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1、书虫歌剧院的幽灵答案书虫歌剧院的幽灵答案【篇一:歌剧院的幽灵英文版2】quick! quick! close the door! its him!? annie sorelli ran into the dressing-room, her face white. “快!快!关门!是他!”安妮?索雷丽跑进化妆室,脸色苍白。 one of the girls ran and closed the door, and then they all turned to annie sorelli. 一个姑娘跑过去把门关上,然后她们都转向安妮?索雷丽。 who? where? whats the mat

2、ter? they cried. “谁?在哪里?发生了什么事?”她们叫道。 its the ghost!? annie said. in the passage. i saw him. he came through the wall in front of me! andand i saw his face!? “有鬼!”安妮说,“在走廊上,我看到了他。他穿过墙壁来到我的面前。我还还看到了他的脸!” most of the girls were afraid, but one of them, a tall girl with black hair, laughed. 绝大多数姑娘都很害怕,

3、但她们中的一个高个子的黑发姑娘却大笑起来。 pooh! she said. everybody says they see the opera ghost, but there isnt really a ghost. you saw a shadow on the wall. but she did not open the door, or look into the passage. “呸!”她说,“每个人都说他们看到了这个歌剧院的幽灵,但是这里其实并没有鬼。你看见的只是墙上的影子。”但是她没有去把门打开,也没有到走廊上去看个究竟。 lots of people see him, a s

4、econd girl said. joseph buquet saw him two days ago. dont you remember? “许多人都看到过他,”又一个姑娘说,“约瑟夫?比凯两天前也看到过他,你们难道不记得了?” then all the girls began to talk at once. 随后所有的姑娘们立即开始谈论此事。 joseph says the ghost is tall and he wears a black evening coat. “约瑟夫说这幽灵是个高个子,他穿着黑色晚礼服。” he has the head of a dead man, wi

5、th a yellow face and no nose “他有一个死人般的头颅,黄色面孔,没有鼻子” and no eyes-only black holes! “而且没有眼睛只是黑洞!” then little meg giry spoke for the first time. dont talk about him. he doesnt like it. my mother told me. 接着娇小的梅格?吉丽第一次开口说话了:“不要谈论他。他不喜欢。我妈妈告诉我的。” your mother? the girl with black hair said. what does you

6、r mother know about the ghost? “你妈妈?”黑头发姑娘问,“关于这幽灵的事儿,你妈妈都知道些什么?” she says that joseph buquet is a fool. the ghost doesnt like people talking about him, and one day joseph buquet is going to be sorry, very sorry. “她说约瑟夫?比凯是个傻瓜。这幽灵不喜欢人们谈论他,总有一天约瑟夫?比凯会后悔的,会非常后悔的。” but what does your mother know? tell

7、us, tell us!? all the girls cried. “但是你妈妈都知道些什么?告诉我们,告诉我们!”所有的姑娘都叫道。 oh dear!? said meg. but please dont say a word to any one. you know my mother is the doorkeeper for some of the boxes in the opera house. well, box 5 is the ghosts box! he watches the operas from that box, and sometimes he leaves f

8、lowers for my mother! “哦,亲爱的!”梅格说,“但是请不要跟任何人说一个字。你们知道我妈妈是歌剧院一些包厢的看门人。瞧!5号包厢就是这幽灵专用的!他用那个包厢看歌剧,并且有时候会留下一些鲜花给我妈妈!” the ghost has a box! and leaves flowers in it!? “这幽灵还有包厢!而且在包厢里留下鲜花!” oh, meg, your mothers telling you stories! how can the ghost have a box? “哦,梅格,你妈妈在给你讲故事吧!幽灵怎么会有包厢呢?” its true, its t

9、rue, i tell you!? meg said. nobody buys tickets for box 5, but the ghost always comes to it on opera nights. “这是真的,这是真的,我告诉你们!”梅格说,“没有人买5号包厢的票,但是这个幽灵却经常在演晚场歌剧时到包厢里来。” so somebody does come there? “一些人也会来那里吧?” why, no! the ghost comes, but there is nobody there. “为什么,不!只有幽灵来,但是那里一个人也没有。” the dancers

10、looked at meg. but how does your mother know? one of them asked. 舞蹈演员们看着梅格。“但是你妈妈是怎么知道的?”其中一个问道。 theres no man in a black evening coat, with a yellow face. thats all wrong. my mother never sees the ghost in box 5,but she hears him! he talks to her, but there is nobody there! and he doesnt like peopl

11、e talking about him!? “这里根本没有穿黑色晚礼服、黄色面孔的男人。那都是瞎扯。我妈妈从来没有在5号包厢里看到过这个幽灵,但是她听到过!他跟她说话,然而里面却没有人!而且他不喜欢人们谈论他!” but that evening the dancers could not stop talking about the opera ghost. they talked before the opera, all through the opera, and after the opera. but they talked veryquietly, and they looked

12、 behind them before they spoke. 但是那个晚上舞蹈演员们却不能停止谈论关于歌剧院的幽灵的话题。她们在歌剧开演前谈论着,在歌剧整个演出过程中谈论着,在歌剧演出结束后还谈论着。但是她们谈话的声音很小,而且她们在说话前总要先看看她们的身后的动静。 when the opera finished, the girls went back to their dressing-room. suddenly, they heard somebody in the passage, and madame giry, megs mother, ran into the room.

13、she was a fat, motherly woman, with a red, happy face. but tonight her face was white. 当歌剧演出结束的时候,姑娘们回到了她们的化妆室。突然,她们听到走廊上有人,原来是吉丽夫人,梅格的母亲,跑进了房间。她是一个肥胖的、慈母般的妇人,有一张微红肤色的、快乐的脸。但是今晚她的脸色却是苍白的。 oh girls, she cried. joseph buquet is dead! you know he walks a long way down, on the fourth floor under the sta

14、ge. the other stage workers found his dead body there an hour ago -with a rope around his neck!? “哦,姑娘们,”她叫道,“约瑟夫?比凯死了!要知道他是从高处掉下来,掉在舞台底下的第4层。其他的舞台杂工一个小时以前在那里发现了他的尸体有一根绳子绕在他的脖子上!” its the ghost! cried meg giry. the ghost killed him!? “是幽灵!”梅格?古丽叫道,“是那个幽灵杀死了他!” chapter 2 the directors of the opera ho

15、usethe opera house was famous, and the directors of the opera house were veryimportant men. it was the first week of work for the two new directors, monsieur armand moncharmin and monsieur firmin richard. in the directors office the next day, the two men talked about joseph buquet. 歌剧院很著名,而歌剧院的经理们也都

16、是些非常显要的人物。这是两位新经理阿尔芒?蒙沙曼先生和菲尔曼?理查德先生上任的第一个星期。第二天,在经理办公室里,这两位先生谈起了约瑟夫?比凯的事。 it was an accident, monsieur armand said angrily. ?or buquet killed himself.? “这是个意外事故,”阿尔芒先生气愤地说,“要不然比凯就是自杀的。” an accident?killed himself? monsieur firmin said.? which story do you want, my friend? or do you want the story o

17、f the ghost? “意外事故?自杀?”菲尔曼先生说,“你想要听一类故事,我的朋友?或者说你想听一个关于幽灵的故事?” dont talk to me about ghosts! monsieur armand said.? we have 1,500 people working for us in this opera house, and everybody is talking about the ghost. theyre all mad! i dont want to hear about the ghost, ok? “不要跟我谈关于幽灵的事!”阿尔芒先生说,“这个歌剧院里

18、有1,500人在为我们工作,而每个人都在谈论关于幽灵的事。他们都疯了!我不想听到关于幽灵的事,行不行?” monsieur firmin looked at a letter on the table next to him. 菲尔曼先生看着他临近的桌子上一封给他的信。 and what are we going to do about this letter, armand? “那对于这封信我们该做些什么,阿尔芒?” do? cried monsieur armand.? why, do nothing, of course! what can we do? “做些什么?”阿尔芒先生叫道,“

19、为什么,什么也不做,当然!我们又能做些什么呢?” the two men read the letter again. it wasnt very long. 两位先生又读了一遍这封信。信并不很长。 to the new directors 致新任经理们 because you are new in the opera house, i am writing to tell you some important things. never sell tickets for box 5; that is my box for every opera night. madame giry, the

20、 door keeper, knows all about it. also, i need money for my work in the opera house. i am not expensive, and i am happy to take only20,000 francs a month. that is all. but please remember, i can be a good friend, but a bad enemy. 因为你们是歌剧院的新任经理,所以我写信告诉你们一些重要的事情。不要出售5号包厢的票;那是我观看每一场晚场歌剧的包厢。吉丽夫人,那位看门人,知

21、道这一切。除此之外,我还需要在歌剧院工作的钱。我要价并不高,一个月拿两万法郎我就感到满足了。就这些。但是请记住,我会是一个好朋友,也会是一个死对头。 o.g. og(注: og即 opera ghost的缩写。) dont sell tickets for box 5! 20,000 francs a month! monsieur armand was very angry again.? thats the best box in the opera house, and we need the money, firmin! and who is this o. g,eh? tell me

22、 that! “不要出售5号包厢的票!两万法郎一个月!”阿尔芒先生又来气了,“那是歌剧院最好的包厢,而且我们需要钱,菲尔曼!谁是这个og啊?告诉我!” opera ghost, of course, monsieur tirmin said.? but youre right, armand. we can do nothing about this letter. its a joke, a bad joke. somebody thinks we are fools, because we are new here. there are no ghosts in the opera hou

23、se! “自然是歌剧院的幽灵,”菲尔曼先生说,“但你是对的,阿尔芒。我绝对不能按照信上说的那么做。这是一个玩笑,一个恶毒的玩笑。一些人认为我们是傻瓜,因为我们是新来的。歌剧院里根本就没有幽灵!” the two men then talked about the opera for that night. it was faust, and usually la carlotta sang margarita. la carlotta was spanish, and the best singer in paris. buttoday, la carlotta was ill. 然后这两位先

24、生就谈论起当晚的歌剧来。当晚的歌剧是浮士德,通常由拉?卡洛塔演唱玛格丽塔。拉?卡洛塔是西班牙人,是巴黎最好的歌唱家。但是今天,拉?卡洛塔却病了。 everybody in paris is going to be at the opera tonight, said monsieur armand, and our best singer is ill. suddenly! she writes a letter to us just this morning-she is ill, she cannot sing tonight! “今晚巴黎的每个人都会到歌剧院来,”阿尔芒先生说,“而我们最

25、好的歌唱家却病了。她今天上午方才突然写信给我们她病了,她今晚不能演唱了!” “不要再生气了,阿尔芒,”菲尔曼先生急忙说,“我们有克丽斯廷?达埃,那个年轻的挪威歌唱家。她今晚可以演唱玛格丽塔那个角色。她有一副好嗓子。” but shes so young, and nobody knows her! nobody wants to listen to a new singer.? “但是她太年轻了,而且没有人知道她!没有人想听一位新歌唱家的演唱。” “等着瞧吧。也许达埃还会比拉?卡洛塔唱得更好。谁知道呢?” 菲尔曼先生说对了。整个巴黎都在谈论歌剧浮士德中玛格丽塔的新演唱者,那个有着美妙歌喉的姑娘

26、,那个有着天使一般嗓音的姑娘。人们热爱她。他们更多地笑啊喊啊叫啊。达埃的演唱确实不错,她是世界上最好的歌唱家。 在舞台的后面梅格?吉丽看着安妮?索雷丽。“克丽斯廷?达埃以前从来没有唱得那么好,”她对安妮说,“为什么她今晚唱得这么好呢?” perhaps shes got a new music teacher, annie said. “或许她已经有了一位新的音乐老师。”安妮说。 the noise in the opera house went on for a long time. in box 14, philippe, the comtede chagny, turned to his

27、 younger brother and smiled. 歌剧院里的喧闹声持续了很长一段时间。在14号包厢里,菲利普,这位沙尼家族的伯爵,微笑着转向他的弟弟。 “嘿,拉乌尔,你觉得今晚达埃表演得怎么样?” raoul, the vicomte de chagny, was twenty-one years old. he had blue eyes and black hair, and awonderful smile. the chagny family was old and rich, and many girls in paris were in love with the youn

28、g vicomte. but raoul was not interested in them. 拉乌尔,这位沙尼家族的子爵21岁。他蓝眼睛黑头发,有着迷人的微笑。沙尼家族古老而富有,巴黎的许多姑娘都爱上了这位年轻的子爵,但是拉乌尔对她们却并不感兴趣。 he smiled back at his brother. ?what can i say? christine is an angel, thats all. im going to her dressing-room to see her tonight.? 他对他的哥哥报以微笑。“我能说什么呢?克丽斯廷是一位天使,就这样。今晚我要去她的

29、化妆室拜访她。” philippe laughed. he was twenty years older than raoul, and was more like a father than a brother. 菲利普笑了。他比拉乌尔大20岁,与其说是拉乌尔的兄长,倒不如说是他的父亲。 “啊,我明白了,”他说,“你恋爱了!但是这是你在巴黎的第一个夜晚,是你第一次来歌剧院。你是如何认识克丽斯廷?达埃的呢?” you remember four years ago, when i was on holiday by the sea, in brittany? raoul said.? well

30、, i met christine there. i was in love with her then, and im still in love with her today! “你还记得4年前,我在布列塔尼海边度假的时候吗?”拉乌尔说,“喔,我在那儿遇见了克丽斯廷。当时我就爱上了她,而且今天我还爱着她!” the comte de chagny looked at his brother.? mmm, i see, he said slowly.? well, raoul, remember she is only an opera singer. we know nothing abo

31、ut her family.? 这位沙尼家族的伯爵看着他的弟弟。“呣,我明白,”他一字一顿地说,“噢,拉乌尔,记住,她只是一个歌剧演员。我们对她的家庭一无所知。” but raoul did not listen. to him, good families were not important, and young men never listen to their older brothers. 但是拉乌尔听不进去。对他来说,好的家庭并不重要,而且年轻人从来都听不进他们兄长的劝告。 那天晚上克丽斯廷?达埃的化妆室里有很多人。但是克丽斯廷的身边还有一位医生,而且她美丽的面容带有病色,显得苍白

32、。拉乌尔快步穿过房间,握住她的手。 christine! whats the matter? are you ill? he went down on the floor by her chair.? dont you remember me raoulde chagny, in brittany? “克丽斯廷!怎么了?你病了吗?”他俯下身去靠近她的座椅,“你不记得我了沙尼家族的拉乌尔,在布列塔尼?” christine looked at him, and her blue eyes were afraid. she took her hand away.? no, i dont know you. please go away. im not well.? 克丽斯廷看着他,她那蓝色的眼睛带着惊恐。她把她的手抽走。“不,我不认识你。请走吧。我身体不太好。”【篇二:牛津书虫系列全50本】m “书虫”是牛津大学出版社奉献给世界英语学习者的一大精品。书虫在英语

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