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1、Unit12GenderBiasinLanguageTeachingplan综合教程Unit-12-Gender-Bias-in-Language-Teaching-plan-综合教程一Unit 12 Gender Bias in LanguageTeaching Objectives 1)To help students to be aware of gender bias in language 2)To help students understand the basic structure and features of an expositive essay 3)To help st

2、udents to learn language points and rhetorical devices used in the textPre-reading ActivitiesI. Pre-reading questions1. Do you think Chinese teachers favor boys over girls? Support your answer by giving examples based on your own experience.2. Do you prefer a single-sex class or mixed one? State you

3、r reasons. . Cultural information1. Why We Need an Equal Rights Amendment: Why We Need an ERA; The Gender Gap Runs Deep in American LawMartha Burk and Eleanor SmealWhy is the amendment needed? Twenty-three countries including Sri Lanka and Moldovahave smaller gender gaps in education, politics and h

4、ealth than the United States, according to the World Economic Forum. We are 68th in the world in womens participation in national legislatures. On average, a woman working full time and year-round still makes only 77 cents to a mans dollar. Women hold 98 percent of the low-paying womens jobs and few

5、er than 15 percent of the board seats at major corporations. Because their private pensionsif they have them at all are lower and because Social Security puts working women at a disadvantage and grants no credit for years spent at home caring for children or aging parents, three-quarters of the elde

6、rly in poverty are women. And in every state except Montana, women still pay higher rates than similarly situated men for almost all kinds qualify language. It is up to us to decide what we will allow to be used and made proper in the area of language.” Evidently, they denote the writers attitude to

7、ward what we should do about gender bias in language.II. Structural analysis 1. What type of writing is the text? This text is an expositive essay with reference to gender bias in language.2. Whats the main strategy to develop this expositive essay? The text is mainly developed by means of exemplifi

8、cation. Examples are abundantly used inParagraphs 2-6.3. Work out the structure of the text by completing the table. Paragraph(s)Main idea1The writer raises the issue to be discussed: Is language the cause of the bias or is it reflective of the preexisting bias that the user holds?2-6The writer prov

9、ides quite a number of typical examples to illustrate gender bias in language.7The writer makes his attitude or opinion clear on the issue of gender bias in language.Detailed ReadingText I Gender Bias in LanguageParagraph 1Questions:1. What does the writer think of language? The author thinks that l

10、anguage is very powerful and the most common method of communication, but is often misunderstood and misinterpreted, for it is a very complicated system of symbols with plenty of subtle differences.Paragraphs 2-6Questions:1. What is the main idea of Paragraph 2? (Paragraph 2) Paragraph 2 explains an

11、d illustrates the fact that some words in English are inherently biased against women and that the English language generally reflects male supremacy and female subservience.2. Which is the topic sentence of Paragraph 3? (Paragraph 3) This shows that the usage of many of the English words is also wh

12、at contributes to the bias present in the English language.3. What do you think of the two examples given in Paragraph 4? (Paragraph 4) The two examples, which are vivid and interesting, are closely related to the main idea that women are seen as passive while men are active and bring things into be

13、ing.4. Which sentence in Paragraph 5 shows that gender connotations in words affect peoples behavior? (Paragraph 5) It is the last sentence, “It is also commonplace not to scold little girls for being tomboys but to scoff at little boys who play with dolls or ride girls bicycles.”5. Which sentences

14、in Paragraph 6 denote the writers attitude? (Paragraph 6) The sentences that show the writers attitude towards the use of impolite terms in reference to women are “ but why use them when there are so many more to choose from?” and “It is also the most effective weapon of destruction.”Paragraph 7Ques

15、tions:1. What kind change has taken place in regard to gender bias in language? People have recognized gender bias in English and made necessary changes.2. What is the writers opinion in reference to gender bias in language? The writer thinks it is necessary to make the proper adjustments internally

16、 to use appropriate language to effectively include both genders, and that it is up to our decision of the proper word used.Further EnhancementText II The Difference Between Sex and GenderLead-in Questions1. According to you, what are the gender differences between male and female?2. What are the ca

17、uses of those differences?Notes1. connotative meanings (Paragraph 1): the additional meanings that a word or phrase has beyondits central meaning. These meanings show peoples emotions and attitudes what the word or phrase refers to. For example, child could be defined as a young human being but ther

18、e are many other characteristics which different people associate with child, e.g. affectionate, amusing, lovable, sweet, noisy, irritating. Some connotations may be shared by a group of people of the same cultural or social background, sex, or race; others may be restricted to one or several indivi

19、duals and depend on their personal experience.2. Barry White (Paragraph 2): (1944-2003) was an American record producer, songwriter and singer. A multiple Grammy Award-winner known for his deep bass voice and romantic image, Whites greatest success came in the 1970s with the Love Unlimited Orchestra

20、, crafting many enduring hit soul and disco songs.3. They normally walk with a switch and speak with soft voices. (Paragraph 2): Women usuallywalk swaying from side to side and speak with gentle voices.4. These descriptions may not apply to all men and women, (Paragraph 2): These oversimplified char

21、acteristics may not be applied as a generalization to all men and women.5. sexual identity (Paragraph 3): Sexual identity is a persons strong feeling of being a male or female. It includes sexual orientation that is, whether a person is sexually attracted to the opposite sex or the same sex. People

22、who are primarily attracted to members of their own sex are called homosexual, gay, or, if they are women, lesbian. People who are attracted to the opposite sex are called heterosexual or straight. People who feel attracted to people of both sexes are bisexual. Despite considerable research, the ori

23、gins of sexual orientation are not completely understood.6. Certain traits may get mixed up when dealing with people who like to cross-dress. (Paragraph 4) : Certain features of the two sexes may be found mixed in the case of those who like to wear the clothes of the opposite sex.7. Some people get

24、sex change operations and become transsexuals. (Paragraph 4): A small number of males and females believe they should have been born a member of the other sex. Such individuals, called transsexuals, believe they have the wrong body for their feelings and emotions. They feel “trapped” in the body of

25、the wrong sex. Some transsexuals have surgery to change their anatomy to match their feelings. Transsexualism occurs more in males than in females. Its cause is unknown. Some behavioral scientists think it results from an early disturbance in the mother-infant relationship and a lack of proper ident

26、ification with the same-sex parent. There is no evidence of hormonal abnormalities in transsexuals.8. hermaphrodites (Paragraph 4): A hermaphrodite is an animal with both male and female organs of reproduction. In human beings, hermaphroditism is not normal. The organs and functions of one or both s

27、exes usually develop imperfectly in such rare individuals. Few human cases of hermaphroditism have been reported. 9. deformity (Paragraph 4): a condition in which part of someones body is not the normal shape10. Back then this would have been a pretty good hypothesis. (Paragraph 5): Years ago ones o

28、ccupation would have provided a sound, though tentative, clue to ones sexual identity. 11. grade school (Paragraph 6): In the United States, a grade school is an elementary school or grammar school. Elementary school is a school for children from age 5 or 6 to age 12 or 14.12. They juggle home life

29、and work (Paragraph 7): They manage to fit their work into homemaking 13. Women have broken the gender barrier in almost every sport except for football and hockey. (Paragraph 8): Before the 20th century in the United States women could not play in most organized sports. Soon, however, they began to

30、 enter the sports arena. In 1972 Title IX of the Education Amendments Act outlawed discrimination based on gender in education, including school sports. Schools then spent additional funding on womens athletics, which provided an enormous boost to womens sports of all kinds, especially basketball, w

31、hich became very popular. Womens college basketball, part of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), is a popular focus of interest. By the end of the 20th century, this enthusiasm led to the creation of a major professional womens basketball league. Women have become a large part of at

32、hletics, making their mark in a wide range of sports.14. Rosa Parks (Paragraph 9): African American civil rights activist. In 1955 in Montgomery, Alabama, Parks refused to give up her bus seat to a white man. Her action led to the Montgomery bus strike, which was the first large-scale, organized protest against segregation that used nonviolent tactics. Rosa Parkss personal act of defiance opened a decisive chapter in the civil rights movement in the United States.15. Hilary Clinton (Paragr

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