_314岁_ 4.在周末_5.a very interesting country _6.speak a little action movie_8.too difficult_互动探究 Interactive Le

23、arning一)阅读Section B中的3a,判断正(T)误(F)。( )1.Bob want a pen pal in China.( )2.Bob can speak English and a little Chinese.( )3.Paul and Sarah are Bobs brother and sister.( )4.Bob likes going to the movies with his friends.( )5.Math is Bobs favourite subject in school.二)课堂活动1 小组合作讨论短文3a意思。 2 全班交流,教师点拨。3阅读3

24、b 小短文,完成这部分。 4组内交流,核对答案。训练反馈 Practicing Feedback当堂训练 Training In Class一) 基础过关:完成下列句子:1) 我认为南宁是一个有趣的城市。I _ Nanning is _ _ _.2) 英语太难了。_ is_ _3) 请写信告诉我关你的自己情况。Please _ and _ me _ _4) 我想找一个中国的笔友。I want a _ _ _ _5) 你经常给你朋友写信吗?Do you often _ _ your friends?6) 你有兄弟姐妹吗?Do you have brothers _ _?课后测评Review Af

25、ter Class一)完型填空:Mrs Black 1 from the United States. She 2 English in a middle school(中学). She 3 some Chinese, but not 4 . She goes to 5 classes every week. She likes 6 in China very much. She says(说) the Chinese 7 are very friendly. She 8 a son and daughter. They go 9 school here, too, 10 to a diffe

26、rent(不同的) schools.( )1. A. come B. is C. are D. be( )2. A. teaches B. learns C. write D. like( )3. A. talk B. speaks C. says D. ask( )4. A. many B. much C. any D. some( )5. A. Chinese B. China C. America D. English( )6. A. works B. work C. working D. worker( )7. A. peoples B. people C. the peoples D. the people( )8. A. have B. has C. is D. help( )9. A. at B. in C. to D. from( )10. A. but B. and C. or D. nice二)阅读理解 Tom and Jim are brothers. They are

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